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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. Ironically, I received an email today from a favorite NYC Foundation I have supported for decades. This email shocked me. It shocked me because of its courage. It shocked me because of its honesty. The writing shocked me: it's extremely well written. The intent is profound and life-affirming. I am a very proud member. This email reminded me of super smart business practice. If Daddy had a brain and a heart, he either would have stayed silent on the subject of BLM, never allowing his personal politics to interfere with his running an escort board, or he could have written a similar letter to the escort community and the gay men who love them. I share this email with BoyToy members: "We Stand With Black Lives Matter Over the last week the James Beard Foundation has been quiet. In our silence we have been coming to terms with the enormity of the work we have to do as an organization. The murder of George Floyd and the protests against the racialized police brutality and injustices Black people have faced in this country for centuries have galvanized our organization’s commitment to racial justice. We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. We acknowledge that solidarity is not enough, and that we have more work to do in centering anti-racism in our messaging, our programs, and our own internal structure and staff. The James Beard Foundation has an all-White leadership team and an overwhelmingly White board of trustees. We know this must change and are committed to making the change. For more than 30 years, the James Beard Foundation has stood for excellence in the restaurant industry. But we have never fully acknowledged that this industry was built upon a culture of oppression and privilege. A culture that oppresses the Black and Brown people who make up nearly 50 percent of America’s food and beverage workers, and one that perpetuates inequities from wage disparity to harassment to outright violence, cannot rightfully be considered excellent by any moral standard. Although the concept of equity has been part of our mission for years—to make the world more equitable, sustainable, and delicious for everyone—we realize the limitations of our understanding of what equity really means. It’s past time to acknowledge that the White privilege that keeps us safe is a weapon used against our Black colleagues and community. It is imperative for White people to face our privilege, to gather our White family members, friends, coworkers, and community members and fight for the rights, freedoms, and self-determination of Black people. In a time of economic uncertainty and political division, facing a global pandemic, brave people around the country have risen. We join them and we commit to make real, substantive change in our organization and in our industry so that their efforts will not have been in vain. We will be sharing updates over the coming weeks on the James Beard Foundation’s priorities, funding, and programs, as well as resources for our audience to join in the Black Lives Matter in an effort to dismantle systemic racism. Racial equity must be at the core of any and all of our efforts to build back a better industry, as humble, open partners."
  2. Of course, my perineum is absolutely tickled that my "Fuck You Daddy" thread is generating a little heat. It even provoked a wannabe troll to join this board for the purpose of calling me a troll and questioning my "obsession" with Daddy. Now that's a reason to celebrate with some delicious cake. Since NYC is massively infected, crashing and burning alongside the curfew that never stood a chance, how about we have some fun? As long as I can't easily find Covid-free cock, I designate this place as party central. Bitching bullshit can indeed distract. I can handle diversions, like calling me a pig. I have no difficulty re-setting focus and holding no hard feelings. My skin is not thin. IMO, this is a time when bitching is called for. I would say it's necessary. As President Obama was keen to remind me in his recent online conversation: "America was founded in protest. It was called the Revolutionary War." War is never pretty. At the moment, my only weapon will be words and my right to free speech (as much as Oz, the owner of this site, will tolerate). LOL. Say what? Did you say obsessed? With Daddy? Thank you for the hearty laugh. I always appreciate humor, even when it's a bad attempt. How else can one expect to find new talent? I pray every day that God will bring down our Devil president, the orange-orangutan who is hell-bent on destroying America, Democracy, and the rule of law. Trump is a hateful, lying piece of shit. I make daily donations to any cause that will help God answer my prayers. Yet, no one in my circle, not even the gay priest who takes my confession, would ever accuse me of being obsessed with Trump. And I tell you, my disdain for Trump is as serious as a quadruple bypass. Daddy? Obsessed with Daddy? Who gives two shits? The minute that site shuts down because the bandwidth bill can no longer be paid, the skin-scratching slob will be history. Not one gay man will honor Daddy with the reverence Hooboy earned. Not one gay member will miss calling some board owner, "Daddy." And the cheap queens who love cutting deals with escorts, closeted or not, will seek another "free" place to call home, dissing and comparing notes on cock, the minute the Daddy is gone. Obsession? No way can you call me Doug69. No way will every post of mine be written for the purpose to bring down Benjamin Nicholas, er, I mean Daddy. No way will I be changing my username photo icon to a photo of Daddy's oversize gut that he himself posted on his own forum. No way am I obsessed with an unhealthy FATTY. Buddy2, you are a party popper. Or worse, a NYC cab driver who cuts Halal farts before a customer steps into his taxi. Our hostess with the most-ess. Exactly. While I appreciate cleverly written life lessons on an escort board: sorry. RH does not eat until all his table guests have their food. If any restaurant tried to pull that shit on my dinner guests, the restaurant would lose one seriously good customer. Well here's the deal on that. If you're a business owner and you behave stupidly in public, I'm going to rip you to shreds if given the chance. IMO, Daddy makes too many mistakes running his escort review board. I