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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. Some of you guys never learn. You make the same mistakes over and over again. It's tiring, and it NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Mr. JD, with your last paragraph in your last post, YOU FED THE TROLL. You gave him the attention he seeks, and you deserve the outcome. The rest of us will suffer, too. Thanks for nothing.
  2. I fully agree with this smart advice.
  3. Thank you, Lucky. I have always enjoyed and respected you, no matter the circumstances.
  4. I'm confident readers appreciate the clarification. As originally written, your feelings weren't clear. Since you harbor, support, and appear to enjoy one of the most notorious bitch-trolls that has ever graced the pages of escort forums - the member who has received the most requests "to be banned" probably in escort board history, the one who is on record for saying he NEVER hires escorts but is convinced his 24/7 foolish-pride, ego-ridden, cuss-laden, hate-filled opinions matter - some might say it's a little too late on the bitch-fest front. Again, just another foot-in-mouth contradiction. All it takes is one disruptive troll to ruin the board experience for many. This isn't rocket science anymore. The studies have been done, the data is CLEAR. Intelligent men DON'T WANT TO RUB ELBOWS WITH A MEAN-SPIRITED TROLL. Escorts ESPECIALLY HATE when a board member is permitted the right to excoriate and denigrate escorts, no matter how someone feels personally about it being deserved. They can imagine it happening to them if they join and participate. I have personal proof on this research. It took awhile for Daddy to finally get this message of comity. I see it's a word you used in an important "sticky" thread. It's a word that has serious meaning to many of us. It appears Daddy eventually came around to understand the meaning of this word, and his board has greatly improved on this subject. I and others are seeing many new, quality members "over there" as a result. I understand you wish to exhibit your own vision and style of "management," Oz, but there are certain aspects of board decorum that never change unless the owner is willing to man-up and do something about obnoxious troll behavior. I wish you good luck in your effort to attract new men to this site. Everything I write here is sincere, but for selfish reasons - now that I am a contributing member - I'm more sincere than ever on this wish.
  5. Some traffic is better than NO traffic. You have a long way to go before you see the numbers of participation that the "other site" maintains. If you're going to publicly judge your traffic before it actually comes here, I would argue this is not intelligent marketing. Considering some of the troll(s) you keep in residence, this place has plenty of room for improvement.
  6. Having better things to do is all well and good, but at least you had the honesty to admit that in the "past" you enjoyed "furthering" a controversy. IMO, news about escorts is relevant to all customers. The hate-filled troll(s) among us may feed on the "furthering," but the rest of us should be able to discuss these issues maturely and productively. Are we not a group of elderly men with plenty of wisdom to share with young male escorts? With the going rate of $300-an-hour, fame, beauty, and fortune come with tremendous responsibility that few can handle in a financially productive manner. A talented escort can certainly benefit from a smart, guiding hand. Having the name "Daddy" isn't enough. Unlike with actors, escorting doesn't provide enough income to support the manager/agent mentor relationship business model. Many of these guys need our help, and sites like these provide room for productive learning. I had never heard of this Sire website before - my life isn't ALL ABOUT porn - but at first glance it seems legit. The comment section of this article was also interesting, where Tristan Baldwin felt the need to chime in "At the risk of having any/all of this negativity directed at me." Between drugs and an inflated hyper-gay attitude, and now the charge and evidence of racism, one gets the impression that Killian James is one fucked-up mess, and of course I'm sorry to hear this. Every escort who cares about an income-producing-career should do whatever it takes to protect his brand. If you engage with drugs, eventually you will fail by doing something really STUPID. I've know many drug addicts/users in my career. A few can reach a peak while using, but they all come crashing down at some point. It's just a matter of time. Racism is another story, and for me, it's personal. I grew up with a racist father, and as a young boy, I had Black friends I met in private school. My father and I had very heated arguments on the subject, and I have life-long scars from those ugly encounters. My dad eventually changed and came around, thank God, but so many people don't and remain UGLY, dressed in unwarranted HATE. Hate that the gay community knows all to well. Given our own special gay history with bullies and bigotry, it's difficult for me to fathom a gay racist. Is it really possible to have no sense of self within our own history? I can understand a man not being sexually attracted to darker colored skin. But that's not racism. I can't get turned on by watching Black women have sex. The visual of Black pussy just doesn't arouse me. Racism is outrageously UGLY, in all its forms, and it should NEVER be tolerated under any circumstances. If you are a white, racist escort: KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT or I'll shut it for you! When I was active on the "other site that dare not be mentioned," I had enjoyable exchanges with Killian James. He seemed sweet, smart, charming, and fun to be around. But you never really know someone until you work, sleep, drink, and do drugs with the guy. If Killian James in fact wrote those emails to JD, James deserves his sorry fate. I will never hire JD or read every word of his rambling without reaching for Tylenol, but I'm not inclined to believe that every word out of JD's mouth is a lie. If 10% of what he says is true, we have a serious problem with a few escorts we've grown to admire. It's important we don't judge a book by its cover, but without a site like this, how does anyone get to the truth?
