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Everything posted by RockHardNYC
Really Adam? I mean, really? Feel free to pass me what you be smokin'.
I have no problem laughing at deej.
Well, thank you Kellyanne Sanders. That's one way to put a positive spin on the truth. Nothing like trapping the second-class beings in-between parentheses and using lower case. If memory serves correctly, there was an element over there that did enjoy humiliation and ridicule. Definitely not my kind of gay guy, but they do exist.
Speaking of the anal retentive control freak, here's a perfect example of an unnecessary closing of a thread: https://www.message-forum.net/threads/aretha-is-gone-long-live-the-queen.140666/ Honestly, how can any reasonable, educated adult pay proper homage to Aretha Franklin and not speak in the context of politics? IMO, you can't. And that's why the controlling, single-minded asshole is one of the BIGGEST assholes, attempting to wield his control freak power on his board members. And notice the transparent contempt: "GENTLEMEN (and the rest of you)". Which means: a good percentage of members are loser assholes, but be sure to donate. Utterly laughable.
"Revoke my security clearance, too, Mr. President."
RockHardNYC replied to RockHardNYC's topic in Politics
I believe the "claim" is that he behaves like a dictator. An important distinction. In a democracy, the president can't actually be a dictator, but he can certainly behave like one. The security clearance that the U.S. government provides to former experts has nothing to do with a "new administration" coming in. That's not how this works. Clearances are not for the benefit of those who have them, they're for the country's future security benefit. John Brennan is one of the most respected and tenured men in U.S. national security. The country is harmed by not having his counsel on security matters, and patriotic conservatives should be outraged. Trump's action against John Brennan is a vindictive vendetta. It's the behavior of a dictator, and I predict he will pay for this behavior. And Republicans as a party deserve to suffer badly for backing and supporting Trump. -
A must read from the Washington Post today: Revoke my security clearance, too, Mr. President.
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
I've worked with famous people most of my life. I have personal relationships with several. When I worked in corporate, co-workers spread lies about me all the time. I was astounded by the number of people co-workers accused me of sleeping with. Little did they no, I never slept with anyone from work. But the lies left my superiors mighty suspicious. I read and listen to what certain people have to say, but I rarely believe much of it. I know that truth can be elusive, and it often can belong to only one person. It's almost certain that a second observer would see that truth differently. If a lawyer enters a career of public service soon after graduating college, and makes a 40+ year career of public service, I'm confident it wouldn't be difficult to find one or more questionable transactions along the ladder. I don't expect people to be perfect or saintly as they build and grow. The entirety of person's life matters to me, along with how they treat others. Early in my career, I discovered by accident that a good customer was an established NY mobster. Did I refuse to accept his business once the discovery was made? No, I did not. I did honest work, and I deserved to be paid for it. In the end, if I don't have personal experience with an individual, I look to the person's circle of friends before making a character judgment. NYC may seem large to a tourist, but for someone who lives here a long time, it's a very small town. Six degrees of separation is an exaggeration here. Depending what your business is, we're often looking at two degrees. The fact that Trump refused to name John McCain in a bill-signing speech that was named for John McCain, speaks volumes about the disgusting character that is Trump. What Trump said about John McCain during his campaign is unforgivable. I won't even mention the ugly display towards a handicapped reporter. In my very strong opinion: if you think it's appropriate to poke fun at the disabled, you deserve to rot in hell. For me, judging character really is that simple. PS I will also add that Trump's revoking of John Brennan's security clearance is appalling. It's purely vindictive. Again, showing his true character. Trump is a traitor to the U.S. He is not a patriot. He deserves to be impeached. I'm not conservative enough to ever believe that a blow job from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office warranted impeachment. I'll take any Clinton in the White House over DT, any day. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
If by "pols," you mean pollster, I can't speak to that. I don't pay attention to pollsters, and I have very little faith in polls these days. My definition of Trump comes from very simple facts: he's been my neighbor for over 30 years, and I've had the serious displeasure of doing a little work for the company early in my career. I also know finance people who had to work with him during his casino crisis. Awful. Asshole. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
You really need to ask? Because Trump is America's first TROLL president, surrounded by follower trolls. Because Trump loves drama, and lives to be the center of everyone's attention. He's a serial narcissist who alters his version of reality by the minute to suit his whim. Fame and money are his god. Trump is the worst president in American history, so far, evidenced by the number of my favorite Republicans defecting their party and condemning Trumpism. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
