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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. Please tell me we're not comparing marijuana smoking to sex-trafficking of a minor. Sex trafficking of a minor will NEVER be legal in the U.S. That's a matter of creative interpretation. Overactive imagination. I hated Rentboy. I only discovered Tumblr a few months ago. I never visited Backpage. What value do these things have to men of substance? Their absence is meaningless to my life. Escorting is the world's oldest profession. It has survived a lot of trauma and drama. Political tolerance of adult sex ebbs and flows. I fail to see a war, other than the war against Trump (which I support). Like I said, your bias shows. I'm enjoying Kamala Harris. I'm glad she's contributing to the discussion.
  2. The title of this thread appears biased and extremely misleading. In other words, fake news. The article, on the other hand, is an interesting read. Woe to the politician who remotely appears soft on crime. Trump and his Mini-Me pug, Stephen Miller, will eat the wimp-pol for breakfast. If Kamala Harris helped Jennifer Lawrence fight back when nude photos of her were illegally posted on the internet without consent, mothers and young women around the world will view Harris as a savior. If Kamala Harris prevented one young girl from being sex-trafficked by helping to shut down Backpage, then millions of women may support her in the voting booth. I'm quite confident Kamala Harris does not care about adults who choose to meet other adults for sex on the internet. I'm also quite confident Kamala Harris feels sorry for old, lonely, gay men who have come to rely on the internet, and escorting, for erotic stimulation in their elder years. The internet has been a free-fall of free speech for quite some time. With new legal challenges that continually erupt from the internet's ugly Dark Side, the free-ride may be coming to an end. Everyone knows all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the bunch. As long as sex trafficking of minors and forced prostitution are linked to the escorting business, the "free" internet will be a petri dish of legal challenges for years to come. If I were a young parent today, I honestly don't know what I could do to protect my young children from the internet. The things that can be easily seen on a computer today did not exist when I had a young son. Bad actors exist, particularly in the sex industries, and it's a prosecutor's job to fight the bad actors in the court of law. Woe to the politician who remotely appears soft on crime.
  3. I have very little patience for TV news these days. I'm trying desperately to avoid ruining one more television in my house. Too many shoes thrown at the screens. Broken glass everywhere. I was never a fan of fat-ass Jeff Zucker, and I hate what he's done to CNN. I have always enjoyed listening to smart conservatives. And I'm so glad that certain "never Trump" conservatives are now available on other channels besides FOX. My new love is for Nicolle Wallace. I have been intrigued with Nicolle, and Steve Schmidt, ever since I saw HBO's "Game Change." A fantastic film. Sarah Paulson played Nicolle in the movie, and her performance was mesmerizing. I can't see Nicolle's 4 PM show live, but I've been taping it every day for months. In this era of Trump, Nicolle Wallace offers one of the best news programs on television today. She often has Steve Schmidt on as her guest. Many episodes are truly must-see TV. Today's show (Jan 30) was nothing short of spectacular. Schmidt came on to discuss his consultation role in the Howard Schultz exploration for president. The dialogue was earth shattering. MSNBC offers full episodes at msnbcTV, but you may need to log-in using your TV provider account. Sometimes, if you just click on your provider logo, the log-in will be automatic. Click on "Please sign in" to see the list of provider logos. http://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/episodes#!#full-episodes
  4. There's nothing "normal" about Midwest temps hitting 30-to-50 below zero. If that doesn't knock the bejesus out of some of these deniers, nothing will.
  5. In business, I'm sure I've been called worse. Confidence and a bit of arrogance are often necessary when swimming with sharks. In my private life, I try to be more circumspect. As for the quote in the Neil Patrick Harris photo, my hearing is not clouded by anything. I enjoy listening to people, and I often move folks to a better spot so that I can hear them more clearly. While it's true, I do love myself. That does not mean I act as though I think I'm awesome. I'm known for praising the awesomeness of others without any need to focus on myself. I'm not a needy guy. I apologize for the hi-jack. This thread should not be about me. I use the board to exercise an alter ego, and I've never hidden that fact from anyone. I find it fun to be "aggressively self-confident to the point of arrogance," among other attributes.
