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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. History teaches us that people can justify unethical conduct until they can no longer look in the mirror or die. Given what "Daddy" went through with the Hooboy estate (no hospitalization, no will, accused of theft by many), it's difficult for me to believe that Bill did not consider his own mortality and the eventual death of his site. Bill had heath issues that were not sudden. By March of 2020, everyone with a computer knew the risks of a pandemic. If you believe your property has value, you protect it. If you choose not to protect it, there has to be a reason. In the beginning, the "value" may have come down to actual profit dollars from ad revenue. That revenue eventually turned into donations. Money often equals motive. Bill could not actually afford the "responsibility," which is why he was so publicly fearful of DMCA violations. I'm not interested in chicken/egg debates, but without Bill's creation of "the sites," there is no data (although, if my memory is correct, Bill did have access to some older Hooboy reviews which he did incorporate into his new review site). Whether contributing members of the site own their data may be a question of copyright law and Bill's TOS. I don't know the legal answer. I don't recall anywhere in the TOS the legal language of "archivist," and/or language that stipulated ownership of the contributions. The law isn't always right, but I know the ethical difference between right and wrong. While prostitution may be illegal in America, I'm not interested in supporting an escort who drugs his customers and takes cash from his wallet while knocked out. Everyone knows your discredited reputation, Lucky. You simply can't practice what you preach, and you continually prove it post after post. Your ten faces accompany each sarcastic remark you spit out. If anyone on these boards deserves to be ignored, it's you.
  2. Amazing? It looks to me like the data on both sites is being stolen, with hopes that no one will notice or care. Sure, there may be no one on earth to file a legal claim, and the thieves may actually achieve their goal. But, to me, the whole operation appears illegal, unethical, and against Bill's intentions. Perhaps Daddy is enjoying this drama, since RuPaul was one of his favorite TV shows. It saddens me to see what so many gay men are willing to tolerate and support to keep their addictions fed.
  3. Why must you insist on begging for my attention? Board addicts = "the Nancy Drew queens" I'm simply stating facts. I fail to see any insult. Just because you cling to a low opinion of yourself and take such factual comments as a personal attack, doesn't mean I'm lumping anyone specific into the Nancy Drew camp or labeling board detectives as a negative. After all, it's the Nancy Drew queens who point out the frauds in the business. They do good for the community. I say, if the red stiletto fits, wear it in pride. And don't forget to make a donation to save the Hooboy/Daddy legacy. After all, Bill thought so highly of you.
  4. I think preserving may be more the intention than persevering, although both are important. Given what I've read, sounds like a nightmare to me. Good luck to those who wish to salvage that mess. No shortage of people willing to throw cash at a dead horse. Precisely. Frankly, it surprises me. For a long time I believed he had prepped Deej and Cooper for this transition, leaving them with a solid foundation for donation begging. It now appears Bill left them with nothing. And that's the thanks you get for being a decades long moderator with no pay. When the owner of an enterprise (hobby) doesn't plan for his death, it means he didn't place much value on his creations. If it's not worth anything, why take the time or energy to plan for its long-term vitality? It seems to me, the forum and review site were Daddy's pet. It was his "thing" and no one else's. Good grief. Nothing worse than trying to resolve poorly planned estate issues. Even when you think you acquired something legally (which can take years), something always rears its ugly head months or years later. It's even more complicated when a man lived a loner lifestyle and family members can't be found. I would think the domain names have the least value. It seems they were created to distract from attention. Most of those queens never have to worry about finding the site if the name changes. Too many wannabe Nancy Drews among them.
  5. It won't be easy. Nothing worthwhile is. But it seems the views on this subject, especially among the younger generations is much more enlightened. I believe it's just a matter of time. (Perhaps not before I turn 80, though.) People no longer wish to be controlled by hapless, asshole politicians or hypocritical religious zealots. Police reform is inevitable, especially after yesterday's verdict. Stop wasting money on sex work, and get law enforcement the fuck out of our sex lives.
  6. Manhattan to Stop Prosecuting Prostitution, Part of Nationwide Shift
  7. I saw it twice. Fran is a character. Knew her from our days at Interview. I would not let her near my house. No smokers allowed.
  8. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't see mosiacs solving our infrastructure issues. It might put a few artisans at work, and perhaps reclaim a creative industry. But how practical and reliable? Sure, some mosiacs have lasted centuries, but the products used in ancient times are not the products permitted now. Plus, have you ever walked on wet ceramic? How about ceramic with a coating of snow? The lawyers would love it.
  9. +1 Discovering new beans as I travel is a favorite pastime, and I've culled quite a collection over the years. I realize that Nespresso is popular, but so is Jake Paul. And until he does porn, I won't be watching him. When I consider the materials used to create the packaging of Nespresso products, I think of extreme waste product. I'm not a serious tree hugger, but I think Nespresso is not great for the planet.
