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Everything posted by RockHardNYC
It's true, there will always be complainers and those who love to complain. Some of us view complaining as a healthy means to vent our disgust with certain aspects of life. As long as your complaining isn't 24/7, or you're fucking funny as hell, I don't have a problem with it.
People do fall on hard times. Many deserve our compassion. However, to turn an escort review site, where the going rate is $300-an-hour, into a go-fund-me call of desperation, that truly is the definition of pathetic. It is what it is.
Merry Christmas to my fellow Johns. I can't remember the last time I was in NYC for Christmas. In a way, it's strange and charming to be here when the city is so quiet. I enjoy a change of pace on occasion, but a death and a birth in the family became a priority this holiday season. Sometimes I don't want to appear too heartless to certain cousins. I doubt I will make this my new routine. I recently saw the tree at Rockefeller Center, and I'll see it again when I visit with friends at La Grenouille. The Christmas tree never fails to be a spectacle, but the people madness along those three blocks is insane. I even caught the Holiday Light Show at Saks Fifth Avenue (also insane). When you consider the sorry state of designer retail, I'm surprised someone found the money to produce this. The best thing about NYC these days, it's no longer Trump's home. He needed to save on taxes by changing residence status to tacky Florida where he belongs. I can't wait to see the day when someone rips his name off the black Tower at 57th Street. I just wish the rest of the family would leave as well. Here's to 2020! And seeing Part 2 of The Inheritance.
I would guess no. Save your money for something more reliable. There's no question that Benjamin Nicholas is a lot of hot fun, that is, if you can afford Hermès. But you know what they say about the company one keeps. IMO, Hermès does not pair well with Las Vegas Walmart. Even crazy lezbo Patricia Fields knew that much. As Donny Deutsch would caution, if you want to ruin your mystique and prestige, discount your brand.
YIKES! There has to be more to the story there. Why on earth would BN devote himself to enriching THAT piece of work? Life gets weirder as we get older.
One always has to be very careful around Christmas. For some very strange reason, the guy with the barrel gut is SUPER sensitive around this holiday. Perhaps a decorated tree fell on him as a child and he was asphyxiated by toxic tinsel. It's been downhill ever since. I took a quick glance at some Rudy posting in Politics and quickly found this: "Trash talk the wife of the president and you'll be Grinched." LOL! There is nothing worse than a board owner imposing his own ASSHOLE politics on his members. The cowards need to stand up and tell this fat ass to go fuck himself. The gall of the man to spend his donations by forcing members to bend to his will. Melania Trump is a vanity CUNT. She married a mob boss for money and fame, and she got her parents a U.S. citizenship. It's a disgrace to this country to call this third wife "First Lady," whose husband was cheating on her while she was delivering their first child. Now go ahead and ban me, Daddy. LOL! Melania Trump’s Parents Become U.S. Citizens, Using ‘Chain Migration’ Trump Hates
This is tribal politics, and the Republicans are saying a royal "fuck you" to truth, and a "fuck you" to voters who care deeply about the laws of this land and the U.S. Constitution. These feckless, spineless Trump loyalists don't care about the truth, and they don't care about their historical legacy. They are on-record saying so. All they care about is getting re-elected by the Trump cult so they can stay in power. I have always listened to certain conservative, intellectual voices. From an early age I listened to William F. Buckley Jr., George Will, William Safire, Paul Gigot, Charles Krauthammer, and Peggy Noonan. I didn't always agree with their positions or opinions, but I felt much of their commentary was thoughtful and worthy of my attention and brain power. Because I came out at the age of eighteen, I decided to never vote Republican. Even though I held some conservative viewpoints on certain subjects, like deficit spending and using abortion as a contraceptive, I felt as a proud gay man I wanted the leaders I voted for to protect me, my welfare, and those belonging to my gay brothers and sisters. I often describe myself as a moderate Democrat because I still believe in a few principles that some would call conservative thinking. Today, I continue to listen to certain conservative voices. Steve Schmidt, Nicolle Wallace, David Jolly, and Charlie Sykes are my newest heroes. Except now, most have left the Republican Party or are deeply tormented as they contemplate leaving. Many are saying the Republican Party of Lincoln and Reagan no longer exists. They say Trump owns the party now. It's the Trump Party, a cult of personality. And that personality is a corrupted fraud. Many former Republicans are saying a new party must emerge to replace the current hijacked version. Just today, former Trump fixer Michael Cohen had his lawyers ask a judge for leniency from prison. "He told a judge that he 'sold his soul' in working as President Trump’s lawyer." Republican strategist Rick Wilson said it most brilliantly when he titled his book, "Everything Trump Touches Dies." That is why we need to get America out of Trump's hands. Our future depends on it.
Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration At the time Greg Miller wrote this haunting piece for The Washington Post, five meetings had taken place and no notes were permitted. IMO, this is treasonous behavior by a president. If no notes are permitted, you can be damn sure someone is trying to hide something. The Mafia boss needs to go.
