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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. I like you a lot, @Lucky. But just think about the opposite situation, if @PopeFrancis went to @floridarob‘s travel report and started to write generic comments like: “if one wants to be a cheapo and not pay the boys enough for all the time they give us, do it, it's your life, If it makes you feel better” ... would you still say, “it is fine, it is just a different person and opinion”? Some writings are designed to trigger a negative emotional response. Unlike you, I don’t find them welcome here. Anyway, you are probably right. Yes, you are right, I have to let this go.
  2. Sorry, @Lucky, I can clearly read "if you want to go throw 100 dollar (or Euro) bills of your balcony" , that is not talking about his experience, AND that is clearly misconstruing what PopeFrancis and I do: we are not throwing away money. Why would he say we are? He is clearly coming here to diminish the value of our generosity for no reason that I can see, (appart from maybe making himself feel better about not being generous? I have no idea.) If you want to tell your own story, do that, but don't come here and start saying "you" in PopeFrancis's travel report thread, and then use negative words like "throw away". I can also read the sarcasm in "I think it's cute when people think they are bettering someone's life with something materialistic". If I was wrong, apologies, but if it isn't sarcasm, then why didn't he write "I think it's cute when people are bettering someone's life with something materialistic". The sarcasm is again designed to belittle the impact of generosity. As for the hypocrisy, what do you call this dialog? A: "I bought myself a smartphone. I love it, it has really improved my life" B: "Can I have one too?" A: "No, materialistic things won't improve your life." As for his last comment about a guy clearly undergoing a depression, resulting in him cutting himself, I can't see how a straight-thinking mind would bring that on the table to talk about presents. That completely baffles me and still needs explaining.
  3. Then please explain, because I don't get you at all.
  4. It is his wedding, he can invite "Friends and Family only". Trump's tantrum is irrelevant, and will be seen as just petty, both internationally and domestically, just like all his previous tantrums. The Palace can easily ignore it, just like they ignore all other criticism (the only type of criticism they ever deal with is when there is a constitutional question in it). Trump is dreaming of getting some "royal" action, but he has not deserved any.
  5. This Egor? https://rentmen.eu/egoryakubovski
  6. What happened during these 5 minutes? Nothing I assume? You basically rejected him because his photos were old? It is incredibly motivating, isn't it?
  7. Amazing report! I think we have the same taste. Can we have some sauna-boy names? Too young, and you had a 19yo guy at the sauna just before? Then he must be too young for everyone, right?
  8. Throw of your balcony? Completely irrelevant comparison. By the way, do you guys say the same to your friends who buy a present for their nephew at Christmas? "But you are not going to get better sex out of this! You are throwing money of the balcony!" Are you dead inside? Yes, some do that. So what? It doesn't say anything about those who don't do that. in case you think we don't, we know they have sex with us for the money. We know they would rather be somewhere else, if it wasn't for the money. It doesn't mean I can't make a few moments better anyway while together, for both the boy and I. I assume you buy some materialistic things for yourself. You don't live under a bridge, do you? Why do you ever buy anything for yourself, if it doesn't better your life? I think the word I am looking for is hypocrisy. Why are you mixing up someone's mental health issues with a simple present. That is sick.
  9. I think there is a difference between the 40 minutes quickie in a cabin, and a genuine connection that include multiple conversations and one or more overnights with a garoto. I can see why giving presents indiscriminately to all the guys you have sex with in a cabin would be seen as just a weird quirk of personality, but giving something to a guy whose life you start to understand, and something that is genuinely needed, that is something I want to continue doing. I am pretty sure they don’t all think being generous is being a fool, anyway. That would make them cynical arseholes. They are not all assholes, they are good people, well, most of them are.
  10. Nah, not because they will like you more, but because it feels good to give and see their face light up. But they are often (not always) thankful afterwards and the sex sometimes gets significantly better, even when it is already good. It certainly did for me, and I think @PopeFrancis ‘s presents also had this effect at least once (in posts yet to come if I remember well from reading a draft of this).
  11. This guy has far more stamina than I do! I am very impressed!
  12. Bruno confirmed he did a full set of SDT/STI tests and they all show negative (no gonorrhea, no chlamydia, no hepatitis, no nothing) For those interested, he should be in Rio from Jan 2nd.
