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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. High heat and humidity are not my friend. I'm in the mood for a take-down. If ever I wanted to take a bat to the head of a mother-fucker, that mother-fucker would be Cory Lewandowski, that smug prick. The guy needs to be bent over naked and have his anus explored with a heated cattle prod by a group of horny Dick Wadd veterans. I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly, yet, but I was delighted to read her most recent Twitter quote: “This man should not be afforded a national platform to spew his hate.” As far as I'm concerned, all television and newsprint should shun the guy, and just tell the mother-fucker to go fuck himself into oblivion. His balls should be stomped on for his reaction to a Down baby being taken from the arms of his mother at the border. Another prick I'd like to see hit with a baseball bat, right in the mouth, is that chinless, fat-fuck, Jason Miller. CNN hired the fat-fuck to speak on behalf of Trump, and he's the reason why I limit my watching of CNN. This pussy-chub has his tongue so far up Trump's ass, you'd swear he was shooting porn on CNN when the bullshit starts spewing from his mouth. I'm not a fan of judging someone by his looks (except for the fame seekers), but I've always disliked fat, chinless guys with no neck. Can't stand to look at him. Can't stand to listen to him defend Trump at every turn. A real useless mother-fucker. We voters need to do whatever we can to see these Trump racists out of office asap. Trump is a racist, selfish pig, and I'm beginning to think most of his devoted followers are too. Breaking News (as of 1:30 PM EST): Michael Bloomberg plans to spend 80-mil on midterms to help Dems win House. Way to go Bloomberg! Rant over. I feel so much better now.
  2. One should never discount the glorious feeling that comes from having a hot man want to EAT you.
  3. That totally works, too.
  4. Thank you for the head's up.
  5. Perhaps nerdy Mike Jones can teach you how to use a French Press. It might be fun to imagine him naked while doing so. It looks like he may have some interesting tatts on his body. Personally, I hate the French Press. I don't like dirty coffee, and you get a lot of grind and soot with the French Press. I prefer my coffee clean, down to the last drop. Plus, there's too much shit to clean. Since folks in my circle know I'm a coffee snob, I've been gifted with one too many Bodums. I can't give them away fast enough. I have a brand new one sitting here waiting to go. If you'd like, Oz, I'm happy to gift you with it and ship it to you. Lastly, since you just endured weight loss surgery, I would encourage you to eat a more healthy breakfast, my favorite meal of the day. Here is an interesting article from my healthcare archives: "Is Sugar Toxic?" Several gay men I know who have had success with weight loss told me it was helpful to tape a photo of the male physique they wanted on their fridge. Perhaps something like this could work: Now that you have a new lease on life, please do whatever you can to keep your weight under control. Excess weight is not good for the human body, especially as we age.
  6. There's no retreat, sweety. You are a troll, and you are a hypocrite. Nothing ignorant or stupid about that observation.
  7. LOL. I'm very selective about the threads I post on.
  8. It's not just "the left." I know many Republican voters who are currently hating on Trump. They voted for him while holding their noses, and now the stench is so putrid, they're sick of the sight and the sound of the guy. It may take another major war to reduce severe partisanship in this country. I hope that's not the case. I hope not in my lifetime. The new women candidates who are entering races may save the day for us all. Trump is a disaster for America, and many Republicans now realize it. Let's see what happens when Mueller releases his report. Then let's see what happens in the mid-terms. Yes, the fight is alive, and I'm donating as much as I can.
  9. I guess you're starving for some attention, troll. Spare me your phony outrage lecture, you two-faced hypocrite. You throw snark around when it suits your fancy like you're Pollack attacking a canvas. Except you're attempt at art sucks. You don't give a shit about anyone in your snark's path. Sometimes, the truth hurts. Aging is a bitch, especially when your voice is thin, was always thin. We all have to face our trials and tribulations head on, especially if we're going to take the stage of life and falter a bit in our elder years. Critical opinion never dies. It lives on long after we're gone. Deal with it.
  10. You are the fool. You're also a troll. I love Diana Ross, and nothing you say will change the glorious experiences I have had with her. But by all means, keep on blabbering. It makes you feel better and perhaps less "common."
