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I only have renting experience in the north. I met one love-of-my-life in his native Venice. For the four-or-so years he escorted, he did not use the usual channels. We have stayed friends for life. Men in Italy who like to swing all ways are traditionally more discreet. The action is not "in your face" so to speak. Aging, pot-bellied gay men with some bucks to burn should not book a sex trip to Italy. Sex in other Latin countries is much easier. Germany has always had a progressive market. Heading towards Russia may also be productive, especially with the huge success of Bel Ami. I don't love the Slavic languages and nor do I crave their food, so I don't venture there. But many of their men are drop-dead gorgeous. There was a Russian lifeguard at my gym's swimming pool once. I think he was an NYU student. He was extremely handsome with a hairless, built body that slayed eyes. He had an amazing ass. He had a strong straight vibe, and I suspect a bit homophobic. He did not enjoy other men staring at him or flirting. But he was fun to observe from a distance.
Northern Italy is ideal. I do prefer to spend most of my relax time there. Just came home, in fact, after a month long retreat. I often stray from my type, and I have a very open mind. But northern Italian men always make my heart (and cock) flutter most. That is the truth. However, there are plenty of places where quality work can be found and where communities have strong, generous social programs that promote good health and well being. Extreme poverty tends to yield extreme behavior. I don't like the idea of men/boys who are desperate to suck cock for money. IMO, many of those customers are sitting ducks, and all it takes is one bad apple to welcome the end of your life.
I never felt safe in Santo Domingo. I'm tall, white, and look wealthy. Not a good look for SD if discretion is your style. I went once and swore I would never return. There were boys insisting on helping with luggage at the car rental parking lot. We were told if you refuse their help and don't tip them, they might slash your tires. That was the first turn-off. I don't recall falling in love with anything else. Signs of severe poverty were everywhere. My heart ached for the people I saw. We stayed in a luxury hotel but it felt like the weirdest juxtaposition. I did not love the hotel experience at all. Dark hair and dark skin is not my thing sexually, and I don't seek large cock when I'm interested in sex. So I was bored silly. My travel partner was a size queen, and dark was his fetish before AIDS got him. He was thrilled to be in SD, but in the end, he preferred Rio. He thought Brazilian men were more handsome. He loved handsome faces about as much as he loved large cock.
I suspect it'll be more than a bone toss. My understanding is that Beto is far more religious than Trump ever was. The only altar that Trump bows to is money and himself. Religion is an important subject to many Democratic voters. To avoid Hillary, evangelicals voted for the devil in 2016, who also happens to be a mob boss and a traitor. Evangelicals lost their credibility with that vote. They will pay a price. The no-deficit conservatives, especially those assholes from the so-called Tea Party, will pay a price, as well. I suspect for some conservatives, Beto would be a welcome relief.
To be working full-time in your 80's, and be of value, not only do you need good health, you need healthy family genes that age well. For a small group, 80 is the new 60. More power to them if they can make that work. But the numbers aren't quite in their favor. I will want to know Beto's private position on gay rights before I donate further. That goes for Kamala as well. I donated money to Hillary, Bill, and Obama, knowing they were once publicly against gay marriage, but hearing a different thought privately. I attended many fundraisers. I'm not naive or Pollyanna when it comes to politics. I know life is not perfect for most people, but gay marriage seems like a milestone accomplishment for gay men and women. Almost a true miracle in our lifetime. What glaring gay right today is more important than same-sex marriage? If ultra-liberal Dems want to elevate the toilets-for-trans issue and make that a top priority in 2020, I can assure our gay readers that Trump will be your next president.
Beto O’Rourke Raised $6.1 Million Online in First 24 Hours of Campaign Only 1k of that is mine, but if he plays his cards right, I'm sure I'll be sending more.
On the other hand, the adoring wife trope works very well with the evangelicals and those conservatives stuck in a time warp. Beto is an unusual Democrat. He enjoys and respects his conservative fans. Beto has honored history with a few powerful Texas Republicans.
