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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. Dr. Anthony Fauci testified today before a House Oversight Committee hearing. His testimony laid out a stark, sobering picture of what the United States faces in the coming weeks and months. 8 key exchanges from the testimony of the nation's top infectious disease expert who warned the US outbreak is going to 'get worse.' Fauci said the US is still a long way off from deploying a vaccine. Fauci said the worst of the virus is still yet to come. Fauci said the novel coronavirus is 'ten times more lethal than the seasonal flu.' I suppose Dr. Anthony Fauci is simply "stirring the pot." Ignorance is bliss, except it doesn't save lives.
  2. Seems I remember more than a few people saying the exact same thing in the early 1980's just before the bath houses closed. The only difference this time: transmission is a lot easier. Contagion more dangerous to self and others. A simple handshake. Touching a door knob. Kissing. Walking into a sneeze. Being coughed on. Worst of all, many infected people won't know they are infected when they are contagious to others. Of course I care about other gay people risking their lives over something that could and should be avoided. For God's sake, the entire country of Italy is on lockdown. Should gays realistically feel that an escort party in Palm Springs is sacrosanct? What Does the Coronavirus Do to the Body? Angela Merkel Gives Germans a Hard Truth About the Coronavirus
  3. It's official. W.H.O. Declares Pandemic as Number of Infected Countries Grows The question remains, how careless will a certain group of hungry gays be? Is a party gathering of men who like to exchange bodily fluids just the right thing to do at this crucial time? Or will Oliver be handing out medical gloves and hazmat suits as guests throw their freshly-stripped clothes into the nearest available bedroom, thinking the plasticwear is an invitation to fisting? Will handshakes and barebacking poolside be off limits? Will guests feel forced to avoid Epigonos' deviled eggs for fear of him coughing or sneezing on the ingredients as he made them? Since Trump proclaimed COVID-19 as safe as a cold, you can't trust a Republican queen with a kitchen fantasy to heed any CDC or government authority warnings. Unless their news comes from Roger Stone, Alex Jones, or Fox News; fuhgettaboutit. Can all the out or closeted Republicans invited to the party be trusted?
  4. It is that time of year. However, are gays who love escorts immune to a pandemic? Considering the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament has been cancelled and Coachella Music Festival postponed to October, what on earth is Oliver and Co. thinking? Everyone else has pretty much stopped flying. So many flights have been canceled. How many more planes will eventually get grounded? Why should gays ignore the warnings and fly into Palm Springs from all over the world just to party and mingle with escorts? Is a pandemic really a good time for escorts to be socializing and getting intimate with strangers? Does the saintly host Oliver really have everyone's best interest and good health at heart? Does the tingle and temptation that the sight of a near naked man conjures trump any sanity among gays? Time will tell.
  5. My NewTumbl porn thread has not disappeared. One needs to be a member to view it, but it's available here: Hot sex on NewTumbl The former Tumblr thread about the former website, the one that got deleted, was not mine.
  6. Not as poor as you, dear. Green is definitely your color. How is view counting going for you? Thank you for reading every single word of my posts and hating every vowel and consonant. LOL! That's very funny. Lucky posts: 7500. RH posts: 1000. Isn't it amazing how the Queen HYPOCRITES love to cling to their denial? The truth eventually surfaces. Now the board knows what happened to the original Tumblr thread. Old Nanny Lucky took offense and tattled. How expected. The worst of kiddie porn? Oh my. How salacious and tawdry your mind is. You really GOT ME that time. The SCAN-DOWELL of it all. God forbid a seventeen-year-old from Orange County, California, in the comfort of his parent's home, posts a video of himself jacking off on social media for shits and giggles. Of course we shouldn't want to watch. Most of us are way too old and decrepit looking to remember what it was like to be seventeen and horny. Cute and hairless with a hard dick, begging to explode. Of course that's the same thing as a Russian sex trafficker, kidnapping a kid at the age of nine and forcing to him to have sex for money at gunpoint. For chickenhawk lovers, NewTumbl is not that complicated. If you're looking for visual shock value, simply search "boys." I've never seen a porn site more transparent than NewTumbl. How long it lasts is anyone's guess.