  11. I hear a soap opera calling.
  12. There is that. For those who refuse to pay their surprise bill, certain foreign car agencies are now selling the debt to U.S. debt collectors. If car renters ignore the debt collector, it could affect their credit rating. It has gotten uglier in travel these days. When the economy sucks, businesses looks for a way to maneuver through the rough waters. As mvan1 points out, if you can prove you paid for the fill-up within the mile limit each agency now provides, you can't be victim of a "scam" if you paid by a U.S. credit card (Visa, MC, Amex). The United States has laws that protect consumers from most "scams." The EU has different laws. Also, in the U.S., most complaints are better served by writing to the CEO of the company rather than threatening yelling on the internet. I've had several snafu's through the years, and every letter I sent received a very positive response. Sometimes it yielded a free rental. This often doesn't work in Europe, because many of the big name agencies are franchised, and the CEO in America does not govern foreign operations. Many U.S. tourists don't know this.
  13. Can't say that Europeans experience the same things as non-Europeans. You have to show your driver's license when you rent a car, and mine is U.S. Some tourists call it a scam, but reputable travel boards won't allow that language to describe a legit business in a foreign country. I know what I know from my perspective and experience. I don't try to speak for anyone else.
  14. If only I had a dollar every time you say that. I could truly be rich then. It's probably the only workout your body actually gets. No pain, no gain. Well then, I'm glad I provide you with some form of entertainment. LOL! I don't do common. Boo-hoo for you. How on earth do you know how I behave? I mean, REALLY. Are you truly judging me by my presence on a fucking escort board? LOL! In off-line life I never do as well, fool. More LOL. Don't lose that imagination, sweety. You may have a second career writing for soap operas. Me, sound like JDDaniels? Good god, girl, put the bottle down and get to a rehab facility.
  15. The diva drag queen like no other opened Hollywood Bowl 2018, and it looks like she lost a little bit of weight since her appearance on the AMA 2017, where she was looking a little too portly. As women age (men too), they have to be very careful to avoid that middle bulge, which can be a killer to a sexy figure. For awhile there, Miz Ross was letting herself go, and people were beginning to wonder. Not always in the best voice as she struggles to remember lyrics, but you gotta hand it to this 74-year-old Motown Queen for having the nerve to sing on a stage at this point in her life, corseted to death, mind you. I love when she shares the stage with an orchestra, even when they haven't had enough time to rehearse. In spite of that, she left the crowd in tears, including herself, over her rendition of Amazing Grace. At first, it's kind of funny watching her attempt to get her stage chair. She points to it as if it will levitate towards here with her magnetic stage presence. She touches a basket of cleaning supplies that was left there by accident and gives up. Some chubby stagehand queen eventually comes to her rescue. She ignores him. Girls gotta sit when she sings and performs. Actually, she eventually reveals that she came to the show with a broken ankle. It's always something with those 74-year-old divas. There are several videos on YouTube.
  16. You're such a troll queen, Larstrup. LOL! I documented every single Time-Out I received at Daddy's. Not one was for TROLLing. I could list the documentation record publicly, but I was happy enough to supply that list to Oz. Some of that information is damaging to others who are still online. Furthermore, unbeknownst to many, Daddy isn't the only member of admin who had the power to Time-Out. There were others who played a roll in mine. The admin queens over there like their drama, until the acrylic fingernail points at them. But you go on believing what you want to believe, sweety. Especially if it makes you feel better about the state of your life.
  17. My grandmother used that line of wisdom on me numerous times in my youth. It worked well for a long time. Then I moved to NYC. Nice will often get you killed here. Nice needs to be used with discretion. You're not a troll, and you clearly don't get your jollies by behaving like one. You are very wrong, and your advice is very bad advice. If you posted that advice on a travel board, your post would be flagged. You assume the word "damage" means the same thing in all countries. It does not. For instance, my brand new Audi from FCO this past April had 12 x's marked on the car diagram in the contract. I photographed the car and did not see any damage. I noticed on the contract a very low mileage for the car. It was practically brand new. I said to the agency rep, "Cosa riguarda?" He proceeded to point out minor nicks and scratches, the sort of "damage" almost no U.S. agency would care about or classify in such a way. There are numerous folks on U.S. travel boards who report those nicks and scratches adding 600€ to their rental bill. By signing your name to the European contract, you give the agency the right to charge your credit card for any "damage" they find after you drop off the car, provided they left your contract "open."