  7. I did not mean to offend you. You clearly missed my point. Feel free to PM me for a full explanation. I'm a firm believer in not wasting bandwidth. I find quoting entire posts to be VERY distracting and wasteful. I choose the words that matter most to my commentary. The software takes some getting used to. I haven't been on forums since the addition of all these various features. I actually created a profile today. LOL! I feel like a girl in a beauty parlor.
  8. LOL! Do you not know with whom you are talking?
  9. I don't think we're going to find many people willing to put money on this. Verbal diarrhea seems to be a difficult affliction to control. But many of us are rooting for all of you to find a way to end the hurt. Revenge will eat your soul and spit it out, this is assuming you all have one. If someone asked me to judge JD's Change of Heart speech, I'd have to say it's the most passive-aggressive form of contrition I've ever read. I tell every passive-aggressive person I meet to seek a good therapist. Otherwise, they seem incapable of making life work for them. I realize Oz said "No more! Enough." Again, I don't wish to disrespect his wishes by posting to this thread, but I used this thread to see how the quote feature works. I think I'm learning and growing. Thank you for understanding.
  10. Making myself at home...

  11. History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. Maya Angelou
  12. I am sure there are more than a few escorts who will enjoy the respite while it lasts.
  13. "Anyhoo, that's my take and, rather than ask OZ to do more in the way of moderating, I'd suggest asking him to do less." Just to be clear, it's not the amount of moderation that I'm talking about, it's the quality of it. But then again, we all have differing opinions on what qualifies as behavior unfit for a gentleman. And the definition of gentleman will vary from owner to owner.
  14. I can't believe someone (Oz) actually took the time to write Page 1 of this thread. But I suppose somewhere along this endeavor it became necessary. I also didn't know Oz was/is a lawyer. I guess I'm not surprised. I know a few lawyers who struggle with persuasive writing skill. To moderate or not to moderate? That is the question. Or maybe the accurate question should be, how do I moderate properly? I can tell you this: It costs money to moderate properly, and if you're not willing to spend, you often get what you pay for. There are other, more cost-effective ways to moderate properly, but it requires an owner with a highly creative mind and perhaps a superior intellect. Daddy did not and will not ever have that. I'm not putting any money on Oz, either, even though my intention is not to offend him. I'm just stating what is factual, based on my observations. I've always been attracted to the idea of a private men's club of like-minded men who valued and cherished the art of finding and enjoying the perfect escort. The concept is grand, some men are deserving, but the execution is a whole other story. And the awful truth about this fantasy: There's no real money to be made so the effort has to be a labor of love. Without gentlemanly decorum, these "free" forums can quickly plummet into a bloodbath of naked hate, anger, bitterness, and sabotage. Haters are on the rise on the internet. It's impossible not to notice and be affected by it. I'm not a fan of hate-speak (unless writing for a character), and it should never be confused or excused as skin-thickening, artful discourse. Hate-speak is obvious to me, but I have strong opinions about the writing voice, and I am not the owner of this board. In the short time I've been on this board, it's clear my line gets crossed. I doubt there is anything that can be done, at least to fully please me. My new strategy is to ignore the members whom I believe are TROLLS. It won't take much brain cell to figure out who I think these folks are. Decisions concerning decorum are entirely based on the owner's outlook on gay life and manners. Rules almost always begin and end at the top. Setting the rules of decorum is not an easy task, especially when the board is free and open to potential trolls. You're never going to please everyone. Every group will always have one or two who never stop bitching about something. And there will always be an escort who wishes to crush the competition. In my opinion, and I'm repeating myself here, the only way to control TROLL behavior is to charge a membership fee. People who pay for their enjoyment tend to treat their favorite toys with more respect. Not only does this create a financial resource for the site, it attracts serious men who are serious about the subject matter. It also discourages men who don't hire from coming here and disrupting respectful camaraderie. If an owner decides to charge for admission, he better offer a website experience like no other. Not only does that mean spectacular graphic design, fabulous photography, and probably a custom code writer to create a seamless UI, it also requires an owner with a talented creative vision and a strong business mission. Snapping your fingers and saying, "OK, today you pay an entrance fee.," will not work. In fact, it will fail. Gay men are way too smart for that greed-ridden tactic. So, dear readers, try to understand this beast is not easy to tame and control. Be grateful there is a second choice. A lot of gay men don't want another "daddy" figure in their life.
