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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. CNN is reporting that congressional leaders on both sides are meeting to discuss this very subject. Word is, now that Pence has gone public about supporting Biden's win, and McConnell has gone public, too, this is the window to dump Trump once and for all. Today's attack on the Capitol may be the stink that sticks to Trump. Everyone is blaming him and condemning the attack. I just can't see how Trump can recover from this. No one, and I mean no one, except Giuliani, is defending the attackers. This very well could be the nail in Trump's coffin. Fingers and toes crossed.
  2. I've become inured of political hyperbole. America's reputation supposedly died with the Vietnam War. Then George Bush killed it with the Iraq War. Remember the silly boycott of French Fries? And now Trump is killing it once again. IMO, the world needs its America fantasy. That shining beacon on a hill. And all it takes is one great, democratic leadership for its reputation to be restored. Former Army General Barry McMcCaffrey on NBC just now called for Trump to be removed from office. It's going to be interesting to see what happens now, since Trump, Cruz, and Hawley are being blamed for this insurrection. America's first coup attempt.
  3. The Trump assholes won't give a shit. I say let them bury their cultist selves into TOTAL self-destruct mode. If the Republican Party wants to survive, the non-cult members are going to attempt to take control. And with Trump gone, failed, with LOSER status, I suspect the power shift will be swifter than most people think. Too many people are sick and tired of Trump's antics. I could easily see his brand being flushed down the toilet forever. Jeff Flake: My Fellow Republicans, Trump Is Destroying Us
  4. That's exactly what my son said. Someone needs to seriously de-brief her, figure out her methods, and begin the big teach. What this woman has accomplished is nothing short of a miracle. Jon Ossoff is about to win his senate seat with less votes than he secured in November. And that's only because David Perdue failed to bring out the numbers he had in November also. No one could have planned for this or predicted it. And now the Trump assholes are storming the Capitol. I say, let them all get what they deserve.
  5. I see Attorney General will be Merrick Garland. That makes sense, too. The portrait is beautiful. I had not seen it. Not only is it being used here under FAIR USE, all photographs of porn actors and x-rated social media stars fall under the same law and rights of usage in a forum such as this one. Just because Kamala Harris is clothed does not matter in the law. The only time an image gets dicey, is when the model looks underage. And that's less a copyright issue than it is a child pornography issue. One can only hope, with a new administration who won't want to waste money on preventing grown adults from enjoying sex, maybe OZ will feel less heat and reconsider his options.
  6. It has been the most fascinating political horse race I have ever followed. With very little sleep, I consider myself lucky I have any fingernails left. I prepared myself for Democrat failure. It's a wacky world, so poles and predictions be damned. Plus, it's Georgia. I never have any faith in the south, especially with voter response to Black politicians. This past year of politics has been the most depressing. And now we have the sedition caucus. DISGUSTING! Strip them naked. Tar and feather them all. A black stain forever on American democracy. I know far too many people who are seriously suffering. Most friends in my circle are self-employed. Almost everyone lost their job overnight, thanks to Trump's mishandling of Covid. Every single person I know with a career on Broadway has been out of work for months. Today there is light. There is hope. A big FUCK YOU to Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. Stacey Abrams deserves some serious love from the Biden administration. I'm praying Sally Yates becomes Attorney General.
  7. That may be true of WayBig, but I don't think it's true of dudetube. The guy who runs dudetube pulls photos and videos from everywhere. He's just a fan of porn, and created his own branded share blog.
  8. Can anyone tell me how https://www.waybig.com/blog/ and http://www.dudetubeonline.com/ get to upload all their porn photos, maintaining thriving sites that post photos owned by other people/studios? And yet lowly BoyToy.com has the attention of DMCA? Something seriously stinks here, and I'm not buying it's legit. But it probably costs a fair amount of money to fight. If Oz doesn't want to sink one more penny into defending BoyToy from bullshit threats, I don't blame him.
