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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. Mario is not shy about admitting his desire to clout-chase. It looks like he flew to Florida and paid Jeff's way to shoot with Reno Gold. Or maybe American Idol was shooting in Florida, and Mario is killing several birds with one stone. (They did create their own Hitchcock The Birds scene in this video.) I don't watch American Idol, but apparently, Mario appears in an upcoming episode, wearing Speedos. Perhaps he is clout-chasing Katy Perry. To break the ice while meeting with a porn star, Mario suggested visiting a nude beach in Ft. Lauderdale for their first meet-n-greet. Reno couldn't wait to get naked. Mario is working the gay-for-pay angle like I've never seen before. I imagine the gays are loving this manipulation.
  2. Just posted a few hours ago. Mario likes to talk too much, but some interesting facts are revealed.
  3. I can't imagine allowing myself to come within ten feet of a Trump supporter. None of them wear masks and I assume they're all infected with bad taste and foul breath. I don't particularly mind that they have a death wish. I hope their wish comes true, for everyone's sake. The sooner the better. I'm very particular these days about my sources of entertainment. Rubbing elbows with any gay person who supports the Q-bitch will never be on my agenda. If any woman deserves the label UGLY CUNT, it's her. If I get a taste for some colorful "insanity," I'll turn to the new season of RuPaul's Drag Race. Not sure how it's OK for the entire production staff to be double-masked, but the queens are left to ten-lash protection. Maybe there's something medically magical in lash glue I don't know about.
  4. What an odd comment. Unless you behave like an asshole, I don't think there's anything disgusting about being cute. Edit Looks like his OnlyFans promo video might have been taken down. It's a rough world for sex workers at YouTube these days.
  5. The film is very well done. Adarsh Gourav is particularly good. In certain light and camera angles, he is quite a beautiful young man. I was sure a gay scene was forthcoming. But none in this film. Nick Jonas' wife, Priyanka Chopra, is superb in her part. She is a very beautiful woman on camera. Along with Priyanka, Ava DuVernay is executive producer. It's a long film but the story is solid and fascinating; well written, acted, and directed.
  6. LOL. Aren't we all descendants of Africa? HUMANS EVOLVED FROM AFRICA
  7. LOL. We have a large pantry. Too much shelf space for Reduced Guilt potato chips. Dangerous.
  8. I can't believe I did this, but, after the meeting, I stopped at Trader Joe's to buy a bag. My son loves a great potato chip, and my office is not too far from the kitchen. For the rest of the day, I could hear him sneaking into the bag. Not just bag rattling, the sound of the crunch was too loud to ignore. No such thing as sneaking a chip. Never experienced anything like that before with a potato chip. The competition for space on NYC grocery store shelves can be fierce. They may have a favorite product one week, and good luck finding it ever again. This even holds true with Whole Foods. I keep asking about certain products that once appeared in the past, and all I get are confused eye, head nods, and maybe a promise. And then nothing shows. It seems like the bag of Reduced Guilty lasted all of four hours. My son felt inclined to go out and get more. At least with Trader Joe's, he could count on the bag being there. It is a Trader Joe's product.
  9. It is not a story to be enjoyed. IMO, the relationship between Shia and his heroin-addicted father, Jeffrey, is heartbreaking and very depressing. Most childhood actors from dysfunctional Hollywood families don't make it in life. Shia deciding to play his father in the film astounded me. Why would he want to re-live any of those moments? Noah Jupes performance as Shia deserves an Academy Award. The film's direction by Alma Har'el was stellar. I couldn't help but wonder, how on earth did Shia muster the courage to even write this story? I typically view movies with a producer's hat on. I realize this is not normal. I'm very aware of how the sauce is made and what is needed to make it great. Watching a work of art with me can be an awful experience for someone else. I usually try to watch movies alone. I'm constantly rewinding scenes.
  10. I attended a small business lunch yesterday, and the host served the most amazing potato chips with her sandwiches. I don't normally indulge in junk food, but I always appreciate a good potato product. When I asked her about her potato chips, I was SHOCKED to learn they were a product of Trader Joe's. Not only were the chips not over-salted, like most are, these were the crunchiest chips I may have ever encountered. There is definitely some magic formula going on here. The flavor of the chip isn't bad as well, considering they're lower in fat and salt. I post the photo here, and the bag is indeed naked. I hope this doesn't cause a problem with DMCA.
  11. JKane, my hero! Too funny. Please, let that one about the tasered ballsack be true. Nobody could write this shit, even for a remake of Animal House.
