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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. I have no idea why people can’t answer a question on face value and start fighting instead of giving their view and leaving it at that @moonwalker, I really don’t think you will have any problem. It will work in the same way as in the US, maybe even more easily: Just find a guy that your girlfriend finds attractive, on the beach, in a bar or in a club, and see if he speaks a bit of English, and start a conversation. You can use love hotels for the action, they are in all the key spots. If you really want to chose a guy from clube 117, it should be just as easy, most guys are bi or straight, so fucking a 25 yo girl is probably going to be offered for free. Or for R$50, which is less than US$15, if you could pay for the flight, you can afford that.
  2. In Old San Juan there is a regular arrival of cruise ships full of people with lots of dollars and probably horny (because no gay escort on the cruise ship itself!). If an escort had a small apartment in old San Juan, he could try to target them: when you get off the cruise ship, you can spend a couple of hours with him then do some walking around, and then walk back to the cruise ship, no transport needed, easy. It would probably be a nice business for the escort.
  3. In Rio I can easily get 5 orgasms per day if I want to. In Buenos Aires, I found it to be a lot of hard work and organisation to get even 1 orgasm per day.
  4. Thank you all guys for reporting, you guys are rock stars afa I am concerned, this is great info It will be on my list of things to do! However, 2000 baths is really not a cheap tip!
  5. Wow, memories! I think this is Marcello from “Enrico and Marcello de Guili”, the brothers that I had as a threesone back in 2006. Old pictures of the brothers: https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.375206585852274.96216.242152655824335&type=3
  6. All the above by @Santiagodcis true, I can confirm. One more point: late at night (9:30 or 10pm) you should expect to find only 2 guys left at most. At 10 pm you are likely to be the last client. Not recommended, because of the limited choice, and the tired boys.
  7. Actually I think I might have been wrong here above. I was thinking about it after Oz mentioned “haggling” and I realised I actually never haggled either. I just have to show some hesitation in accepting their 150 price and they offer less right away. I never actually “asked”. They just know they are asking more than the usual, so my hesitation is sufficient to make them realise that I know what the price should be.
  8. I agree I often get quoted 150, then I ask for less and they say 120, rarely 100. I then give him 150 anyway because he provided a good service, or even 200 when I have just momentarily fallen in love. Unless the guy was terrible, in which case I pay the minimum agreed, not because I am cheap, I don’t care about R$50, but I care about not encouraging the guys who provide bad service.
  9. There are new rules since these old posts that you cite as examples:
  10. The current reason for the place is patron on patron action. There are no massage rooms. Not a single hot guy that tries to attract the attention of older gentlemen. So it must have changed a lot since you were last there. I have put a correct google street view of the entrance in my latest updated summary.
  11. I didn’t know that, but I am not surprised. As another side effect, I often find that I don’t actually know the title of the ebook I am currently reading. That would never happen with a paper book. That is because I barely ever see the cover of an e-book, I open my kindle and it is always straight to the last page I was reading. So I don’t see the title often enough to memorise it.
  12. Updated: Medellin: - Club Tobi on Cl. 47 #43-88: sauna with at least 2-3 masseurs on duty (and some hot clients) - Fercho Masajes: brothel. Cra. 43 #54-24 - WhatsApp them in Spanish to get their catalogue : +573122717925 - Gay bars on corner of Cl. 57a and Oriental av. Also some street trade. Love hotel right on that corner. Not many handsome guys according to Tasso. Stay East of Cathedral only for your safety. - Parque Bolivar: hookups - Parque de Berrio: hookups - Video club : Cra. 43 #56-25. hookups but not for the faint-hearted - La casa inclinada: Cra. 44 #46-38. Hookups but not the faint hearted Bogota: - Theatron: 10 dance rooms and bars. Apparently you can find everything. Men-only area with naked and hard gogo boys. No description on how to identify which will have sex with you for payment though. Cl. 58 #10-18 or #10-32 depending on where you look it up. - Gigolo erotic house - gogo boys and strippers (and maybe more): Cl. 65 #13-30. https://gigoloerotichouse.com/ - Babylon bath: NO masseurs, client on client action only. Cl. 73 #14-32 Correct google street view Web https://babylonbb.com/ - Sauna St Morritz: masseurs who provide HE, many hot. Calle 65 # 13-30 Piso 2 Google street view Web: http://www.saintmoritzbaths.com/ - Boys online Cabinas Privadas - hookup / glory holes : Cl. 62 #9-45 Facebook Cartagena: no specific place mentioned Baranquila: no specific place mentioned Cali: no specific place mentioned.  Of course, there is also planetromeo, hunqz, grindr, https://co.mileroticos.com/escorts-gay/, Tinder
  13. Summary: 1. Policy: anyone allowed, and no id checks (this category I assume will be love-hotels only) - Lido Hotel, R. Ronald de Carvalho, 190 - Copacabana 2. Policy: guests allowed with registration and no fee - Atlântico Copacabana (run down), Rua Siqueira Campos, 90, Rio de Janeiro - Atlântico Business in Centro (run down), Rua Senador Dantas, 25, Centro, - JW Marriott, Av Atlantica, 2600, Copacabana - Hilton Copacabana Avenida Atlantica, 1020, 3. Policy: guests allowed with registration at a small fee - South American Copacabana Hotel, R. Francisco Sá, 90 - Copacabana 4. Policy: no guests allowed, only those individuals registered at check-in time. - Arena Leme hotel, Av. Atlântica, 324 - Leme - Arena Copacabana Hotel, Av. Atlântica, 2064 - Copacabana - Windsor Asturias Centro, Rua Senador Dantas 14-Cinelandia Keep them coming, guys.