  9. I am very sorry Oz has to deal with this bullshit. And, yes, it is bullshit. I'm not a lawyer, but I know it takes money to hire a good one. I find it very hard to believe that 99.9% of the photos uploaded to this site, even the pornographic photos, are not protected under FAIR USE. It's my understanding that most internet forums fall under the category of "criticism, commentary, and news reporting." "the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright." But if the DMCA is breathing down your neck (for whatever reason), someone is going to have to cough up some coins to defend any position you think you may have. Copyright Fair Use and Online Images Court Deems Screenshot Fair Game for Fair Use Defense in Copyright Action
  10. Since we can no longer show young men playing with young cock, here's a modest treat that may not last forever on YouTube. As far as I know, embedded video from YouTube is not a copyright violation, since "embedding" is the way of social media these days. Don't ask me why the same doesn't hold true for internet photos. Our world is crazy, and that's the simple answer.
  11. Many of us fans are waiting patiently for the new season to arrive. Oops, I thought you were about to mention Lost In Space, another silly-idea remake that almost competes with James Cameron's Alien.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, the issue is COPYRIGHT, not necessarily sex or porn, although that is a side issue that the DMCA will exploit, if the model appears to be too young. All I'm saying is COPYRIGHT for internet images is a rabbit hole with no end in sight. Oz' current dilemma is no different than the copyright fight currently going on at Twitch, except there the fight is around internet music. I feel Oz's pain, and as learned as I am, I have no clue how any board owner can successfully handle this dilemma without shutting down ALL PHOTOS. You simply can't encourage sexy photos of men from the board's members, if the members can't prove an image is not copyright protected. After all, the advertising banner at the very top of this page features naked men whose ages I cannot prove. But we can assume the advertiser can claim ownership of those images. But we really don't know for sure. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but can someone tell me where this ends? The board whiners are now going to judge photos as FAIR or UNFAIR? Favoritism? LOL. The ignorance astounds me. Regarding Jacob Sartorius, I can assure everyone of this: the social media selfie that I posted of seventeen-year-old Jacob Sartorius is not a photo that is registered with the U.S. Office of Copyright. The photo is a selfie posted by the owner to several social media sources. The photo has been copied, circulated, by millions of people on the internet. His story around the photo went viral. This is a news story, which means, according to copyright law, Jacob Sartorius can't claim copyright protection on this image (as it pertains to sharing the news). However, I do not know the original social media source that Jacob used. I do not know if Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc., make members sign over ownership rights when uploading images to their platforms. If they do, then it's possible one of those social media companies owns Jacob's photo, and that company would have the power to file a cease-and-desist order to Oz for the image I posted. But... The FAIR USE clause in our U.S. Copyright law allows several passes, which I stated above. In addition to those passes, there is another important one: LOW RESOLUTION IMAGES. From what I gather, the law doesn't state the number, but I can assure most members here that 72ppi images, the internet standard, are all considered LOW RESOLUTION. These images are mostly worthless to a professional community because the data is too destroyed to do anything profitable with them. That leads this entire fight to the chicken and the egg, and which came first. As I said, it's an endless rabbit hole, or better yet, SHIT HOLE. I always enjoyed the fact that Oz had one up on Daddy: the issue of photos. It looks like now it's a fait accompli. Unless Oz is prepared to ban all photos from his board, the threat of DMCA will always be there. Tis the season to point fingers at your competition with the will to destroy. I'm happy to blame it all on Trump.
  13. I'm sorry, but this is a bit of a contradiction, since ALL photos, whether they have a © symbol or not are in fact copyrighted in the U.S. The © symbol may act as a kind of "warning," but it does not guarantee that the image is, in fact, registered. To register an image, the minimum cost is $50. Needless to say, most photo uploaders DO NOT register their images, even if they're smart enough to add a © to their photo. It's far more important for Oz to understand the definition of FAIR USE, and then explain that definition to board members. It seems to me, the number one allowance for FAIR USE: 1. Educational, nonprofit, scholarly, reporting, reviewing, or research might give most of the image uploads here a FAIR USE pass. This board is, after all, a forum to offer information. We research, review, and report. We not only educate ourselves but also other members. While many of us are not scholars, there is plenty of scholarly thought and words here. And finally, our contributions have no profit motive whatsoever. Since Oz is making a small amount of money on ads (or I'm completely wrong about this), then claiming non-profit status could be a problem. IMO, I think a clearer line needs to be drawn. And I'm truly sorry to make Oz work harder than he might want to.
