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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. I happened to catch Amy Klobuchar's endorsement speech of Joe Biden last night. I'd be willing to bet she didn't write it, but it was well written and delivered better than I had expected. I don't think Amy is gifted with the strongest oratory talent, but she did better last night. Joe Biden's crowd seemed to love her.
  2. A youthful age seems overrated this year. Not one candidate for president will be under seventy. So your mother's choice seems appropriate and on target. The electorate has not seen a young politician that has the gravitas to take on Trump and inspire voters from all walks of life. What good is youth if so few people believe in its ability to crush Trumpism? This is a fully appropriate time in our history for age, experience, and wisdom. It seems to me, to crush Trumpism, you need experience in governing, and lots of it. Someone convincing has to build the country back up from what Trump has destroyed. And they have to start the hard work on day one. The country also needs a candidate who can help in down ballot races. Joe Biden, with Barack Obama's endorsement, can do that. Joe Biden stands the best chance. Although some did, very few Republicans had the stomach to vote for Hillary in 2016. Joe Biden has the unique opportunity to capture all the Never-Trumpers.
  3. I never liked him, even though he's considered very smart and highly educated, by the Jesuits no less. His ego was larger than Trump's. I hated his blowhard style and the way he constantly stepped on his guest's words. He's a television personality who loved to hear himself speak and yell. Not much different from Bill O'Reilly, but much more educated. Good riddance. A cleaning house is long overdue at MSNBC. Chris Matthews Out at MSNBC
  4. I believe Iowa and New Hampshire should no longer go first. Iowa has proven to be an utter failure this year. To go first and second, I prefer diverse states that look much more like America. I realize a lot of people felt Amy Klobuchar provided appeal. I did not. She did not inspire, motivate, or impress me. She was constantly selling her resume and over-using the pronoun "I." She made her candidacy about herself, and that never goes well.
  5. Well now it's official. And this is a how a respectable leader of a large metropolis behaves. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says, "It is inevitable that the virus will spread in New York City." The city is preparing, and that's the appropriate thing to do.
  6. So glad to see that Klobuchar is out, and both she and Pete Buttigieg plan to endorse Joe Biden tonight. It looks like the Democrats may not need a Barack Obama endorsement for Joe Biden before Super Tuesday. I suspected the rumor was false, but you never know. It looks like there will be push to slow down Bernie's momentum, and that's good for the Democrats. I'm sure Bernie is a good man, but Trump and the Republicans will destroy him with Trump's branding Bernie as a Communist, even though it's completely fake news. Joe Biden can be Trump's worst nightmare, otherwise why would he have risked impeachment over the Ukraine scandal. Joe Biden may not be able to electrify an audience, but his decency and compassion will be a WELCOME contrast to Mafia don Trump. Joe Biden will attract many independents and moderate Republicans who simply will not vote for Trump this go round. Joe Biden will help with down ticket races. Bernie Sanders has no power in these areas.
  7. Money well spent, I'd say. No regrets. I'm not much of a crier, but I have to say Chasten and Pete Buttigieg's end-of-campaign speeches tugged at my heart strings. I think Pete Buttigieg is a STAR, and perhaps Chasten has some star quality, too. I look forward to seeing more of Pete in the future. In fact, I wouldn't mind if Joe Biden picked Pete as his running mate. But I suspect there are better political incentives out there. Loved Frank Bruni's Op Ed piece in today's Times: Mayor Pete Flew Sky High "He looked at what happened in South Carolina on Saturday. He looked at what was likely to happen in the many states that will vote on Tuesday. And he recognized that he had no path to the Democratic presidential nomination and that staying in the race would probably help Bernie Sanders, the rival he had branded a dangerous nominee. So on Sunday he got out. Just like that. No praying for a miracle. No waiting too long. No protracted melodrama or slow-building drum roll of hints. No, the youngest of the Democratic aspirants did the grown-up thing."
  8. You may think that's a big deal, but I can top it. I received three, one-year time outs in the course of my tenure there. And that's just to name three of the seven or so time-outs I received. Just keep in mind there's more than one person who has the authority to issue a time-out over there. It's the only "power" those queens have in their lives. Nice ass, btw.
