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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. I don't have any beefs. Ya think? For an anonymous poster on an escort forum, you sure seem to be 100% sure you have the OP pegged. I'm too experienced with escort boards to be that naive. I had strong suspicion it was gone, but it could have been a coding error. Server shit happens all the time. But I did get a big kick out the stupid, cock-suck-loving TROLL who insisted the thread was still there, in BOLD no less. Blind, dumb, and desperate for attention. I'm not. Pitting one escort against another on an escort forum should be off-limits, part of the TOS. This is a no-brainer. I find this inappropriate behavior far more egregious than posting reviews in the Lounge. There's nothing wrong with getting an education, but it shouldn't be at the cost of an escort's livelihood. Not every situation "in our little market" deserves to be discussed in an open forum. I disagree. LOL! And we all know the value of that education. Then prove your appreciation by hiring both and writing reviews for both. You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm glad Daddy decided to kill it and put it where it belonged. I don't think I overreacted one bit. Ditto with Daddy. He did the right thing. LOL! That's very funny. Thank you for that. The only thing Daddy and I have in common: we like to hire escorts. Similarities end there, I can assure you. Didn't think it was bitchy at all. I thought it was FUNNY. You clearly don't know me. And perhaps you've never met Daddy.
  2. It's definitely fun to mix the book with the movie. I enjoy doing that for most adapted films I love.
  3. I'd be happy to meet you. Perhaps we'll make it happen one day. In the meantime, please don't feed the TROLL. She's not worth your valuable time. The stupid, blind bitch couldn't even see that the thread was deleted. It was probably cut by the under-weather guy. B did the right thing, it just took him forever to get up off his fat, under-the-weather ass. Please send donations.
  4. No, the thread appears to be gone. It is a little suspicious why LoveNDino would resurrect the much older thread you mention.
  5. Did anyone catch that Baldwin versus Dave thread? I can't believe the owner of that other site allowed that thread to see the light of day and go on for so long. I think it reached five pages. That's what I call disrespect to escorts. The owner must be really under the weather. More donations, please. It seems the thread is gone now, thank god, unless some devotee captured a screenshot. A serious embarrassment. I did not recognize the OP's name, but you never know the motive of some of these asshole posters. If an owner doesn't stay on top of his shit, people can get hurt. That thread was a disgrace. One of the escorts was a bit verbose, but both showed true professionalism. In that sense, it was worth reading. It's a dangerous business dealing with drama drag queens. Nothing like getting a six-inch heel stabbed in your face.
  6. That's the go-to excuse for questionable behavior on the internet. It sounds like something Trump would say to defend his idiotic and racist tweets that are designed to titillate his base. I call it the narcissist defense. I mean no offense when I say this, because I like you, too, but it seems the crowd who enjoys off-topic, often esoteric posts, is enormously small. Since you and everyone else feels free to criticize me at times, why should I not feel free to offer some of that back? Personally, I don't give a flying fuck about anyone's behavior here. I have no trouble ignoring folks. The participation here is SO DEAD, it doesn't make sense to take the place too seriously. To do so might mean we're taking ourselves too seriously. If I was critical on this meaningless thread, whatever criticism I offered should be considered meaningless. That was certainly my intent.
  7. I'd rather have heart surgery and throw a forum pity party to see who will respond. #trulysadlife
  8. From Star Wars to Paula Deen. How does anyone define hijack? Goes to show how absolutely banal and useless the subject of this thread truly is. Paula Deen. What a money-hungry, southern, tacky racist. Never like her or her cooking, even though I love great French butter (Bordier).
  9. I'm sorry, did I just hear you say she has a locked leg for a head? My gay doctor tells me that obesity is a serious killer, and it makes certain men smell grossly offensive. However, fear of the obese getting anywhere near me is not one of my weaknesses. I avoid them like the plague, no matter their skin color.
  10. LOL. Too thin to pass.
  11. Did not love these portraits for GQ by Giampaolo Sgura.
  12. This place gives new meaning to the word hijack. Is there anyone here who doesn't suffer from A.D.D.? Oh puhleeeze! Lucky knows a lonely attention whore when she sees one.
  13. Some things in my life do not change. My underwear stash is new and bursting with inventory. I rarely use the word hate, but if there's one thing I learned long ago: I hate running out of clean underwear between housekeeper visits. It just doesn't happen in my house. :-)
  14. Appreciate the love... Had to do a search. My god, I was verbose in those days. It was probably the caffeine. My exact quote in the Cala di Volpe thread is: "I do not subscribe to Starwood's Preferred Guest Program." It's often the case that queens say things on these boards to disparage or poke fun at people, and sometimes those statements get wrongly assigned. For the record, Cala di Volpe is not the best hotel I've ever stayed at. For true Sardinia pleasure, I have discovered the ultimate lodging upgrade: rent a yacht with a captain and live on the boat. If you have a friend who can afford to share the cost, even better.
  15. I believe I'm repeating myself, but I've never been a member of Starwood Rewards. People who use those things don't receive the best service. In addition, I've never had Italian cock up ass. If my colon could talk, she would tell you, "Tongues only, bitch."
