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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. The photos in the slideshow are far from ordinary. They manage to capture spectacle from a unique perspective that is not easy to make perfect, given the technology available today and the limits of the science of photography. The point is simple and it doesn't require a rarefied intellect: internet photos are deceiving. At 72 pixels-per-inch - which is the maximum resolution allowed on the internet, a useless resolution except for use on the internet - one cannot expect much in the realm of quality. As for intelligence, anyone can learn about the science of photography. These days, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars like I did or even get a college degree. There are so many online resources teaching digital for the cost of your cable service, any ordinary person with patience and motivation can learn the science and the craft. A lazy mind is such a waste.
  2. There was no attempt to demean anyone. That's your drama-queen, alcoholic stupor talking. I'm confident Oz is sober and smart enough to realize this. I could say the same about you, but I feel sorry for you. Clearly, you have problems. And those problems have nothing to do with me. Again, you clearly have been hitting some kind of bottle. None of my posts on this thread have been edited. If I were you, I would seek help. You are not of sound mind.
  3. LOL! As if you give a flying cockpit turd about the purpose of any thread.
  4. Larstrup, perhaps you need another drinky-pooh. Pilots aren't the only people taking photographs from aircraft. Everyone with a cellphone is a photographer these days and most ordinary people are really impressed with their captures. 99.9% are shit. If you enjoy shit, then you'll be content.
  5. Professional photographers and art buyers care about quality details. Ordinary people, not so much. It's sad that most people are ordinary. A pilot often has the opportunity to see spectacular views. Camera technology is improving by the minute.
  6. Perhaps not as spectacular as one might think. Low-light images are very difficult to capture without a tripod. A tripod on a moving object, such as an airplane, is kind of laughable. Hand-holding a camera and shooting through thick glass while a plane is in flight? Unless you're getting a fast shutter-speed reading, I don't think so. Even then, you're shooting through non-professional "thick" glass. To average eyes, a lot of shit looks great on a 72ppi computer screen, because of the science behind backlighting. Pull that shit into Photoshop and zoom to 100%, and then let's see what happens. I'd put serious money on the fact that every photo in that slideshow is out of focus. Any attempt to print those photos = disaster. Sorry to burst any bubble. If you want to see "truly spectacular" night photography, check out the talents at http://www.nationalparksatnight.com/. Unfortunately, you can't judge their work and its perfection by what you see on the internet, because professionals tend to knock down the quality of their images on the internet because of theft. I've seen their prints, and their work is truly spectacular.
  7. RockHardNYC


    The parents' facial expressions remind me of my cousins the one and only time I brought a Black man to Christmas dinner. Such fond memories of cousins and their gun collections.
  8. Talk about a greedy, desperate swipe for ratings. The fake-blonde, elitist conservative Laura Ingraham has the nerve to throw her white-bitch RACIST card in the face of America's most beloved Black athlete, LeBron James. Did she really think this would end in her favor? Do Trump voters who love basketball (and LeBron) really care about Ingraham's intellect and education superiority? Why is elitism only "good" when it's coming from a blonde, White conservative bitch on FOX? How is telling LeBron James to "shut up and dribble" any different than a guy telling Ingraham to "shut up and get back in the kitchen?" I sure do love when hypocrites expose themselves. I'm really going to enjoy the Laura Ingraham BBC gangbang that's about to happen in the media. She deserves to have every orifice stuffed. ‘To Me, It Was Racist’
  9. If RH-evolving is your goal, try waiting until others are aggressive first. RH almost never throws the first punch, unless a kneeling masochist is begging for it.
  10. LOL! You're the bottom-feeder, dear.
  11. Still trying?, you failed, fat hypocrite. You'll be hearing crickets soon enough. Unlike you, I'm no escort-forum ADDICT. I have a job that I absolutely love, and it brings much freedom to my bank accounts. I don't have time to sis-up with cocksucker-masochists. In the meantime, continue showing the boards what a loser, hypocrite you really are. It keeps us laughing.
  12. I luv pleasin' my cocksuckin' masochists.
  13. The stupid gift that just keeps on giving. A MASOCHIST who loves his hate. Here baby, feed on this:
  14. And finally, just in case there's any doubt that I'm the one and only RockHard, Daddy fans will remember an Al Parker retouching contest I once held there: Trolls be damned. I'm willing and ready to crush them all.
  15. I just found this from the 2011 page link from MsAnn. Now everyone knows why AdamSmith holds a special place in my heart. AS has a fucking brain. LOL! Thanks again, MsAnn, for solving the mystery. Today is the first time I've seen this evidence. It doesn't change my life in any way, but I sure enjoyed finding out what Oz was talking about way back when.
  16. Geez Oz, for a minute there, I thought MsAnn was hitting the Black Bush rather hard. Didn't you tell me privately that someone once joined the board, attempting to impersonate me? I never found proof (until just now). I think MsAnn's post finally solves the mystery on why I was unable to join here using my original username "RockHard" from Daddy's. Thank you, MsAnn, for providing the 2011 link. I sincerely appreciate it. For some reason, I searched "RockHard" here and nothing came up. Mystery solved. I'm not sure what exactly MsAnn is implying or trying to stir up, but there is only one RockHard from Daddy's, and it's me, RockHardNYC that you see here. It's easy to prove: ask the impostor RockHard to post a retouched cock photo. I sincerely doubt you'll ever hear from that troll again. I can assure all readers that I did not join this site until April 11, 2016, and I'm quite confident Oz would be willing to back me up on this fact. It took me a long time before I was ready to see another side of Oz. There was a catalyst. I can prove it by posting a private email, but I don't share confidences from friends. For those who truly know me, they know there was no way I was ready to register here prior to 2016. I read a bit of the 2011 linked page, and of course I had a good laugh. A reader with half a brain could see the impostor is not me. I don't mean to overly flatter myself, but I think my writing voice is very distinct. Someone can try to imitate it, but I don't believe it's that easy. The RockHard on the 2011 page is clearly a troll, someone trying to jerk some chains around. The fool couldn't keep up the fraud for very long with only 6 posts. If you're going to be stupid enough to try to impersonate me, you're going to have to commit to more than 6 posts. LOL! What a joke. Sorry to disappoint you MsAnn. Your stir-up is a FAIL.