  9. Which explains why I've lost respect for a number of people in my life, including family members. It's sad to lose family over politics, but, for me, the line is crossed with Mafioso Trump support. Fortunately for me, several former voters of Trump in my circle say they could never vote for him again, based on the job he is doing and the decisions he makes. They may exist, but I don't know any Republican New Yorkers who support right-leaning judges. None of my Republican friends want to see Roe vs. Wade overturned, for instance. For all the lost respect in these past three years, I have made new conservative friends. Most of the famous conservatives that I read and listen to have all left the Republican Party and, thankfully, have become Never-Trumpers. Good things can happen in the presence of tragedy.
  10. A fabulous moniker created by Bill Maher for asshole, hypocritical Republicans. I'm not a Bill Maher sycophant, even though I have watched his talent for a very long time. At times, he really makes me laugh. And I like to laugh. I enjoy much of the comic writing that comes from his staff. But there is a side to Maher that I don't enjoy. When he behaves like an asshole (which he does on occasion), I really dislike him.
  11. I've always respected RA1. I am familiar with his posts from the other board. However, this discussion has gone silly. In my lifetime, I don't ever recall a presidential candidate who promoted "hooliganism" in the manner used by Trump. Never before. I thought it was disgusting and scary. There were fist fights at his rallys and Trump promised to pick up the medical bills if his fans beat up protesters. Insanity. On national TV the other night, Sanders denounced any "hooligans" that might support him. He told them all to "go to hell" and "get as far away from my campaign as possible." He said he did not want their votes. Apples and oranges. I'll take Sanders' approach to society's trolls any day over Trump's.
  12. Media Using Virus to 'Bring Down the President,' Mulvaney Claims Whiny little BITCHES. If it's OK for Trump to call on Russia, Ukraine, and China to bring down Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, why is it not OK for the media to complain about the way Trump and Co. is handling a new pandemic? In case Mulvaney hasn't noticed, people are dying from the virus. Those dead may soon be Republicans, given Trump's and Limbaugh's conspiracy theories. I'm really sick and tired of these whiny little bitches. They are SO QUICK to blame others for their incompetence and failures. God forbid if Trump should lose the upcoming election. It'll be everyone's fault but his own.
  13. In the meantime, residents of my building just received an urgent email from the managing corporation who manages the building. "Regarding Coronavirus Preparation." The letter cautions against panic and states that the likelihood is low, but the staff at the property is taking preparatory steps and training in the event that the virus grows in numbers in NYC. "We are following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations." In all my years of living in this well-run building, I have never received a letter like this.
  14. LOL. In my NYC circle, we blame everything bad on Trump. Thank you to former Republican, RICK WILSON, who gave us permission and aptly named his best selling book: It may be our little insider joke, but considering the asshole that Trump is, considering how much New Yorkers hate the fucker (He lost the presidency in Manhattan; 86.56% for Clinton, 9.71% for Trump), we enjoy poking fun at the orange orangutan even if most of the news is serious and we believe he is assaulting democracy and the rule of law on a daily basis. I personally hope his entire mafia family gets arrested one day soon. But in answer to your question, RA1, the cause of the Coronavirus is not yet known, but the spread from live animal markets to people in Asia is suspect. If China lets our scientists in, we might find an answer soon. Former CDC director Tom Frieden on 3 key questions about the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China In the meantime, shame on Limbaugh and Trump for feeding their trolls with fake news.
  15. This is a fine example of how dangerous the Trump crowd really is: Limbaugh and Trump fuel coronavirus conspiracy theories It's easy to get political and say out loud: If the ignorant voters who listen to Limbaugh and voted for Trump wish to risk their lives on a new virus, then certainly their deaths from the virus, if that were to occur, would lower their voting numbers for the future. That would be one more way to decimate Trumpism. However, viruses do not take sides. The more people who throw caution to the wind, the more dangerous it is for everyone else. Make no mistake, Trump's incompetence in dealing with this health crisis can certainly derail his future in politics. The stock market fall alone must really put him on edge. With a pandemic, there's no opening of factories next week and pretending everything goes back to normal. The emails announcing airfare sales from airlines have already begun. Plane trips are being cancelled left and right. The effects on big business will be felt for quite some time, especially if the virus spreads to the U.S. Of course Trump's fanboys will dream up conspiracy theories. How else can they defend this asshole and feed his flock? I'm listening to Drs. Anthony Fauci and Tom Frieden. Limbaugh and his asshole following can go fuck themselves. But everyone else better be prepared. The ignorant and partisan will be a danger to us all.
