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Everything posted by RockHardNYC
Maybe that's what they mean by "alternative facts." Beyond that, I'm open to be enlightened.
Not as far as I'm concerned. Shortly after HB's death, Daddy was quite verbose about getting his hands on the review archive, or salvaging pieces of it that he happened to have in his possession. He also talked quite a bit about his dealing with HB's family through it all. These threads were once available for all to read. I sincerely doubt they still exist.
+1 Amen. LOL!
There you go again trying to shove your words down my throat. Where did I make this claim? Furthermore, since when does log-in capability make someone more knowledgeable? LOL. I wonder why you keep reading and responding to my posts if my attempt is to make you look stupid.
@Latbear4blk I'm glad you have not felt any "obvious" repercussion. That does not mean your "promotion" posts go unnoticed by certain individuals. I would argue suspicious eyes are watching you.
Misquoting members to suit your narrative is a surefire way to be have your thoughts and words dismissed by me. I welcome smart debate, challenge, even argument, but not if you just wish to behave like an inconsiderate troll. Selective editing to express an innocent thought or feeling is perfectly fine, but selective editing to make a contentious assertion or imply a lie is another version of rudeness and trolling. The most important word missing from the quote above is "risk." And it's a word that changes the intent and meaning of my words. Shame on you, Tartegogo. If you don't think "risk" exists when mentioning Boytoy over there, then by all means do it. I dare you all. Not just one or two times, but next time try caps in a link: BOYTOY.COM. Then come here and let's talk about the experience. Everyone is welcome to have all the Pollyanna views of the world you want to have, but they won't change the truth behind the players and the history of the first two escort review sites. The history might have been much more boring and inconsequential had Hooboy, the gay pioneer, left a will. But that didn't happen, and the rest is our history. Deal with it. I've always been a fan of competition because it's usually good for the consumer. The more escort reviews the better for our pleasure and safety. Competition also has a way of keeping business owners on their toes. Less lazy, and more attention to detail. Personally, I know for a fact that I do better work when someone equally talented or smarter is challenging me. Not everybody welcomes competition, and the reasons for that can be complicated. A common reason is money. Unless two businesses are equal in worth and assets, then the scales will be tilted and competition can have serious consequences. There is no indication that Oz will be hanging a donation sign anytime soon. (Even though I fully support an owner's desire to make money at this process.) Snap your fingers and animosity (correct spelling) begone? I don't think so. Nobody can simply whitewash everything that has happened. Many of us can understand, even forgive, but some of us will never forget. Words, deeds, and actions have consequences, even in this Trump era.
I've been fascinated by the coverage. It's very dignified and respectful, which I find refreshing and mature. The family entered today unannounced, to meet and greet the visitors. I saw Dole. I agree it was very moving. And then there was beautiful Sully, Bush's service dog. James Baker has been making the rounds, and his personal friendship story is amazing. Baker was a Democrat and changed his party affiliation to work for and support his dear friend. Now that's friendship. Most amazing to me, and it got a lot of buzz this week, was Maureen Dowd's very personal piece in the NY Times. They had an ongoing friendship for many years, which he often kept from family members to keep the peace. He would meet with her privately and lie about it. Many secrets were revealed in the article, and it made me wonder how the family deals with that emotionally. I love reading about these truths after someone dies. And, supposedly, Bush viewed Bill Clinton as another son. He was bedside with Hillary after Bill's open heart surgery. Fascinating.
If you mention Boytoy at the other site, you risk being banned. That's been the case for a long time.
Thank you for sending me a PM on the perils of dealing with a troll. I sincerely appreciate your discretion. IMO, it's a shame. The thread deserved its rightful place in The Hooboy General Pub. The conversation turned only when a notorious troll entered it. Before that, it was a welcome trip down memory lane. If there's one thing I love about the Christmas season, it's the memories and making new ones. I think it's perfectly natural for members of both sites to be curious about Hooboy, the escort-review-site founder. He was a gay pioneer who worked hard for our benefit and deserved his status. For many years, he saved us a lot of money and made it possible for many of us to avoid escort disasters, sometimes serious disasters. This is a service I've long appreciated, and it's that history I hope to never forget.
John was such a cutie in those days. I worked with him on two projects, and his presence drove me nuts. He had so much sex appeal.
There was the Review section and there was the Message Center (MC or forum). For many years, I had the Review section bookmarked. I checked it everyday as part of my morning routine. I was hiring regularly in those days. I wouldn't call the forum a "chat room." AOL made those famous, and the forum was nothing like that. The forum was extremely chatty, however. It was not moderated well, or at all. HB was most definitely a pioneer. One of the first (it may be the first) sex worker review sites began in 1999 by David Helms. He created the site because of an unpleasant encounter with a "call girl." It was a review site for heteros and the their female escorts. Many banks were not online in the early 2000's. I don't know the date that HB launched, but I believe it was the first review site for gay men or any men who hired male escorts. And the forum was the first for male customers to openly discuss their encounters with male escorts, among many other subjects. It took a brave, determined visionary to pull this effort off in the early days of the internet, and HB fully succeeded. He deserves much credit and many of us customers are and will be forever grateful.
Step away from the drinky-pooh and the mirror.
LOL! You mean the evidence from your claim that you are "under investigation for donations made to Daddy?" Yeah, so did Whitney.
Troll, it's not that interesting. You stated it twice in this very thread. Step away from the drinky-pooh.
Troll, much like Trump, repeating a lie as often as possible doesn't make it truth. Like Martha Stewart, I save all emails.