Some people think like old people. It's not difficult to do when you are of a certain age and your brain is fried from the desert sun. Sorry to say it, but experience does not matter in this political climate. Trump broke the mold, and that glass ceiling will not glue back together easily. Experience means you're part of the establishment, and that is a dirty word right now that will be used against anyone who tries to use it in marketing. Obama won in a major way with very little experience. The opposition tried to use it against him, but his personality was too strong, his brain was too smart to let that worthless criticism stick. To gain experience quickly in politics, all you need to do is hire the right people. Surround yourself with experience. That's exactly what Obama did. If a good, inexperienced candidate rises to the top, the lines will be long for volunteer experts willing to serve. Mayor Pete is bravely using the word experience, and he uses it brilliantly. He is a dark horse in the race, but he may be able to rise above some of the others. His military service helps. Voters like smart, attractive folks from the military. Mayor Pete has the it factor. Since Trump famously deferred military service over a lie about foot fungus, Pete will have no problem putting the asshole liar in his place.
The AIDS crisis was almost three decades ago. Crisis has a way of bringing out the best of mankind. Today, it's bareback on Grindr, endless selfies, and PrEP. Not feeling much community among the serial narcissists. Luckily, I haven't lost hope.
Which is why I stressed the importance of the $25 donation. Bernie Sanders proved that $25 from enough individuals can help finance a revolution. It's going to take a revolution to put Trump and his minions in their rightful place. They are not going to leave the stage without a serious FIGHT. Trump needs the White House to prevent him from going to jail. He's taking a lot of flack for the silent, adoring wife sitting at his side. IMO, he deserves the flack. None of the women candidates featured their husbands in the same manner. Beto should have known better that these ancient, useless, outdated tropes are no way to sell young and fresh.
Patience is a virtue. So is generosity. It can be difficult to find a gay man who possesses at least one of these.
Oh there's plenty of nasty lurking. Lots of angry, lonely haters out there. Thank you for the response, Oz. Bugs are almost as irritating as trolls. Frankly, I thought the first few Guest posts were a bit hysterical, like a screaming Jack McFarland, a total sexual turn-off. Most of the major forums on the internet got their start without requiring memberships. Some amassed a fortune by doing so. In the end, what's the problem? Most of us are anonymous, aren't we? What's the difference if we hide behind a membership name or we hide behind a name beginning with Guest? Yes, a membership name may offer more credibility, depending on your opinion and your writing skill. A membership name can also link an IP address to a known entity, but the entity can still remain anonymous. However, if I happen to see a username with Guest in it, I'm an adult. I know how to dismiss a post and ignore a comment, much like I did on this thread before Oz spoke up. I'm really not seeing the "downfall" that someone else imagined. Today in New York City Spring is in the air. Another day at life seems pretty good. Moving on.
I'm happy to report I sent three checks today to candidates running for president. I saw the Peter Buttigieg CNN Town Hall recently and the guy blew me away. So smart. So articulate. So open to new ideas. He's got some serious talent. I believe his mind and heart would be good for America. First check to him. I like Kamala Harris. Second check to her. I think she's got talent, too. She doesn't quite have her policy chops sharpened enough, but I want to watch her growth and see her in the debates. I think it's important to have leadership discussions among a diverse group. I like supporting smart women who don't behave like Amy Klobuchar in private. If Stacy Abrams jumps in, I'll be sending her a check, too. I enjoy supporting smart minority women with talent. Check #3 goes to Beto O'Rourke. So glad he decided to jump in. Let's see how he fares on the national stage. He has the potential to bring an Obama-type impact to politics. The fact that he's a White guy from Texas only helps attract more conservatives on the fence. We caring patriots need to support worthy candidates who try to avoid PAC money. Even if it's $25, I highly recommend our fellow gay men write a check asap to show support. Good candidates need every non-corporate penny they can get their hands on. Let's do whatever we can, whatever it takes to dump Trump and Pence. (I apologize for posting in the Pub. I wanted to reach as many members as possible.)
Sure there is. All the time. And the trend will continue. You're helping the trend right here on this thread. European Union authorities are claiming, over and over again, that the E.T.I.A.S. is NOT A VISA. Saying it is a Visa is wrong and misleading. Visa requirements are different. To all readers: know the difference before you travel.
I really don't enjoy false information, otherwise known as fake news, but who can blame anyone for this newly created semantic drama? The new European Travel Information and Authorization System is NOT a visa. E.T.I.A.S. is simply a security registration, according to the European Union. Americans will not be required to visit a consulate to file any kind of application, fingerprinting is not required, and less information will be asked than is expected of visa applicants.