  10. I think that jury hung themselves, waiting for an Out&Loud celebration (and a free car). Gay life in the Black community is its own weird thing. The closet and DL take on new meaning and psychosis. The stilted behavior does fascinate me, but I know too many Black gays who lead confused and tormented lives. For a variety of reasons, many cannot find a way to safely come out. Way too much pain and baggage for me to carry.
  11. Perhaps we can blame it on the lack of lesbians?
  12. I can't remember the last time I watched a music video.
  13. I've decided to break my copyright rule. I know, that took about two minutes. If anyone objects, I totally understand if this post disappears. I don't know what the future holds. I recently read a moving post from the escort, peterhung85, and I wanted to share his words here. If the other site disappears, I thought his excellent writing should live on as long as possible. RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy I have just seen this topic. I still don't want to believe it... It was 2009, San Francisco, and my first ever review was published on Daddysreviews by a long-standing member here. I had no idea what this site was so I went to check it out and shortly after my cell phone rang. A gentleman introduced himself as "Daddy" and told me that my review got published on his website. He asked me a few non-intrusive questions that were geared towards finding out whether the money I make through this means is being invested for my future. Again, and I must emphasize this, he did that in the most non-intrusive way as one possibly could have. I felt that he just genuinely wanted to ensure that I am on the right path to creating financial independence for myself in the long run. We covered a few other aspects of the industry and he offered me a helping hand in case I ever needed a piece of advice. Soon after my first published review came the second, third --- 20th, and 30th, and my business has exploded and I was full of quality inquiries. Surely, providing a great service doesn't hurt but without the ability for people to research their next "date" on a platform like his, how would anyone know about my abilities? But business (while obviously in our lives is key) was truly NOT what Daddy was all about. He was in it to help people. Genuinely. I had the pleasure to meet him on numerous occasions at a variety of restaurants and many times at his apartment in Las Vegas. We even met during the pandemic (the chair was waiting for me at the entrance to sit on) while he distanced himself from me by being in front of his computer on the other side of the apartment and we were both wearing masks. The "HOW" never really mattered, but every meeting with him was always highly insightful and entertaining.... and very genuine. Many of you probably didn't get the chance to truly know who was behind this nickname/website and I am very grateful that I had the pleasure of conducting more than just superficial chit-chats with him. For those of you who don't know, he was a computer whiz and had incredible talents at forensics and used to be retained as a forensic expert in multi-billion dollar lawsuit cases back in the day. This speaks volumes of the in-depth knowledge he had about certain fields in computers. Talking about talent, he used to be an escort himself (waaaaaaaaaaay) back in the day. He wasn't always overweight and was rather hot. He told me so many funny stories about providing services in LA/Beverly Hills to some of the Hollywood elites. They were extremely entertaining stories. He never cared about the money. He went as far as to flat-out decline highly lucrative promotional/marketing/advertising offers if he disagreed with how the company conducted its business in the gay world, whether we are talking about advertising practices, treatment of others, or the mission the company stood for. He was a principles guy, yet - needless to say - non-judgmental. Every time we talked - without an exception - he had his "routine" questions: - Are you happy? - Do you put a certain percentage of your money aside and invest it? - Do you take time out to have fun and enjoy life too? This should tell you about the type of person Bill was. (With names redacted), he showed me all kinds of escort inquiries where the guys offered him free sessions in exchange for promotion/bad review removal/self-review postings. He NEVER abused his position and always maintained his integrity. He was a big fan of Latin guys with muscles and cute butts. Who can blame him, right?! Yet... never ran out of compliments for me when we met. We talked about a few side projects of his too. Some of you may not know, but a few years back he was running a website that was teaching the transgender community about proper accessorizing / makeup / wigs and how to start out. He was also running it on his own dime and received no compensation for it. On my last in-person visit during COVID, we actually started discussing either a joint business venture or a certain promotional opportunity about a website that would have served as an extension of DaddysReviews. We have never finalized the details and sadly, that will not happen anymore. It would have been great to work with him I am sure. I just want you gentlemen to understand how this person sacrificed most of his life to help our community. He never asked for anything in return and I know exactly how much of his life he sacrificed for others. He changed my life, and probably many of your lives I am certain or the very bottom line, his work made your life a little easier in this crazy world. I hope that he is in a good place now, his contributions, his helping hand, his guidance, and the amount of care and love he put out for all of us will be remembered (at least by me) for a LIFETIME. When @Cooper reached out to me, I was shocked to hear that I was probably the only person who knew his address. He was so loving, welcoming and open that I thought he kept company often times at his home. I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Cooper for taking immediate actions and for keeping everyone posted. I am so truly sorry it ended this way. :-( THANK YOU BILL/DADDY/GUY FAWKES WITH ALL MY HEART! ❤ If anyone doubted why many escorts and clients remained loyal to Daddy, peterhung85's words should put those doubts to rest.
