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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. If there was a lengthier edit feature here, I would have added to the above quote: a seriously flawed judgment call on the part of Daddy.
  2. You're very kind. It was more a rant on the poor choices forum owners have when it comes to selecting software programs. One of the main reasons I decided to end my pursuit of creating my own board, the cost of custom software would have required a steep registration fee to break even on the start-up. The cheap queens at Daddy's complained when I proposed a mere $5 fee to help squash the troll problem. You can imagine how they would have felt about paying $150. And even at that price, you needed 1000+ sign-ups before seeing a penny of profit. And who would pay for the coding maintenance? I guess if I have one regret in life, it's that I didn't major in computer science and coding. My brain doesn't love this shit, but I've come to learn I hate bad, in-artful coding more. Yes, and Daddy should have paid me for all the financial/managing advice I gave him. He eventually took my advice and greatly improved his board but he'll never admit it openly. He once said he would never take "donations," and look how that went. Whenever there's a call-out for more donations, I always question whether the username belongs to deej. On the other hand, I do give him props for throwing me a bone once. It was a very generous act of kindness. You may not remember this Adam, but there was a time when the popular troll thing to do over there was accuse me of double posting (ie: multiple usernames). According to some trolls, I had 10-20 different names. Certain desperate trolls still love making that claim. I hate trolls and their troll games, as you well know, and I hated the fact that deej was allowed to be an admin troll. I suspected that deej was several of the trolls hounding me, but I couldn't prove it without access to Daddy's Control Panel. Well, one day, much to my surprise, Daddy took me up on my invite to do an IP search, and he wrote on the board that there was "no evidence that I was double posting." I knew Daddy knew his way around his Control Panel, and I knew if he had the courage to say something, he had the power to put the trolls in their proper head-up-the-asshole place. And for awhile it worked. I love crushing trolls, and I'll always be grateful to Daddy for that gift. I never forget this level of generosity. Credit where credit is due.
  3. Matt Bomer is delicious looking naked. Not other worldly, but a very nice normal for a smallish, slender guy. Today, the NY Times has a very interesting discussion on the play: "Boys in the Band," a generational divide?
  4. It's fairly common for ageing folk to be in denial about many things. Very few people want to admit their "old" even when they reach a certain age. I don't know anyone who carries 400+ pounds in weight. There is certainly nobody like that at my health club. I can't imagine such a person getting and sustaining an erection, so what kind of sex life is that? However, if you derive pleasure merely by touching, feeling, and seeing, then so be it. For some guys, a memory of what once was has to be enough.
  5. Oz is using Invision Community, which I think is easier to read than anything that looks and feels like a vBulletin stepchild. IC has some quirks, depending on your OS (operating system), but I enjoy the open feeling of the space. Daddy's sense of design has always been very trailer park 1970's. He's an IT guy who wears overalls from Sears, hence his logo. His huge belly leaves no room for making any other kind of fashion statement. I have a feeling Oz looks better in a suit. When Daddy switched to XenForo software, my eyes crossed. He doesn't stray too far from vBulletin, because he doesn't possess an ounce of creativity or refined taste. He's not very GAY. Now, in fairness, I think most forum community developers should be lined up and forced to take a wooden bat up their ass. Feel the pain until you design something that looks and feels like you work for Apple. When it comes to forum software, we have no Steve Jobs, yet. Oz went in a different direction. I don't know his tastes or motivations, but truthfully speaking, I smiled when I first saw him stray from the ugly vBulletin norm. Internet Brands, the company that owns vBulletin, is completely devoid of any style and creativity. They hire code designers who wear Docker's pants. It's a requirement. In case you couldn't tell, I hate vBulletin software. It's uglier than a pair of Air Jordan III OG's stomped in dog shit. Unfortunately for style fanatics like me, vBulletin is fairly stable, and forum owners like stable software. So it's a difficult market for competition. Building style and stability in code is very difficult to achieve. If I had nothing better to do with my time and money, a Bucket List desire would be to create a really fabulous software for forum life enjoyment, the kind that a gay sophisticate would love. My gut tells me I'd hit a home run, but would my head survive the never-ending ache? I think I'd rather travel with hot men. So much more fun. ps Yes, another lean off-topic, but it seems appropriate for this thread.
  6. Perhaps. I'm a bit of a political mutt. Difficult to define. I like smart ideas that work and make sense. Legalize drugs, pay for treatment, legalize sex work, free school-for-work trade. I don't care much where the ideas come from. I like freedom of choice and Capitalism. I like conserving resources and energy. I also believe in a rock solid safety net. There will always be poor and genetically compromised who need society's help. From my experience, the extreme wealthy in this country are currently not paying their fair share. They should be more generous and willing to lift others up as a thank-you for their good fortune. Morally and spiritually, it's the right thing to do. Many are WAY too greedy for my liking, and morally and spiritually bankrupt. How many more homes and boats does one person need to be happy? I can't stand to be in the company of a guy who can only talk about his possessions. Or be in the company of a woman who obsesses about her million dollar Jimmy Choo collection. What useless, selfish drones many people have become.
  7. Always love giving credit where credit is due.
  8. Most millennials and Facebook addicts are not very smart when it comes to the internet. I will never give up my fake I.D.'s. They have served me well since I was 17-years-old. Only one email account has my legal details associated with it, and it's the one I use for business. That's the way I plan to keep it as long as I am able. Privacy has always been important to me. I have nothing to hide, but that's not the point. Big brother and nosy big businesses can go fuck themselves.