  14. https://www.economist.com/the-americas/2012/04/07/the-wrong-signal http://chartsbin.com/view/03a https://metro.co.uk/2015/02/19/shocking-map-shows-how-age-of-sexual-consent-varies-around-the-world-5070140/ https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/brazil https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idade_de_consentimento ”No Brasil, a idade de consentimento para o sexo, em geral, é de 14 anos, conforme o novo artigo 217-A do código penal, modificado pela lei nº 12.015/2009, artigo 3º.” Here is the article of law mentioned here above, on the government web site: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2007-2010/2009/Lei/L12015.htm#art3 Did someone successfully played a prank on all these respectable organisations and made them publish blatantly incorrect information, or is it more likely that your friends are too influenced by Hollywood series and movies, and believe the law is just like in California? The drinking though, yeah, that is a problem. Whoever paid for his drinks has very likely broken the law. So has the bar staff who didn’t check his id. But that is probably a minor infraction, nothing like statutory rape, which is what you were worried about at first.
  15. No, it is 14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent_in_Brazil Unless the boy was paid (in which case it is prostitution, which is legal from 18 only), nobody broke the law.
  16. Yep, that was me! If I knew it was there I would have gone.
  17. Nobody should do pressure washing!!!!!!! As they clearly show in “howtocleanyourass”, you should have the least possible amount of pressure.
  18. When I use Grindr, I have to read the content of every profile to figure out if that person is into people of my age. And most of the time, they haven’t specified it in the text of their profile. So then I have to contact them to ask if they could be interested in an older guy. This takes a lot of time. Tinder only shows me people who have explicitly specified that they are ok with meeting people of my age. Grindr filters are one way only (what I like). Tinder filters are 2-ways (what I like and what they like). This gives me a smaller group, but every person in the group of people I see on Tinder is into older guys. So at least I am not wasting the time of young guys who are into people of their own age. On Grindr I get contacted by many guys my age. It is a waste of my time, I am not interested. On tinder they cannot contact me at all, in fact they cannot see me at all, My filter specifies a much younger age. Even among the young ones, those that I didn’t like cannot contact me. The only people who can contact me are people who I “liked” On Tinder i can also simulate my location, very useful if I am about to travel, but not there yet. Also, in Brasil, I had tons and tons of matches, well over 100. Because of my own limitations I only had sex with 2 of them, but It certainly seems a very popular app in Rio with gay guys, much more guys than on Grindr.
  19. When have last experimented with posting a link to boytoy? That seem to be relevant to knowing what happens when you do that. When have you last read what is posted in the cabana?
  20. Yeah. LOL. I’m rolling on the floor. This is hilarious.
  21. I wonder why you bother answering to him. For a very long time, he hasn’t been a member of M4M, yet he claims to know what is going in there better than us. Sure, RH, you know and we don’t, sure. We are stupid and you are not. Also keep writing to me in this long winded style, as if I have time to actually read it. You are getting everything right!
  22. I was also always intrigued by this anymosity too, and found out in some history in various places. I hope we can also move on. Especially we need to move on from stating untruths like “mentioning boytoy on M4M gets you banned”. Maybe it used to, but it doesn’t now. I have done it several times. I personally don’t feel any loyalty towards Guy Fawkes: whenever he writes, I find it dry and not particularly endearing (I never see him as one of us, tbh, just a necessary authority). That is very different from Oz, whose stories and interests make him very much a punter that I can relate to, and also Oz is always being a nice guy (how do you do that, Oz? I can, for some time, but not forever!). In any case, trashing the other site here or there just because it feels good to do so won’t raise my opinion of the person doing the trashing, quite the opposite.
  23. I know. And that is fine. I am hoping to get answer from the others. Thanks already @JAYBLK, @Riotastic and @numazu1. Anyone else who knows more, keep them coming.
  24. I am asking you all that have used hotels in Rio to contribute here if you have just 5 minutes. I found that it is very hard from a hotel website to figure out what their guest policy is, in Rio, short of asking every single hotel that you are interested in. To save time to everyone, we should maintain a list of known hotels and put them in one of 4 categories based on their guest policy. I know now many of you will say ”just get an Airbnb” but no, I want my bed to be made, my towels changed, etc, etc. I will I’ll start by putting my own short list into these 4 categories. 1. Policy: anyone allowed, and no id checks (this category I assume will be love-hotels only) - Lido Hotel, R. Ronald de Carvalho, 190 - Copacabana 2. Policy: guests allowed with registration and no fee - ??? 3. Policy: guests allowed with registration at a small fee - South American Copacabana Hotel, R. Francisco Sá, 90 - Copacabana 4. Policy: no guests allowed, only those individuals registered at check-in time. - Arena Leme hotel, Av. Atlântica, 324 - Leme - Arena Copacabana Hotel, Av. Atlântica, 2064 - Copacabana If you let us know the name of the hotel you have stayed and whether you put it in categories 1, 2, 3, or 4 (based on your experience of trying to bring in a guest), I will consolidate the list.
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