would have more respect for the guy had he kept his mouth shut about his very personal woes through the years. He chose to mix his personal shit with the business of escorting and reviews, and IMO, that is Business FAILURE 101. Furthermore, he posted photos of himself celebrating with escorts on his forum once. This action had the appearance of a brag grab. The photos sat there for several days for the world to see. Eventually, the thread was removed. I saved the photos of Daddy. If you're a business owner who pretends to value privacy and verification, behaving like an incompetent jerk in public and posting unattractive photos of yourself on the internet, while frolicking with escorts, then you can feel my free speech rights. I mock Daddy on a personal level because his public behavior begs. With his hand out for donations, he continues to make appalling mistakes. His stupid thread suggesting that "BLM is racist" is just one more example of what you don't do when you run the most popular escort review board. The guy is a pathetic joke and the escort community, and those who love them, deserve better. Even though I love this quote from Oz, it's not exactly fair or true. I don't allow FAT to prevent me from loving someone who is FAT. I have very close friends who are FAT, and I love them dearly. Most of my cousins in my large family are FAT, but I love only a few of them. Family relationships are usually more complicated than friends. My aversion to FAT people is purely SEX related. (OK, in advertising/casting they're not much fun either.) If you're FAT and you come on to me looking for sex, you're going to feel rejected. My rejection is always polite and discreet, unless you're an asshole. If your sexual aggression occurs in the sauna, you will never truly know from my behavior the reason I rejected you, but FAT gay guys always know it's the FAT. I have a lot of personal history with FAT, and much of that has formed how I feel today. I'm going to save that saga for the memoir. Like I said, I enjoy a good sense of humor. To those who make me laugh, thank you!
  3. Perhaps to others, but you did not alert me privately. I'm not arrogant enough to assume that Daddy is a racist. I have no idea what lies in that man's heart other than bad cholesterol. IMO, lacking support of the term "Black Live Matter" does not qualify you as a racist, it simply shows ignorance. Are you calling me a pig? LOL.
  4. That's very funny. The first time someone has ever accused me of sounding like Nixon and Reagan. Not buying it. Capitalism is not the problem. I am a proud Capitalist, and there is nothing anyone can say that will change that. I have conducted business in other countries and cultures. I will take American business laws, regulations, and freedom any day over those other foreign experiences. IMO, education ranks high as a priority problem, and I have no difficulty agreeing with those who believe that a majority of poor Blacks have been left behind when it comes to education. There are a lot of reasons why Blacks (and their families, if they have one) do not take their education opportunities seriously. The reasons are complicated and cultural, and yes, I'm sure racism is a part of that. When Blacks (or any other minorities) learn how to build a business and make Capitalism work for them, they have the ability to thrive. Some people learn how to thrive without a formal education, but that group is quite small. There are a fair number of millionaires who built their success without a college diploma. A gifted mind comes in all shapes, sizes, and skin colors. However, a good education is not available to all, and a high number of minorities see no point when the fight is so hard. IMO, all opportunity starts with education. No matter your race or family circumstances, if you commit your time and brain to learning, you can be just about anything you aspire to be.
  5. I couldn't agree more. Some members over there are trying their best to educate that loser, but some of us have long known what a lost cause and waste of time that is. I'm delighted that some escorts are speaking up. It's high time they understand who they are supporting in the escort community, who they are granting gatekeeper status.
  6. "The Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski said she endorsed James Mattis’s scathing criticism of President Trump, and suggested she may not vote for him." #NYTimes
  7. I absolutely disagree, and can't imagine how anyone could reach that conclusion. "You cannot address racism without addressing capitalism." Why not? How does Capitalism encourage racism? I know plenty of smart, creative Black business owners who are living the American dream, thanks to Capitalism and the ease of doing business in America. One of them happens to be a proud Capitalist Shark. Racism may affect which bank owner loans you money, but if you are Black, smart, and creative, Capitalist America is the best place to start and grow a business.
  8. Thank you to the member who alerted me to this post on Daddy's site. Black Lives Matter is Racist My message to Daddy: Daddy, you're an ignorant fool and you don't deserve the support of intelligent gay men. You certainly don't deserve our money in the form of donations. I hope your racially-sensitive board members get some serious wisdom and see you for the ignorant fool that you are. Even though you are fat, broke, unhealthy, with an awful skin condition, you are a privileged white man who will never know what it is like to live life as a Black man, especially when confronted by a cop. "Blacks are three times more likely than whites to be killed by police" simply because of the color of their skin. And that's the very serious point you miss with your ignorant post. "President Donald Trump has stated that "Black Lives Matter" is a divisive term and that the term is inherently racist." And we all know how intelligent and enlightened Donald Trump is. We also know he's a racist defender of white supremacy. Daddy, you're free to agree with Donald Trump, but many of us are free to disagree with you. "All Lives Matter is a demonstration of how we don't actually understand structural racism in this country". And it's very clear to me that Daddy will never understand. When Daddy foolishly expresses his outrageous ignorance and bias on his board, members should feel free to respond. IMO, the best way for a gay man to respond is to end support of this fool.
