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Everything posted by RockHardNYC
I've met too many tall, foreign trinkets who married boorish American men for money (and to get their parents safely into this country). So "I am proud of her" is not a statement I can make. However, if the story presented in the book is true, it reveals Melania's shrewdness (or she has her own lawyer who gives her smart advice). I like smart women who know how to play the game of chess. In that respect, I give her props. Works for me. If you're willing to post a photo of your ass, we can see who agrees with your doctor? Reminds me of the time I went to a new doctor, and after the exam was over, he locked the door and asked if I would mind if he sucked my cock. I meant to share this event on the board many months ago, but I forgot. In the end, he came and I didn't, so I decided not to return to him. Selfish horny fucker.
Keep 'em coming, JKane. Maybe I'll check in while I'm gone for a laugh.
@lookin LOL! How divine. I've never seen this one before. So fitting and apropos, too (except I photograph much taller and have better taste in crowns). I love a great turret. There are several in Italy that have been completely remastered for upscale tourists. There is one in Tuscany that offers an outdoor terrace where the castle owners serve breakfast and dinner to the turret's occupants. The terrace overlooks the ancient Medieval city. The lodging experience is marvelous. Thank you for providing levity.
The rumors surrounding his inability to lift his arm high enough to drink a glass of water, suggesting mild stroke causation, are fascinating. And how about that new Melania book, claiming she re-negotiated her pre-nup to get her to agree to move to Washington shortly after the inauguration? She remained in NYC, which cost taxpayers millions. That means she used all tax payers to help re-negotiate her financial status with her husband. Can't help but wonder if a class action lawsuit is in the making. Can't help but believe that every word in that book might be true.
You seem very wise for your age. I confess to starting out a dumb blond, and I had no problem skating by on good looks and a decent cock. I had to learn life the hard way. But you are correct, "it's not just a matter of age," and I tip my hat to all the young folk who are out protesting, risking their lives for us all.
They're effective on my wallet. If I were a blogger seeking an audience, I would for sure avoid getting into a tussle with a board owner who shares my audience, or helps feed me his audience. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot. But, then again, if I were a teacher, the last dream I would have is blogging about my sexploits with escorts. Humans aren't perfect. And we don't live in a perfect system. All we can do is make decisions we hope are right for us. But when we become righteous, watch out. Everything you write can come back to haunt you.
As you get older and learn how the Capitalist machine works, you become more aware (if you want to). I pay very close attention, for sure. My money, my responsibility. I've learned from very successful friends in finance: Follow the money. As a consumer who cares, it is my preference to know. Money is power and freedom. I think it's important to know with whom you are supporting.
How do you define complicit?
I'm usually up for a good argument.
+1 A bad diet is not good for the brain, body, and soul. It can seriously fuck things up.
Maureen Dowd interviews San Antonio Spears' head coach, Gregg Popovich about "taking the knee," in today's Times. Fascinating read for BLM supporters. An Anti-Trump Slam Dunk
+1 If a gay guy can open his mouth for Chick-Fil-A, he can turn a blind eye to racism.
Last I looked, this thread is about TROLLs trying to join the board to cause mayhem. It asks us to keep an eye on them. Is there a member here other than myself who, with every word written, must deal with troll behavior? If not, then how do you know how ridiculous it feels? No troll is going to be stupid enough to attack Oz. The same was true of Daddy. Owners have the power to shut down IP addresses, so Oz can say anything and his words are safe from endless ridicule and attack. I've made it clear, I use the term "war" as if dressed in drag. Lucky started his war with me on December 4, 2018, and I have the "fuck you" writing to prove it. I even wrote Oz to inform him. It was then I decided to ignore Lucky, and for a long time I was successful. As I've said, I don't find it difficult to ignore members without relying on the software. But Lucky could not ignore me. And his attacks have increased with Buddy2 joining him. Here's the thing about the "ignore" feature: in order for it to work, it takes two. I have asked Lucky and Buddy to ignore my posts countless times. They refuse. So if I'm the only one doing the ignoring, the trolls are free to troll me with every word I contribute. How fair is that? How successful is this "ignore" feature when two members are hell-bent on trolling your every word? This is the game that some forum members prefer. Gather "allies" and gang up on others you perceive to dislike. It's back to grade school for some, but not for me. I want no part of it (even though I know how to fight back). If Oz has no desire to control the ongoing troll behavior of Lucky and Buddy/WilliamM, then I will. I do not mind stepping away from this board to bring their behavior against me to an end.
Dude, having trouble reading? The quote "Hey Daddy Go Fuck Yourself!" is the TITLE of the thread, and your "truce" is located on Page 3. Nobody suggested anywhere that the title of my thread is attributable to you. You sure love the word SHAME, but you have none. Yet you're a TOTAL HYPOCRITE. I gave you a chance to prove your truce was sincere, and you blew it. In 1 HOUR and 21 MINUTES. There's nothing sincere about you. You lie with two faces. You just talk shit, and very much like Daddy, I'm tired of it. Keep prodding me with your cunt tickler, and I promise to prod back. EDIT I see Buddy is just as blind as you are. I dare you both to ignore my posts. I dare you both. You simply can't. I love exposing your TROLL behavior.
