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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. I find it difficult to believe that I'm the only member on these boards who partied at Calvin Klein's Gifford house on Fire Island in the 80's. I was a young, hot, tall, blond, hung, twink then, but what fabulous memories.
  2. I saw the 60 Minutes piece on Epstein last week. A lot of the evidence is showing a murder took place. There are way too many things that went wrong for this sudden death to be a coincidence. The ABC Special, "Truth and Lies: Jeffrey Epstein" airs tonight at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.
  3. While I have never been to the event, I know others who have. It sounds like a middle class pool party in an ordinary desert rental house near the airport. The food is supplied by volunteers and served buffet style on paper plates. Think low-budget Church raffle. Guests tend to bring liquor, which the host leaves available for those who wish to drink. One well known member who seems especially proud of his cock likes to get naked with a few attendee escorts as they show off their cocks in the pool. Not all attendee escorts get naked. Some escorts like to suck other escorts out in the open. Sex can also happen in other rooms in the house, depending on how you define sex, and who is horny, who is desperate, or who is drunk/high. I never understood the "hype" created by some. You would think some gay men lead very sheltered, boring lives and never get out from their couch-potato bubble. If true, and the PS Event is the only thing to look forward to, perhaps that is sad. I've been to some fabulous, star-studded parties in my life in some glorious locations (hello Lake Como), so I can't imagine the PS event arousing me. However, I'm always happy to hear when fellow gays enjoy themselves. A little joy is much better than no joy at all.
  4. Lucky was never at my level.
  5. Now who's calling fellow members names? And mocking a username? And that's a known problem with you, Lucky. YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE. You seem to think it's perfectly OK for you to criticize and judge others, but when someone else does it, and it's not to your liking, you flip a switch. Well, much like Daddy, I'm no longer having your bullshit. The Daddy banned me more than eight times. There is no shortage of Daddy criticism from me. I have years of experience with Daddy and his lopsided public behavior. Everyone who reads these boards knows it. (Btw, Oz has never banned me once. He's earned my support.) I don't evade anything. Normally, I ignore. I have discipline. You are simply starving for my attention. Right now, I've decided to give you a little. It won't last for long. To my knowledge, Oz has never allowed a photo of himself to be published on either board. If and when he does, then I would say his appearance is open for public scrutiny. The lesson here is: If you don't want your beauty or lack thereof to be open to criticism, then always remain anonymous and never let the public see a photo of you. For anyone "selling" anything relating to good looks, this is smart advice. Even if you're not selling "beauty" and you desire a public life, your looks may matter when it comes to public criticism. Best Late-Night Jokes About NJ Governor Chris Christie, or better known as, when a grossly obese Republican politician fails at making his stomach-stapling procedure do him no harm.
  6. Some people always read too much into the things I write on an escort board.
  7. I have no problem doing it with restaurants that have changed chefs, owners, or locations. Or favorite hotels that have changed management or replaced the hot pool boy. For that matter, when my gym changes towel suppliers and the new towels feel like sand paper, you bet I talk to someone about it. When you like a certain something and you get used to it being there for your pleasure, it makes sense that you might miss it when it's gone and complain to someone who is feeling similar. Human nature. Not all of it was nasty. That's the thing. Hooboy's creation had a few unique attributes. It still has the most escort participation, and I include HE massage therapists. It's only natural that escorts want to "hang" where the most potential customers are, whether they like or interact with Daddy or not. Say what you will about the disastrous collection of admin nincompoops, some gay men found friends there, as Buddy2 noted. The addition of PMs to the software was great incentive for like-minded men to engage more privately. Good stuff can happen with these bonding features. Say what you will about Lucky, he started the Palm Springs Event at Hooboy's, which I hear is still going strong. No one seems to care if Lucky attends, but guys who go to this party can end up being lifelong buddies. Men can form a bond with a new escort poolside, and that relationship can last a long time. These positive attributes speak to the power of belonging. If someone takes them away, the effect can be depressing.
  8. Others can speak more accurately to this. Hooboy had the advantage of timing. He created his creation at a time when ad revenue on the internet was still in the experimental stage, and porn sites were doing good business. Today, all that is past has changed. Some people foolishly believed that Hooboy made a killing. I'm sure Hooboy was no stranger to exaggeration. During my tenure at Daddy's, when I seriously crunched the numbers, there was absolutely no evidence, not one shred, that a decent payment-for-time ratio could be found, let alone profit. 500 steady members for an internet "community" is a pet project, a hobby. Nothing more. Compare that to the 19-million+ that Jake Paul gets on YouTube, and you can see why Daddy is so desperate for donations. Like everything else, the price for bandwidth keeps rising. From what I know, Daddy was Hooboy's tech guy. Hooboy used Daddy to handle the code/software side of forum building, when it was all in its infancy. If Hooboy wanted to leave the site to Daddy upon Hooboy's death, he failed to stipulate that in a will. The rest is well-documented history, even on this site. You don't need a prestigious college degree to become a smart businessman. Business 101 at a public high school: the more personal weaknesses you reveal to the public, the more ammunition you give to your competitors and opposition.
