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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. Perhaps. Let me see how the will reads. No matter, no one should tolerate a stolen gift sent from parents. I've always lived in a doorman building, so I have no idea what it's like to rely on a neighbor for deliveries. On the other hand, I never trust 3rd party anything. Never.
  2. The software is ugly as shit (IMO) but there's a reason why it's the most used forum software out there. Ease of use, reliable functionality, and customer service. Daddy continually likes to play the "sweat" card. As I said, the "sweat" card is his way of making it appear that he's working very hard for your pleasure and donations. It's a feel-sorry-for-me ruse. And some suckers buy into it. I know too much about IT. I never bought into it. Time's almost up. I'm a great fan of re-invention, but I'm also a realist. Daddy has no experience with marketing. He never should have used the word "Mature" to describe his customer. The surest way to limit your audience: use the word "mature." If you want to play the perception game, which is crucial in marketing, NEVER use the word "mature." Hopefully is the key word here. Got to figure out a way to squeeze more revenue out of this endeavor since porn ain't cuttin' it. The idea of expanding the scope of reviews has always been a good one. However, what legit company wants to mix restaurant dining and hotel interiors with the subject of an escort's skill at sucking cock and eating ass? I'm just not seeing the ad dollars here. Any creative idea is probably too late for Daddy. He's not talented enough to build a site or a marketing plan with pizzazz. He's not a designer. His taste is very low-rent trailer park. To attract younger users (30's and 40's), you need clever and creative design ideas. You don't get that by using the word "mature," and wearing construction clothes on a pot-bellied body.
  3. They've shut down numerous times. For us old-timers, and I can't believe I'm calling myself that, the term was "meltdown." I may be mistaken, but I think the meltdowns began while Hooboy was alive, nearer to the end of his life. There were several in the early Daddy days. The Rico blog and that disaster EscortSpeaks made fun of the meltdowns, and it was funny reading. Once again, it seems like that board has a troll problem. This time in their Politics Forum. You can probably blame it on Trump, who is the QUEEN of TROLLs. There's an easy way to fix a troll problem, but that requires work. Daddy is way too lazy and disinterested to work that hard. Ditto for the mods. So it's the same old, same old tired routine. With very little profit dollars to justify the frayed nerves. And the beat goes on...
  4. The cynic in me says it could be a ploy...to get more money out of members who fear losing their playpen.
  5. That's one way to keep the Grinch at bay. No board can truly survive if the board's owner is broke, his health is failing, his volunteer "staff" are idiots, and there's never been a viable, reliable plan to build financial resources. In my neck of the woods they call this: bad business. Thank goodness and merry Christmas there's an option. LOL! I really enjoyed that laugh. Daddy claims to be this I.T. genius (who can never seem to find enough work). His board is run by vBulletin software. It doesn't get more basic than that. You'd think he was running Tesla. Daddy uses the word "upgrade" as a smoke-and-mirror shield to make it look like he's working to earn donations. In the meantime, can you see these upgrades? Can you feel them? I didn't think so. He doesn't even know how the Time-Outs appear to users. LOL! Daddy reminds me of the old fat guy with a huge beer gut, who complains when he drops something because he's too fat to bend down and pick it up. The "staff" needing "time off" is SO LAUGHABLE. These drama queens take themselves so seriously. Many of us are creatures of habit. Bad habit. It's human nature. But once you discover the joy of "no begging," and the joy of x-rated photo uploads, not to mention the joy of no deej, there really is no looking back (except to poke fun and steal a little chuckle).
  6. A timely article in the New York Times: How Loneliness Is Tearing America Apart. "When people have a hole in their life, they often fill it with angry politics." Speaking of loneliness… It's a serious problem. One can imagine the problem being more exaggerated among gay loner types or gay men stricken with serious illness. Wealthy gays can afford to hire companionship. Gays of modest or no income need to find other resources. As we get older, it seems more difficult to make good friends. If we don't already have a social/family structure, the chance of building one in later years is not always present. Volunteering is not an option for many. A board like this one can bring men together from around the world. Even if you don't hire escorts, what gay man doesn't enjoy chatting about his appreciation for cock and ass? And clearly, sex isn't the only topic that defines us. I've always been attracted to the concept of a gay gentleman's social club. The term was bandied about at the other site, but sadly, the men in charge lacked the special qualities necessary to build and lean in. In this Thanksgiving season, I'd like to thank Oz for this little corner of gay freedom and comity. It takes money and time to keep an endeavor like this going, and I know I'm not the only member who appreciates Oz's generosity. PS I was going to start my own thread with this, but when I went to post I saw this thread title by Lucky. A perfect follow-up post.
