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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. I can certainly relate to that. The board over there belongs to one man. As far as I know, he alone pays the bills and maintains the software. No matter who has an opinion, or how hard those opinions are expressed, it's his opinion that is final. We're free to disagree with it, just as he is free to shut off the noise associated. At least he has little influence over Oz. Perhaps no influence at all.
  2. Well, there, you and I will have to disagree. And that's what I meant by masterful moderation. Free speech doesn't mean drama queens should be allowed to enter a theater and yell, "Bitch on FIRE!" On an escort board ostensibly posing as a club for gentlemen, there should be zero toleration when two escorts are put on the chopping block and compared like two prime rib steaks at Ottomanelli's. An escort board can live and die by its treatment of escorts. If a board owner is blatantly disrespectful of escorts, he's shooting himself in the foot and saying "fuck you" to the future of his board. I'll repeat it again, Daddy did the right thing by trashing that thread. No matter what the OP's true intention was.
  3. I agree (although I do LOVE masterful moderation methods). During all of my years at Daddy's, battling one round of trolls after another, I never pressed the "report" button. And I was always against his many deletions, especially when an escort misbehaved. I have a lot of faith in readers. Let them read what the contributors really think. And let the chips fall where they may.
  4. If the TROLL would shut her smegma-ridden trap and ignore me every single time I post something, she'd hear the crickets she so longs for on this board. As far as I'm concerned, the only folks who deserve insults are the HYPOCRITES who lie and act all pious when they're called on their TROLL SHIT. So here's my new plan, every time that TROLL addresses me or comments on my posts, I'm going to insert my little love note from her as a constant reminder. It won't stop her though. She's a TROLL addict and she's a glutton for punishment. A true masochist. It helps to explain why she loves a skanky life on her knees.
  5. She loves me, she loves me not...
  6. RockHardNYC

    The Organ

    Thank you for proving my point, hypocrite.
  7. LOL, lying bitch. That's what all scabby-kneed cocksuckers claim. You are a self-admitting, indiscriminate cocksucker at sex parties. You crawl on the floor devouring any cock in sight no matter where it's been. You have some serious, laughable gall using the word NASTY to describe anyone else on the internet. You almost pissed yourself because that's what old, fat, ugly men with weak bladders do. Sexual come-on? LOL! LOL! LOL! What a fucking ego on you, you smegma-ridden prick. The thought of sex with you NEVER entered my head. Gag, spit, snort, puke! BLECH! I'd rather have a colonoscopy without the drugs. I didn't reject any fantasy come-on, you ignorant fool. I rejected your "buddy" presumption. I have a TROLL Folder. You talk shit about me on the internet, I save some of the shit for the future. You never know when the shit will come in handy to expose a stupid, smelly, hypocritical CUNT. Better hope the gang over at Daddy's doesn't see this thread and find out how much contempt you have for those of us who hire escorts. Or for those poor, sad BOTTOM clients. It's moments like these when you show your true self. What guy in his right fucking mind would want you as host of an escort-forum party? LOL, bitch!
  8. RockHardNYC