  16. LOL. Now who is being altruistic?
  17. My building is a multi-unit Co-op. Each cooperative apartment corporation is required to have its own insurance. Sometimes the building insurance policy covers each apartment for fire and theft. It depends. When the building's insurance policy doesn't include fire and theft, owners are required to have sufficient liability coverage. I'm not suggesting that all insurance should die. It won't. Insurance policies are needed for events that can happen but don't happen often. But they do save your life if necessary, and they won't send you a bill that will bankrupt you and your family. I guess you mean the part about Republicans owning the insurance companies of America. In fairness, it is difficult to know for sure the vote of company owners and CEOs. However, almost 70% of insurance lobbying payments are made to Republican members of Congress. That's enough data for me.
  18. Insurance is a business, primarily Republican owned btw, that profits by saying no to claims. IMO, they have no business making money off of sick and dying people. Of course people need jobs, and there are some people working in health care who are there simply to receive a paycheck. The best place to see the difference is in the nursing industry. Our world could use a little more altruism. Absolutely. The only way to share risk fairly is for everyone who can pay to pay. The best idea I heard for single payer: Everyone making less than $80,000 a year before taxes, pays nothing. Those making over $80,000, pay a sliding scale of modest percentages. The insurance industry is nothing more than a paper wasting/spending middle man. For their outrageous price and profit goals, they offer no bang-for-the-buck to patients. They don't enhance or advance the quality of health care in any way. They don't assist doctors and hospitals in making smart medical decisions. They are nothing more than a side business created to make money. It's time for this insanity to end. Average Americans somehow are in denial about city police and fire departments, and social security payments. They have no clue what "socialist" institutions have long existed in our Capitalist culture. Yet, if you ask to take them away, voters will come screaming for your head. Many Republicans would love to abolish social security. But no politician has any spine to say so out loud because they know what would happen. Their political career would be over immediately.
  19. I've worked with quite a few doctors who practice in Manhattan, some of them are famous. I've had vigorous discussions with all of them. Every single one believes that the insurance companies need to get out of health care. For the betterment of humankind. I have several doctors in my family. They all worked in Third World medicine, some during wars. They hate commercial, for-profit health care. Yes, a more moral approach in this country will eliminate people going into medicine to "get rich." I don't see anything wrong with that change. The vast majority of people who pursue careers in health care do it because it is a calling. Nothing wrong with making a good living, but most health care workers don't care about being rich. The reward is caring for people. Certain aspects of health care, like cosmetic surgery, will continue to attract gold diggers. It's the nature of the beast. It is remarkable to me that most insurance companies do not cover hearing aids, dentistry, and many prescription drugs. Sanders is speaking directly to this corporate corruption, and many people over forty-five, especially those on fixed incomes, are listening.
  20. Scholastic is an understatement. The arguments are childish, much like that debate last night. Everyone is entitled to his opinion. I watch all the Town Halls. It struck me that Sander's audience was very enthusiastic. They had a distinct energy that other audiences did not quite meet. I work in show business. I know how to detect and analyze energy. Sanders has a ground game that no one else has. He says the same things over and over again, and his fans continue to listen. This past week is the first time I took a closer look at the man. I have not given money to the Sanders campaign. Yet. To the detriment of human lives. It is one of the most immoral facts about life in America. Sanders is saying what no one else has the courage to say, and his message is relentless. In America, making record profits trumps citizen welfare and well being. The top one percent accrue enormous wealth via Trump's tax breaks (increasing the debt) while millions go without food, shelter, health insurance or the threat of losing everything because someone in the family has cancer or Alzheimer's. Sanders is leading the fight for the working man, and his message is resonating. That remains to be seen. The country's residents are getting older by the minute. If Sanders can win with a mandate, lots of change is possible. If a gay mayor from Indiana can garner as many votes from senior citizens across this country as Mayor Pete has, I can't help but be optimistic about the country's future.