  15. I appreciate the well wishers and the private messages. It's interesting how most of us are strangers, yet for some of us, there's a kinship. "Rock Hard has to be in the message board Hall of Fame." No special accolades necessary, thank you. It's good to see you, Lucky! I firmly believe in the business of escorting for gay men, and I truly wish the business and its more professional members could get the respect they deserve. "I often disagreed with him" Good. Past tense. That means you agree with me on everything now. "that ego can drive you away" Perhaps you mean alter-ego. No one in my non-forum life would ever accuse me of having a "drive you away" ego. "I believe he sincerely wanted the messages boards to improve and be more fun." I did. But I pushed Daddy too far in that quest. I had my reasons, and I'm without regret or contempt. I've never been, nor will I ever be, addicted to technology. "You are from NYC." You see, I am correct. You don't know me. I moved to NYC after college. I was not born here. 30+ years of residency makes me a tax-paying New Yorker, but it does not make me a native. I've also owned homes in West Hollywood, Chicago, and East Hampton. I'm currently looking at a property in Italy. "I though(t) I said Welcome Asshole! Isn't that what they say in NYC?" Only ignorant assholes talk like that. I enjoy licking a clean asshole, but I am not one.
  16. Dinner is over and I've had a few drinks. A perfect mood to deal with Housewives of a Dead Rentboy Era. It isn't until you're slightly intoxicated that you realize how hard you have to scroll to get down to the Sandbox. I scrolled so hard, my scroll finger ended up in my ass. Drama queens will be drama queens. There is a certain segment of the gay community that just loves an emotional train wreck. I suppose that's why Daddy and others like watching RuPaul's Drag Race. It's funny to read all the folks calling for BANNING, DELETE, and SILENCE, yet they can't resist to read and comment. Since escorting is very competitive, one can only imagine how many escorts are following this incoherent mess. From day 1, I can't figure out the pronouns. If an escort can't write, he should invest in a writing course at a local college. Don't waste your money on any Rentboy Fund. The moral of this story: If you ever find you need to defend yourself with words, you better know how to write. The only thing I take away from this mess is that escorts are not perfect, and some of them make big mistakes. And we all know, much like an actor (hello Winona), a BIG mistake can affect an escort's career. There is hope. People tend to enjoy forgiving, especially when remorse is evident. The more handsome and popular escorts will receive forgiveness sooner, unless your name in Benjamin Nicholas (I have forgiven him). There is a percentage of cock-loving customers who love to take sides, and they'll remain loyal fucks no matter who fucks with them or how the dice fall. It's evident to me that something happened to cause this to escalate. My gut is telling me that everyone, meaning Daddy, JD, Steven Kesslar, Dane Scott, and Killian James are all involved and responsible in some way. There isn't only one guilty party here. Truth? Who knows what the truth is. At this point it doesn't really matter. The damage is done. And all of the people I named are responsible. A pox on all your houses. I'm quite confident that Daddy and Oz enjoy their fair share of gay drama. They're no different from you or me on this. Based on observance, when push comes to shove, Daddy tries to protect the escorts from doing too much damage to themselves. Hence, his name: Daddy. He'll let the noose come down and form a loop, watching and laughing all the way, while stuffing massive amounts of buttered popcorn down his fat gut. But the moment the escort puts the noose around his neck, Daddy will pull the plug. Escorts tend to respect this treatment, which is why more post there than over here. Oz's approach seems more democratic. If an escort (or any member) wants to flame and die by his own sword, or stupid words, or troll-behavior bullshit, have at it. He doesn't want to play "Daddy," and he wants adults to behave like the adults they're supposed to be. Degrading OZ for keeping the site "real" isn't going to work. Many of us are smarter than that. And, in my opinion, members and escorts should feel lucky there is someplace for a grieving escort to go to air his grievances. Escorts sometimes have legitimate grievances, keeping in mind that airing them in public can have consequences. This mayhem reminds me of some old personal wisdom. I got into a serious kerfuffle once with a lesbian movie executive who blatantly betrayed me shortly after I did her a major mitvah (and mind you, I'm not Jewish). Another executive on the team, who witnessed the bloody 9-inch Wüsthof twisting into my back, whispered in my ear, "Beware of the scorned lesbian!" I turned to the humorous misogynist gay man and replied, "No, no. Beware of the scorned QUEEN!"
