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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. Just make sure you vote him out at your next presidential election. In the meantime we’ll ride it out. Everything else is just blah blah blah he said, blah blah you said blah she said ...
  2. This whole conversation can be summarised like this: ————— Rockhard: I did something amazing! Many people: you are lying! Me: it is not that amazing, so why would he lie about it? Everyone can do this. Many people: he is definitely lying. Rockhard: I am not lying, some corporation paid for it. Me: then it is even less amazing and I really don’t see why Rockhard would be lying about something so mundane. —————- And Adam, I am not describing my holidays here (except one which was out of the ordinary and relevant to a particular forum here), because they are just as mundane and boring as Rockhard’s and you all have better things to read. The only difference is that I pay for my holidays myself. Work: I’d rather not tell, between everything I said her and on M4M I am getting to critical level of information for people to be able to identify me in real life. Since you really want to know about pleasure: I have hired escorts at least 200 times, more likely close to 230, but I cannot be sure I don’t keep track of repeats. These hires involved about 170 different men. I visited 47 different countries in the world. I worked in 6 of them only. But I don’t think that is impressive, I am sure there is someone here who has done more and beats me on everyone of these numbers. I hope that satisfies your curiosity.
  3. Yes RockHard was clearly bragging about it.
  4. That is just that bragging about it like RockHard did, is, well as I said, really, really not impressive. And you are not too smart either.
  5. Do you mean you don’t even pay for your own holiday? Well then that is even less impressive.
  6. No thanks, staying way clear of these forums both here and on other sites. Never a good use of my time.
  7. Ok, let me correct what I said then: That is true for every single instance of bans that I was aware of at time of writing my post. Apparently, he has his favourites. Not sure that makes him better.
  8. As long as you do give a warning, you won’t ever be as bad as daddy. He never warns. He just chucks you out no matter whether you understand why, or not.
  9. Yep, that is both of them for sure, but I must say Henrique is not as good in bed. Or at least he wasn’t in December, maybe he learned a few tricks since.
  10. That does make Fragata more interesting to me, If they are not like the regular sauna boys who have sex 3 times a day every day, and if they haven’t had sex for a week when they turn up for being hired, I can imagine they are far more horny indeed. I was going to pass, but maybe I need to check it out.
  11. Actually I WhatsApp with Jeferson all the time. Slim guy, right, not muscular? He is such a genuine kind guy. I hired him for a whole night in December. He was better than great. I am thinking of keeping him by my side for several days when I come back early June. He doesn’t charge much either.
  12. Wait, what? @Latbear4blk is going to Europe hinting for porn stars?
  13. Love the report, thanks! These prices are very reasonable, but only if we all assume that by massage you mean they will massage your prostate with their hard dick, right? Or they will massage your dick with their anus? i mean, let’s call a spade a spade...
  14. Say hello to Vinicius, Nathan, Pablo etc.from me. I am coming back soon. Oh no, that is a disaster!
  15. (taking frantic notes...) Gabriel on Grindr in Sao Paulo. Thanks!
  16. Has this not been explained a million times already? Each person determines who he likes or enjoys, of course. Whenever I think “this guy is not really hot” I never mean that nobody would ever find him hot. Just that I don’t. Same concept.
  17. You say “Grecia” and they think game of thrones?
  18. I also follow a lot of Brasil young guys with hot bodies on Instagram, although none of the ones I follow have a $ sign in their name. But they do advertise from time to time for either a local Brazilian mobile contract that has a rebate right now, or they get something free delivered from the local sushi restaurant and make a video about it, or something else etc. Basically it seems they use their hot bodies to get 20 K followers and then try to use it to get their followers' attention onto an ad that is getting them something in return. Can you share some of the $ ones, I'd like to have a look, it may be that it is different from what I see.
  19. Every one chill, it is all within the same hundred yards anyway, if we really want dick, we’ll find that internet café. Jeez.
  20. Thanks for the report. I was also planning to go to chilli pepper on my next trip end of May, but based on this I will pass. I also can’t handle weird smells. Your reports are great to get usable info, @sanddunes
  21. Hot! Thanks for putting this thread back on track!
  22. Twins fucking each other?
  23. Anyone tried this place? http://www.inhouseagencia.com.br/ if yes, what service did you chose, and with which guy? Would you mind telling us? Have you tried any other similar place in São Paulo? PS: no need to tell me “why would you pay for that when you can get a programma for much cheaper in Lagoa?”. I know what Is available for sex, but for once that is not what I want.
  24. There is really nothing that fabulous here. He is just an old fart with too much money. Like me and all of us who hire escorts.
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