  7. I've met Jackie Kennedy on more than one occasion. Never thought of her as the type of woman who enjoyed sex. Hated the fact that she smoked cigarettes. Why would they castigate him? As far as I know, he wasn't a predator. He wasn't known for harassing. I've never heard one charge of attempted rape or a lost job due to failure to submit. Many women seemed to throw themselves at Jack. There certainly was no shortage of women who wanted to fuck and suck him. Why is it OK for gays to have open marriages, but straights can't? Since when does not adhering to the rules of monogamy automatically qualify you for #MeToo? This thread seems way off to me.
  8. Not underage cock. Underage sex is not a turn-on for me. I have little sympathy for the predator types, especially the ones who have addiction issues and deny, deny, deny that they have a serious problem.
  9. That doesn't mean Rapp is undeserving of his "me-too" moment. He took it, and Spacey used it as an opportunity to come out as a homo. Bad timing. Worse remorse. And then the list grew larger and lawsuits were filed. Spacey turned out to be a serial cock grabber, it seems.
  10. The pharaoh Tutankhamun ruled Egypt at the age of nine. Mary Queen of Scots was crowned queen as a six-day-old baby. Much is written about American coddling of their children, attempting to protect them from EVERY danger and germ. As a parent, I know the perils. I've worked hard to keep an open mind. With some things, I never say NEVER. My mother taught me how to drive a stick-shift car at fourteen. My grandfather owned a farm and taught me to operate his Caterpillar backhoe around the same time. When I became employed in show business at a young age, my parents let me go to parties where adults drank liquor. They trusted I wouldn't drink alcohol, and I didn't. My parents entertained a lot. They were very social people, supporting numerous "clubs." My dad was a favorite bartender among his friends. We had a bar in our 1950's home that featured a Hamilton Beach blender specifically for mixed drinks. My dad loved making Pink Squirrels for the women. My parents trusted my ability to judge and think at an early age. The majority of my friends were older, who shared their opinions on my maturity with my parents. My friends and I were all working in show business. My parents allowed me to move to NYC as a teenager. At first, I stayed with a family we did not know well. Yes, some parents make insane decisions. I know far too many parents who let their teen kids smoke pot in the house with them. At least Kevin Spacey didn't host sleepovers. The parents who let their kids hang with Michael Jackson had other issues.
  11. Perhaps you need to be a working actor to fully understand. Theater people live by different rules. A cast party with teenagers in the cast would not be considered an "adult" party. Most theater people are night owls, no matter what their age. Their lives don't begin until their work day is finished, and that's typically between 10-11 PM. Most don't live by the standard clock of the masses.
  12. Young teen roles in the theater are far and few between. Almost as rare as plays and musicals that cast children. Adam Rapp was very enthusiastic about his future in show business. He possessed a lot of charisma and talent. Of course he wanted to "party" with his cast mates. I did the same thing when I was an underage performer. Just like my parents, I'm confident his parents trusted him and the professionals who surrounded him. None of them were expecting Spacey to be a closeted homosexual predator with a drinking problem. In situations like these, you live and learn, and you grow up very fast.
  13. The party was not that large. The theater community in NYC often feels like family. Cast parties in private homes are a dime a dozen. I've hosted my share. Members of this community tend to be very trusting. Fourteen in NYC/Broadway, is like eighteen anywhere else. Teen kids are shockingly mature here, and I mean shocking. I can relate. When I was seventeen, I had a fake driver's license claiming I was twenty-three. No one questioned it. I never got caught. Spacey has a rather long history of sexual battery claims. Lawsuits may follow him for quite some time. He exhibited serial predator behavior, especially when he drank. Many people thought he was a functioning alcoholic. His troubles are far from over. Fame is relative. If you're a lead in New York theater, you're famous. He definitely lived his life back then with star aura surrounding him.
