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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. No i think planettime meant that numazu has started posting on some gay thai travel forum. PS: yes, MVAN1 beat me to it by a few seconds, that is the one. Specifically the new story is here I believe: http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/11827-bangkok-trip-report-2018-i-get-really-greedy-edition/#entry122406
  2. Oh, I know. I also got plenty of sex in mezzaninu and a temporary boyfriend (see my thread from December), I was trying to make a joke (well no a very funny one) at @numazu1‘s failure to find someone he liked there on 2 different visits, see his post from a couple of days ago, where he explains that clients and garotos look the same to him in mezzaninu.
  3. Condolences, this must be quite painful especially if you were close. You made me wonder how I will react to my own father’s departure when it happens, thanks for sharing with us.
  4. Thanks for reporting! I am glad someone finds sex in mezzaninu!
  5. Oops I had missed that and replied too quick. You beat me to it by 2 hours.
  6. I haven’t been, but get the yellow fever vaccine if you venture there. I read a couple of months ago that one tourist contracted it while staying over night there and later died. It isn’t like the big southern city centers, where mosquitoes hardly venture. And it is warm enough, not like the colder state of RS.
  7. You pick up on / create possible meanings I could never even envisage. I am still chuckling at “boring the crap out of me”.
  8. Lol, walker/kevinC busted!
  9. Thanks for continuing the story! I like Mezzaninu, I mean the premises, the staff etc, but I agree the boys could push themselves a little more at the gym.(@PopeFrancis will surely disagree with me on this). Isn’t this a most beautiful piece of English, everyone?
  10. “Negativity against the US” is short for “negativity against the US government”. Of course they know it isn’t every American who is at the border separating families. In 2003, when journalists reported that “the French refuse to go to war in Iraq”, the world knew that it wasn’t each individual citizen that was refusing to go to war, it was the government. When a foreigner says “the Americans invaded yet another country” they don’t mean the people, they mean the government forces, and same when you say “the Russians attempted to hack the 2016 election”, you mean some Russian government members.
  11. Great report! You should describe your every night at the saunas, man you know how to make us horny!
  12. Alright, I was wrong, then. Definitely wrong. Renting a car internationally is actually a new thing for many people here. Everyone: I strongly recommend it. Get renting! A little road trip abroad is a really cool thing to do, especially with a boytoy in the passenger seat. It usually helps with the bonding. And you get to understand how the country works better than just ubering in the city centres, or even through the countryside public transport, because you are not just a passive observer, you are an active participant (even if only as a driver). Also it is now so easy. in the last 15 years, renting has been standardised internationally so much that you should feel at home, except for the language of the contract. I have rented cars in 10 different countries and I only ever had one problem: in the US!
  13. Over 2000 reading our shit? Jeez, I gotta seriously improve on writing quality or shut up!
  14. You might be interested in watching some Capoeira?
  15. I don’t care enough about 25 dollars to do this, actually. But I care about weeding out dishonest practices.
  16. I can see that happening when they know they will never get your business again anyway. I have been scammed in the US. Rental companies have been charging my credit card for not returning the car with a full tank, even though I pointed out when returning the car that I had just filled it. 2 days later, an extra 25 dollars was added with an email explaining the reason: gas charge. I tried to appeal, no reply, I threatened to dis them on every forum on the internet, still nothing, in the end I had to strike them completely from my list of potential rental companies. Who wants to work with dishonest practices? You got to teach them the hard way. They only learn when they loose cash because they loose customers.
  17. Dude, I am European. Most of my friends are Europeans. I have never heard of what you are talking about. Charges for invisible damage? I have rented cars across Europe many times, in England, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, and Turkey. Never had the slightest problem about damage that was not obvious. This is completely news to me.
  18. If the car you are renting has some damage, I recommend that you do that in every country, even in the US. American rental companies will also charge you for damages! And they don’t keep a record of every dent on their own cars between 2 customers. If it doesn’t have any damage, then, no need to do that in any country.
  19. Side note, not important: I am still very surprised that some people here (among those who have a driving licence) haven’t been through the process of renting a car and choosing insurance options. It is the same boring admin process everywhere in the world these days. It used to be slightly different per country, but not anymore. I am going to have to rethink how I say things, then. But I do prefer a place where you can say what you dislike as well as what you like. How am I ever going to improve if no one is allowed to give me negative feedback or even chastise me if they are seriously annoyed? Physical appearance is not something one can easily change, same for one’s physical preferences. So like you, I also would not comment on either (if I ever do please chastise me, I will have deserved it). This is unlike what you write about, that can be changed over time as you mature, or through feedback. I would want people to tell me how to improve, that is why I felt it could be useful. Anyway, I will think and rewrite multiple times to try and be kinder before posting. I thought I had done a decent job, but given the reaction, clearly not. I still don’t know how to prevent the screams in my head, though, lol.
  20. Interesting how you use the word Bullshit. Isn’t bullshit different from useless? I usually use the word bullshit for things that are clearly wrong or misleading or plain lies. Maybe it can be used more widely. Incorrect is extremely annoying of course, but I am being annoyed even with things that are perfectly true, just “no new information here”.
  21. Since you don’t like like what I write, why don’t you put me in your “ignore” list, so you don’t get to read my posts? Move on already! And you are about to make this thread about me, it is not about me, it is about Numazu, please stop.
  22. I am terrible whenever someone is uttering sentences whose meanings are concepts that (to my mind) should be obvious to everyone in the room. I want to scream “TELL ME SOMETHING WE DONT KNOW!” “YOU ARE WASTING OUR TIME” “HOW COULD YOU IMAGINE THAT WE DONT KNOW THIS ALREADY?” The obvious is too boring for me to handle it calmly and quietly. This is true in my work life, private life, online life (as recently demonstrated and chastised here). So I have questions for you guys: 1. How do you guys handle it internally? Do you have the same internal brain reaction, or do you just not mind having to spend 2 minutes listening to something where there is no new or useful information? 2. If you are having the same brain reaction as me, how do successfully prevent yourselves from uttering snarky and hurtful remarks like “we know that already, can we move on to the good stuff? “ 3. If you are not having such reaction, can I learn to become more like you? Or am I a a lost cause that was borne with no patience for my fellow humans, and that is my curse?
  23. I don’t read the other site, so I could not possibly know that he is unmovable, unswayable, unchangeable in that way. Now I know. So, thanks. By the way, you do realise, your description of his lack of ability to change based on feedback from others is not a compliment, right?
  24. Boring might be the future. https://www.boringcompany.com/
  25. Where you guys see negativity I see constructive criticism. Read my post again and you will see that I only mentioned one very small point on the whole thread, giving him specific and actionable advice on how to avoid boring people like me. If you guys can’t handle it, it seems @numazu1 can. As riobard said, he is not a child that needs an award or a cookie at every step to be reassured he is doing ok. @numazu1 if I have disrupted your thread in a way that you find objectionable, then I would like to apologise. As I said in that most hated post, I love the thread.
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