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Everything posted by snwbrdr015

  1. Jeeeeeez😱 I am shocked! Heading off to Santo Domingo again next week for a 3 week stay. I do use grindr....however I stick to a strict safety protocol. Up till now never had any problems. But Marlow is a great great guy, with a heart in the right place. I take his warning seriously.
  2. In my experience: XXL dicks: 1. Brazil 2. DR 3. Cuba 4 Colombia Passionate sex gods: 1. Colombia 2. Brazil 3. Cuba 4. DR
  3. Naming and shaming. Well done! That's that then. Screw him. My dearest fellow forum members, we shouldn't draw conclusions that no one can be trusted here because of a bad fruit in the basket! I have had perfectly helpful information on several destinations through private messages from forum members (that said, I don't ask for referrals because we all have our own taste in boys. So your experience with a boy doesn't have to be mine...). So thank you! I also returned the favor to others. You're most welcome! That is the strength of a forum like this. Yes, we all have alle share this passion for young, hot, exotic studs. Chasing your lust can make you both blind and vulnerable. So help and info from like minded is incredible helpful to prepare yourself. Just pay attention not to drag bystanders (like boys, their recognizable photos and contact details. Or other forum members) into this whitout their consent. I'll for one will keep posting trip reports (heading to Sao Paulo and Rio in two weeks! Whoop Whoop!) for others to enjoy and smile about. Happy to share knowledge. Happy to receive tips. I simply treat others the way I like to be treated myself. If someone doesn't understand these simple common sense guidelines: screw him! xxx 🙂
  4. Maybe @Half-vaccinated is very direct/strong in making his point, but he has a point. I agree with him: 3000 - 4000 DOP is waaaaay overpriced. In Juan BinBin 1000-1500 is what you need. As do (grindr- and street-)boys that come to your apartment. DOP 2000 is for reaaaaal cuties, hung or fit guys; 2500/3500 are your ultimate Instagram models which are rare to visit you. At Marlow's a standard 1000 is quoted. Other prices and services are not scams; they are just smart business opportunities from the one's who offer it. Some ignorant tourists pay up whit out questions. Stay smart.
  5. I always send for an Uber! Never thought of these scams as described by you @Half-vaccinated. I use my credit card connected to the app. So no cash. Does that make a different? And the ride from A to B is registered, so any deviations (eg. going to another city) can be contested in the Uber app. But I definitely see your point: a boy can take an Uber from bloody Santo Doming to Punta Cana! But can he.... I did send Ubers frequently. This ensures me the boy shows up, I can see his ETA and I can monitor the progression of the ride. I recon that, -if you would send an Uber- you fill out the pick-up point and your address as destination right? As I do. All registered in the app. I have never had any problems sending an Uber in Sto. Domingo, your points however make me reconsider!! Staying in the Zona Colonial I've never experiences bad Ubers: they showed up, were friendly and did the job as you expect. Even when driving me out or into the Zona Colonial. Shitty drivers, sure, but Uber as Uber should be. Were you scammed as described? I am in doubt now....
  6. Wooow, I am shocked by what I read!! Over the years this forum and its members provided me a lot of info on several places I like to visit for my private adventures. I have even made friends here with forum members who I've met in real life. Sharing stories. Sharing adventures. Having a great time. @Slvkguy: it's horrible that your enthusiasm and sharing of stories and knowlage is misused by this total dipshit. Keep sharing sories! I'll do the same.
  7. Marlow himself is a legend. The humor on this guy is fantastic. Love him and his bar!
  8. @SlvkguyI think I DO agree with you. In principal at least. Haggling about 10 or 20 dollars is nasty... And what happens when one is happy with his 5 dollar lower rate? He'll end up with a shitty date, haha! I was more aiming at these 60-100 dollar rates, where a normal rate would be 20-40. On top of that fixer fees. Wast of money imo. @Riobardor should I say...Professor Riobard! Wow, what a mathematical break down of price elasticity :-)!!!. You are right: it's an open, moving market, there is'nt a 'standard' rate. Maybe a 'common rate' is a better phrase. Simply a shout out to my respected forum members: don't get screwed (outside the bed room that is) love!
  9. Dear USA travelers, please don’t screw up the local market by overpaying for those special services we all like so much! Yes, I’m addressing you guys, because you turn out to be the most oblivious when it comes to recognizing when you are getting ripped off. I’ve seen it all over the globe. Hell, I’ve met boys who joked about it when we were talking rates: ‘oh sorry, I thought you were American. No worry, this is my normal rate’ Been to Santo Domingo few times, never used a middle man. Save your money. Don’t get overcharged. 60-100usd is waaaaay too much imo. Get your guy directly. Grindr. Street. Bar. What ever. Simple rules: - no cédula, no date. Make a photo. Mail it to yourself so you file it in your inbox - make sure that all your important valuables are in a hidden (travel)safe. Only carry a boy-fee and some pocket money - keep your phone with you, or in sight. Take it in the shower also. - listen to your inner gut feeling: too good to be true? Don’t do it. Sketchy guy? Leave it. Feels all right? Go dot it. I had some big dicked muscle studs plowed me passionately with no issues at all. Hell, some of those became regulars. basic rules keep your mind at ease and your surrounding acceptably safe. maybe its that sense middlemen provide super models? Meh, I don’t know about that. enjoy!