Nobody said a tape was found. Yet. In the conversation that Omarosa recorded, staffers attempt to prepare for the what-if, and Katrina Pierson is exposed as being a complete FRAUD and LIAR, just like her orangutan boss Trump. Since Trump loves being crass, and hates political correctness, which is just another word for sensitive and considerate, the staffers know, in all the years of television and recording work that Trump did, there must be evidence of Trump's self-inflated, bloated ego showing off. Omarosa did say that she is lawyered up, and I hope it's true. After 15 years with Trump, she must know how he rolls when threatened with the truth. Trump already filed a suit against her, and it's possible her "campaign" NDA may need to be litigated. And she may lose that one. She must have been advised of that. Which suggests, the insider information she has must be explosive. Explosive enough to protect her as she attacks him and he fights back. This saga ain't ending soon. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
From the stats I'm seeing, Dems and Indies are breaking all kinds of turn-out records in the special-election races this past year. If this trend continues, and if Trump continues to remain unhinged (great book title), I don't see the resistance sitting this one out. Now that Omarosa brilliantly caught that Republican talking-head-cunt, Katrina Pierson, who has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to be anywhere near the White House, on tape, trying to figure out how to "spin" Trump's use of the "N" word, the flood gates of activism shall flow forth. "Mass hysteria" is the expression most used as of today's news cycle. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
Probably not. He'll call anyone and any group who stands against him "rigged." But the electorate is growing tired and weary over this drama queen troll. A celebrity troll has a limited amount of time stay on top when he continually behaves deranged. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
The shit's gonna hit the fan now. "When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!" A new low. I have no idea how Trump survives calling a well-known Black woman, a former so-called friend/employee, a "dog." The orange orangutan needs to go. In disgrace. It needs to be over. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
If the question was directed at me, I tend to demand both. However, in politics, or in "service" to our country, I can be more lenient. Most people aren't born as style-makers. Having style is mostly an acquired talent. And if an aspiring leader never finds a way to acquire it, then one needs to be able to afford to hire someone who specializes in it, and then keep those expenses/tutoring on the down-low. Unfortunately, the incompetents at the RNC could not keep their Sarah Palin purchases/crash course a secret. But Palin added to her own demise. At the very least, Omarosa gave great TV. She looked flawless. Not a single nap in her freshly conked hair. And it's been pouring rain in NYC this week. My RGB monitor could not handle her color-popping clothing choices. I needed to wear sunglasses for viewing. Her answers to hard questions were more direct and succinct than any Avenatti interview I've seen. This famous Black woman from Reality TV served up a lot of shiny polish. Most book authors wish their book launches could sparkle so brightly. -
'The key Trump revelations in Omarosa Manigault Newman's new book'
RockHardNYC replied to AdamSmith's topic in Politics
Ain't that the truth. She's learned from a master greed-Jedi. Perhaps. But what serious value is information that comes from someone so discredited and opportunist? And here lies one of the leading problems with a country run by trolls. Trumpism. None of these clowns can be trusted. Period. So far we've heard two recordings. She claimed in interviews yesterday that she holds a "treasure trove of multimedia backup." I do love that line, especially with its delicious tone of Reality Star venom. She's out-Trumping Trump. Serves him right. He created her and then hired her for his White House administration. "I only hire the best people!" What a troll. None of this dysfunctional carnival is good for the country. I can't wait until the Orange Orangutan is history. -
Tough one. Lots of thoughts running through my head. I do. Too much history to cause me to behave differently. Can no longer be around drug users. Instant turn-off. I'm so grateful I don't have a street urchin fetish. I work very hard to seek out escorts who care about their health. They exist. I can, too. Unfortunately, lying is a symptom of addiction. Truthfulness can be found in recovery. Dealing with an addict is always a double-edged sword. Blasts from the past are fascinating. I never know what to say when that skinny, sexy beauty I played with in my teens is bloated and fat now, with four kids. I definitely don't resemble my TV headshots from the early 80's, but I do take care of myself. Friends are kind when they tell me I'm aging well, but I know the reality. There's nothing like 25 years of life experience and the genes you inherited to put the word beauty into perspective. Oh my, that's a killer. A tell-tale sign that someone may be lonely, and looking to talk and talk and talk. Sometimes, "getting off" is just too much work. Once you open that door... From my experience, addicts in recovery are lonely people by default. It's not good for them to be around fellow addicts. They get tired of hanging with the program folks. It's very challenging for them to make new, non-addict friends. Most non-addicts don't know how to behave or interact with someone who is in recovery. The whole thing is a rough slog. No amount of worthwhile pleasure comes for free. If two men aren't receiving joy in near equal amounts, there isn't much hope for a good relationship. That said, if you don't have a line of men entertaining you naked, and you enjoy looking at and touching a naked man, maybe this guy will be worth some effort. (At least until your wallet goes missing.)