  7. LOL. Who knows anybody here? Even so, I'll bet I know Steven Kesslar better than you do.
  8. Could someone please answer me this: What kind of fucking DRAG is this? I know I'm going to sound old and old-fashioned, but I remember a time when drag was all about passing, and I'm not talking flatulence. Lip-syncing aside, if you were a guy who could pass as a girl on stage, you were automatically given drag queen props for your "beauty" talent. What on earth happened to that concept? Yes, we had DIVINE, but there was only one DIVINE, just like there's only one John Waters. Drag today seems to have gone the way of the Met Fashion Gala. Life in the age of Trump is a CIRCUS and everyone must be in an outrageous costume when the only objective is the goal to be noticed. But now the goal is more desperate, stand out among every other tacky clown that exists and see if you can steal your 15 minutes. Well, Drag Race contestant Sherry Pie made her mark, alright. She thought her desperate, predatory behavior to acquire mancock was not going to follow her in the shadow of her national TV spotlight. She actually thought that faking a position as a casting agent for the purpose of luring young, vulnerable actors into showing cock on video was going to enhance her career. How does anyone seeking credible fame define stupid? Let's hope Ms. Pie saved enough money along the way (what are the chances of that?), because she stands to get hit by any number of lawsuits. Keep your eyes on the Go-Fund-Me campaign soon to come. RuPaul's Drag Race has been on TV for twelve seasons. When it comes to realness, Drag Race jumped the shark ten seasons ago. Where else could one expect a circus for misfits to go? How desperate for contestants must they be if predator Sherry Pie could slip through the ass crack and bypass any and all scrutiny required to be a viable contestant? After all, the show does have sponsors. No matter what you look like as a guy, as long as you can paint, sew, and sashay, you too can be a star, thanks to can-I-get-an-Amen RuPaul. Of course Pie's social media apology pointed to mental health issues that went long untreated, opting to spend her money on make-up, wigs, and bolts of fabric instead. Had she only loved herself more, as her time on the show taught her, she might have prevented this personal disaster from collapsing upon her. In the meantime, this Emmy-winning show (oh those voting queens in Hollywood) is teaching America what gays are all about. A quick read of the comment section on TMZ, and you'd think all gays behave like this and are doomed to hell. No wonder Pete Buttigieg didn't stand a chance. At least we avoided the Republicans going negative with their slew of anal-punching videos at the ready. 'RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE'   Season 12 Contestant Booted OVER CATFISHING SCANDAL "Drag Race" Star Sherry Pie Apologized After Five Actors Said She Catfished Them Edit: But then again, the cynical among us are claiming it's all fake. Just another contrived controversy to pump Ru's slacking viewership numbers. Who would care about a fake drag queen story? Isn't everything about drag fake anyway?
  9. I guess I'm not surprised that a thread attempting to "Avoid the DaddyHate" would eventually spiral into the very thing the OP was trying to avoid. But in all fairness, SexyAsianStud did name a few names, so why wouldn't some of the old, bitter geezers follow. I think I prefer more posts on sexy man buns, both of the hair and glute type. It is very easy to ignore anyone if you put your lazy mind to it. A little discipline goes a long way to a healthier life. I guess now you've decided it's time to bash Steven Kesslar, a well known escort who contributes to both boards. How charming and productive. Good for the future of this board, too. Thank you for gracing us with your presence, WilliamM. If I owned an escort board, I would take the charm, humor (often self-effacing), and intelligence of ten Steven Kesslers any day over some of the lame hypocrites who are addicted to posting personal hate vents on escort boards. At least with Steven, you know where you stand. The queen HYPOCRITE speaks. How many blood-stained knives from backs she has stabbed does she proudly display in her kitchen collection? Who cares whom she likes or respects when she's spit and shit on her own credibility countless times. Sometimes this board is worse than RuPaul's Drag Race, which is pretty cheap and cliché these days. But I'm happy to give SexyAsianStud's thread a few more views.