  17. Good for you! Interesting. I felt Hammer was miscast after seeing the film the first time. If you mess up Armie's hair, as if he just got out of bed, he can appear to look remarkably younger. But they chose to keep his hair slicked throughout the entire film, which makes everyone look older and more sophisticated. I felt he wasn't a believable age-24. It's not easy to ever make a 6'5" guy look younger than he is. Armie barely looked young enough in Social Network, IMO. By the second viewing of Call Me By Your Name, and after spending time with Armie after the Q&As, I fell smitten. It no longer mattered that he didn't look the part. He was the perfect Hollywood actor/star to play this character. Casting is everything. The electric, magnetic chemistry between Armie and Timothée is a gift from the movie gods, and its importance to the film can't be ignored or taken for granted. Without Armie and the actor's chemistry, it's possible this movie would have gone nowhere. Luckily, I don't bore easily. I like to watch, listen, study, and analyze. Once I fall in love with a book or a film, I never want it to end. It does take awhile for this story to build, for Elio to realize what is happening to him. I had a sense some folks would complain about the pace. It's a popular complaint. Having seen the film numerous times, I love its pace. But, then again, I love my time spent in Italy, and nobody rushes through life in Italy. I felt at home with the pace of this film. I agree that Benjamin looks great. It was the juxtaposition of a bad photograph talking about "educated skincare" that got me. Add that to a review of this film in particular, written after viewing the film on an overseas flight, I was disappointed he wasn't more thoughtful. But I'm extremely biased about this film for obvious reasons. I'm enjoying his return to Daddy's. I don't always agree with him, but I enjoy his mind and his sense of humor. And his ass is a killer. My weakness. Not to brag or anything like that, I looked great at his age. I'm still not looking so bad, at least that's what everyone keeps telling me. I don't care much for educated skincare, because I think good skin is all in the genes. Some of us are luckier than others. But beauty is only skin deep.
  18. Perhaps when you sober up Larstrup, you'll send an apology to the guy who started this thread, the man who owns and runs this board. He may have named this thread, "Celebrity Big Brother," but I can assure you, he wasn't referring to me. I find your sad attempt at a hijack to be extremely rude. I'm sick and tired of manner-less gays. Manner-less people in general.
  19. I could write a lot about the challenges of doing business in a foreign culture. I'm currently working on a project in two European locations, and I often find the work very delicate. It ain't easy expressing yourself thoughtfully in a foreign language. It's difficult to see how Trump ever gets respected internationally. He's about as delicate as a sledgehammer, and he doesn't seem to give a shit about history. Ours or anyone else. I don't wish to hijack Oz's thread, so let's talk GAY Olympics. The gays are all over the media this Winter Olympic season, even among the international press. Here's a U.K. article on "Olympians Gus Kenworthy and Adam Rippon share a kiss and make history." U.K. DailyMail The two guys Oz mentioned sure are cuties: They both seem to have movie star teeth and smiles. One can only wonder if they have sweet, kissable breath.
  20. LOL! Drunken sweetie-pie, keep watching Big Brother. Clearly you don't have enough drama in your life.
  21. So you are blind! I already said I don't watch Reality TV, and I would NEVER watch Big Brother (unless I heard the guys were fucking each other on camera). Perhaps you should not drink alcohol when you post. You come off like a serious insecure queen with very low self-esteem. Say what you will about me, but those qualities are not attractive.
  22. Lucky, I think you meant speak "to" her. I wouldn't mind Pence telling Kim Yo-jong to tell her brother to go fuck himself, while he smiles sweetly to her face, but this whole notion of snubbing is about as juvenile a foreign policy as I've ever seen. It's the bully-schoolyard manner stupid Republicans use to show "strength." It never shows strength to me, just awful manners. Hillary Clinton took a ton of heat for kissing Suha Arafat in 2000. Most of the people bitching about it had never been to the Middle East, so none of them knew the culture. In a formal business setting, the one rule you don't break: You don't snub another culture. But Trump's objective is to break every rule of decorum that exists, so he alone can fix it. The mother-fucking asshole. Don't get me started, Lucky.
  23. Oh, make no mistake, that BITCH means BIZness. She's learned how to be an asshole and a BIG MOUTH with no talent from one of the best, and watch her try to use it now to earn a living moving forward. She's wasting no time. In our 15-minutes era, I'm afraid she's not the only one with an agenda to manipulate. She ain't stupid, though.
  24. It's about fucking time the Olympics start paying homage to the powerful and talented gays. Some of them are FIERCE! Been loving the riff between Rippon and Pence. Pence is such a mega-conservative asshole. The worst kind.
  25. Sorry, never could watch much reality TV. I require talent to be interested in anything, especially if it means giving money (ie: producing). However, one of the news programs I record showed the Omarosa "whisper" footage with Jay Leno Queen, Ross Matthews. It was a scene straight out of RuPaul's Drag Race. Nobody does drag better than Omarosa, except for maybe Trump and all the Drag Race queens.
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