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Everything posted by yellowheart

  1. What are restrictions for going and coming back from Brazil?
  2. My buddy uses a same day PCR test.. to leave the US for entry into Colombia and the CDC says they will take Antigen to come back home to the US.
  3. Is the quarantine upon arrival mandatory or recommended?
  4. There are a few places in Rio that do same day testing.. you are screwed if you are positive though
  5. yeah.. saunas are very underwhelming on Dec 31 and Jan 1 and maybe Jan 2..... 117 isnt open on Dec 31... and 202 closes early... 117 is open on Jan 1 but it's slim pickings... that's from past experience....
  6. The media has focused on some of the most severe cases.. but if you look at the numbers; most recover..it is a game of Russian roulette.. Vacations are supposed to be a time of being carefree and free from worry but the media has caused such a frenzy that most are scared of their own shadow.. there are many at high risk but the rate of mortality is low based on the "numbers" published.. most who have passed had some underlying condition... recovery rate is 99% as BCDARON noted but the scare around the 1% makes you think twice.... there are also therapeutics now to treat...the media has done their job in creating quite the scare..on another note.... if this second wave is so bad.. where are the daily press briefings like when this first came out.... THIS VIRUS is REAL.. do what you have to to protect yourself.. make wise decisions.. another 4 or 5 months and "a vaccine" should be widely available.. BUT the thing is only 90% effective.. people are still going to get it...
  7. I have no luck with instagram!!!
  8. hope to get a trip report... I hear the beaches are very nice.... older type of colonial city.. it has been on my bucket list..
  9. Thanks man.. sounds like you had a good time..... I did enjoy the vids.. amazing skin..
  10. Thanks for the trip report.. the unwanted selling of items can be a turn off but are they aggressive.. There are quite a few in Rio but they are pretty passive about it..I think I asked about the requirements to get into the country... Is it difficult to meet the COVID test requirements so you don't have to quarantine..?
  11. Hey Badboy81.. don't you have to get tested 72 hours before departure to go to Colombia? testing sites charge for the expedite but it would seem like such a headache..just thinking out loud.. Were you able to get the test done within 72 hours with no headache?
  12. T Hey Tasso..I agree.. the guys are not in abundance but empty would not be the way I would describe what I saw. Not sure if it was because it was October (low season) or the Pandemic. 117 just barely opened and I think word is starting to trickle out. The type of guys I like were a little lacking but I like I said above; I was always able to find what was needed. I was there Fri/Sat/Sun... Friday was a good mix... Saturday had more clients than guys (maybe better at point).. Sunday was not bad for a Sunday.. 117 is also doing 50% off the cabine for Friday/Sat and not Sunday !!! The staff all wear masks.....things are coming up to speed with a new norm but it'll take some time.
  13. Hello.. I was recently in Rio for a short stay... Everyone wears masks for the most part. It's mandatory to get onto the Metro. Inside dining with masks. Went to 117 and it was a mixed bag. Most didn't wear but had it handy. Depending on your tastes; it could either be really good or just OK. I saw a one or two guys from the forum. It's still really slow with regards to Clients and Garotos. Weather was crap. Things are returning back to a "new normal" but it'll take some time and some adventurous hoes to make the leap forward. I didn't go to Lions. I did go to Pointe but they were doing a private party. No new faces but the regulars abound. Insurance is no longer a requirement. If you are worried; I would recommend staying at home as worrying about getting sick would put a damper on festivities. No direct flight from where I was at. I had to connect from Sao Paulo to Rio and Rio to Sau Paulo. Both flights were packed. Everyone wears a mask on the plane. Getting from the US to Sao Paulo. Flights were empty. Exchange I got of casa de cambio was 5.6. Selection was limited but was always able to get at least 2 programmas in during each visit. 150 seems to be the going rate and I don't quibble as it's not much but I do remember one guy asking for 120. Daily rates can vary but I pay 300 to 500 per day. It really depends upon your relationship with the person. I think minimum wage is about 1200 reais/month before taxes. Hope the information helps.
  14. what is teh maximum you can pull out..? 800 reais a day only goes so far..... @ChristianPFC.. I use Bradesco as well.. but I think the limit is similar to the US.. where all banks are very close.. I hope 2200 is an option!
  15. What is the maximum amount of Reais which can be withdrawn at a Brazilian ATM? I use Bradesco. They don't charge a fee.. or didn't a few years ago...
  16. Hey Latbear4blk.... American GRU flights from Miami are still on.. at least that's what I had... they canceled GIG flights.. they have pushed it back to Dec 18...I had a multi trip destination.. MIA to GRU and GIG back to MIA.. only the MIA to GRU flight was left.. I called and she explained what happened.. canceled the whole trip altogether.. LATAM flies into SDU but connects thru GRU..
  17. Thanks for sharing..
  18. You are right.. it changed..
  19. Hey Numazu1..I looked at the Berkshire Hathaway site and it does provide travelers insurance but do you have to show COVID specific coverage? the Berkshire coverage doesn't succinctly notate that COVID Coverage.
  20. Thanks numazu1. That was really informative!
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