  6. No one who knows me would ever call me that.
  7. Aspiring actors are a dime a dozen. Please name me one working actor who began his career hustling on 42nd Street. About a decade before the High Line was built, Diane von Furstenberg and Jeffrey Kalinsky brought high-end fashion stores to the Meatpacking District. Those acquisitions sealed the fate of the neighborhood long before anyone thought of the High Line.
  8. I have no interest in being a mod. The owner of the board creates his rules, creates his Forums. If the owner of the board doesn't object to being disrespected, then so be it.
  9. I've always had a thing for gay men from South Bend. If I were him, I would have changed my last name to something easier to pronounce. Pete Buttigieg is a graduate of Harvard University, a Rhodes Scholar, and a veteran of the War in Afghanistan. From what I've seen, he gives a great interview. He's got a great speaking voice and he's very articulate. It's difficult to say how far he will go. His views at the moment on U.S. involvement in the Middle East are too pacifist for me. A pacifist is not a good quality for a leader who is required to keep the U.S. safe from Islamist militant terrorists. That said, I will be keeping an eye on him. He did make a handsome soldier. ps Not sure why this thread was not started in the Politics Forum, since the subject is a politician and the thread title includes "running for President."
  10. There are certain things I miss, but on the whole, it was getting too seedy and too ugly. For many, the area was not safe. On top of that, I have way too much respect for NY's theater community. They did not deserve to share their historic neighborhood with Mafia-run sex shops. I have no problem with a red-light district, especially one that is safe and regulated. In NYC, that's an idea that may never see the light of day. Land is in demand, and there's only so much available space. With residential neighborhoods expanding to each river's edge, I don't see any Manhattan developer suggesting we need a row of sex shops here.
  11. A bit idiosyncratic, but what Broadway Dame isn't? I adored her. A charming home in Rancho Mirage.
  12. Maybe. But if you scream too loud and too often, you'll end up a lonely queen that no one wants to be around. Balance is everything.
  13. I'll have what she's smokin'. Please pass that bong.
  14. I love discussing politics with a variety of people I know well. With anonymous strangers on the internet? I don't think so. Who has that kind of time to waste? However, I love the internet for a quick rant. Can be very therapeutic, similar to scream therapy. Not all of them. I have always known and worked with NYC Republicans. They are not like the Republicans in my Midwest family. I understand conservatism from a financial perspective. I know some Democrats who are screaming, leftist, pot-smoking liberals. Just as whacked and crazy as the extreme on the right. When it comes to politics, I'm a middle guy. I simply love smart ideas from compassionate people, and I love people who are willing to put in the necessary work. I don't care where they come from. My PM's are open to most members. If I don't want to hear from you, you will know it. Thank you for the compliments. It's a pity that some members always seem to find themselves explaining their words and their intent. In my world, we call that backpedaling. I agree. And the best way to do that: SUPPORT the competition (as long as the competition offers respect and appreciation).
  15. It flooded my brain and heart. Made me connect with certain people who are not part of my daily grind. I'm very behind on screeners. Had to push the first episode of "Pose" to the front of the line because of Hector's death. I was thrilled to see him numerous times playing a Ball judge. I was hoping Ryan Murphy would have given him his moment. Perhaps in subsequent episodes. I sort of had the same. My dear friend was hugely successful, and he believed in me from day one of our friendship. I owe much of my success to him.
  16. I did not think you were nagging on anyone. You spent a lot of time contributing to other site, and you gave them your attention and contributions for many years. No matter what anyone says, no matter who criticizes you, that "attachment" is not easy to give up, especially if you feel you were treated unfairly. Some old timers forget the roller-coaster ride of their own history. Some old timers forget how obsessed they once were. I don't suffer fools gladly, either. I'm also a firm believer: If you treat me wrong, you will feel it with my lack of support. As far as I'm concerned, nag on! The truth should never go ignored.