  14. I believe the original photo is Jacob's selfie from his very public Instagram or TicToc account. I don't believe social media photos from public accounts have any copyright protection, as long as you're not using the photo to sell product. As far as I know, it's not against the law for someone under eighteen to take a salacious photo of themselves and post it online. Salacious is not the same as pornographic. Sticking out one's tongue is not same as pulling out cock.
  15. Well, since we no longer have a Porn forum, I can't post what I would have posted two days ago. Apparently, a fake photo of seventeen-year-old, Jacob Sartorius, a social media pop star, recently took cyber-land by storm. Someone with Photoshop skill took a unique photo of Jacob, and turned it into an explicit gay image. With the posting, a lot of innocent people who follow Jacob found a hard-cock in their Feed one recent morning. Here's the original photo: And here's the FAKE. This is the new world we live in, where everyone's fantasy of someone famous can be made a reality with a little photo manipulation. Assuming the boy is straight, imagine how he and his parents might feel about this. Welcome to the ugly side of show business.
  16. The sit-com only lasted three seasons, which by today's metrics, is a modest failure. I was too young to understand the meaning of absurd, but for some reason, I was glued, as well. My father was a boater, so that must have been part of it. Tina Louise was the other part. I fell in love with her. She inspired my inner desire to own a Barbie doll.
  17. JKane's toons always make me laugh. I wish I could send them to my Republican relatives, but then I might end up with a decapitated horse's head in my bed one night.
  18. And have you seen what's happened lately to PornHub now that they've trashed so much content? The site is abysmal. I expect pay-site AEBN may get a surge.
  19. I'm not aware that "BoyToy" was ever used to create an ad agency for escorts, a direct competition to Rentboy, RentMen, and/or Men4RentNow, etc. What you created here is an offshoot of Hooboy, an entirely different animal, and not a fair comparison. Changing this website's name from MER to BoyToy, after all the launch went through, was not the best way to promote the strength of this dot com moniker, IMO. I could mention other aspects about the MER launch that disrupted a strong branding effort, but that's for another time, perhaps. With expert branding and styling, BoyToy is a KILLER name. No one can convince me otherwise. However, given what we know now, had you created a killer competition to Rentboy dot com, where would that get you today? I'm hearing that NewTumbl is paying a fortune in attorney fees. Let's see how long that site lasts in this climate. Maybe, just maybe, they stand a chance with a changing administration, but I'm doubtful.
  20. The free publicity aspect is absolutely correct, and should never be discounted. Many OnlyFans' guys appreciate whatever shout-out they can get, as long as you're not attempting to rob them blind. It's forums like these that introduce new guys to the public all the time. That certainly was my goal. Strip the board of this harmless visual fun, and publicity goes right back to words only. Or you're stuck doing G-rated stuff on YouTube to acquire attention. I think the whole scared-of-sex thing is absurd, but Americans always over-react to almost everything. We're a bunch of drama queens. I'm all for protecting children. After all, I raised one, and he's a damn great straight guy. If protecting children is your goal, then you can start by removing the guns from your home. If your fifteen-year-old son or daughter is running to Tumblr to film a masturbation scene, then maybe shouldn't have been so quick to buy them a phone, and figured out a way to provide the healthy attention they need.