  9. Intent matters. I've never had a problem with any forum writer practicing his or her Dorothy Parker. It's often through snark we find the greatest humor in a personality. I enjoy differing personalities, but I especially enjoy those who are gifted with writing humorously. When people are all alike, the party tends to be boring as hell. That said, intent matters when using snark for effect. If your snark is coated in hate, then I say it's fit for the trash bin. Thin-skinned people are more exhausting than dining with vegans. If I'm in the company of a man who can't take a joke, who can't laugh at himself, I think TRUMP. Stay away. I love men with smart humor. The kind of guy who enjoys poking fun at himself. If you're too sensitive, you can't be any fun. I have no desire to see any forum become a wrapped sanitary napkin. A true gentleman's club, one that is fun and successful, should be a lively and exciting place to belong. However, to acquire such spirited conviviality, you need an owner who understands what is important. An owner with a lot of patience. An owner who knows how to cook with just the right recipe of rules. It takes time and a lot of tinkering. IMO, Oz is showing promise. I certainly love the new software design with all the white space. This is good news for us gay men who enjoy a fun escort. My apologies for the hi-jack.
  10. The Press Corps knew how to enjoy a good laugh, and they loved Obama's sense of humor and his talented delivery. But no one fully knew then how thin-skinned and vengeful Trump really was. Not many people knew how racist he was, either. Yet, everyone in New York State knew about the discrimination lawsuits against a few properties, dating as far back as his racist father. That easily explains why NY abandoned Trump in droves. I won't even mention why Wall Street-ers hated him. I suppose they're all loving their tax breaks now. Over one trillion in debt, the fucking hypocrites. Wait until their children and grandchildren are faced with the bill.
  11. So glad you made that more clear. It wasn't obvious to me. When I think tongue in cheek, the image in my brain is only appropriate in the new "porn" section. You know, a butt-hungry tongue in sweet, legal boy ass. I wasn't getting that image from the OP.
  12. Life should never be without snark. But, not all snark comes laced with luv.
  13. It seems to be the current trend. I hope it doesn't last too long. It's not the trend with every business, but the great ones are becoming more rare.
  14. When your doctor tells you that the sauna/steam room is no longer safe for your heart. Weight in the southern hemisphere does not share the same relevance with the north. I've met quite a few fit, gorgeous young men who adore their XXL guys. There are many benefits to carrying less weight as we age. Attraction is a very personal, individual thing. One can never know when the sparks might fly. There is this homely-looking gay guy in his 50's, a member at my gym, with a super small cock and balls. I've seen him there for over a decade. He has no worked-out body. I think he may come for yoga class. I see him hook-up all the time in the shower area with some pretty good-looking guys. I have no idea what the attraction is, but clearly, the guy has something to offer. I'm not a fan of being deluded, but I am a fan of leaving the door open to possibility. If your eyes and smile say "sweet, lovable and sexy," I imagine a lot can come of it, no matter what size you are.
  15. It hasn't been many for me, but I, too, have done it. However, I would never give up First or Business to go to Coach. That would NEVER happen without a war, and I can assure you, it will be a war I win. I agree.
  16. I don't wish to veer too far off-topic, but "they" seem to be brainless and untalented. If any of "they" are your friends, then I apologize for being so blunt. Do you mean one or two cars? (The question is rhetorical.)
  17. Probably the biggest PR mistake Obama ever made was poking fun of Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. As deliciously funny and deserving as the joke was, a popular Black man joking on the racist Donald for all to see was the death knell. The only thing Trump cares about is annihilating everything and anything that has Obama's name on it. That's what you get for belittling the thin-skinned mobster boss. Pruitt stood in a long line of people waiting and willing to help Trump achieve this goal. On top of this, Trump knew that many on the Republican side hated Obama. And some (if not much) of the hate was because Obama was Black. The strategy to "shut down Obama" would guarantee that all those asshole voters would stick by Trump no matter what. If you throw a racist asshole a couple of Black men's bones, Trump can shoot a White baby on 5th Avenue and get away with it. That quote from Donald was no accident.
  18. Friendboys? You mean "they" changed the url? I suppose "they" had no choice. Almost every detail about a website can affect traffic. This isn't rocket science. Are things slow? I honestly had not noticed. Who among us follows the timing of posts? It's inevitable that Meghan Markle's crazy family is going to talk shit about her. Sweetie, that boat sank when you started this thread.
  19. One url: rentboy.pro Ownership matters to many.
  20. On the other hand, an HIV diagnosis is no laughing matter.
  21. So true. Who wants to work for a Mob boss? That's exactly what it is like to work for Trump. I know from experience. One time. Long ago. Never again. The asshole can go fuck himself, along with all his smug prick cronies like Pruitt.
  22. Harry Styles is a MAJOR talent. SUPERSTAR! Absolutely loved "Endless Love." Gotta hand it to Corden. Don't know anyone else who can do what he does and do it so well, and be funny.
  23. My body is not much for sweating. Never was. My Gaydar is for shit. It was never good. So many super masculine men in NYC. So many Metro-sexuals. So many Bi's. Every week I see a new guy in the steam room getting fondled or sucked, and I was sure that guy was straight. Makes me chuckle every time. As for my hot trainer, he has way too much class to get low down with me. His new hourly rate is $300, so he's catering to a very professional customer. He doesn't intentionally rub his junk up against my body. His junk is big and fat, so it's in the way, and there's no avoiding it. I suspect he's the type of guy who is more comfortable free hanging. I'm much more aware when his cock slaps me than he is, I'm sure. I've met the wife and the kids. They've met my son. They know I'm gay but they also know I'm respectful. I receive respect in kind.
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