  10. There are many Colombians in his latest videos. You can tell by how they say ‘que chimba’ in ecstasy during sex, which is so typical for horny Medellín boys
  11. @BlkSupermanmy hero!!!! can't wait to get back to Santo Domingo to get some of those brutal dick downs. ufffff
  12. Cine Lido is a bit seedy at night, but I ordered an Uber and waited inside. Felt perfectly safe. get that local Claro SIM card....!!
  13. Instagram might become the new Grindr. And I agree with @Kevie770 that Grindr shows quite some fake photo's. That is another reason I meet up in public first; I'm in holiday mode anyway...got time. And I think Instagram is a slightly 'safer' recourse than Grindr. It is not so anonymous which results in safer dates. Let's face it: our 'hobby' obviously has a high AYOR level right?
  14. First: always listen to that little voice of reason. If you think a guy is a bit off, don’t proceed. Second: I always meet a Grindr date in public first. Access the situation. Third: I always make a foto of the ID and mail it to myself. This way I can get the ID-foto from my online Gmail account, even when my phone is stolen. With all my (Grindr)adventures I only had one bad experience. In Cartagena, Colombia. And I blame myself because I let down my guard a bit. So calm down, don’t get to excited, think rationally, take logical safety precautions and hide your valuables. Just don’t be naive and you’ll be fine.
  15. Wow, your Singaporean date must be golden! Maybe you only had eyes for him. Because I remember 'cruising galore' around the Toke-Malecon area as well as the central square in the old centre. Boys everywhere. You're sure your gaydar was switched into the Spanish settings ;-).
  16. @curiousnature12 I have stayed in an Airbnb in a apartment building next to the Cali Marriott you mention! I had an apartment with an amazing city view on the 13th floor for 35USD/night. Why would you stay in an overpriced hotel where it is more of a hassle to bring a steady flow of boys if you van have your own private place for a quarter of the hotel rate? What do I do during the day when NOT meeting boys.....huh? Meeting boys of course! Boys are ready whenever you want it! Besides that: visit the old church hill, the promenade, the parque or Chipe Chape shopping mall. Cruising the promenade bring back great memories... In my opinon: 5 days Bogota CAN be sufficient. Big city sure, but only 10% is worth it / safe. And you will more than just architecture in Cartagena...trust me . Very very humid though...that is true.
  17. @curiousnature12 Cartagena is great. Hot? Yes, but I can easily spend a week here. There is a lot of action; the commercial scene is large. So many pay boys available at the tip of your finger (Grindr). Barranquilla: boring AF. Went there because I visit Colombia several times and I wanted to see another place for change. Most boring city so far. Cali: absolutely love it! I always spend at least 1 or 2 weeks here. Barrio Granada. Safe. Central. Not as busy as Medellin, but the guys are more down to earth and less complicated than the Paisa boys of Medellin. Quite a lot of Afro Colombian here too.
  18. @Latbear4blk hahaha, probably true!! Just peeking aside at the urinals will do the trick! @redxs If you use Grindr, you don't need to go to a shoppingmall I guess... In general: Google Translate is your friend. Get yourself a local SIM card (try the provider Claro) so you have internet acces everywhere. Having that said: real time cruising, winking to a guy, a smile, the whole experience...it can be soooo much fun!!! So many horny, testosterone filled and open minded guys around, enjoy it! Then...as a general remark...please don't take it the wrong way......to our English speaking forum members...or those with that jolly accent which is called 'American English' ;-) : Learn. A. Bit. Of. Local. Lingo! (eg Spanish...) Wake-up call: the majority of people on this planet DO NOT speak English as their first language. Take in consideration that Spanish is more widely spoken then English. Get out of your 'language bubble' and learn the basics. You will be surprised how easy and how REWARDING it is! TopTip app: duolingo. It helps you to pick up the basics with half an hour practice a day. Finally, to motivate you: I attached a photo of some fine, prime meat from Narcisso's house ;-), Yummeeeee!
  19. As others mentioned, Santo Domingo is not upscale. It is rough on the edges to say the least. But availability is high, so their must be tons of boys of your liking! Street trade is everywhere, but even if that is not your thing (as you said) there can be a very cruisy atmosphere in other parts of town too. Try Plaza cc Central and cc Acropolis shopping centres: quite high end with same kind of visitors. And shopping centres like this are gay heaven when it comes to cruising. Grindr is a good option too. You can always meet up for a drinks first right. And then there is Instagram. Some call it the next grindr. Great to get in touch with 'normal' and curious guys. Just take your time talking to a guy and start well before your travel dates. I woud argue that Narcisso's house is also a bit to extreme for you. Without being judgmental, I just think you will find that experience a bit overwhelming. To pick a guy from this heavenly meat market (emphasize 'meat') is fantastic to satisfy your inner slut, but then again: hardly upscale. NOTE: I'll be in Santo Domingo march 19-30. Anyone there happy to go for a beer and swap stories? Drop me a DM!
  20. Very useful info, thanks a million! I'll mark mentioned hotels on my Google map (the whole of my slut-tour is already pinned with POI's). Woooooo, I am so exited to go! Whahaha.
  21. @SolaceSoul so the terrible stories on muggings, robberies, violent attacks are more aimed ad walking the streets (at night, alone, bad areas.......like stupid people would do)? Not as much as during play in your apartment with a -as good as it gets- vetted guy?
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