  16. I saw Call Me By Your Name at two film festivals last year. Full disclosure: I'm known as an angel. Love the Q&A's at these events. I've watched the film several more times since then. I can also recommend André Aciman's book. I think Call Me By Your Name is a hugely important film for the gay community, for bisexual men, and for anyone who believes in first loves. I've been trying to catch up on the internet since I've returned from Europe. There seems to be some interesting commentary on this film over at Daddy's. I happened to catch a Benjamin Nicholas post on the subject. All I can say about that is, "Good grief!" To start, the blog post that he links to in his "Call Me" post should come with a disclaimer. If you click the link, be prepared for the slap in the face you'll receive with an awful photograph of BN. (Here it is:) Considering the blog post is about educated skincare, I've never seen a more ugly photo of skin. He also looks like he's recovering from a black eye, or he hasn't slept in weeks. I've never seen such blotchy, discolored skin, not even on the patients leaving my Park Avenue dermatologist's office. In fairness, the reflection image in the mirror is hot. Then poor Ben-with-bad-skin slips on his Ebert-hat and offers a critique of the movie Call Me By Your Name. Where did he see this super important film? On an airplane while en route to London. Say what? Anyone, and I mean anyone who flies knows, the absolute worst place to watch a movie is on a plane. I don't care what plane you're flying in or where your seat is located. On top of that, Call Me By Your Name is the worst movie to watch on a plane. It's sort of like putting ketchup on foie gras and eating it with a plastic fork. Sheesh. And then BN has the gall to offer a tacky, thoughtless review of this very special work of art. The killer quote for me, "Armie Hammer…can’t act his way out of a paper bag." BN has used the tired "paper bag" critique before on a number of people he apparently doesn't like. Saying that Armie Hammer "can’t act his way out of a paper bag" almost gives credential to Cindy Crawford's attempt at acting in Fair Game. I can assure every reader, Armie Hammer is NO Cindy Crawford. Needless to say, I love the film Call Me By Your Name. On a shoestring budget and against all odds, Luca Guadagnino created another masterpiece. All the names associated with this film deserve elevated attention: the fucking brilliant Timothée Chalamet, Michael Stuhlbarg, Esther Garrel, Amira Casar, André Aciman, James Ivory, Sufjan Stevens, and yes, Armie Hammer. This film would not be what it is, what it will mean moving forward, without the generous contribution of Armie Hammer's gifts. Armie Hammer is crucial to this movie. Call Me By Your Name is a film that deserves to be seen more than once. Like a fine wine, it deserves to be savored, especially by men with good taste.
  17. No sensible gay man wants to party with anything that remotely looks or behaves like cancer. A loving gay man always takes care of and protects his colon.
  18. I caught the Stormy appearance on Kimmel. Probably the worst interview I've ever seen. I will never understand what straight guys see in breasts the size of basketballs. Was surprised to learn she has kids. I'm sure glad my mother did not work in porn.
  19. LOL! Some of us would rather sign up for a colonoscopy appointment. At least with the propofol, you can be guaranteed a fun high.
  20. Wishing you safe travels.
  21. My poor attempt to show Lurker some respect failed. I waited eleven days after Lurker's death before I wrote my first post on this thread, those honest but insensitive words. I saw Lucky's Facebook link before it was deleted. I learned Lurker's Facebook name, and I saw his Facebook photos. Even so, I waited to post. As I mentioned earlier, I discussed this event with other friends and family members. It took some time to gather my thoughts and impressions before I was ready to post. In a very personal way, I could relate to this story on several levels. I often view my online personality as my alter-ego. I say things online that I would never say in public or to a person's face. Online honesty is very much a therapy for me. Since most of my life is doing work that I love, I can't afford to speak my mind and say whatever I'm feeling in front of just anyone. In a professional business, a delicate balance must always be nurtured and maintained. My brain forgets that members associate with one another off-board. Some members here are true friends. I failed to consider that, and I apologize. I honestly got that impression of him. I have loved several "flawed" guys in my life. When you love someone, you love him with all his flaws, no matter how difficult that can be. I wrote to Oz privately. I don't need to have my post taken down, but I would love the edit time changed for the future, if that's possible.
  22. Given what little I know about Lurkerpseaks, it was my honest reaction to this story. I concede that my imagination may have gotten the best of me. A fair and just characterization. I am guilty. If there wasn't a timed edit feature on this board, I could go back and edit my post. I'm not going to apologize for honesty. I've spent too many years loving a few addicts. However, I should have omitted Lucky's quoted paragraph of my words to spare the hurt feelings of others. To those who felt slapped, I do apologize.
  23. If you can't be honest in death, then when can you be? Lucky, I'm sure glad you didn't wait until I'm dead to tell me how you truly feel.
  24. And then there's controlling. I don't think Axiom's post is "a little bit psychopathic," but everyone knows how I feel about forum members who attempt to control what other people post on a thread. All one can do is smirk at the attempt and watch folks on both sides of the issue prove my point. The thread was started by Oz. Everyone deals with death and mourning uniquely. If Oz didn't object to members talking about death and dying, as inspired by this story, then I welcome others comments, much like I welcome comments from friends and attendees at a funeral service or memorial service. I see no disrespect in sharing stories as part of one's mourning process. If Oz or Axiom wanted to create a eulogy thread to Lurkerspeaks, with the specific intention to limit comments to eulogize, they certainly had that opportunity. I disagree with that overly harsh characterization.
  25. Seriously kind words, and I sincerely appreciate them. It's good to see you posting lookin.
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