Most people in my NYC circle are not die-hard leftists. I know quite a few moderate Republicans. The evidence is clear to everyone in my circle. No one doubts his guilt. We all agree. It's not just the judges. It's the taxes. It's the White Nationalism. It's the fear that Blacks and Latinos are taking over, and the hatred that many of them are getting Trump-voter tax dollars in the form of benefits. The Republican Party now owned by Trump won't be happy until there's a new civil war. I agree. RBG needs our prayers.
Trump is guilty as sin, and most reasonable, non-partisan thinkers know this. I take my legal cues from scholars Lawrence Tribe and Neal Katyal, to name just a few. I absolutely don't listen to partisan legal talking heads. It is absolutely astonishing to me that the same party who impeached Bill Clinton over his lie about a sex allegation is now turning a blind eye to actual abuse of power and extortion. All the Republican Party cares about is money and power. They will say and do anything to keep power, even support a Mafia boss. Trump has exposed the Party's hypocrisy to the MAX. Most of us knew it was always there. Now, the Party is a joke. A complete and total FRAUD. In NYC, I hear often that many people are hoping, praying that Trump dies a quick death. Some are sitting by their TV sets waiting for the fat-ass Mafia boss to fall down the stairs of Air Force One. Trump is the most hated president in my lifetime. He's hated because he truly believes, as president, he's above the law. And now he's got fat-ass Bill Barr to protect him. God help America if Trump gets re-elected. America may not survive that tragedy. (Edit) What does the future hold? Personally, I think the Republican Party deserves to be punished badly for putting this corrupt buffoon in the White House. And I mean punished badly. A hard lesson needs to be learned so the country can avoid something like this moving forward. I'm hoping that Democratic turn-out is going to break records, no matter who the nominee is. Trump (and his family) incites voters like no other political name in recent history. Even if Joe Biden gets the nomination, there may be a flood of voters who are desperate to return to "normal" and will get behind their uncle Joe. There are millions of baby boomers (and their kids) who are desperate to save and reform health care. The future of Medicare and Medicaid depend on Democratic leadership. Most voters hate the insurance companies who control their health care costs. They know more than ever that health insurance businesses are in business to say "NO!" The future of health insurance is looking more and more like the future of tobacco products. Consumers are tired of the profit motive in health care. They are finally realizing the immorality of it all. It takes a rise in suicides to shine a light on this.
Justin Trudeau Is ‘Two-Faced,’ Trump Says of Comments Caught on Video Again, SAY WHAT? How much more painful, hurtful laughing can we take? Pot meet Kettle. Trump is SO oblivious to the asshole he is. Trump re-defines two-faced, but he's too lame to see his own idiocy. In the face of dealing with a character like Trump, what human being would succeed without having two or more faces? Please, can someone answer this question for me?
For anyone who has doubts... Kelly Mehlenbacher is always going to be remembered as the ex-Kamala Harris senior employee who brought down Kamala Harris' campaign for president. The insider word is the openly published resignation letter that appeared in the damning NY Times article is the straw that broke the camel's back. There is no escaping this legacy that Kelly Mehlenbacher forced upon our culture. Kamala may rise to do greater things in her life, but this moment in our history will not be forgotten. It's going in the history books. There are numerous people who are FURIOUS that Kamala suspended her campaign. A lot of those people are voters of color. Let's see if and when their fury dies down.
I'm happy to explain. Mehlenbacher's young-cunt resignation was TACKY for a number of reasons. Reason 1: You NEVER trash your former boss. (Mehlenbacher can never be trusted again.) Reason 2: You NEVER trash your former boss in public. Reason 3: You never air dirty laundry in public. Reason 4: You never disrespect privacy. There was a time in this country when trashing a former boss would be professional suicide. There are businesses that still respect the golden rules of manners, however, manners are steadily dying in our culture, much to our detriment. There is no question that Kamala Harris made mistakes. She's human. But Kamala Harris did not deserve the backstabbing that she received from a trusted senior employee, who Kamala paid generously. I'm sure Kelly Mehlenbacher was furious. But, IMO, she vented her fury in a most selfish, self-serving manner. She should be ashamed, but many young people have no idea what that word means anymore.
Well she's out. I certainly saw that coming.
I have to admit the learning curve for newTumbl is a royal pain in the ass. I can't believe how poorly designed the site is, but I have a feeling "the young" might disagree with me. I imagine there are a lot of gay men my age or older who are not going to want to figure it out. In the meantime, my Feed gets some interesting porn videos that I haven't seen anywhere else, and I don't mind sharing some favorites. As a nod to Thanksgiving (and if nobody objects), I've decided to post links to videos from my Feed that I find particularly hot and sexy. Keep in mind I don't search for these videos. I don't have time to do searches. For whatever reason, hot videos simply end up in my Feed. If I think a video looks hot and lasts longer than a minute, I'll try to post it here: Hot Sex on NewTumbl You'll need to JOIN as a member or SIGN-IN to gain access to these video links, since the thread is posted in the PORN section. (Please note: I am not going to post links to the legally questionable videos that end up in my Feed.) In the meantime, a hot video by Reno Gold just appeared. Reno has become my new boytoy. I posted the link to his newTumbl video yesterday.