    The Organ

    Interesting how the edit went from "your friend" to B.N. Once again, you're a liar and a hypocrite. No wonder my dear escort friend couldn't stomach you.
  9. Treasures from my Inbox… Maybe it's time to remind readers that the one true TROLL is the biggest HYPOCRITE on the internet. She says she hates me, but much like TRUMP, she LIES when it suits her narrative. The TROLL-bitch secretly loves me, and I have proof. Here is her secret love note she sent to me via Private Message on July 5, 2012, not long after she pushed her way onto the Daddy scene. She sent an unsolicited PM from Daddy's board, assuming we were "buddies." I never responded, because I thought she was an arrogant, obnoxious asshole. My thoughts on the subject haven't changed. So the next time you read that the TROLL hates me, or any other disparaging posts, re-read her love note. She's the biggest fake, fraud, and liar on the internet, except when she says my posts are "always attention getters." Here is the original thread where this was revealed: https://www.message-forum.net/threads/did-no-one-celebrate-jj.88120/page-8#post-805431 Her change-of-heart response is also good for a laugh. I'm only vile and hateful because I rejected her scabby-kneed ass. She's crawling on floors at sex parties looking for any cock to suck, and I'm the one who's sick, nasty, and twisted. LOL! You're messing with the wrong BITCH, bitch. Take that:
  10. And the merry-go-round never ends. You're a hypocrite.
  11. LOL! How do you define hypocrite? No wonder some of you arrogant, self-righteous queens avoid looking in the mirror. Have another shot of that Black Bush, sweetie. Alcohol will soothe all your pain and reduce that bulbous waistline, for sure.
  12. LOL! I missed this one. Gurl, what you be smokin'?
  13. Sounds like you're judging two people you don't know. Well that's on your personal conscience. I got a pail of water if you need it. AdamSmith is correct. We have history, and lots of it. I'm absolutely confident he understood my intent. Beyond that, no other opinion matters to me. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves, or talk to yourselves, which is usually the case here.
  14. Only one or two. I never did care what an asshole thinks of me.
  15. Don't bother. There isn't much.
  16. Yo bitch, sounds like you're calling me a liar. "Multiple personal conversations with Daddy" does not add up to 719 posts here or 2000+ elsewhere. I haven't been on Daddy's board since 2013, and it took Daddy a long time to change and tweak his software program. I'm not current with his new software, and Steven Draker and I are still listed as "Time Out." One would think the old, under-the-weather man would be consistent. Not a word of what I wrote was false, bitch. Do you mean the four others who post here, the two trolls, and JD? How about a suck on this pacifier, you big baby. If something I wrote impacted you negatively, how about not reading my posts in the future. Now go cry to mommy.
  17. Haven't tried to log-in in years or search for a username. Do not know the current features of the software. Even in years past, I never spent much time trying to learn the UI. Never cared enough. Never spent that much time there.
  18. Oops, never mind. My bad and my apologies. In days past, the heading under the username used to indicate a Time-Out or Retired status when someone was put on hold. The under-the-weather owner has updated the software so many times, I may have lost track. Larstrup, thanks for the heads-up.
  19. I could be wrong, but I know AS to be a much better man than that.
  20. Instead of stupid, brain-dead animated gifs and boring YouTube clips aimed to make an old-man-in-dementia smile, I offer a few rhetorical questions to warm the bitter, winter cold: In retrospect, was going nuclear necessary? Did it do any good for anyone? Did something important change for the better? Your membership account at Daddy's appears to be reinstated. I didn't calculate the clock, but it seems your Time-Out did not last very long. Is it fair to say your "nuclear" reaction was an over-reaction? Daddy has appeared to forgive you. Are you not ready yet to forgive him? Why don't you return? Clearly, just like others, you enjoyed the camaraderie of like-minded men in an anonymous environment. You seem to have a good-sized number of readers there who value your contributions. Why deny them the pleasure of your company and your special wit? Wouldn't you rather have a larger audience for your brilliance? After all, you're no stupid, blind-bitch, loud-mouthed TROLL. On top of that, you're a handsome, youngish man, with a full head of gorgeous hair. You're not a bald, fat, obnoxious New York jewish princess, a retired flunky cosmetologist from SuperCuts (owned by that flunky corporation REGIS), with scabby knees and lord knows what else, since the TROLL clearly enjoys scouring the floors at sex parties, looking for any cock, no matter where it's been, to stuff and shove into her big, fat mouth, because she doesn't know the meaning of E.N.O.U.G.H. If guys could see what I've seen, many would realize you're quite the catch, AdamSmith. You never know who you're going to meet on a populated forum board. Why cut yourself out when you don't have to? I only ask these rhetorical questions because it's cold and snowy outside. I also have plenty of experience in the Daddy/banning department. I lost count, but B banned me at least three times for a year each. A year to the date and time! Imagine that nuclear precision. Remarkably, he allowed me to return after each year was up. I've never been sure what to say about that, except, maybe, thank you? Now don't get me wrong, I served the guy a lot of shit. One could say I learned how to push all the right buttons. I was overly hell-bent on making changes to his piss-poor moderation style. And there was that certain failed escort-with-a-vendetta/God complex who fed at the trough of my username eradication. In some righteous fights, there are casualties. Granted, my reasons for participating may be different than yours and others. I certainly don't need to be an attention whore, even though I know how to play one on stage and screen. I've always been honest about how I came to Daddy: 1. To save Benjamin Nicholas from self and the bitter, evil wolves. 2. To study the financial opportunities in owning and running an escort review site. Luckily for me, I had no belonging agenda. I wasn't looking for new friends, dates, or . I admit, the first ban got my goat, and I did react to it in private email. But when Daddy decided to go all nuclear on me, I didn't feel it was necessary to return equal fire, since any personal investment was truly nowhere near my heart. It is amazing to me that some stupid TROLL keeps insisting that banishment from Daddy's causes heartache, bitterness, and jealousy. Stupid doesn't really get more stupid than this. All you have to do to end your banishment: create a new username/account. So many people have done this through the years. There is absolutely no need to whine about being banned or take it personally. You are not required to change your writing voice or pretend you are someone else. As far as I know, your IP is not blocked. Even if the IP poses a problem, there are ways around that, if you have half a brain. I know you didn't ask for my advice, and I'm not offering any. However, if I were you Adam, I would consider a comeback. I know a few guys who would welcome you with open arms. And I've heard you give good hugs. With love...
  21. I did not think you were an escort. I pick up the tab for all invited guests. I had generous teachers who taught me the value of generosity.
  22. That's a very sweet comment. Thank you. Escorts do tell me they think I'm fun, but I tend to take those compliments with a grain of salt. After all, I am picking up the tab.
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