  9. No aggressive number of exclamation points and enlarged colored fonts is going to change the fact that Daddy owns and operates an escort review site that attempts to make money. That means, he is in fact selling looks, and a lot of other things. Nice try. I'm sure Oz is smart enough to realize that my phrase, "whiny little pussy bitches," borrowed famously from Bill Maher, was a general comment addressed to the masses who like to bitch and complain. No one was named directly. Therefore, it was not intended to be a direct, personal attack. Not sure what to say about someone who would take it personally and apply the comment to himself. On the subject of running a business, I have ALWAYS objected to the way Daddy handles himself online. It is a JOKE and an embarrassment. In some way or another, he has used his escort review site, a fan base created by Hooboy, to curry favor with escorts and their fans, to seek sympathy by whining and complaining about the things he likes to complain about, to play "Daddy" to all of us, and to pretend to be proud and humble as he constantly asks members, sometimes through surrogates, to donate money so that he can pay his personal bills. In this age of Trump, how does anyone define disaster anymore? I have the photos of Daddy (and deej) that got published. I have no proof who posted the photos, but some of us old timers remember some of the details. AFAIK, the photos of Daddy were sanctioned by himself. They were photos from an escort event, post Hooboy's death, and a few skinny young escorts took a seat on his lap. The photos were posted to his forum, and they remained there for awhile.
  10. Since when is it unfair to judge an escort based on his looks? We paying customers do it all the time. Why then should we not be permitted to judge the looks and health of the man who sits at the top of the most powerful escort review site on the internet? A review site that many escorts use in their advertising, thereby supporting its owner. My stand would be different, for sure, if the owner had decided to remain completely anonymous. If the owner did not share personal details about his life in public. If the owner did not permit photos of himself to be published on the internet. Daddy failed all the tests. Someone who behaves like Daddy can't have his cake and eat it, too. If you go public and use the public to benefit yourself, your income, and your stature, you will be subject to all kinds of scrutiny, whether you like it or not. For those who don't like it, tough shit! Whiny little pussy bitches.
  11. OUCH!, but funny. He always had an affinity for the street urchins. It all makes sense when you consider the known truths. Last I heard (and saw), he was extremely overweight with a barrel stomach, the worst kind if you care about personal health. The state of his health has been precarious for awhile, and he suffers from an unsightly skin condition. One can only imagine his oral hygiene. Honestly, what self-respecting, healthy, good-looking escort is going to want to be intimate and exchange bodily fluids with this guy? If I see a guy playing at my gym, and he has a bad case of psoriasis (or something else not known), I'm not going near him with my naked self, especially with my tongue. Unfortunately, that's the ugly side of escorting that no one wants to discuss openly. When a hot, healthy, good-looking man sells sex/intimacy for money, where does the escort draw the line when the customer is visibly unhealthy or it's publicly known that he is? The success of Daddy's board, and I use the word success with wise and knowing reservation, is really quite simple: Hooboy was first, and Daddy was lucky with coattails. No matter how you prefer to slice and dice the facts, we are a niche audience. Relatively small in numbers. Gay guys tend to like crowds. More men to see and interact with. Most human beings are followers. Many human beings are not comfortable with change. The day Daddy pulls the plug, the playing field will change. Perhaps sooner. Any gay guy who wants to contribute to a board run and owned by deej, is no one I wish to befriend. We will see what happens eventually.
  12. If you enjoy rimming ass, I just posted a super hot ass licking video from JustFor.Fans. I don't know the models, but, OMG, the passion for tongue-in-ass jumps off the screen. You don't want to miss this one. The bottom is amazingly flexible. It wouldn't surprise me if he can self-suck.
  13. I'd still rather visit Sardinia. When I think of swimming naked with another man, I want the water to be clear enough to see the man's cock and balls, as well as his toes. I want calm waters. I want beauty at my fingertips. Most of all, I want to be in the company of other beautiful men without the entire scene being "gay." I love being around beautiful men who are curious by nature.