  14. I ignore, too. I don't have a lot of time to read forum chatter. I had some serious shit slung at me during my years at Daddy's. Never once did I hit the "Report Post" button. I was a firm believer in letting trolls and assholes reveal themselves. I'm older now, and I have less patience. I've discovered a new appreciation for the "Report Post" button here. Oz has been very fair, from my perspective. Abusive people need to be moderated. It really is that simple. Lazy admin will find any excuse not to moderate. It's not that easy to find good moderators, especially if they're doing the work for free. I usually enjoy talking politics with an escort. It gives me an opportunity to test their level of knowledge and get a sense of personal feelings. A political discussion can reveal a lot about a person. I love talking politics with friends, and I have a few who vote Republican. The down side is discovering something unsettling. Some escorts can really turn you off with their political opinion, so one has to be careful. It can be interesting to learn where the non-escorts stand, as well, but there too, one has to be careful.
  15. You can imagine the number of smart trolls who have done the same. Most "respected" members have a writing voice, a voice they enjoy writing in. Creating a second voice seemed insane to me, which is why I was never interested. I agree, not worth the effort. Once I found out that Daddy stepped away from the forum, I definitely knew I wanted no part of deej's company. Sad is relative. Some people like to be alone. To be clear, some gay men are infirm, without a social network. Some of those can't have sex anymore. I'm content when they find a home on a board like this one. Some communication with fellow gays is better than none. I wouldn't wish loneliness on anyone who doesn't want it. I would take ten Avalons over one TROLL any day.
  16. He may not be a straight actor, but I have a feeling Harvey Weinstein will never be permitted to work in Hollywood again. No re-acceptance for Harvey. Spacey was a talented performer. I don't know anyone who would call him a "great artist." The industry (and the audience) will do just fine without him. It's a little more complicated than that. Spacey turned out to be a PR disaster, caused by his own mouth. Whatever talent he had, he killed all good will available to him. It's very difficult to recover from that in show business.
  17. I'm with you. Again, welcome to the board and don't hesitate to speak your mind. From my perspective, Oz (the owner of this board) enjoys free-thinkers. Strong opinions are welcomed, too, as long as they're politely written.
  18. I occasionally contribute to the Politics forum here, but I confess I mostly don't read it. Sometimes, I feel like throwing my Gucci boots at the TV, but then I write a post in the Politics forum, and I immediately feel better. I save my TV from further damage, too. I think it's safer to use the Politics forum for rant therapy, but never take it too seriously. In today's political climate, there's much risk in sharing political thought. There's nothing worse than the discovery that the cock and ass you've been coveting belongs to a hated tribe member. I have no desire to give a hypocrite Republican an orgasm.
  19. A PIG escort once wrote on that board that I should "go fuck myself." I don't have any problem fighting back, especially to a contempt-ridden escort, so I told the PIG to go fuck himself in response. It was the first and last time I ever told a Daddy's member to do that on the board. I got banned for writing those words. The escort's membership remained active. The escort's words lasted on the board a few weeks, and then the offending posts were deleted. It became perfectly clear to me that certain escorts were given preferential treatment. As long as they didn't cross Daddy (ie: Rick Munroe and JDDingleberry). Escorts were allowed to break rules while others were not. If you complained about arbitrary rule enforcement, deej would jump down your throat denying any. If you challenged that denial any further, you got banned. They're all a bunch of sissy ignorant hypocrites who are AWFUL at managing personalities and running a board. Daddy's is the worst managed board I've ever experienced. That's because they're all LAZY and they don't give a shit about the community that exists. They don't even care about the ones who donate money. Not really. The community was started by Hooboy, but not a single one of them possesses Hooboy's spirit. What is left is a bunch of cheap, broke, tasteless wannabees, hanging on by a thin thread taped to a shredding dollar bill.