  9. Can we talk about the nerve of that stupid poser cunt, dressed to the nines playing the supposed role of White House Press Secretary? "White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday compared President Trump’s photo opportunity in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s examination of World War II bombing damage in 1941." McEnany compares Trump's Photo-Op to Churchill Somebody should tell this incompetent idiot that when you have to explain your stunt to the American people, it means you fucked up your messaging. As far as I can see, no one handled this fiasco better than Anderson Cooper. With the perfect dose of gay glibness, Anderson puts Kayleigh right where she belongs: UNEMPLOYED. Don't miss this video: And finally, can someone tell me what tax payers are paying to dress and beautify this bitch for the cameras? I can promise you this: She did not get out of bed looking like that, and she did not do the beauty work herself. Whatever we're paying, it needs to end now!
  10. FINALLY, a breakthrough of sorts. Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a retired four-star Marine Corps general, highly respected leader of the armed forces, has stepped forward to publicly denounce Trump. I hope it's not a case of too little, too late. My gut is telling me this will impact on-the-fence Republican voters. Mattis Accuses Trump of Dividing the Nation in a Time of Crisis. He (Trump) “does not even pretend to try” to unite Americans. James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution "In an extraordinary condemnation, the former defense secretary backs protesters and says the president is trying to turn Americans against one another." Extraordinary is an understatement. No former Defense Secretary in modern times has ever publicly denounced the Commander in Chief, his former boss. General Mattis has the power to make Donald Trump feel really small and insignificant, which is Trump's greatest fear.
  11. If you don't have A.D.D., the conversation was interesting and necessary. Another step forward, however small. IMO, it's always interesting to listen to intelligent people of color discuss the very sensitive subject of racism in America. Obama kept it professorial. Eric Holder is professionally similar. You either like that approach or you don't. It helps if you're educated and patient. Sometimes, I wish Obama would get a little more angry. On the other hand, I admire his steady, mannered, think-before-you-speak ways. In the end, he's perfectly suited for the high road, and it's a very positive outlook for the community. I could be wrong, but I think Trump's name was never mentioned. And it seems to me that took a ton of discipline and was probably pre-discussed. I wanted to see a political fight, but truthfully speaking, this conversation was not the time for that. Anti-Trump politics was not the goal.
  12. You can view the speech here: https://www.obama.org/anguish-and-action/
  13. Obama to speak on police reform today as George Floyd protests continue. How to watch: This is sure to drive Trump absolutely mad. As we get closer to November, I'm confident President Obama will be more visible on behalf of Joe Biden. I can't wait to watch Trump's skin crawl.
  14. @JKane The video is superb, but it's way too long. Unfortunately, Republican voters, the people who should be forced to watch it, have the attention span of a gnat.
  15. Steve King, House Republican With a History of Racist Remarks, Loses Primary One major fucking Republican asshole out, 196 to go. I'm doing everything humanly possible to see Republican legislators feel some serious pain this November. They deserve a ton of pain for not only elevating Trumpism in America, but for having their tongues stuck up his ass for the past three years. This class of morons deserve SERIOUS PAIN.
  16. Trump most definitely would be killed if he attempted to march with protestors. He's the biggest chicken-shit, whiny little bitch there is. I still can't believe this STUPID, NARCISSISTIC mother-fucker thought it was a good idea to have this insane PHOTO-OP. Trump's only relationship with a Bible is praying to the BANKS that he didn't get caught fucking Karen McDougal while Melania was delivering his son, and he didn't get caught paying Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their having sex before the election. GIVE US A FUCKING BREAK! I am shocked that the sky didn't turn black and Trump avoided being struck by lightening when he held the Bible up in front of St. John's Church. Beware of the lying thief, orange-orangutan who uses God and his Good Book to sow the orange-orangutan's bad seed. The photo-op proves Trump has NO conscience. If he was a genuine man of faith, he would have been scared shitless to do what he did yesterday. I think Trump's day of judgment is coming. Just not soon enough for me.
  17. The "for sure" thing is not easy, but a smart, aware man can read the intent of voice and words. He just needs to find the time. I learned that my sexual pleasure also came in handy when trying to sniff-out a dying rat in the pre-war wall. I love efficiency, when a sexual skill has more than one use.