  21. I think I was pretty clear when I wrote, the name "BoyToy may be toxic in this anti-porn/escort environment we currently find ourselves." But "a site plagued with posters" who like kiddie porn? Hmmm. I may not be the greatest judge on this, but that hasn't been my impression of reality here. I tend to be overly liberal on this subject. When I was fifteen (passing for eighteen), I had my hand on a fair amount of nineteen/twenty-year-old cock. No one was screaming ABUSE, TRAFFICKING, or MONEY LAUNDERING in those days. My hard, bulging, pubescent cock knew exactly what it wanted, and where to find it: my backyard. No gun to my head. No one forcing me to do anything I didn't want to do. Some of it with older cousins. Early on, I made the mistake of posting controversial visuals from Tumblr on this board. No one who looked under fifteen, but still controversial. When my brain woke up to the controversy, I asked Oz to remove everything, and he did. Since I come from the world of modeling, I've learned to accept that my thinking on youthful sexuality and exhibitionism is not shared by average folk. I've worked with quite a few guys and gals who at twenty-years-old, look like fifteen in photos. Without proof, it's often difficult to be sure of age. But the law requires proof of age, and in my business we have official releases. With porn on the internet, there really are no boundaries or barriers. And I am one of those, too. But let's get real. No one here is making any money off of some copied photos pulled from elsewhere on the internet. And I can promise readers this: 72ppi image files have almost no monetary value, especially if the file has been re-saved. IMO, the photos we share here are no different than the music cassettes we shared amongst friends in the 80's. But now there's a big bad wolf and the onus is on board owners and hosts. On top of that, we have the haters. And it seems they won, even though Oz's server may not be in the U.S.
  22. Truth is, BoyToy may be toxic in this anti-porn/escort environment we currently find ourselves, but I imagine the BT dot-com could be worth some serious money. I could see the name coveted by cosmetic, fashion, art, and film companies. Even record companies. If you do end up selling it Oz, I hope you make a bloody killing on it. The mere fact that you jumped on it when you did and secured it, makes you a far more formidable force than any competition out there.
  23. I feel your angst, and I'm sorry you have to endure this. This small, horny community is no threat to anyone (except Daddy and deej). It's too bad a few bad apples get to spoil our fun. Life was never fair. Only the strong-willed survive. If I were the board owner and this happened to me, I'd come back swinging. Nothing stops a creative heart and soul from beating. As long as Daddy and deej have no ownership stake in this forum, I'll keep on writing. PS To be perfectly honest, I never visited the Porn Forum other than to feed my thread on NewTumbl. I thought my little porn thread was a fun way to attract new members, with videos they might never get a chance to see or comment on, especially from sites like OnlyFans. Editing is a talent that comes very easy and fast to me. I enjoyed giving the board a simple attraction that didn't require a ton of my time. Now that time is mine. I can't say I'm unhappy.
  24. And there's plenty of motivation for others to report your hosted imagery to authorities. Plenty of people who would enjoy seeing your site fail. Who didn't see this coming? Copyright laws are changing by the minute, especially in the age of the internet. Technically, all creative content is copyrighted by default. There are layers of copyright required before any filing can be prosecuted in a court of law. For one, images need to be registered, and I have no idea how the rules affect screenshots. The bottom line is: It's extremely difficult to know what images have proper legal protections and what images don't. So this, coupled with all crackdowns on under-age pornography and sex trafficking, how can any web host be expected to deal with the issue? Who wants or needs this headache? I think the name BoyToy is fucking brilliant. I was very surprised to learn that Oz had the dot com. Hats off! Madonna made the name famous on a belt buckle she wore in her Like A Virgin video. One might have thought she would be its owner. Jean Paul Gaultier used the name for a fabulous fashion collection in the 80's. I'm jealous that I never thought to grab it, although, what could it possibly be worth now? My initial criticism was that Oz changed the name years after the MER site was created and established. Changing names post-establishment is a serious rule breaker in Business 101. Most people in marketing/advertising would label that decision "stupid." But it turns out there are no rules on an escort board's survival. At least not many. If Hooboy can turn into message-forum and still thrive, you probably can call this site "eat shit" and the escort lovers would follow. Changing the name isn't going to keep the haters off anyone's back. As long as competition exists, there will be haters. Of course, having a flashy, sexy name does make one feel a bit exclusive. But it also attracts attention. A double-edged sword these days. Perhaps, with this merger, Oz might want to use this opportunity to re-brand. "Gayguides" certainly does nothing for my erection. I hear hungry.biz is for sale.
  25. How do you explain your ignorance? Simply bad at math? Or awful at writing in English? The U.S. population in 2020 is close to 331,000,000. That makes "half of the country" around 165,000,000. Trump only won 74,200,000 votes, which is about 22.3% of the U.S. population. How does anyone explain Hitler?
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