And the shunning has begun. Smollett has been removed from the remaining two episodes of Empire. That suggests to me that his employers are finding it very difficult to believe and/or stand by him at this treacherous hour.
A sexy, young Black man with show-biz talent, especially a well-endowed one, does possess a certain power. It certainly is not looking good. The Chicago police press conference augmented by Rahm Emmanuel's TV tour is a nightmare beyond nightmares for Smollett. And Smollett invited it all by appearing on GMA. This hysteria may not rival OJ Simpson. No pretty blonde woman died. Still, the scene of the crowds following Smollett and his body guards after his surrender equaled the Simpson mayhem. The guy is going to need to go into hiding. My son took one look at the photo Adam posted and said, "They're going to love him in jail."
I just read the Comment section of the NY Times article on Smollett: Jussie Smollett Arrested on Felony Charge, Accused of Faking Own Assault The public's mood towards him is not looking or feeling good. If he is found guilty, the ramifications will be severe. Reading those comments, and mind you they are moderated, just goes to show the heightened levels of anxiety that exist in our seriously polarized nation. If Smollet is in fact guilty, he will have done damage that will be difficult to rectify. Serious damage, and all of us may be victims.
Or more depressing. In general, actors have a tough life. Very few work all the time and keep a steady income. Black actors have a particular challenge. Do I dare mention gay Black actors? This story is not looking good, on too many fronts. Very sad.
That's almost like saying most of us don't want to pay extra for food items sold at Farmer's Markets, regardless of the known health benefits. There's a difference between "not caring what things cost" and caring about the impact of where and what you spend your money on. Bezos built his empire on people who demand efficiency over everything else, especially if you're a lazy couch potato. And now, he's (supposedly) the richest man in the world. I guess he knew what he was creating. I don't. I purposely search elsewhere first. The last book gift that I received from Amazon (a Christmas gift), I sent back. The hardcover book was sent in a flimsy bag. The bag must have been dropped, because the book's cover edges were damaged. I wasn't interested in keeping a damaged gift. I don't think Amazon will hurt anytime soon. They are now too big to fail, and many people are spoiled by efficiency. I will continue to avoid them as much as I can, and I will feel damn good about doing so.
NY Mayor Bill de Blasio wrote an opinion piece in today's Times. "The city and state were holding up our end. And more important, a sizable majority of New Yorkers were on board. Support for the new headquarters was strongest in communities of color and among working people who too often haven’t gotten the economic opportunity they deserved. A project that could’ve opened a path to the middle class for thousands of families was scuttled by a few very powerful people sitting in a boardroom in Seattle. In the end, Amazon seemed unwilling to bend or even to talk in earnest with the community about ways to shape their project. They didn’t want to be in a city where they had to engage critics at all." Bill de Blasio: The Path Amazon Rejected Sounds to me like Amazon behaved like the ASS that it is. In truth, most of those 25,000 jobs were factory jobs. A factory job salary is not going to provide what it takes to live in New York City. Amazon was not going to attract bright, talented, creative workers. They belong somewhere else. I am a Prime member, but I'd love to tell Bezos to go fuck himself. I absolutely hate what Amazon has done to the small bookshops across America. I also hate what they've done to mom-and-pop small business. Whenever possible, I buy things from smaller businesses, especially from the artisans. I don't even mind paying more for that item, if it happens to be offered on Amazon. Corporations definitely have their place in America. Bit greed-driven behemoth's who don't give a shit about their communities deserve the criticism and anger thrown their way. Just think of the profit dollars that have to go to the scorned wife. Way to go, Bezos!
Please. I have a framed collage of membership cards from bathhouses around the world. Just can't share any firsthand NY experiences. I assume all gay bathhouses share similarities, including crabs and bed bugs.
I prefer facts. I'm glad I have a ton of patience. This story is taking a bad turn, even though Smollet's lawyer has come out swinging. The story gets weirder by the minute, and every news corner seems to be covering it. I certainly wouldn't want the Chicago police investigating my life. I've had a ton of sex in Chicago. The gays there are serious about sexual pleasure.