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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. But bad participation can also drive away people. Then you end up talking to yourself.
  2. Today I learned the symbol for the Russian Ruble thanks to to @AdamSmith
  3. One of them works as a garoto in point 202. Nathan. And really good as well.
  4. Yeah, initially I was thinking of offering a low daily rate + extra money for each time we have sex, to create an incentive for him to ask me for sex, rather than the opposite, but I don’t think I can handle sex too many times per day with the same guy. I mean, in the sauna, I can do 5 guys + bring one of them to the hotel, but that is because they are different guys. Obviously I agree, the bonus is not discussed, it is just surprise at the end.
  5. I was also considering to set expectations like this, with a daily rate and upfront money, and then to say there will be also an extra $xx for every time that we have sex. But oz, if that means the guy keeps asking for sex multiple times per day, maybe that is not such a good idea :-)
  6. Oz, you are winning at life!
  7. I am going to reuse that image one day.
  8. Between @Latbear4blk saying I am just causing stress and trouble to myself and you saying what have you got to loose, I am torn now.
  9. Husband would not know. It would happen while he is away from home visiting family.
  10. @Latbear4blk it would only be if the husband goes on vacation somewhere without me. Short window, but there could be an opening soon. That is why I was thinking about it. The ticket can be a fully cancelable ticket at low cancellation cost (they still do exist, even if they are more expensive that normal tickets), so that would be ok. But $160 just to apply for the visa, with so little chances of success, and all the concerns, potential issues: sigh. You are probably right.
  11. Me? No. But the Garoto might, if it is his once in a lifetime chance of visiting NYC.
  12. Ok so no letter of invitation, then.
  13. Ah! Indeed, that does make things much easier.
  14. Thank you all, all good intel. I really appreciate that you take the time to provide it . I may still try, and the only real cost would be that my garoto likely will be disappointed by the rejection, but I hope he can handle it. 2 more questions: - He needs a proof of having a return flight already booked at the time of application, right? So we need to make sure we get a fully cancellable flight? - Does the visa request costs less than 100 dollars? (I don’t want to sink too much money into it given the small chances of getting through).
  15. First of all, so happy for you that you have plans like this, and a bit jealous. I hope the vibe stays the same between you too. And no, a piece of coal can be replaced by another piece of coal, but a good guy which has a vibe that resonates with you, that is quite rare. Still, I second @Walker ‘s question. Now on a practical thing: I guess the visa for him to enter Mexico is not an issue, compared to a visa for the US?
  16. Thanks Tom! Looks like i am fucked, then, and not in the good way.
  17. So I am considering if I could get a garoto to come and visit me in the US for 1 or 2 weeks. I am reading in a couple of places that visas are really hard to get, even a tourist visa. Is that really that hard? My garoto already has a passport, but is jobless. Have you tried before? If yes, what kind of hoops will he have to go through? Especially: - is it often simply just refused, no matter how much paperwork you have done? - how long do they take to make a decision? - do they need an invitation letter from me? - what is the cost?
  18. I don’t quite understand your aversion for foreign ATMs, can you explain? You can switch them to English. Unless your bank is overcharging for foreign withdrawal? Or you don’t want any traces of your withdrawals on your statement? Also they have ATMs inside the bank, so you know the ATM hasn’t been tempered with. I was withdrawing at bradesco at no charge and an excellent rate.
  19. Thanks for the reports! They are great!
  20. Nope, not very clear, especially the first sentence. I couldn't imagine what would be the enforcement method, but now I see, making them pay client admission makes sense, a garoto wouldn’t want to do that, that is pretty bad cut into your income if you only had one or 2 clients. I took Felipe into meo Mundo, and we left within 15 minutes of entering. He didn’t pay client admission, only I did.
  21. Lol, Tom, you are not being very clear here. Surely, the saunas cannot force the garotos to stay 3 hours. I have certainly seen garotos enter and leave very soon after in Rio, so if they have this as a policy, the sauna staff are not enforcing it. Are you saying SP is different?
  22. The fact that discussions like the above do not appear every 2 months over there, is also a plus for them. I find it quite demoralising to read that people just can’t let go after 15 years.
  23. Lol, usually I am the one saying that. Ah, so it is Mixx Bar, not Bar Mixx. Also google map knows nothing about it, they don’t want/don’t know to advertise on it. So, not far from indiscretus...
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