Some trolls never change. Speaking of ignorance. I published many reviews on the Hooboy review site long before I joined the forum in 2005. I joined the forum before Hooboy died. It was never a secret that I used a different username for the review section. I also had private correspondence with Hooboy. It took me many years to join the forum because I hated its tone and the way it was run. I'm sure I let Hooboy know it. Any more lies and distortions, troll?
It was not my intention to promote a fraudulent author. In this age of Trump, I'd like to expose all fraudsters, whenever possible. The link was one of three that came up on a Google search. If Oz wants to delete the link I posted, I support that. There are plenty of posts on the internet about the death of Michael Qseng, which was his stage name. He had a successful career in show business. He had a fan base. It's also well known now that he created the first male escort review site, and his username was Hooboy. It's been well over a decade since the man died in Bangkok. I can't think of a better way to honor him than by sharing some truth. If he was adamant about keeping everything secret, as he supposedly was about his age, then that might be a different story. These decisions are usually based on what he said to his closest friends in private.
I didn't sense a "dig," but my search was quick and cursory. Considering how Michael affected so many lives, I would hope that heartfelt stories could be found. However, if you Google Michael "Qseng" Jones Hooboy, not much comes up. Maybe others could offer better links. If I knew of any, I would. Personally, I would enjoy hearing from some of his closer friends. I realize many are still alive and would like to remain anonymous, but still, how better to celebrate someone special than by sharing some truths in a tribute. What good is a legacy if only a handful of people are in the know? Gay men love a good biography.
I believe that's the message, but nobody wishes to be less than discreet. At what point is it OK to "out" someone? http://michaelqseng.blogspot.com/2005/12/michael-hooboy-qseng-memorial.html It also helps to explain why Hooville was the success that it was (although I would argue it wasn't nearly as successful as it could have been). Being a "pioneer" personality is a great ingredient for any recipe that is designed to build a "community." Having style, good looks, and a little fame is icing on the cake. On some level, perhaps someone can make sense of the IT guy picking up pieces of the tarnished-silver skeleton that were left after the feeding frenzy. However, you get what you got, and time eventually reveals the truth. I don't think that's a fair characterization. Daddy scraped up whatever remnants of a website he could get his hands on and started his own thing "in the name of Hooboy." Daddy was Hooboy's IT guy.
I don't think so. I can't imagine. But I'm the wrong person to ask. There are other people on these boards who have met both, knew both, and know much more than I know. By "relationship," I meant working on the website.
Many folks don't want to bother. And the last thing they want to do is call their internet service provider. It can take longer to get a human on the phone than it can to change the IP. She was/is notorious. You are correct, "being a bitch isn't good for business." In fairness, one could say that Daddy came to ownership by way of his relationship with Hooboy. Hooboy was the escort fan. If Hooboy had a will and bequeathed the website to Daddy, Daddy's station in life might not be any different today. It's less amazing when you know the history, but that doesn't mean it makes any sense.
Some people don't get the point. They'd rather criticize and judge, and perhaps stare at an empty page. PS To be fair, I think the post where BiBoy says he got his package went missing in the upgrade glitch. I'm in the camp that says, when a thread has reached a conclusion, chit-chat with other members is OK.
Good point. But that usually falls into the category of selling sex, or something taboo for the underage. We call that rebellion marketing. I think that ship has sailed. A pay site was one of my many recommendations to Daddy when he asked me to make suggestions shortly after Hooboy died. He claimed that no one liked that idea. And that's when I knew they were all not very bright. They did not truly know the escort-loving community, and they were not serious about ridding the board of nasty trolls. Deej had so many fake usernames, Daddy would have had to ban him. Let me be very clear, asking for a membership fee alone would not be the secret sauce to success. You need a man at the helm who knows how to build, manage, and satisfy a community. Daddy never had that talent or expertise. And now, he doesn't have the energy. Furthermore, the time to institute a fee is when your numbers are at their highest. You don't create a fee-based membership when the numbers are falling, unless your product is made by Adobe. And who can blame him? His servers are in the U.S. The Trump government is cracking down on porn and escorting under the guise of "sex trafficking." Daddy does not have enough money to pay lawyers for any fight that might appear on his doorstep. It's easy to see how frightened he is of cock photos on the site. Daddy survived the Rick Munroe betrayal fiasco. I found it fascinating that after all that public (and behind the scenes) mess, Daddy eventually allowed him back with his original username. Just goes to show how Daddy's rules are arbitrary. He clearly has a soft spot (favoritism) for certain troll escorts. I'm confident the JD Daniels fiasco nearly did Daddy in. It happened post Rentboy when so much attention was on the Feds' interest in escorting. He may never forgive JD and invite him back, but it wouldn't surprise me if he did (or has already). And who's responsible for creating/sustaining EOY (Escort of the Year)? There's no telling what the future holds for escorting. It seems we have a way to go before anything becomes legal. That said, this forum is much better positioned for the near future. Oz may not be an I.T. guy, but he possesses a much better personality than Daddy. And rumor has it he's better looking, which never hurts.
Money is not everything. For sure. My "point" was more about humor and edge. Money does not buy unconditional love. It does not buy rock solid friendship. It does not buy happiness. It will not cure depression. That said, money does buy excellent health insurance, but it won't necessarily save your life or provide a better quality of it if you're too ill. Money can be a generous way to show someone that you love him, especially after you die. Money does buy a nice house and pretty things to put in it. Money also buys a great car. If you drive a lot, there's nothing quite like driving your fantasy vehicle. Money can buy an excellent education, but if you're not lazy, you can get educated on your own for far less. Money buys comfortable travel, and IMO, there's no better way to get educated. And finally, at $300 MSRP, money will buy a PlayStation 4.