You must have me confused with Daddy. I don't watch Drag Race. I'm not a RuPaul fan. Sex and the City seems so late 90's now. And that last movie in Dubai was so god-awful. While it's true that Sarah Jessica Parker's facial architecture needed to be photographed from a specific angle to avoid looking like a man, the queen in the photo above simply looks like a man in women's clothing. She couldn't even pass for Carrie's trans brother.
The Yorkshire dialect in this film is very strong. Not only that, the characters use colloquial phrases and idioms that English-speaking Americans simply will not get. To fully understand what the characters are saying, you need to see the script as the film roles. The first time I saw this film, I had no idea how Gheorghe came to be a guest in this house.
If you haven't seem it, I highly recommend "God's Own Country," a new film by writer/director Frances Lee, available now on Netflix. The film is wrongly being compared to "Brokeback Mountain," probably because it's a love story centered around two Yorkshire farm hands. It's a beautiful story, expertly written, directed, and acted. There is lead actor full-frontal nudity, and the cinematography is superb. The ending will make you smile. Josh O'Connor, whom I know as playing an annoying son on "The Durrells in Corfu," delivers a first-rate performance in this film as Johnny Saxby. I believe this effort will have tremendous impact on his career. The character Saxby is very deep, rich, and complicated. Rough, raw, and masculine. The story is about the discovery of one's ability to love and feel love. Emotional evolution from A-to-Z. O'Conner delivers an amazing performance, and he delivers BIG. He's also beautiful naked. The Yorkshire accents are pretty thick, so watching it a second time with closed-caption on might help.
Is this a joke? $1.000 euros per hour? $1,158.00
RockHardNYC replied to mvan1's topic in European Men and Destinations
I didn't think I was being pompous. It's a common mistake to place a U.S. dollar sign where one does not belong. I fully support the need for a lengthier edit feature. We all make typing errors, and it would be nice if we can correct them at the moment when they are discovered. The PlanetRomeo link provided comes up as an "unsafe" site on all my browsers. Not very welcoming to a first-time U.S. user. -
I wouldn't mind a hook-up forum for FUM.
Is this a joke? $1.000 euros per hour? $1,158.00
RockHardNYC replied to mvan1's topic in European Men and Destinations
To further assist mvan1, I think this is Vanessa Kosta. One of the few g-rated images I could find. What you don't see are her basketball boobs. I could see many men paying 1000+ to be with her. I don't think her ad is a joke. Here's another one, although the photo quality is poor. -
Is this a joke? $1.000 euros per hour? $1,158.00
RockHardNYC replied to mvan1's topic in European Men and Destinations
I knew that but did the OP? I was too lazy to login. Others may not be interested in opening an account, which makes the link kinda useless. -
Is this a joke? $1.000 euros per hour? $1,158.00
RockHardNYC replied to mvan1's topic in European Men and Destinations
I think you mean 1000 Euros or €1000. You wouldn't use the dollar sign with the word euros behind the number. Your link does not lead to an ad, at least in my browsers. Transexuals in Europe can be considered exotic. I saw one in Venice once who had an entourage of six Russian thugs, wearing black suits and lots of bling. It was a street scene like no other. Ignorant tourists thought she must have been a famous model. I knew better. I doubt the price is considered a joke by the owner of the ad. Some people believe their time and service are worth a certain price, and that's the way they wish to market themselves. Whether or not their marketing decisions are working for them, we may never know. Lots of people buy things based on price alone. It's a marketing consideration that works for some. If Vanessa looks like a siliconed beast, then the ad might cause me to chuckle.