  10. I'd rather have one night with Benjamin Nicholas than endure another conversation with a Trump voter, even if the conversation is amicable.
  11. I don't think "scary proposals" are what instigate fear among Democrats about Bernie. "Scary proposals" are a Republican talking point. Bernie shares a political style similar to Trump's. He's stubborn, recalcitrant, and a my-way-or-the-highway type of negotiator. Bernie is also not a Democrat. If Bernie were to win, the historical balance of a two-party system in America may forever change. And this change could hurt The Democratic Party for ages to come. That is what scares some people. If I had a dollar for every time someone called a politician a "crook," people would address me as Michael Bloomberg. Some voters think the simple command of taxing people to pay for community services warrants the label "crook." Frankly, I don't think it's possible to pursue politics or work in public service and NOT have someone call you a crook, especially when the intent is partisan. But let's talk about the dangers and ramifications of HYPOCRISY. When you vote for a well known, highly certifiable Mafia don as your leader and put him into the White House, you never again, NEVER get to enjoy the whining, complaining pleasure of calling someone else a crook. It really is that simple. Oh RA1, I wish you didn't make me laugh so hard during dinner. I get food all over my silk pj's. These are just several links from the first page of a Google search: How Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump Have Profited Off Their Dad's Presidency All the President's Profiting G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest. Trump’s children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden’s son A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency Ka-Ching. Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic. The sad thing about this reality: there are pages and pages on Google when searching for Trump family profiteering from the presidency. There is no such evidence from Joe Biden, so no matter how much the Republicans wish it to be true, voters aren't going to buy into Trump/Kellyanne talking points. Not this election. The will of the American people. The mandate for any president.
  12. In fairness, in some of the post debate analysis, Chris Matthews did ask some of the toughest questions of the candidates. Even though I viewed him in the manner that I did, I listened to some of his questions because few other pundits were asking the same pointed questions.
  13. I have no idea what your support of this member over at the other site has to do with my belief that venting can be healthy when done in measured doses. All we stand for? I don't think so. I don't recall anyone suggesting at anytime that this board should "stand for" venting 24/7. Oz, this site's owner, has set the parameters quite respectfully and IMO professionally. I'm not aware of any current member who wishes to test the limits, even though they've been tested hundreds of times since the birth of this site.
  14. I record Christiane Amanpour's PBS show, and last night she had on Dr. W. Ian Lipkin, a famous and highly respected infectious disease expert at Columbia University. I found the segment on YouTube. I think everyone in a America should watch it. "Dr. W. Ian Lipkin is an infectious disease expert at Columbia University who is fresh out of quarantine after traveling to China, where he was studying the coronavirus outbreak."
  15. On a certain young male with confident style, I love me some man bun. However, if you're an old, fat, geezer with no style or sense of what is style appropriate, then yes, I'm no fan either.
  16. Please don't be a "just." Please don't be just another dull, boring, hypocritical contributor. You are free to tease your favorite members by sending explicit pics in PMs. Otherwise, if global sharing is your game, lots of tongues wagging in the Porn Forum.
  17. Well that's the million dollar bet at the moment. I would love to hear those conversations. Given that Warren was not pleased with Bernie calling her a liar on national TV, given that Warren distanced herself from Medicare-For-All when she finally realized that Pete Buttigieg was correct, given that Warren very much knows where the power dynamic lies within the Democratic Party, my bet is that she will join forces with Biden. Fingers crossed, with an open wallet ready for donating.
