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camsi1975's Achievements

  1. It is a very dangerous area a large part of which is controlled by gangs.
  2. I was told by one musicale guy at 202 that the reason he doesn’t go to 117 is that too much competition. That is preferred to be in the top couple at point that middle of pack at ‘117
  3. You have his Twitter handle or further details / link
  4. Must be due another installment please...?! I Keep coming back and checking for updates!
  5. Really enjoyed your report especially the stuff and Rhyheim Shabazz and his crew. im currently obsessed with Farley as well as Andy Rodrigues. Have seem Caio advertising as a GP in Viva local and one of the others. Very jealous you got to hang with them all!!! Rhymeim is certainly the master. I wonder how much the guys make via Onlyfans. Yo would think guys like Italo and ryhmeim would have to make and ok living with 500k+ follows - at least I hope they do as they deserve it ! Keep the reports / stories coming..!
  6. Hi guys, anyone been to this bar? One of the insta boyz I follow djfelipeferreira was posting from here and looking at it seemed to imply was an “interactive” bar - but wasn’t clear if was just with other customers or With dancers / boyz. Any info or reviews appreciated! still not clear when I can get to rio given Australian borders still restricted... but I can dream ! interestingly I was dj Felipe appear on a recent rhyreim shabbaz (spelling!) porn videos on Twitter but didn’t go the full Monty unfortunately !!
  7. Did he seem “available” - we are insta buddies now - yay! If only he would delete the posts with his wife or girlfriend !
  8. Thanks! And thanks in particular for your original 2009 sauna guide !
  9. You were on the money thank you. It is indeed Lohran Paixao - he is a dream ! Now I can stalk him on insta. I couldn’t be sure but I think he went and did a programma with a patron at 202 so I live in hope... thanks again riobard
  10. Random but similar query does anyone have the names / insta profiles of the pointe 202 strippers in rio. There is this white stripper who often performs with a black stripper when I was there in June that I am obsessed with but can’t track down!
  11. Yes that’s him! Smart guy as well / apparently had a fullbright scholarship and has just purchased an apartment !
  12. In discussing Thailand (where I am right now) and Brazil its worth noting that the Thai Bhat is at around a 6 year high whereas the BRL is close to multi year lows. I’m definitely finding it relating expensive here albeit an in koh samui which tends to be more expensive than rest of Thailand ... nothing happening here to warrant s BT trip report unfortunately !!
  13. Agree with brockmiller is heaps to do in Rio (malls etc) as well as great food!! Don’t forget Ilha grande and buzios outside of Rio as well. on my first trip I tended to pay r$150 also I think because I was a newbie. Subsequent trips I have paid r$100 and guys have been mostly happy.
  14. Thought I should mention Incase others unaware that there is now a sling room you can hire in thermas. It has s sling in addition to bed and a “cane”. Very h0t. i has a session with the hot Egyptian guy ahead who speaks perfect English
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