  17. Well now I feel like an idiot, and perhaps I owe Oz an apology…or not. It seems the site's software is very glitchy. The first time I attempted to post here (which I explained in the Hooboy Forum), the page would not allow me to "Reply to this topic…" Now I see many more new posts have been made, and I wondered, what the fuck? I just logged in to do another test, and sure enough the "Reply" option was not present. For the hell of it, I hit "Refresh," and lo and behold the "Reply" window appeared. Who knew? I really didn't mean to break any rules. It seems I could have posted here in the Sandbox the whole time, but it was a software glitch that prevented that. Anyway. I have a few thoughts to add here, but I'm expected to dinner soon. This will have to wait. I'll leave you all with just one thought: Playing favorites is a tricky thing. I imagine the decision to protect escorts from hanging themselves is tempting. It can keep a board like this alive and vital with escort participation. If an owner decides to treat everyone equally, and one escort decides to go bonkers for all to see, it can make other escorts feel insecure. If the owner decides not to play favorites, especially with the escorts, the owner risks losing support from the escort community. On the other hand, imagine us customers not ever knowing that crazy, psychotic, lying, thieving, dangerous, racist escorts didn't exist. Truth is very difficult to get at, especially when an argument escalates. But we learn a lot about people as we watch them deal with the drama they created. I'm in the camp that I'd rather know what's on people's minds. Ignorance is not bliss, and I'm happy to come to my own conclusions.
  18. I firmly believe in great customer service, even when the service is so-called free. Ever since joining, I sure get enough spam asking me to elevate my membership to a paid level. Has anyone actually done that? Given that most men interested in escorts are of a certain age, and may not be computer/software savvy or have the patience to learn one more user interface, otherwise known as UI, wouldn't it be great if websites like this offered a video to teach new members how to use and navigate the site? There are thousands of how-to videos on YouTube teaching far less important minutia. You don't need a costly, high-end production to offer this simple service to users. Again, Oz missed a good opportunity here to illustrate he's a cut above the competition. It's so easy to claim you're different. The proof is always in the pudding or the devil is in the details. Pick your idiom.
  19. My sincere apologies to the readers. I don't yet know the software here. I may never learn it. In the meantime, if words appear gray, italicized, and in quotes, it means someone wrote them in previous posts. "welcome and kiss my ass" Thank you, Oz. I've seen you behave like an ass, but I've never actually seen your ass. If it looks kissable, I might consider the invite. I've always loved admiring men's asses. "'Inclusion of threads is by invitation only' means simply that. That the threads in that forum are moved there by mods. Discussions can't be started there but are moved to that area when a mod feels they have gotten out of control." It's poorly written. The writing is pretentious. Simply stating that "Discussions can't be started there" or that "members can no longer reply to threads in this forum" would get to the point faster and be a lot easier to understand. "IMHO, not deleting them and allowing them to continue is pretty fucking good. But, I'm sure you will find a way to disagree with that as well." Ha, ha. I don't disagree. You may think you know me, but you don't. "Not sure what censorship you are referring to other than the Daddy shit. After 10 hours of dealing with that shit in a few days, I took a break from it. Fuck it. I don't need to listen to drama at that site. I never have and it does not interest me. I don't go there for that reason. But, I'll not spend hours a day dealing with emails and complaints all about Daddy or his site. Sorry, I have better things to do." I would hope you have better things to do, for sure. No need to apologize about that. Taking a break is not the same thing as a formal "sticky," banning certain words, terms, or subject matter. I remind you, you have history with the other site, and it's all well documented in many written words offered by you. You're entitled to change and alter your tolerance, but to say "I never have" is dishonest. "I don't mean to disrespect the owner's lazy position on thwarting discussion of any kind" LOL of course you do. No I don't. Respect is earned. It isn't achieved by simply signing up to the site. I'm just not that foolhardy. "That is what you do best and always have and always will." What I do best is challenge ignorance, arrogance, stupid business decisions, and hypocritical thinking. "Really? You don't see a difference?" Time will tell. I am an intelligent optimist with an open mind. "All that said, and your post still stands. Pretty fucking uncensorlike if you ask me. How is that for not moving this thread?" So far so good. I'm paying attention and may continue contributing. "And, even though we disagree on many things" Then you must be a gifted Svengali. Or simply presumptuous. I don't know you at all. And I'm sure you don't know me. I have no idea what subjects or opinions we agree or disagree on. "unlike other sites, you are still welcome to post on this one as long as the rules are followed" I just broke a "rule," so I suppose there's wiggle room. In other words, the owners of these sites maintain the power to enforce their rules with personal