"While I still believe that Senator Harris is the strongest candidate to win in the General Election in 2020, I no longer have confidence in our campaign or its leadership." SAY WHAT? (Scratching my head to the point of losing hairs…) I don't understand these younger idiots, former Obama/Clinton acolytes. Please, someone please tell me, how do you praise Kamala Harris (your boss) in the subject of the sentence and then kick and trash her in the predicate? How does anyone define contradiction anymore? Absolute contradiction. Kelly Mehlenbacher's resignation letter going public is unfortunate for Kamala Harris, but not as unfortunate as Harris' inability to recover from this. But on top of that, how can anyone throw respect at Ms. Mehlenbacher, who behaved so poorly and acted so unprofessional with this letter? Well, guess what? Michael Bloomberg just hired Kelly Mehlenbacher to be his campaign's Chief Operating Officer. I am amazed. Either Bloomberg is desperate to hire mediocrity, or there aren't many experienced operatives out there who are available or want to be part of the Bloomberg campaign. I am baffled.
It seems to me, the most talented contributors there eventually leave. And you're left with the addicted, the perpetually bored, the lovers of routine, the constant repeaters, or the totally uninspired and humorless. That's what happens to any social group that attracts a bunch of like-minded control freaks. The personality of any board usually begins and ends with its owner, especially if the owner has a presence. Have you met the Daddy? Excluding the rabid trolls (who are missing you most), if you're being discussed after you leave, I would accept that as flattery. When you leave a party, no matter how bad or dull, and no one mentions your absence, then I might put my thinking cap on and ponder a bit. It depends on who the guests were.
I've been to Hawaii many times, mostly Maui, and for some reason, the last thing I think of when I go is "gay." If I want "gay" when I travel, I usually bring "gay" with me. I have known gay guys who live in Hawaii, but they're coupled. I hear there's a strong gay community there. The islands seem to be paradise for couples, so I don't believe there's much of a single's scene, especially on Maui. The exception is Honolulu, but it's definitely no Key West or Provincetown. If there are gay hotspots, I'm sure that info is easy to find on the internet. I'm sure well-known cruising areas are fully documented and discussed. Just need to search.
Glenn Greenwald: I Was Assaulted Live On Air. This Is Bolsonaro’s Brazil. I'm sure there are tons of people in the U.S. who would like to beat up Glenn Greenwald. Listening to Ronan Farrow speak of being followed by Harvey Weinstein's goons sends chills up the spine. Can't imagine what it's like to be Greenwald or his husband in Brazil. I don't want to imagine it. Investigative reporters who investigate bad behavior and corruption seem to be looking into the barrel of a gun as they attempt to do their job. I can't imagine being a gay reporter at this moment, in Brazil or America these days. Not fun. Good luck with those Constitutional guarantees that are supposed to protect press freedoms. Trump is pissing on our Constitution while White Nationalists cheer at his rallies. Devin Nunes is caught in Ukraine helping Giuliani. Old tearful friend Lindsey Graham is spreading lies to bring down Joe Biden. The power-hungry thugs everywhere are out for blood, and war is never pretty.
Jeffrey Epstein's Hunger for Happy Endings
RockHardNYC replied to RockHardNYC's topic in The Beer Bar
Barr Says Jeffrey Epstein’s Suicide Was ‘Perfect Storm of Screw-Ups’ How convenient. And coincidental. "The evening Mr. Epstein died, from 10:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., security cameras showed that nobody entered the wing where Mr. Epstein killed himself, alone in his cell, the government indictment said. He was discovered when the guards entered to bring him breakfast." But was the video forensically investigated? These digital days, it's very easy to edit and splice pixels, and have it go undetected. Epstein was a NOTORIOUS prisoner known for his affinity for 14-year-old girls. He was directly connected to some of the most famous names in the world, and certainly many of those wealthy individuals did not want Epstein to ever speak or write again. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but Barr's "perfect storm" spin defies logic at every turn in this case. And there's plenty of mystery left in this saga. Since Barr is a known liar now, since most people don't care about Jeffrey Epstein, and are thrilled that he is gone, I don't see this going much further. But I do look forward to the movie. -
Michael Bloomberg Apologizes for Stop-and-Frisk: ‘I Was Wrong’
RockHardNYC replied to RockHardNYC's topic in The Beer Bar
I totally agree. Bloomberg had the perfect opportunity to create his very own Barack Obama Amazing Grace moment. Had he played this moment right, he could have generated a storm among his rivals. I mean, good God, this golden opportunity was sitting right there, staring him in the face. And he fucking blew it. Well guess what? You can't get that moment back, and Blacks in his hometown aren't buying what he's selling. How out of touch can any white, Jewish, obscenely wealthy politician be? -
Michael Bloomberg Apologizes for Stop-and-Frisk: ‘I Was Wrong’
RockHardNYC replied to RockHardNYC's topic in The Beer Bar
Looks like gay opinion writer Charles Blow has just weighed in: Bloomberg’s Bogus, Belated Mea Culpa