  14. There are millions of American women who are at home raising their children, desperate for a distraction. It's not a new phenomenon, but the numbers have been falling for a very long time. They are mostly Ellen's audience. American consumers have always been fascinated with show biz celebrity. People in our culture love to fantasize about an exciting, high-octane lifestyle, where one is rich and famous. It is very much a driving force in our culture, it allowed Trump to become what he is. The monster feeds the beast. And there are plenty of people living off this gravy train. Daytime talk shows replaced soap operas, which had a very lucrative and lengthy run. While I have never watched a single show from beginning to end, I have seen many moments. Ellen has a special talk-show gift. She knows how to broach subjects in a way that few others can replicate. She gets certain guests to talk about things they might not discuss with someone else. Ellen created her own lane in the talk show industry, and I think she deserves a ton of credit for achieving massive success. Great work for a lesbian women who was once banned from television work.
  15. Yes, the port is known as Marghera, and many of us have been fighting this fight for a very long time. The political corruption in Italy is mind boggling. When looking for property in Italy, I very much wanted to settle in Venice. I have a very long history with this precious city. It's where an escort and I fell in love long ago, and we have remained dear friends to this very day. I'm thrilled with this official news. The day-tripper cruise issue was actually destroying Venice. Many Venetians believe the cruise ships are property of America, and they think the cruise ship passengers are the cheapest of the cheap. They believe these tourists come to their city by the thousands, don't respect it, leave trash everywhere, don't spend any money, and then leave. The cons of this type of tourist activity far outweigh the pros. Day-tripping into Venice is not going to end with this news. I am very much a part of the campaign that wishes to charge a substantial fee for tourists who wish to enter the city center for less than twenty-four hours. But it's very challenging to find agreement on ways to keep that money out of the hands of politicians. The fight lives on.
  16. Couldn't have said it better.
  17. Then they're called pussies.
  18. That is so true. Men are totally allowed to be fighters and DEMAND perfection. Women have to be "nice." It's so fucking SEXIST and not human. Not sure anyone has ever called me a "Republican" before. LOL.
  19. I say fuck the snowflakes! Too many people in the work force are a pain in the ass. They're lazy, incompetent, and selfishly over-sensitive. And many feel entitled. In show business, you have unions that protect people who deserve to be replaced. Firing people is not as easy as you think. I'm not suggesting Ellen is a perfect human being. No boss is perfect. And she's now paying the price for not being perfect. But, when you're running a multi-million corporation, and you're the star of the show, believe me, the pressure is no laughing matter. Egos run LARGE in show business. However, no matter who the boss is, you will always find disgruntled workers, people eager to complain about something. Thanks to social media, snowflakes are attempting to gain power. Mediocre workers do not deserve special treatment. That said, just because you're "Ellen," it does not give you the right to behave nastily. If Ellen were a true CUNT, far more people would be speaking out, and there would be large turnover of senior executives over a short span of time. For a true "cunt" meter, one has to look at the inner circle.
  20. If you are uber wealthy, which Ellen is, being "nice" can kill you, especially 24/7 nice. Way too many people on earth to take advantage of that.
  21. That wouldn't surprise me. However, Ellen's smile, Ellen's humor, Ellen's love; that is her brand. If they fuck with that, they fuck her. When someone's hobby is buying and selling luxury homes, maybe 20+, and you know they're control freaks, the everyday punch and grind is simply not as exciting anymore. After all, a routine TV show in Hollywood may pay really well, but in the end it's just a routine. Sorry to hear that. Their subscription model is one of the most successful. But still. They don't need to be so greedy.
  22. I've always been a paid subscriber to The New York Times, 40+ years and counting, but I thought everyone had free access to 20 digital articles a month. Perhaps that has changed? Since "copyright" ostensibly caused the demise of the Porn Forum and that fabulous moniker, "BoyToy," RH will not be posting copyrighted material to this board again until Oz says the action is permitted. I do apologize for the inconvenience, and I'm sorry I can't keep track of everyone's "rules" parameters. Too many people don't understand the meaning of "Fair Use," and I am not the lawyer or CFO of this board.
  23. Ellen DeGeneres Loses 1 Million Viewers After Apologies for Toxic Workplace This is what happens when you've been turning out the grind day after day, year after year, and you get bored and leave the asylum to a bunch of gay crazies. If anyone can woo the million back, maybe it's Ellen. Does anyone know if she cares?
  24. Nostradamus.
  25. It's too bad we have certain gay men in our community who exist only to behave like a troll CUNT on an internet board. What an empty and unproductive life. Gay men are famous for making and building great things. But the builder gene is not one every gay man possesses. Some unhappy people are known for doing whatever they can to bring others down. Now that most of us survived four years of the greatest TROLL that ever lived in the White House, I'm delighted to see when anyone presses the DELETE button on a troll. Who has patience anymore for some sad-sack-asshole's bullshit shenanigans? Thanks for being on the lookout, Oz. As the other board deteriorates and turns into gas fumes, I suspect most trolls will be looking for a different playpen.
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