  18. No I don't. In 2016, Republican party favorite (at least among the backers), Jeb Bush, ended his campaign on Feb 20. Ted Cruz and John Kasich remained in the primary along with Trump all the way until May 3. They continually split their primary vote among three men, allowing Trump to win more primaries with just ⅓ of the vote. Had it only been a two-man race early on, there's no telling what might have happened, given the number of never-Trumpers out there at that time. In 2020, the Democrats will not let this mistake happen, and I predict they will coalesce to Biden, which is already happening. And it's only March 5th. Obviously, some Trump acolytes don't think it was a mistake to get in bed with the Mafia don devil. Against Hillary, they saw Trump as their only chance to win. They believed no one but the devil could beat Hillary. (I'm certainly not saying Hillary was a saint, but she's no Trump, and IMO, she's a much better human being.) Hillary won the popular vote in 2016 by almost 3 million people, a FACT that Trump acolytes love to ignore. Considering the shit that went down in the 2016 election (the Russians, WikiLeaks, the server, Comey, and Anthony Weiner), Hillary still broke popular vote records against Trump. But her campaign failed by taking Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan votes for granted. Losing these three states by such narrow margins was the biggest mistake of her campaign. I always thought the hatred towards Hillary was irrational, extremely partisan, and very sexist and misogynistic. Very much like Obama, I believed Hillary had the potential to make a terrific president. I also believed she was the most qualified candidate this country has seen in my lifetime, despite her obvious flaws. However, she handled her in-home server scandal horribly, which gave her hate-filled opposition plenty of ammunition to destroy her presidential bid. And that's precisely what they did.
  19. No I don't. And I'll write more later when I have time. The phones are ringing now that Warren has dropped out.
  20. My suggestion: Don't let the old control queens try to control you. They're on both sites. Bash all you want. Venting is healthy, as long as it's in moderation and enlightens. A bit of humor with your ass in view is always welcome pleasure.
  21. Fascinating is an understatement. My phone has been ringing off the hook. It happens to be sunny with clear blue skies in NYC today, but everyone on the streets seems to be walking with a lilt in their step ever since news spread of Bloomberg ending his campaign and vowing to support Biden. And the news spread so quickly with cell phone updates via text. Yesterday, pundits mentioned the possibility of Bloomberg getting out, but it was mentioned as wishful thinking. No one had a scoop. It was also fascinating to hear Andrew Yang's take on things, since not so long ago he was behind the scenes. Yang joined CNN as a contributor, and once in awhile he offers insider tidbits. He described the Bloomberg offices accurately, and his take on Bloomberg's grand data machine was also an earful. The speculation of Bloomberg's paid troops, paid through November, getting behind Biden almost sounded too good to be true. And as of this morning, it's closer to reality. What a great day for our country! We can almost taste the end of Trumpism in the air.
  22. I'm surprised anyone intelligent would have a need to ask this question. The Democrats are dead serious about ousting Trump. They see Trump as a threat to truth, the Constitution, and democracy. While I think the behind-the-scenes conversations would be interesting to know, I am thrilled, like many fellow voters, that the Democrats are not going to make the same mistake that the Republicans made in 2016. Getting behind Biden in early March, with the Bloomberg apparatus supporting Biden, is the way you keep your eye on the prize. And what exactly is Trump doing on the Wednesday morning shitter? Poking more fun at Elizabeth Warren, which is just one more nail in his coffin. Everything Trump touches dies. It's time for him to go to hell where he belongs.
  23. LOL. I thought I had in the post you quoted. It's possible she wrote her speech, but she relied heavily on her notes throughout it. Bill Clinton had the talent to write and memorize his speeches. Amy also missed one-too-many of her stress and timing punches, which suggests to me she was speaking words of a speechwriter and did not have enough practice time.
  24. You're not the only one.
  25. I'll show you mine if you show me yours. On a scale of things deserving pride in life, I'd say it's pretty low on the totem pole. Still, I'm glad I no longer feel a need to rub elbows with certain assholes who belong to a poorly-run club where I prefer not to be a member. Sometimes an intervention of sorts is needed to eliminate a bad habit. Love me a drama queen with a fierce butt. It is amazing how good it can feel to throw out the trash. Daddy wishes he could get his cock sucked by Vicious Nellies.
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