  13. Notes about within-city travel: In Rio, I didn’t bother with Uber, taxis are absolutely everywhere, it is much easier to just flag one right here (Uber you have to wait for your ride to arrive at the meeting point). I never waited for a taxi in Rio. In Porto Alegre the taxis are less common, although you can still usually find one every 2 or 3 minutes. But some of the drivers are useless, one didn’t have satnav, and didn’t know the street where Mezzaninu is, so we had to use the google satnav system on my own phone. So I started using Uber which is cheaper and there is no cash involved, and obviously Uber drivers all have smartphones. Plus you don’t have to pronounce correctly you destination address in Portuguese, they have received it on their phone. In Montevideo the taxis are even rarer. At the same time, Uber isn’t well developed, you only have the basic service, and frankly the cars are kind of crappy in both cases. In Buenos Aires, Uber didn’t work for me. Not sure why, it say “problem, go on our help page on our website”. Even if it worked, the cars are often “13 minutes away”. I’m not waiting a quarter of an hour for a ride! So I was using taxis, and they are quite a bit more expensive. AR$ 250 to my hotel from the port, it is a fixed fare apparently
  14. All right, we’ll see. None have claimed to be infected so far.
  15. Oh, I wouldn't want this thing to spread just because the Garoto that gave it to me is struggling to make money, and he feels this is not his problem. And what is $25 to me? It is so easily and reliably treated, it would be a shame: he would give it to other clients, those other clients then will give it to other Garotos, and by next year, everyone has it and all the sucking is exclusively with condoms. So if I have a chance of clearing up one or more sources, I'll do it.
  16. New health update. I lost 3 pounds during my travels! Not sure if it was the constant walking around & visiting during the day, or the (on average) 3 fucks per night during the evenings. Hopefully the second, I’d rather have another good reason to fuck more often.
  17. if they get tested positive, I will happily pay the $25 that it costs for the medication. I am pretty sure the hospital will offer it for free though, but, sure, if they tell me that is not the case, I will pay. I do care about them.
  18. Once again, you don’t know what you are talking about: From http://gynopedia.org/Rio_de_Janeiro “Nearly all major hospitals and clinics offer STD/STI test -- and, if you are a legal citizen or resident, you can get these tests done free of charge.” They are hustlers, hoping for my ignorance of these facts, just trying to get one last bit of cash out of me.
  19. And I am sure you know a lot about the nature of the sex in my relationship, so you can make every judgement you want about it and it will be necessarily be relevant. Thank you for your marital advice. Without your incredibly knowledgeable insight, I would be completely lost! I am sure somebody who doesn't know how to write "somebody's" knows that a lot better than I do, and so, I will trust your immense medical knowledge on this matter. You sure seem to have done all the research before making such a statement. http://www.ashasexualhealth.org/stdsstis/gonorrhea/
  20. Being in the medical field: are you able to tell a throat that could give you gonorrhea from one that can’t? If yes, do you check out the guys’ throats with a lamp? I need to learn this skill (obviously!) Luck: I guess I am really not lucky, then. First trip!
  21. You obviously haven’t read this thread. I got sucked by every guy that would give me head. Without condom. One of them mentioned here above, gave it to me. It is simple. Out of 30 working boys, it isn’t surprising that one of them had the most common Venerial disease. Anyway it is treated now. It is very easy to treat. And you can examine them, you won’t see it, it isn’t visible, even when it hurts. I should know. And don’t worry about my partner, I am easily keeping him away from any risk.
  22. New update. Several of the guys I have informed of this are now texting back saying I need to send them money to pay for the doctor’s visit.
  23. Health update:Since Monday I have been feeling a burn when urinating.So my Tuesday appointment with my US doctor was very welcome.He ordered a full series of tests as I asked, but also gave me 2 tablets for gonorrhea and chlamydia right away.The blood test came in yesterday and showed me free of all types of hepatitis, hiv etc.The urine test just came in and confirmed that I had contracted gonorrhea.The burn is already nearly fully disappeared, so those pills seem to have done the trick. Still talking to the doctor until he calls for an “all clear”.I have informed everyone with who I was still in contact with from South America
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