  17. It's official. Megyn Kelly's $69 million contract will be honored by NBC. As a departing gift, she will receive the remaining $30 million that was left to fulfill. In the face of wondering aloud on-air why it was inappropriate for White people to dress up in Blackface for Halloween, Megyn Kelly walks away a VERY wealthy White woman. It's amazing that red-face embarrassment pays so well. Just goes to show the importance of a good contract lawyer. Her contract must have been iron clad for NBC to cough up all this money for non-existent work. And, in the end, she is no longer an employee of NBC, which means, they did not wish to utilize her talent in any way and keep her in the family. A fascinating rise and fall for yet another blond TV star. But where does she go from here? It's Final.
  18. Jacob Bernstein in the NY Times wrote: "He had first sashayed onto the Christopher Street piers in search of approval, community and transcendence sometime in the late ’70s. That he found and held onto it for roughly 40 years, triumphing over racism, homophobia and H.I.V., without having a high school diploma, speaks to both the magic that exists beside the universe’s injustices and the restorative abilities of cameras, spotlights and microphones on underprivileged pier queens with a penchant for the dramatic. He believed that his life was an opera and that it would have a happy ending. His favorite phrase was “still moist,” which, translated from the queen’s English, means essentially: “It’s all good.”" Hector was known for being a beautiful man inside and out. When he walked into a room, he lit the place up simply by entering. Everyone wanted to know him. Everyone wanted to be his friend. I imagine tons of guys wanted to have sex with him. I suppose many did. At a young age, he possessed unmistakable charisma. There was a certain angelic and devilish quality competing, always with a beautiful smile and a twinkle in the eye. Hector had the "it" factor, and he didn't need to dress in women's drag to be the star of the show. He brought all his star power to the House of Extravaganza. "Paris Is Burning" didn't hit movie theaters until 1991. The house balls made history in NYC long before that. The Extravas were known to focus on beauty and glamour realness. They attracted star dancers as well. Their house got serious attention from Annie Flanders over at Details Magazine. Hector graced its pages as Details covered the Downtown club scene throughout the 80's. Madonna hired two Exravas to choreograph her hit video, "Vogue." In many ways, Hector was responsible for bringing the house ball stars Downtown, away from their home in Harlem. He was a pivotal character in house balls going mainstream. It made perfect sense for Ryan Murphy to hire Hector to consult on "Pose." I regret not knowing the status of Hector's health. It sounds like he kept that very private, and I totally understand that.
  19. 2018 was a year of deaths for me. Really makes you think how short our time is. While away for Christmas, I heard that we lost Hector Xtravaganza on December 30. For a variety of reasons, that news punched me in the memory gut. I haven't seen Hector in many years. In the early 1980's, I met him in the Ball scene, and then I worked with him on a couple of projects. I remember always enjoying his presence and personality. He was a Latin cutie back then; tall, lean, handsome, with a glint of sex-god in his eye. I did not know that Ryan Murphy had hired him to consult on "Pose." Here are two articles worth reading: Hector Xtravaganza NYTimes Memorial Hector Xtravaganza has Died
  20. I don't own a slow cooker, and if I did, it would never occur to me to make oatmeal in it. This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone doing that. Oatmeal is one of my favorite morning breakfasts, but I sometimes have it for lunch and/or dinner. I can easily judge a hotel by the quality of their breakfast oatmeal. One of my best oatmeal experiences is a fond memory from a famous Maui hotel. I often travel with oatmeal. My favorite brand is Oatmeal of Alford. It's a Scottish brand, and it's not easy to find unless you're visiting Scotland.
  21. That I've done.
  22. That's odd. I certainly think if I had licked Steven Kesslar's ass, I would have remembered doing so. Not for a single second did I ever consider this. Not awful at all, because no desperation exists. My longtime fondness for Steven Kesslar has absolutely nothing to do with him "liking" me in return. Just like the classic TROLL that you are, you make shit up and tell lies. I never used the word "pals" to describe my respect and admiration for Steven Kesslar. I'm not insecure, lonely, and selfish like you, TROLL. I don't need or require "a whiff of recognition" to justify my sincere opinion of someone. Good riddance. Get some help.
  23. Can't remember the last time I made one. If I want to do something, I don't need the change of year number to motivate me.
  24. Seems pretty succinct to me.
  25. Nah. Steven Kesslar and I go way back. No matter what crazy boyfriend he has this week, I always enjoy hearing what he has to say.
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