  21. There isn't one shred of evidence. This is a fake Republican talking point aimed at demonizing Sanders and distorting his words and beliefs. There is nothing "Communist" about the State of Vermont, where Sanders has been a political leader since 1981. It's a lovely state and its residents enjoy living and working there. Sanders freely explains what he means by Socialist Democrat. And the Republicans are wet with glee attempting to assign their false and phony interpretation. Sanders equates his political thinking to FDR. He boldly disdains Communism, Nazism, Fascism, and any other dictatorial rule. Sanders is not against big business. But he certainly doesn't think it's fair that Amazon does not pay federal income tax. Along with Amazon, other companies that do not pay are: Netflix, Chevron, Delta Airlines, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Gannett, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Halliburton, IBM, Jetblue Airways, Principal Financial, Salesforce.com, US Steel, and Whirlpool. He has a point. Sanders says that Medicare is not government run. The program simply pays the doctors and hospitals. It does not "own" or "manage" the doctors and hospitals who wish to participate. I'm too young for Medicare, but everyone I know who has it loves it, at least in New York. Many major doctors in teaching institutions participate in the program. I agree with Sanders that health care should be a human right. I hate health insurance companies making medical decisions based on profit motive. And I agree that no person should go broke or bankrupt from getting sick. I am sick and tired of all the misinformation out there. I'm glad I pay attention to my sources.
  22. Sanders was far from praising Fidel Castro. Very far. But the story of how a totalitarian dictator wins over his people needs to be told. Paul Krugman thinks the criticism of Bernie Sanders is overblown. "Bernie Sanders is now the clear favorite for the Democratic nomination. There are many things to say about that, but the most important is that he is NOT a left-leaning version of Trump. Even if you disagree with his ideas, he’s not a wannabe authoritarian ruler." Bernie Sanders Isn’t the Left’s Trump I saw Bernie's CNN Town Hall last night, and he had the audience eating out of his hand. With every criticism thrown at him (much of it was click-bate), he threw back a thoughtful, reasoned response. Like his style or not, he doesn't come off as crazy, or Communist, and he seems very sincere about helping "the working man." It's clearly a message that resonates, and he's owned the message for many decades. He's very authentic, and he speaks with practicality and simplicity. Simple voters tend to like that.
  23. Now that this thread has turned into a political rag of bandwidth horror, perhaps it's time for some levity. This gem ended up in my NewTumbl feed yesterday, which is very odd considering 99.9% of my Feed features variations on hard cock. Upon closer inspection, I got a serious chuckle. I admit to having some Photoshop talent, but this is pure genius:
  24. On further reading, I'm not so sure that America is clueless. Apparently, the Las Vegas debate broke viewer records. Democrats Set a TV Ratings Record at Their Las Vegas Debate
  25. Bloomberg served three terms as mayor of NYC, that's twelve years post 9/11. He is a bonafide politician. This recent debate debacle reminded me what a terrible debater he has always been. And none of his debates in NYC ever involved substantial, formidable talent. He may get better with additional debates. I'm sure Tim O'Brien is pulling his hair out trying. We'll see soon. If Bloomberg doesn't get better, it may not matter. The rules have all changed thanks to Trump. I believe this is true. Cluelessness only played a small role. Trump is a TV star. Some version of Apprentice ran for fifteen seasons. With that kind of national, prime-time exposure, Trump was able to build a cult of personality like no other politician before him. Ronald Reagan had nowhere near as much success as an actor. I don't think anyone liked it, but my sources are telling me the advisors felt it was necessary for a variety of complicated reasons. I suspect the next debate will be more anti-Trump. In the late 70's, when young men felt liberated to go without wearing underwear, a guy couldn't enter a gay establishment without someone freely grabbing his junk as he walked by. Grabbing someone's cock and balls without consent is now considered a sexual assault. By default, it's non-consensual. I am confident that anyone over forty on this board knows what I'm talking about. Even though I never fully enjoyed the assault, I am guilty of doing it myself on a few occasions. I wish I could take those few experiences back.
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