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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. Interesting. http://girlsheavens.com/termas-in-rio-de-janeiro/ In some of these places, 100 girls to chose from. Much more choice than we have.
  2. Hi loyal, Your age makes you part of a smaller, niche market, but it does exist. Such a market would probably be larger in bigger cities, however. In a rural area like WI, I am a bit worried that you will not get hired often enough to live on this activity. But if it is just for a little supplement income, the adventure and the sex, sure, why not trying this out. As for your sister’s concerns, just work on your own, then there can be no trafficking! The M4M forum have a lot more clients who hire older escorts, you may want to talk to them (https://www.message-forum.net/). They have a forum, called “ask an escort” to talk to others who already took the plunge and do this as a job, and you can talk to the clients on the main forum. I am afraid to say on the boytoy forum, we nearly-all like our escorts young, so I am not surprised by the above reaction.
  3. Yeah that is the conclusion we came to: VPN seems to be the simplest. Some TOR browsers are free, but the experience is horrible. But some US escorts I spoke to are worried that many of their potential future clients won’t bother with the extra complexity, and that will significantly reduce the demand locally for them.
  4. Tartegogo

    Igarot Hunks

    I have seen boys dressed like this in Baguio. However they were not real Igorot, just regular local Filipinos chosen for their good looks and muscles, pretending to be Igorots, just like in the videos here above. It attracts tourists. Today's Igorot are a mix of the Austronesians (the people that populate most of the Philippines) and the native Aboriginals (who look similar to Australian Aboriginals, now can be found only in the mountains), and depending which of the Igorot tribes they come from there is more or less mixing. Which such light skin, I would question these guys' Igorot origins :-) But they are hot, I would totally do most of them, no problem.
  5. Yeah, I must remember to do that one more often. I already enjoy myself committing lust, gluttony and sloth so much, I should really commit all seven of them more equally.
  6. I Had never heard of him, but that is certainly one hot blond guy.
  7. It is a video attempting to be humorous about Brazilian politicians and how they are scumbags.
  8. I know! Why would they think “this trend is great, i’ll join!” ? Seriously, left looks better? No!
  9. Didn't want to put a damper on the celebration, but it is going to fucking, snow, once again, tomorrow. And with temperatures still below freezing in the morning. That is not spring!
  10. I don’t do facial hair, so I would only grab Luis.
  11. Thank you @torogen for the first report about MR! Looks like it’s is working reasonable well for us if there are 25 boys on average.
  12. That is the way to do it! You can have a point of view like this, but you don’t claim it as a universal fact, instead you acknowledge that it is a personal perspective that comes from your cultural upbringing. That is so much better than being frustrated at others for not understanding what you mean when you say, “No, you are wrong, not one of these 30 guys in 117 is white.”
  13. I still don’t get why he started this thread about “white guys”. The guys he showed us pictures of are no whiter than the guys I had sex with. These are pictures of handsome, and maybe taller than average, muscular, young and not bearded guys, but not particularly white.
  14. Jeez, you don’t get dismissal, do you? You really are like the mooch. Added to my ignore list so that I don’t stumble upon your teachings anymore.
  15. Wtf? Where did I claim anything of the sort? Please teacher, teach me more about race in Rio!
  16. Please don’t come near me. I really don’t want to meet an arrogant copy of “The Mooch”
  17. Ok, so, to answer your question in your original post “do you know why” : no, we don’t know because we don’t even understand what you are talking about. I was in RIo saunas in December and most of guys I fucked were white. Your claim that they have left just doesn’t compute over here.
  18. Tartegogo

    The Organ

    I like it when Greek word formation is used correctly! It is not often in English, too often the meaning has diverged significantly from the original usage, but in this case it works.
  19. Tartegogo

    The Organ

    They are not exclusive. One is about knowledge, the other is about believing. Not exclusive Gnosticism is about what you know and don’t know. (Greek “gnosis” knowledge) An agnostic is some who doesn’t know ( “a”, without, and “gnosis”, knowledge, someone who doesn’t claim to know, in this case, that a god exists). Theism is about believing in \ worshipping a god. (Greek “a”, without, and “theo” god, so “without a god”). So an atheist is someone who doesn’t worship any god. I am an agnostic atheist: I don’t know that there are no gods for sure, but I don’t believe so, and I certainly don’t worship any.
  20. You forgot to add “For me, ...”
  21. Agree with SolaceSoul, if losing $30 from time to time is an issue for you, you should find a different hobby.
  22. I thought the name was common enough that I wouldn’t have to specify which type of drop :-) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule
  23. I think @parisrio2000 needs to clarify his question before we can answer it. To my eyes, 80% of the guys in Rio saunas qualify as ‘mostly white’ or just ‘white’ (if I was forced to describe their skin color, I really don’t care about the label). (I am not American, and for me the one drop rule is just stupid). So what do you mean by white, parisrii2000? Dyed-white-haired guys? Really white skin guys from Scandinavia or Germany? Do those with Italian ancestry count?
  24. Do you realise you guys have been arguing about one of the shallowest subjects on the planet: what someone was wearing at a party.
  25. Ok, it is well past midnight in Rio. Has anyone here been to the opening party? Any quick report? Or if you have been to point 202, was it empty?
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