  18. Boredom isn't the issue for me. Wasting people's time is. If I attend a creative meeting and someone "states the obvious" as the next new idea, that someone is called out immediately, especially if thinking outside the box is the goal. When I worked in corporate, some executives loved to browbeat their underlings. Others were softer and kinder. I go both ways depending on the person I'm dealing with. Some people are more brain-dead and brain-lazy than others. Most people don't enjoy being browbeat, and will hate you for it. I'm not a fan of using hate to motivate. The bottom line is: nobody is perfect, and one day my brain won't function as fast as it once did. If what-goes-around-comes-around is reality, I'd put a bit more thought into how I treat others, and how I want to be treated when the time comes. I find renting a car in Europe to still have its differences. For one, many offices do not offer an English-language contract. Good luck with that if English is your only language. Another very important difference: renters need to photograph their car before removing it from the rental lot. If you don't photograph your car and the rental company charges you later for damages that you didn't cause, a very popular procedure these days, you will not have a good case by which to defend your innocence.
  19. (Edit) If the edit feature were extended, I would be able to to put a comma after boards in the first sentence of the third paragraph and remove the typo period. And in the second-last sentence of the third last paragraph, I would change their to there. Please, Oz, please consider extending the edit time. Please. Thank you.
  20. Write checks? Does anybody do that anymore? I suppose you'd say the same false words if I announced that I refuse to participate in social media. Surprise! I'm not a narcissist. For all the years I've been writing on escort boards. I've been very clear and honest with readers: I decide who gets my money, I decide who gets my attention, I decide who gets my clicks to support their advertising dollars. I am not an addict. I am not addicted to any board. I have never blamed Daddy or held any grudge against the guy for his "Time-Out" on my former username, RockHard. I even said so in my profile here when I first joined, and those words are still there. Larstrup, your tone and your words (as they are directed towards me) are that of a troll. You continually attempt to control my narrative and spread falsehoods about me. Yet, you don't know me. We've never met or even exchanged a private message. You pretend to know me in your fantasies, and I suppose that makes you feel more important than you are. If I'm going to continue to participate here, I'm not going to tolerate your troll behavior much longer. As far as I'm concerned, every post you made about me on this thread is just one more attack by you, more off-topic bullshit that Oz is trying to fix. Oz can delete all your posts directed at me. Your bullshit and lies don't deserve to be split. They belong in the trash. It makes perfect sense to me why the trolls on this board (or any board) don't want to see change, especially change in moderation. They want to continue their troll behavior because that's what feeds their addiction. That's what feeds their jollies. That's what prevents them from becoming bored. And God forbid a troll gets bored. Is their a wrath greater than that? I don't think so. I support Oz's desire to clean up his board, and as long as he continues, I'm going to support him further. Lastly, in all the years I've been contributing to escort forums, I've never been shy about reporting the status of my ego. My ego is healthy. My body is healthy. My mind and well-being are healthy. I wish I could say the same for you, Larstrup. But I can't, because I don't know you. But, based on what you write here, I wish you well.
  21. Me neither. Once again you're wrong. Nothing new there. Frankly, I can go either way with "off-topic," but I do prefer to know how the OP feels about it. As Oz states correctly, some people don't mind, others get irritated and pissed off. Out of respect, I think it's fair to defer to the OP's wishes. Therefore, if this were my board, I would ask OP members who hate off-topic to hit the "Report Post" button to file a complaint. Oz can then step in and do a split or delete. For those who don't care, do nothing and let the thread drive where it wants to go. This isn't rocket science. As far as I know, there is only one other gay escort forum on the internet. And I am not "banned for life" anywhere on the internet. I post where I want to post. I decide where I will feed the clicks.
  22. I'm a total coffee snob. I grind my own beans, per serving. I would never buy beans that are flavored with artificial flavorings. Yuck! My Baratza Burr is a staple appliance on my kitchen counter. I don't drink much coffee, but the coffee I drink and serve in my home has to be superb quality. I won't tolerate anything less. I judge my choices and methods by the number of coffee-snob guests who freely comment on the coffee I serve them. They are not short on opinions. I currently have beans from several countries in Europe, since I was there recently. It's very rare when I don't bring fresh coffee beans home in my luggage. I do not use a machine, even when I'm entertaining guests. I have a unique drip method that was taught to me many years ago by a favorite professional barista, a dear friend in Rome. I do know some folks who claim to be coffee snobs who enjoy Nespresso. I could never do pods. I prefer to control the amount of grind that goes into each cup. Some guests like medium-bodied, while others like full-bodied. Some like smaller cups, while others request 16 ounces. And then there are those who insist on a cappuccino after 11 am. Many native Italians consider that taboo. To each his own.
  23. Hillary is far from innocent, but the I.G. report does shoot a bullet through Trump's lying narrative. Will it matter? I doubt it. Opposing sides will continue to cling to their positions. It'll be a partisan roller-coaster ride for some time to come.
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