  12. I saw Pieces of a Woman at the Venice Film Festival last September. I saw it again last night on Netflix with subtitles on. It's a depressing movie, for sure, but there is so much talent at work on this production, I had to give it another shot. Vanessa Kirby is amazing in this performance. I can't imagine what it takes for an actor to reach this level of commitment. The same is true for Shia LaBeouf. I'll never forget the first time I met Shia. He delivered an unforgettable impact. His film Honey Boy is an incredible look into his very painful, personal past. He certainly has issues, but my god, what a talent this guy is. In Pieces of a Woman, Shia exposes his small cock (and pretty ass) to the world. Not many actors in Hollywood would dare to have the guts that Shia has. I love Shia's bravery. I find courage and vulnerability incredibly sexy. Martin Scorcese is executive producer. Ellen Burstyn and Molly Parker are superb, as well. I would post a screenshot of Shia's sexy junk, but it seems those days may be gone for now.
  13. It's only a big deal in the media circus and blogoshpere. Between Trump and Covid; Vogue, for sure, is a welcome distraction for a good laugh. Nobody cares about fashion right now except for clothing designers wondering where their next paycheck is coming from. The magazine business model is dying, and Wintour is from the Warhol-Trump school: There's no such thing as bad publicity. Kamala's Vogue issue isn't out yet, but the name and leaked photos are plastered everywhere on the internet. What more could a magazine want? Of course, Anna has an ego, and she doesn't enjoy being criticized. She's already endured plenty of uncomfortable questions regarding her treatment of non-white employees, not to mention the absence of Black models on the cover. In the meantime, nobody wants to say out loud: Black models on the cover of American fashion magazines DON'T SELL. The name of the game in fashion is SALES. What fascinates me is the missed opportunity. Kamala Harris is no ordinary Black-Indian politician. IMO, she deserved special attention for her first Vogue cover. To me, that means you don't simply throw her to some 26-year-old "Black" photographer whom nobody regards as particularly masterful. Although, in fairness, Vogue's lead time is typically three months. There's no way they invested in this shoot before anyone was sure of the outcome. To get a February cover in the can by now, they had to scramble and work with Kamala's insane schedule. And with Grace Coddington long gone, is there any artist with taste and history brains over there? A few corners of social media - you know, the cancel culture - are declaring war against Vogue, demanding that Kamala should never pose again for Vogue. LOL. I won't be holding my breath that will ever happen. It's every girl's dream to be on the cover of Vogue.
  14. The rise of OnlyFans during the pandemic. Jobless, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling OnlyFans, a social media platform that allows people to sell explicit photos of themselves, has boomed during the pandemic. But competition on the site means many won’t earn much.
  15. Oh fuck it. I think Oz said nude photos weren't allowed, but I have no idea what nude vs. copyright mean. Until the site owner can explain his version of Fair Use, I guess all we can do is post and hope. At any rate, these images are not copied. They are linked. I have not researched how "linking" effects copyright law. The photo that Vogue picked but Kamala's team did not prefer. The photo that Kamala's team thought was the cover choice. Personally, I think both are fine, but there's nothing outstanding here. I simply hate the styling/art direction. I'm not a fan of black clothing on a fashion magazine cover. And other than some emotional link to her college days, I think the use of fabric in the top photo lacks style and substance. What's the point of standing on curtains? In the bottom photo, it looks to me like she's standing in front of a draped casket at a morgue. The suit color is perfect for her, but I would hardly call this a "fashion" cover photo.
  16. And now to BoyToy? Or are we all Gayguides now? Suddenly, I'm feeling like Sally Field in Sybil.
  17. The hoopla is so laughable. Kamala's "team" is not happy with Anna's photo pick. Then perhaps the "team" should have produced a contract, granting Kamala final selection approval. This isn't rocket science. But I have to laugh. The team is upset with Vogue, when they should be more upset with their naivete. How typical of incompetence to blame others for deflection. That sure sounds familiar. In the end, no one will care. But Vogue sure robbed Kamala (and themselves) of a photo-making piece of history. Both photos they published aren't that fabulous. And that's too bad. I would love to offer the photos here, but this board, unfortunately, is going through some not-so-fun changes. The best part of the hoopla, apparently Trump and Melania are furious. Not one fashion magazine requested Melania in the past four years, while she was playing First Lady.
  18. You are dead wrong. Courts strongly oppose frivolous lawsuits. Which may explain why you haven't presented one copyright case involving a social media influencer or porn-happy sharer like Dudetube's owner. I have sued several corporations for copyright infringement (and won all of them). I know from experience, these are not easy cases to win, and they are very expensive to fight. Your cocky arrogance is noted, as well as your ignorance. It's a little too early to be announcing my funeral.
  19. I do agree there is a ton of confusion out there. And the confusion even lands up in the courts among judges. If all created artwork is copyrighted by default, then how is Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and others allowed to legally function? According to SolaceSoul, when Trump, or anybody else re-tweets an image or maybe even another tweet, he's breaking the law. In NewTumbl's TOS I found this: "You will not post illicit or private content of another person without their consent. You will not post copyrighted content without the copyright owner's consent." Well, that's kind of laughable, since photos and videos are being endlessly shared in millions of Feeds, and I can assure every one of "my fans" that no one has "owner's consent." And now that NewTumbl is selling ad space on its Feed pages, all those shared photos and videos are making money for NewTumbl. But is any of this sharing business less true for Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo and Twitter? Aren't these players selling ad space in a share environment, too? Making money off of "embed-code" services? The only law that seems to be black and white at this point: all created artwork is copyrighted. Beyond that, the law is very much like a sexually transmitted disease with no name: non-specific urethritis.
