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Everything posted by Tartegogo

  1. Thanks! Found it
  2. Can you post a google map location?
  3. I had no idea! Thanks, I’ll be searching through these hashtags
  4. No app, I just go to gay massage places, I tip well if there is a sensual element that the masseur introduces, and tip better and better each time, depending on how much sensual the massage gets, until all be boys in that place understand what i really want.
  5. I will spend a few days in panglao, is there any known place with cute men that will give you a massage? all the places I see on google maps seems to have girl masseuses or women customers, which is usually indicating a legit place or a place for straight guys. Any advice welcome!
  6. That is actually hot!
  7. That was its entire business model!
  8. Well, there isn’t a “compare the international sex tourism destinations” forum, so comparing them has to be done somewhere! And of course if you are already near Thailand, that changes everything!
  9. It was worth it for me when it was 2000 bahts all included, it is not any longer. I am good with my cute Chinese boys in NY. Or Brasil, still worth it where the boys are maximum 35 USD. But Bangkok boys at 3000 baht + bar fee? Add the enormous cost of the flight to get there, the hassle of being squeezed in a small airplane seat for 14 hours each way, the jet lag, the communication difficulties, etc. You guys enjoy, it is not worth it for me.
  10. True these prices are fair for independent escorts at their place or your place, but you can pay less by going to a brothel or a massage parlor. Even after a good tip, you are below the 10,000 bahts that Vinapu was reporting being asked
  11. Anyone tried this place? The boys are not super cute, at least for me, but could be a nice addition to the scene. address is : เลขที่ 124/113 หมู่ 10 นองปรือ Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri 20150, Thailand google maps https://maps.app.goo.gl/wTzCq7KDQdgPqQsa9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy TikTok account @boyfriend.pattaya They are live right now on TikTok and seem to have 20 boys.
  12. What are the ids?
  13. That is more expensive than some cute Asian masseurs who will fuck in the massage room in NYC. Certainly much more than escorts in London. At these prices there is no point traveling to Bangkok anymore.
  14. Can I ask how you see the boys? You have their line account?
  15. https://maps.app.goo.gl/2TLzdyGA8xYKEDN1A This video from google maps shows there is at least one bar like this at the complex. I have no idea about the prices.
  16. No, just indicating I will not continue reporting. This forum is dead anyway.
  17. Thread closed
  18. Well, fair enough, after a long day of getting stopped and harassed by everyone and their mother, and responding politely each time, I finally snapped. I don’t think it was as bad as I wrote it, no one bothered to look in my direction, the 4 waiters didn't react (at all) and even the table next to me remained unfazed. There was also a band playing and singing on the theatre square as I mentioned, so if I had spoken normally I am not sure he would have heard me. Nevertheless, I am not gonna hide that I snapped, or report only on the good times and my perfect behaviour. It wouldn’t make for an honest report and I don’t claim to be better than everyone. And yes, it wasn’t his fault that everyone had been after me all day, and to be honest this whole situation is in large part my fault (and the fault of others like me) for having used the system to accrue wealth, while in that same time he could not do the same for reasons that are mostly systemic. This is why giving to charities who try to house homeless people is so important, you can’t really restart your life unless you can take a shower and wash your clothes. These charities work a thousand times better than giving money in the street, which incentivise them to stay in the streets, as they will want more. Living on the rough is not only very unhealthy for them, it is very dangerous (violent death among homeless people is much, much more frequent than among housed people). I guess the message I wanted to send was to be aware that Manaus is not like touristy Rio or very white PA, if you look like me, expect that being alone in the streets or at a restaurant terrace will make for a difficult time, if want to remain alone. If you want to speak to everyone and their mother, you might have a great time! The fact that no one got the message that I wanted to send and instead interpreted it in the worst possible way (wasn’t someone sarcastically implying that I was a white supremacist because I mentioned that my white skin burns in the sun?) is another cold shower: I obviously can’t write well anymore.