discretion. I've been saying this for many years, but few owners wish to admit the truth. They seem to hate the word "arbitrary." As far as I know, my IP address is not banned at the other site. I'm free to join there under a new name. Lord knows, many have gone through the same process, but I like my username. I could write the owner and ask that my username account be reinstated, but I doubt he would agree to that. I've written him privately on occasion, and it seems he doesn't appreciate my honest opinions, no matter how sincere the thought or effort. "every place needs some (rules) in order to survive" I agree with this. It's the execution of rules and order that tend to cause the most disruption. This is clearly evident in all aspects of society. "So, welcome! Post as much as you wish. Or, don't. But, don't blame me for censoring anything you said!" Thank you. I won't apply blame as long as none is deserved.
  20. And here's just one more slight irritant for Oz: Isn't it a tad ironic, not to mention utterly silly and obviously controlling, that there's a sticky "warning" entitled, "Discussions regarding the 'other site,'" on a Forum with the title, "The Hooboy General Pub?" I vote the sticky be removed and free-thinking promoted. You can't learn how to grow by stifling conversation.
  21. I wrote a response to the thread entitled, "Got Scammed By A Fellow Escort - Need Advice!!!." When I went to post it, the thread got moved to The Sand Box. Apparently, Oz's brand of censorship is contingent on his mood or how many complaint emails he receives. Seems to me, his MO is not much different than the dreadful owner of the other site, whose name we dare not mention. Since I don't know how this site works, or what the hell "Inclusion of threads is by invitation only" means, I may have wasted my time writing a response. I suppose I could respect the sticky and wait until 2017. But who knows what mood Oz will be in then? I don't mean to disrespect the owner's lazy position on thwarting discussion of any kind, but like many escort-purchasing customers, I'm a stream-of-conscience thinker. If I have to edit my thoughts to NOT include words that are relevant to the other site, then why bother writing anything at all? I realize this may push this thread to The Sand Box, or perhaps someone will delete my post entirely. I really don't care. I'm going to behave like a mature adult who questions the lunacy of certain authority figures. Here is my response to the above mentioned thread: I don't have much to say about the battle of the queens, except for these disheartening words: As a result of the incessant regurgitation, I wouldn't throw a dollar bill at any of the escorts engaged in this ugly drama. Business 101: Ugly drama is a business KILLER! Stay as far away from it as you can. From Steven Kesslar: "JD and I actually have a lot in common. We bother suffer from verbal diarrhea." And that really is too bad. The secret to controlling financial interests: self control. From my perspective, the escort known as "JD" is damaged goods, seriously damaged, and he has his own mouth to blame. Perhaps he has loyal customers who can't live without his cock, but as far as growing his business, it's difficult to imagine any sane new customer, who Googles for research, wanting to hire him after reading one sentence of his poorly written, passive-aggressive gibberish. There are many fine, educated Black men out there, who know how to write, who know how to be sexy, and who want no part of DRAMA. The minute you show the public that you have no respect for the concept of DISCRETION, the gig is OVER. Any escort who emulates "JD" with equal foaming at the mouth will only shoot himself in the foot by stooping to his level. I understand the desire, even the need, to set the record straight, but there's a smart way to do that without making yourself look as though you're as much "out of control" as JD is. Here are some other random thoughts I have: I have always believed that escorting should be made legal in the U.S. I support doing whatever is necessary to make that happen in our country, understanding the powerful obstacle that is religiosity. I don't enjoy disappointing Steven Kesslar. I would never support the Rentboy Fund. On a personal note, I never liked the way that website treated its customers, especially the escorts. From an intellectual business perspective, I thought Jeffrey Hurant was a loser, and he deserved his fate. He flaunted his financial success in ways never seen before in this business. In doing so, he basically told the U.S. government to go fuck themselves, while his less-than-discreet behavior openly invited them to take a closer look at his business creation. Jeffrey Hurant is solely responsible for the trouble he created. He did his employees and the escort community WRONG. He doesn't deserve our saving him. He's not the nice, thoughtful, innocent, or even generous guy that some people claim him to be. He's a selfish opportunist who failed, BIG TIME. I have no kind words to say about deej. If Daddy dies and deej takes over, I can easily imagine a tidal wave of clicks coming Oz's way. However, on the subject of EOY, deej is right. He's on record for advising Daddy to end his silly ego-trip game, and Daddy ignored the smart advice. This is what you get when you play favorites. You find some escort to suck your cock and fuck you, while whispering sweet things in your ear, and then you use your sandbox power to give the desperate, unstable guy the attention he seeks. In my opinion, the owner of the other site - whose name must never be mentioned - created this mess. He got what he asked for.
