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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. Ok, I understood the opposite from your post, which was why I was confused, apologies.
  2. I am confused. You think this agreement is “extreme brexit”? it is barely any brexit at all tome. The whole of the UK stays in the customs union. Everybody is allowed to work everywhere. The ECJ still has jurisdiction. etc. etc. Basically it is another 2 years in the Union. Then negociate again.
  3. What do mean by market “stories”? Fictional, or real-life stories?
  4. Looks like we could meet again, Paulo! glad you are ok @Tomcal, but don’t pull a stunt like this again, you could have gotten yourself killed.
  5. You should put a link to some ad, or some picture, or even an Instagram account.
  6. That is what I am asking this wonderful community to tell me.
  7. Getting “ata” often in text messages. google translate doesn’t know it. Is it just “ah yeah”?
  8. I do. But republicans don’t believe in balanced budgets any longer, at least not while they are in power, only when the dems are in power are they calling for a balanced budget. Just look at the annual deficit that they are racking up since a Trump got elected, it is nearly as bad as during the 2008-2012 financial crisis, even though the economy is doing great, and one should use this great economic prosperity to repay some of the debt, not grow it. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/15/economy/us-budget-deficit/index.html Reducing taxes but not reducing spending is not fiscal conservatism, it is populism. The next generation middle class will be repaying that debt. Someone will have too, and as long as republicans are a force, that debt won’t be paid by the super rich. So I don’t see why these gay guys or I (if I were allowed to vote in the US) would vote for republicans for fiscal conservatism reasons. Shouldn’t this thread be moved to the politics forum?
  9. Some gay guys wanted to make sure that they boyfriend can never ask them “will you marry me?”.
  10. The bingo description was not boring, funnily enough. It is weird to organise that in the sauna, but I guess it gives everyone a subject of conversation and an opportunity to make silly jokes.
  11. Depends on the time of the day. Late at night, like 10 pm you might only find 2 boys. But if you go in the afternoon, like 4 pm or 6 pm, you can find 9 guys.
  12. Since we are told they are all and always mislabelled, I don’t see the difficulty either. Once you have picked a fruit from the apple and orange box, you know what is in that box for sure. Then the next box is also mislabelled, so it cannot contain what is written on it, so you can infer what it actually contains since there are only 2 choices at that point. And the last.... yeah, there is only one choice left.
  13. The British have a system where members of the cabinet are not allowed to lie to parliament or the public, to deceive them into making a decision that helps the prime minister’s purposes That sort of laws could be implemented everywhere.
  14. I thought free cabins at Pointe were on Wednesdays? Thanks for the report, by the way, very useful.
  15. I have read through nearly every thread on Brasil in this forum, and nobody here has reported a problem with their card after paying at the sauna.
  16. Thanks for this, @caeron. I have booked the paragliding experience with the same organisation, for me and the husband, we will be in Rio in Nov. Hopefully it is not a rainy day. I have been very lucky with the weather this year, maybe I am going to run out of luck before I get to Brazil! I see they also have a diving day now, as another experience which they sell. My husband doesn’t like that, so I’ll probably go to that with a garoto.
  17. Unfortunately the foreign exchange rate will entirely depend on your American bank (or Argentinian bank), not on the ATM. The withdrawal fee (like the 2 dollars fixed fee that some ATM will charge you just for withdrawing any amount) will exist or not, depending on the relationship between your bank and the ATM owner. For example in Brazil i withdraw for free in Bradesco since it has a relationship with Hsbc which is one of my banks. But if I go anywhere else than Bradesco, they charge me the withdrawal fee. Never been to Salvador, so not sure about the availability of specific ATMs, but google maps are very good at locating them. If you check with your bank in the US, whether they have any special agreement with any Brazilian banks, and then google map for that bank’s ATM, you may be able to figure out what to do. Buying currency at a “cambio” kiosk, either in the US, at the airport, or in a Brazilian city, you should expect to loose about 5% of your money (they use punitive exchange rates bc they have to pay a trustworthy human to handle the transaction, they have to securely store various amounts of banknotes from many countries etc,) Withdrawing from an ATM, you should expect to loose less than 1.5% of your money’s value, because everything is automated. No salaries to pay. And it is a single currency storage, which already exists because the ATM already exists to serve the locals. (if you have a withdrawal fee, always withdraw the maximum amount to lower the impact, a $2 fee on $40 withdrawal is 5 %, but $2 on $500 is only 0.4%). That is how it works for me, others might have had different experiences. Ps: Some US and UK banks have credit cards with no international payment fees too, these can be good value if you can get one, to pay your sauna entrances, restaurants and hotel bills.
  18. Because it has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with them?
  19. Hey, guess what, we have the ability to be worried about more than one thing! Just because this thread is not about Chechnya, doesn’t mean we agree with the Russian Government. You haven’t discussed the Indonesian earthquake in this thread, does that make you someone who approves of deadly earthquakes? Or someone who doesn’t care about them? Or someone who has the wrong priorities when you worry about global issues? Frankly, going on tangent like this is not going to make me feel guilty, sorry, it just won’t work.
  20. Well, when we quote government statistics, rather than anecdotes, you are equally dismissive. If you find this boring, I don’t understand why you are still on this thread at all. As for your blog, I don’t read it often at all. But unlike you, I don’t go there and comment “yawn”. When I am not interested in a discussion I walk away, I don’t write “yawn” at the participants.
  21. Agree. But @Latbear4blk is not a troll and I thought I should say something.
  22. Sorry, but this is dismissive of other people’s experiences to the point of being borderline insulting. You could just have posted nothing instead, that would have far more acceptable. I guess that “yawn” should be our responses to each of your blogposts, now.
  23. True. For example, I have loads of anecdotal evidence of Brazilian guys fucking in a great way, so I have a strong bias towards Brazilians being great at fucking.
  24. No surprised either. They have vending machines on the street that are dispensing jewellery for up to $1000. They never get vandalised. Different cultures lead to different crime levels.
  25. I don’t need to be careful in Japan. And so, sorry, I won’t be. I will be careless there. I will show in any street my stack of 10,000 bank notes yen, my iPhone X max, my jewellery etc etc. And I’ll be fine.
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