  19. You guys seem to say that you would be ok with a guy who has a really strong BO coming up your nostrils, eating leftovers with his bare hands, standing 30 cm from you, while you get delivered the rest of your dinner? By the way, none of the Brazilians on that terrace had left him do that. In fact I am pretty sure he knew that he didn’t stand a chance with them, he thought, “let’s try that foreigner”. Are all the other customers on that terrace also assholes for making sure he did not even dare to approach them, through the look they gave him?
  20. Really? So you let homeless people grab food with their bare hands from your table when you are eating, and you say nothing, and just smile at them?
  21. So I had this guy last night which was not very cute but very eager to do a good job: https://br.mileroticos.com/acompanhantes-masculinos/safadinho-na-cama-doido-pra-sentir-tua-pomba-no-meu-cu/23303656/ Today I had this guy, who was so cute and willing! Perfectly smooth skin and perfect hygiene. I am keeping him for the night. https://br.mileroticos.com/acompanhantes-masculinos/bruno-novinho-novato-no-site-sem-frescura/24880232/ Flight to fortaleza tomorrow evening.
  22. I guarantee you that people leave me alone in those cities that you have named. And most others. People also leave me alone in Rio and Porto Alegre. And in Buenos Aires, in Uruguay, in Thailand etc. I DON’T get left alone in the Philippines or in India, but I was expecting that before going there, so it wasn’t a shock.
  23. So I can report that clube H2O has a free entrance promotion on Wednesdays, but drinks made with hard liquor are 60 reais. It is closed again tomorrow and then will be open fri-sat-sun. There are no GPs, there is one massagista who is muscular, about 40, maybe even 45. You guys know me, I am into 20 to 25 year olds, that guy wouldn’t have done it for me. There are plenty of clients, of which only 4 or 5 were to my liking, and one 30-something which returned my advances. The place is nice enough, no bad smells anywhere and the outdoor pool area certainly makes it interesting. But it is in need of repairs and a lick of paint.
  24. I am in a good mood, it makes for stories to tell, but I am genuinely just stunned and wondering what these people are thinking, it is weird to me, an introvert, to have the balls to address people on the street and ask them for stuff, just because they look different. Culture shocks are not bad, just, well, shocking…
  25. I had the weirdest experience last night. I went for dinner on a terrace restaurant on the theatre square in central Manaus, and it was not a good idea! First the food was not very good at all, but then I had 3 weird interactions: First, a guy passing by notices my sunburns and tries to sell me soothing cream. I mean I know how to go to a pharmacy, I don’t need to do my shopping with my mouth full of salad Second, a kid, about 11 year old comes and asks me something which I didn’t get. My Portuguese is not bad, but I need people to articulate to understand them, and this kid wasn’t articulating and all. So I answered “nao entendi, não falo bem portugues” he nods and proceeds to sit at my table right in front of me. I started to realise he had asked me if he could sit there for a while, while he was waiting for his mum. I was too stunned to speak up but I thought, he is not bothering me, just singing along with the band on the square, All right, then. Finally, after the kid left, I had not finished my salad (which tasted terrible), and while waiting for my main, an older guy comes along and asks me if I am finished with it, or if am going to eat any more of it or something like that. I nod and push the plate away, thinking that he was part of the staff, although not dressed for the part, and amazingly the guy grabs a few leaves of my salad and proceeds to eat them! Turns out he was a homeless guy asking if he could have some of my leftovers. I was so stunned, what the fuck? The staff didn’t bother to shoo him away, I had to tell him (and everyone else who could hear) very loudly “Deixa me em paz, não tenho nada para você, quero nada de você, só quero jantar em paz!” Can’t I be left alone in Brazil? I get accosted all the time by people selling me their stuff, because I am so white, I am obviously not from Brazil, and therefore a target. Between that and the embarrassment of registering a different boy daily at the hotel, this trip might not be as relaxing as I was hoping 😂
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