  20. I view venting as healthy, necessary therapy. "Dwell too much" is subjective. Members (and Oz) tend to be very vocal when you've hit their limit. Not sure it's fair to call it the "daddy site" anymore. Guy Fawkes can now be anyone in admin. I would assume GF is deej. I would assume deej is doing most of the time-outs. Daddy almost always wanted as little to do with the forum as possible. A lot of members wrongly think Daddy is running that forum. "Admin" attempts to run the place in secrecy, given the Feds and all that, but they also use the secrecy to keep members in check. The biggest mistake anyone can have about anything "Daddy's" is to expect honest transparency. It's just not going to happen. Many "respected" members from the Hooboy years experienced the knife in their back. The longer you remain loyal and donate your precious time there, the better chances you'll feel just how sharp that knife is. Some board owners fail to acknowledge the importance of meaningful contributors. Laziness and complacency among board admin is a notorious problem in forum life. If you're not careful, your board will end up with nothing but Avalons, lonely guys who love to talk to themselves, and ask inane questions every five minutes. In fairness, referring to back in the day, Daddy would respond to private emails in a thoughtful, polite manner, and not try to pose as someone else. The same is not true of deej. Deej is a sneaky liar, who thinks he's smarter than any other member. When I publicly called him out on one of his lies, I got banned. I was very proud of that moment. I still am. Haven't read the politics forum there in years. I remember one White escort who was blatantly racist against Blacks. We used to communicate privately. Without knowing the specifics and reading deleted threads, it'll be difficult to explain what you feel is a "blatant pattern." Sounds like a deej reaction to me. Nobody knows rude and obnoxious quite like deej.
  21. Same here. The former Daddy site is dying a slow death. Perhaps, just like the former owner, whose precarious health and financial status has been known for a long time. Now that the Daddy forum is in the hands of deej, members will never know who is actually running things or pocketing the donations. Deej is the most untrustworthy homo alive. A true miserable gay man filled with contempt. I will never support him. I feel sorry for any gay guy or any escort who chooses to align himself with this repulsive character. Welcome, nynakedtop.
  22. Since this thread was a dud for the size queens, I posted some photos in the porn section: You need to be a member to see them. A good reason to join this club.
  23. Perhaps both? I've always had a tie fetish. My collection is known to be striking and beautiful. When I wear a tie, inevitably, someone always compliments it. I'm also a fan of Charvet shirts. As for weight, I always seem to be on a diet. Or at least conscience of what I eat. I dread the middle age bulge that so many friends are sporting now. I'm fighting hard to maintain my 37-38-inch waistline. My weight hasn't fluctuated much in the last ten years, but repeat clients often ask if I've lost weight. I tell them no, it's gravity. Which is probably the truth.
  24. OK. So the journalist who used the word "dazzling" has never seen a penis before. Too bad for her. In all fairness, Chris Pine seems to have a pretty cock. When he lets his bush grow out, he has a forest. You're not going to see much detail in this film, but I zoomed in at 200%, and all looks mighty fine. I'll bet he's a lot of fun when his cock gets hard. I admire Chris Pine for taking the plunge. And I'm not just talking about doing a nude scene, coming out of a pond in what probably is very cold water. I also love his frank talk about doing full-frontal. "Why is it expected for women but not for men?" There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a pretty penis. Pretty comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Pine let all the world see his junk. He had to know many would judge. He does not look like a modern day porn star, and that's what porn watchers want from Hollywood's leading men. IMO, Chris Pine owns a special kind of courage. I'll be paying more attention to Chris Pine in the future.
  25. Words matter. When judging a public speaker, you not only have words to judge, you have other visual things. Smart voters dig deeper. They tend to study everything before judging someone. I don't need to see the inside of someone's heart to determine whether he/she is a racist or a homophobe. Words matter. Behavior matters. I supported Obama when he was officially against gay marriage. I did so because I knew how he truly felt. The same is true for Hillary. Politics is complicated. You can't always express how you truly feel because the moment is not ready. On the other hand, if I know that a politician is a homophobe or anti-gay, or talks and walks like one, he/she does not receive one penny from me. No vote. I don't give a shit what the other ideas are. I know several struggling artists who developed serious illness in the past ten years. The ACA's Medicaid program has saved their lives thanks to Medicaid expansion in NYC, given to us by Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama, and our state leaders. When I think of all the red state officials who denied Medicaid expansion in their states, and I think of all the low-income people whose lives suffered, perhaps died, it sickens me to my core. IMMORAL. The Republican agenda is always about money: theirs, and nobody else matters. Both sides are not to blame.
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