  18. It's not "for censorship." They have a "national security" agreement. Show me one business that wishes to be sued by the U.S. Government? Elections have consequences, and Trump has all the power. Power buys you the ability to bend the will of others. If the NY Times (and others) do not cooperate, they will feel the wrath. This agreement has gone on for decades.
  19. LOL! I see your point. The photo of Hitler could be Photoshopped. I have not researched its authenticity. If the photo is Photoshopped, it's fake news I can tolerate. The juxtaposition is far more precious than Trump's birther campaign of Obama. Apparently, conservative news reports of Trump's army gassing peaceful protesters so that he could accomplish this disgusting photo-op are blowing up in his face. Trump is the biggest asshole, whiny little Bitch, and the incompetent jerks around him are no better. Conservatives know that Trump has ZERO relationship with the Bible, and conservative preachers are looking at his act as sacrilegious, as they should. This is a must-read from George Will in today's Washington Post: Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers.
  20. I don't think so. The first 1925 edition of Mein Kampf was red with a pale ivory spine and ivory font lettering on the front. Here is an actual example: Subsequent editions remained red with pale font color. If photographed in black and white, the book would appear like this:
  21. Trump is also Falsely Religious. Seeing Trump with a Bible in his hand made me laugh too hard. I can't believe Trump's tiny hands didn't immediately go up in flames. How does anyone define SCARY anymore?
  22. His mental illness is infamous. Hard to believe such a pathetic gay man exists when abundant sources of therapy are available. One thing I have to say about today's gay youth: most are far more mentally healthy than previous generations. TROLLS certainly hope you won't take the time to discover their ways. Sweet music to my ears. Now if only we can find a way to kick the HYPOCRITES in the balls. Some of them even start threads complaining about fellow hypocrites. The state of our world is insane. Bravo to you! It takes time to authenticate new member IPs, but it sure helps keep the board civil and free from TROLLS. There's a HUGE difference between a cranky asshole and a TROLL bent on destroying the board. IMO, keeping the board free of pernicious cancer is a good thing. +1 Time is money. I hope you have better things to spend your money on. I hate to see business owners throw away good money on customers who are determined to destroy your effort and investment. A true TROLL doesn't need a pandemic to get his kicks. Most experienced users know how to spot a red flag. Some of us can smell the foul odor of a TROLL a mile away.
  23. The story is a serious head-scratcher. Netflix wasted no time to produce its documentary. It's only four episodes, mostly focusing on the victims who were willing to come forward, but you're left with more questions than the documentary can provide. 1. Was Epstein molested as a child? 2. How was he able to acquire so much wealth without actually being groomed for a career in finance? (Les Wexner turned out to be his only client.) 3. What on earth happened between Epstein and Les Wexner? Was Epstein Wexner's boytoy? (Sit on my face and shit in my mouth and I'll give you a Rolex? I know people who've done this.) 4. Why did Wexner give Epstein power of attorney? (Did Epstein's shit taste like filet mignon?) 5. Why did Wexner give Epstein his 77-million-dollar townhouse in Manhattan? (If the rumor that only $1 was exchanged in the sale is true.) 6. Where is Ghislaine Maxwell and why can't the authorities find her? Are they even looking? (Supposedly, Ghislaine Maxwell denies every allegation against her. But no one knows where she is, so where are the denials coming from?) 7. How on earth did Epstein's lawyers get away with securing immunity for everyone associated with him, known and unknown? (Epstein's defense lawyers included Roy Black, Gerald Lefcourt, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, and former U. S. Solicitor General Ken Starr.) 8. Who on earth can trust Alan Dershowitz to tell the truth in public, no matter how convincing an actor he may be? In the documentary, Virginia Roberts Giuffre claims she was forced to have sex with Dershowitz at least five or six times. She is very convincing. Dershowitz denies he ever met her. 9. Why on earth was Dershowitz using Epstein's Palm Beach Estate for family vacations? 10. Why did Bill Clinton feel the need to take twenty-six plane rides on Epstein's plane? 11. Why is Bill Clinton denying that he ever visited Epstein's private island, especially when more than one witness claims they saw him there? 12. Who on earth believes Prince Andrew when he says, "I don't remember the photo being taken." in response to Virginia Roberts Giuffre claiming that she was forced to have sex with him after they posed for the photo? And that's just the beginning. This story is far from over, and we may never know the whole truth. Too many wealthy and powerful people have an interest in the truth never seeing the light of day. I didn't even mention the shit storm involving Trump acolyte Alex Acosta, who brokered Epstein's plea deal. There's far more to the story involving him.
  24. Just added young Braydan Ifould to my NT porn thread, where he's showing his beautiful shaved cock. This guy has STAR written all over him. You can find him at OnlyFans.
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