You ended it. Exactly one hour and twenty-one minutes after the fact. Thank you Oz for not being Daddy and for not deleting the posts. Another fantasy in your head you just pulled from your ass.
For some people, it takes more time than for others. But mostly for me, the biggest disappointment is from lazy gays with lazy minds. So many people just don't give a shit about the details, as long as they have a free watering hole. Of course your departure post on Daddy's board has been DELETED. Of course it has. (Keep in mind I have not seen the deletion.) You're not allowed to dissent or challenge Daddy and Co. And that's a direct result of the owner having no clue how to run a successful board. America is experiencing a reckoning. One can only hope actual change is on the way. There's lots of ugly people out there who own guns. Wars can get really ugly, but I'm praying the racists die with Trumpism, and it doesn't come to more bloodshed. Thank you Oz for providing a place to speak one's mind. It gives Latbear4blk an opportunity to reach his readers.
Again, pot calling the kettle black. TOTAL HYPOCRITE. Lucky can't bear to look at his reflection in a mirror. That fake "TRUCE" lasted all but ten seconds. Everyone knows Lucky's word is worthless. Two faces (and they're not pretty) and can't be trusted. For any reader who wishes to befriend this tired troll, good luck. Sure you have. You simply use euphemisms, sprayed with Eau de Cunt. Here's a money-making suggestion for Oz... Much like restaurants and doctor's offices do with their customers, demand a credit card number to be kept on file for a posting-privileged membership. It's very easy to use an anonymous online payment method. Charge a $25 fee for MRs (Member Ridicules). Any member who wishes to ridicule another member, no matter how obliquely, Oz gets to collect the $25 fee at his discretion. If you're a member who longs for a true gentleman's club, then you'll never see a fee posted to your CC account. If you're a lonely, retired cunt without an ounce of creativity, who enjoys being a cunt 24/7, and simply adores the game of putting RH in his place, then feed Oz some cash to finance his escort tally and the bandwidth bill, and get your cunt tickled. Everyone wins!
Looks like ABC is getting WOKE. I've never seen an episode of "Bachelor." I'd rather have a sex-change operation and have it go wrong. But I hear the show is very popular. Network TV is typically behind the eight-ball on social issues (Hello Ellen!), but they just cast their first Black bachelor. It's amazing to me this corporate decision was made SO FAST. Matt James is no Francois Angoston, but hey, if he dropped his towel in the sauna while winking at me, I'd certainly help him pick "it" up. Good for ABC to jump on the BLM bandwagon so quickly. It's not easy for a Black man to hold a rose with such a delicate grip. First Black ‘Bachelor,’ Matt James, Cast by ABC
If Oz is like Daddy and doesn't have enough money to run his board, then I strongly suggest he shut it down. I wouldn't spend one penny on some of you cocksuckers and your entertainment needs. And for the life of me, other than love of the escorts, which I share, I have no idea why Oz continues to cater to a small group of pain-in-the-ass holes, including myself. But as long as Oz is here, long live the assholes (at least a few of them, including myself). PS I should write a check to OZ so that the assholes on this board can continue to behave like assholes, and get their cheap, tacky jollies? That's about the funniest suggestion I have ever heard from the board's two finest imbeciles. Here's my donation to Lucky and Buddy: GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
It was easy to miss. And what a waste of bandwidth it was.
Unfortunately, asking for donations does nothing for one's face. The only way to irritate and deter a potential troll: force him to cough up his credit card each time he wishes to create a new username. Easy money.
Thank you, again, for staying on top of it. I thought the voice was very familiar. It's very difficult for writers to alter their voice on attack lines. Ask Aaron Sorkin. I still wish there was a financial mechanism in place, allowing you to profit from each new username approval. You totally deserve to make money on the backs of trolls.
I'm with you there. Reality TV lives for drama and conflict. It was designed that way, assuming that's what would sell. It does sell. Lots of watchers. It did. It was clever and honest. Actual talent was the focus, talent that had the ability to make someone a fortune. Clothing designers possess a unique gift, and everyone wears clothes, so the gift/work is relatable. He's a terrific guy. Too many producers in TV, especially reality TV, don't believe kindness sells. A car crash garners faster attention, and keeps people interested longer. Round table meetings are always fascinating to me. I dislike many of the players, but dutifully keep my mouth shut.
I supported the production in its early days from behind the scenes. I love designers, and I thought the show's concept was brilliant. Heidi, Kors, Garcia and Gunn had terrific chemistry. I also worked with every 1980's Supermodel. Heidi may have thought she was one, but I never agreed. I did always enjoy her, though. I also enjoyed Seal.