  14. He's not my type, but what a great fade he has.
  15. Sorry for the hi-jack. It was not my intention. I was not the one who brought up Hotel Cala di Volpe. It was a reference to a very old post on the other site, and that's the only relationship it has to this thread. I can't speak for AdamSmith, but I assume he felt this thread had run its course, and it would be OK to talk cute and revisit memory lane. I didn't need to respond, but I did. I enjoy AS, so I don't mind when he goes off on tangents. If Oz wishes to delete the offending off-topic posts, I'm OK with that. However, I'd much rather visit Sardinia than a thread that complains about Daddy's bored.
  16. Kidding aside… For rest, relaxation, and pampering - a true vacation experience - Costa Smeralda on Sardinia is a special experience. Sardinia is all about its crystal clear waters, so if you love swimming naked with handsome men, boating, yacht life, and ospitalità e cucina italiane, it's difficult to do better. Hotel Cala di Volpe was never my ideal hotel experience, but considering what I enjoy doing on Sardinia (mostly boating), their service and connections are the best. Like most luxury vacation locations, there is a party scene on Sardinia that I do not find enjoyable anymore. I'm not sure I ever enjoyed it. It's easy to avoid. I've long been fascinated by the luxury hotel business, and I have friends who do well in the space. When I was quite young, I stayed in a special hotel in Firenze, whose owner was a lifelong antique collector. He personally oversaw the decoration of his boutique property, and served breakfast on his rooftop terrace overlooking the Arno. I was blown away and strongly influenced by the magic he created. This was years before the internet, so you really had to discover the place on your own. Interior design is a hobby, so certain businesses make sense. I've had serious talks about purchasing boutique properties, but in the end, I decided it wasn't a business for me. If you truly care about the details (as the talented man in Florence did), the job is full-time, on site. I can't do that. I love to work, but I need to roam free. I have much more fun jumping from one project to the next.
  17. OK, so he's a bit over-Photoshopped. I had nothing to do with that. Even so, it's difficult to resist an armpit begging to be licked. And this guy has an amazing stomach that the camera loves. I have no idea if he's a porn star or just some average Joe, but he ended up in my NewTumbl Feed. Thought I would share him with readers.
  18. @KYTOP Interesting and heartfelt story. Glad you shared it.
  19. Here are the ten richest actors in Hollywood. Johnny Depp – $450 million. Tyler Perry – $450 million. Jack Nicholson – $400 million. Tom Hanks – $390 million. Bill Cosby – $380 million. Clint Eastwood – $370 million. Keanu Reeves – $350 million. Adam Sandler – $340 million. Not all of them are terrible.
  20. Those are some of the most snobbish, elitist comments I've ever heard. It's classism on steroids. I could never share my social time with someone who speaks like this. I've experienced way too many ugly rich people in my life, and speech like this is ugly. Nothing disgusts me more than someone who has snobbish elitism in his heart, especially if the person is good looking. Those who have little wealth can be among the most beautiful people on the planet. In my real world, modesty trumps showy arrogance every day.
  21. Workers do like getting paid for their work. Money helps pay the bills and stay current with cell phones. It's also a known fact that many workers take pride in being productive, whether they like their job or not. This aspect of human nature is something a corporation enjoys taking advantage of. Some people are born with an entrepreneurial spirit, but too few accept the calling, relying instead on something they perceive as a safer bet.
  22. 85% of People Hate Their Jobs, Gallup Poll Says There's certainly no need to take my word for it. A simple Google search reveals endless data.
  23. I'm not a particular fan of Noah Baumbach. I hated the first thirty minutes of the film. I hated the way they styled Scarlett Johansson. I thought her lesbian look was all wrong for this character. I enjoyed Azhy Robertson's complex performance. I thought the fight scene between Adam and Scarlett was superb. Adam deserves an award nod for this scene. In the end, I thought the film was interesting. I didn't find the story depressing at all. Love often changes between people who mean well. It's how we deal with that change that determines the outcome. I thought the story showed hope. That a failed marriage doesn't have to mean a failed love. In a way, the story reminded me of some of the gay love stories I have encountered. Deep, loving relationships that changed over time, and the men remained friends when all the drama of the break up was over.
  24. It's not something I've ever done or plan to do. I have no interest in hiring "boys." Furthermore, you failed to be this clear in your OP, which explains the comments you've been receiving.
  25. I don't view my chat-like conversation with Buddy2/WilliamM as a "tit-for-tat." It seems mischaracterization from the other board is very popular on all internet boards. Buddy2 engaged me with direct comments and I engaged back. The thread ran its natural course. If readers don't like where it went, perhaps they can stop reading it. If the pronoun him refers to me, my PM is not blocked. However, you piss fewer people off and encourage their bubbles when you speak privately. That seems to be the case with Trump voters. But the never-Trumpers keep on trying. Without hope, what's left? Too short. At least for now.
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