  22. Good grief. What a mess. I don't know how to do html on this board. Here goes my first try: "For someone who doesn't know me - you come off very nasty to make such remarks, Rockhard." The name is RockHard. I don't know you. I have very little knowledge of you. I don't read your posts because you ramble and write poorly. I fail to see where I have made any "nasty" remarks about you. I have a feeling you thought some of what I wrote was directed at you, and if so, you're completely wrong and misguided. My words and their intent may have gone over your head. "Nice to see you bash other escorts you haven't met as your response about comes abruptly rude and self-centered." I have not bashed any escort here on this thread. Calling me "abruptly rude and self-centered' is presumptuous and it's a judgement. It's also extremely rude and hostile. "Shouldn't be so full of yourself by knocking other escorts you barely know down in the mud." That's a poorly constructed sentence. Again, please tell me where I am "knocking other escorts" on this thread? Better yet, don't bother. "I'm a very nice guy, but don't judge or insult me." Perhaps this is a newsflash: This is a REVIEW site. People come here to judge others by writing about their experience. "I don't care to insult or judge you" You've done nothing but insult and judge me with this post, and it seems you took some of my words and applied them to you. Now who is full of himself? You clearly didn't understand my words, their meaning, or their intent. Your passive aggressive behavior and your presumptions are not endearing qualities. Don't bother to apologize. IMO, you apologize too much, which renders your apologies INSINCERE.
  23. I think the term "He's back!" is kind of funny. From my perspective, I haven't gone anywhere. Sure, I've traveled a lot in the years since my last Daddy-spanking, but I can't imagine ever losing interest in what my fellow escort-loving-gays are thinking (or not, in the case of those with no brain). And where better to get a pulse, albeit some are hanging on by the thinnest of beta-blocker beats, but on these fabulous escort forums where reality has a life of its own. Of course, I use the term fabulous as if it were an inch of drooping, shriveled, cheesy-impacted foreskin. Some guys like that. Needless to say, there's a lot to catch up on with my fellow comrades. My underwear drawer is brimming with new ambrosial delights. I won't even mention Gossip Galore, one of my favorite drag queens in Hollywood. And judging by the echo chamber in this empty, bat-ridden cave, it looks to me like Oz could use a few more clicks. Waiting for Daddy to die is no fun. But alas, I have to travel again, and I won't be back in the U.S. for weeks. Any celebration of my return will have to wait. That big-mouthed, cock-sucking, old scabby-kneed bitch, who fears me most, will just have to wait a little while longer before I rip her a new asshole. I will be seeing my favorite blonde boytoy in the south of France. If ever I would marry a former escort, he's the one. And I hope to knock on Steven Draker's door on my way to Bruges to see how the old boy is doing. Thank you to the well-wishers. Speak to you soon.
  24. I think it's flattering that so many guys remember me. I continue to read Daddy's board, but I can't stomach anyone with 3rd grade writing skills. Why would anyone with half a brain associate me with an escort that goes by the name of JD? Does he look anything like Benjamin Nicholas? Some guys on both boards are desperate for attention, trolls with an addiction, they'll say ANYTHING and they never shut up. I don't think I'm a guy who is easy to imitate. Yes, I'm that special. The smart ones among us know how these cards are played. So to all the brainless idiots who want a piece of me, or want to play me, I say go fuck yourselves. Happy and healthy living, gentlemen. ps Cordiali salute to Lookin and Adam Smith. I hope Lucky is enjoying retirement.
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