  20. Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it so. You're failing miserably to understand "Fair Use." LOL. I wasn't aware I had any. Again, PROVE IT. Saying it over and over doesn't make it truth. I suggest you stop using Trump tactics and cough up some proof.
  21. I doubt Oz will mind, especially if you're attempting to prove me wrong. Are you kidding me? I really don't have time for this silliness. For one, Stephanie Sinclair is a professional photographer. For two, Ziff Davis is a corporate entity that owns online magazine Mashable Inc. For three, Newsweek is a for-profit, U.S. weekly magazine. The cases involve an artist and two corporate, for-profit U.S. publishers. This is not about social media and photo-sharing among online forum users. Comparing these two cases to BoyToy's photo-sharing dilemma is LAUGHABLE. Apples and cocks. However, the Sinclair-McGucken-Newsweek cases illustrate how fucked up copyright law is right now. "In mid-April of 2020, the Southern District of New York dismissed the case filed by professional photojournalist Stephanie Sinclair against online magazine Mashable, Inc. and its parent company Ziff Davis, LLC. Sinclair alleged that Mashable and Ziff Davis infringed her copyright by embedding a photograph, previously posted to her public Instagram account, in an article without her consent. The Southern District held that the conduct did not constitute copyright infringement because Sinclair agreed to Instagram’s Terms of Use, which it interpreted to allow Instagram to sublicense public content to third-parties, such as Mashable, for the purposes of embedding. A few weeks after Sinclair was decided, the Southern District reached an opposite conclusion in a case with a similar fact pattern, McGucken v. Newsweek, LLC. On June 1, 2020, the court found that, while Instagram’s TOU grant Instagram a sub-licensable license to public content, there was no evidence of a sublicense between Newsweek and Instagram. The Southern District judges presiding over Sinclair and McGucken were inconsistent in their conclusions as to Instagram’s TOU and Instagram’s licensing of public content to third parties. As a result, the Southern District left the public wondering how Instagram users—artists in particular—should reconcile the need to pivot online with the lack of protection afforded to them when posting public content." IMO, there is legitimate concern over corporate publishers who think they can steal Instagram photos to support their online magazine subscriptions. IMO, for-profit publishers should not be permitted to use anyone's photographs free of charge, no matter the source. They should all be sued for this behavior. BoyToy forum is not a corporate, for-profit publisher. We are a small internet forum community who shares news and opinions. A very different animal when it comes to Fair Use and copyright law.
  22. Is this a travel forum or a gay escort forum with serious new porn restrictions? I'm totally confused. Years ago, Daddy spoke of switching his board's focus to more services like travel and restaurant reviews. I suppose it was an attempt to deflect attention. I wonder how that idea has worked out?
  23. Go ahead and prove me wrong. You clearly haven't read the law, or do not understand the "fair use" provision. LOL. Please, by all means, show me one social media influencer, one Instagram star in the U.S., who has incurred "heavy fines" or "jail time" simply because they photo-shared online. What a silly crock of baloney. Watch out for those sanctions, dear. In any case of actual copyright infringement, when someone is selling someone else's work, a cease-and-desist letter comes first. Just because you receive a cease-and-desist letter does not mean a copyright case will hold up in a court of law. As I said earlier, copyright law as it pertains to photo-sharing on the internet, is changing by the day. All I can say is stay tuned.
  24. Not exactly sure what you mean. But most of ATJ's hair in this movie is high styled, even when the wig is just a Sassoon bob with China Doll bangs. The movie offers great art direction, but if the hair for the female star is not perfect, it can detract from an otherwise stellar performance. I'm probably one of a few who notice these details.
  25. All is not sad. Yesterday, on the floor of the Senate, Josh Hawley improperly used the word "irregardless," which is not a word. And his ignorance is on the record. Go ahead and laugh at my grammar-nanny scold while I enjoy this non-sad moment. So many TV assholes are talking about Hawley's ELITE education, as if he gets a pass because he somehow managed to get his ass in the right schools. Josh Hawley wants to be president so bad, yesterday's blunder has revealed him to be just another fraud with a smile and a fist. Reporter A.B. Stoddard mentioned Josh's stupid word snag on NBC news yesterday, and it gave me a fun laugh, because I screamed when I saw him "live" in my living room, making a public fool of himself. And here in this next video, Nicolle Wallace, takes another stab at asshole Josh Hawley, whose career needs to end soon. Much to my surprise, this is one of the best interviews I've seen in the last week. Nicolle Wallace is the star journalist of our times. And who knew Seth Meyers could be such a serious thinker?
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