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Everything posted by RockHardNYC

  1. I hear that. But it should be temporary. The vaccines are coming. I never understood men who would risk their longterm health over an orgasm. Never. Will. Understand. I'm so glad my sex drive has limits.
  2. I don't go anywhere without a mask. We mask ourselves whenever anyone comes to the door or enters the apartment. I have too many brilliant doctors in my life to ignore the science behind Covid. This is one disease I don't want to get. The other is HIV. America is in deep shit going into winter. I mean DEEP shit. Had Trump not politicized mask wearing and the pandemic, he would have won re-election. I'm glad he lost, but he did incredible damage to our trust in health care and government institutions. I haven't had sex since with a stranger since February. If you are a stranger, I'm not getting within six feet of you. I'm doing everything I can to protect my health, and the health of those I love. I know way too many people who live with compromised health. Not the life for me. I am disciplined. I can live without sex. I am surrounded by love, so that makes all else tolerable. As soon as there is a safe vaccine, I look forward to a more normal existence. But until then, it's hunker down time.
  3. I love to visit European cities off-season. Living in NYC, I don't seek high energy and hustle-bustle when I travel. I used to visit Venice in January. Loved the fog. I also enjoy my alone time. I rarely have it, but I love it when I do. I've never used Grindr. I wouldn't know what it is like to miss it. You can see a few from my windows. Part of the joy of living in a Manhattan high-rise. The views from my apartment offer a variety of visual delights. There was a well-known brownstone not far away that was famous for gay sex parties on their roof. And I once saw a hot photographer licking his model's pussy on another rooftop. There's never a dull moment when you're high up and own a decent pair of binoculars. No matter what's going on here, there's always someone having sex, and most people aren't shy about it.
  4. I did not know that. Thanks for the tip. I will look into it.
  5. I do love the language snobs of Paris. For many years, I spent Christmas in the 16th arrondissement practicing my accent. How fascinating that you write from Montepellier. Can't imagine what it's like being a bi-bottom-boy there. I would love to know more. I know the south of France very well, but I've never ventured further west than Avignon. Loneliness during Covid is a serious issue that has caused unbelievable pain and death for many people. I have longtime neighbors who live alone, and we do our best to look in on them regularly, and do shopping for them. In the middle of March, I had an intern experience a serious accident in front of my building while making a business delivery to me. He was relatively new to NYC and had no family or friends to help him. I felt he belonged in a hospital, but it was the height of Covid, and my circle of doctor friends advised me not to admit him. Rather than send him to his roommates somewhere out in Brooklyn, we took him in for three weeks while he convalesced. The poor guy was in terrible pain. I wish I could share stories about the joys of bathing him. But at least he wasn't alone. I'm not sure how he would have survived his accident if we weren't there to help him. For a long time, he could not move. Having a pet can help, but a pet will only get you so far. There's nothing like a pandemic to teach us all what isolation and despair feels like.
  6. I had no idea you were in France. C'est probablement une question stupide. Parlez-vous couramment le français?
  7. Since I believe money is the root of most evil, I'm naturally suspicious as well. Money, especially a lot of it, can complicate relationships, for sure. I experience this within my own family. The dynamics have always fascinated me, since none of my relatives were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Most of my family think I'm Bill Gates wealthy. They have no clue what it feels like to have one million dollars, but who doesn't enjoy a good fantasy? Observing the way some of them treat me and my son at times is always entertaining. I also have a cousin who, for most of her adult life, was caregiver to a mentally ill brother. She loved her older brother so much, she felt it was her duty to protect him, especially after her parent's died. She sacrificed most of her adult life to care for and protect him. And she cared for him until he died in his 50's. It's a tragic story, and I view her as saintly for what she did. If he had somehow been worth millions, I don't think she would have behaved differently, but other members of the family would have put forth all kinds of accusations against her. Nobody really knows the truth about what goes on inside a family. The details get murky and complicated quite easily. And since gossip mongers love to speculate, stories created out of thin air can control narratives and become seriously destructive.
  8. Very depressing, but an important opinion piece that is fraught with horror, no matter how you slice it. The answer is not easy. Personally, I want to see Trump's name and face disappear from public view ASAP. The TROLL feeds off attention so I say starve the bitch. I fully realize, as long as the asshole is alive, his craving for attention will never end. He knows how to work the media. But how much attention does a Joe Biden administration want to waste on Trump? If you have 70+ million people who aren't going to believe "the truth," no matter the evidence, isn't it better for everyone to allow the failed election to be the final verdict? Why Prosecuting Trump Is a Very Bad Idea
  9. @nynakedtop Nicely stated. Every word is spot on. Of course it's pointless to compare a "Clinton" to a Republican. The Clinton HATE was always irrational and hypocritical. The most important and dangerous point you make: the Republicans have no shame. Without shame, you can do whatever you want with no conscience and/or fear of retribution. A 2-party democracy cannot survive if one party has no shame and does not suffer the deserved consequences. Trump isn't the only problem now. It's also the 7+ million who voted for him in spite of everything that's wrong with him and this country. Bad news.
  10. Must-see! Fucking brilliant! Just released. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
  11. The Lincoln Project calls for revenge on ‘grubby sellouts’ who backed Trump 'Their tough-guy acts and fuck-your-feelings shit-talk have become a furious whine of complaints and recriminations as a toxic slurry of rage and despair has left a stinging bile in the back of their throats that won’t go away.’ We Won’t Forget and We Won’t Forgive What Trumpists Did to America
  12. It's a fantasy to think the Democratic Party could ever behave like the Republicans and get away with it. If they did, they'd risk shooting themselves in the foot every time, feeding the Republicans with endless talking-point attacks. The Republicans haven't been a "big-tent" party for a very long time. That gives them a certain focused "message" advantage. For better or worse, the Democrats are the diversity party (attempting to care for the middle-class and the poor). It is far more difficult to hone a solitary message among vastly diverse elements, a never-ending struggle that the Republicans manage to avoid (sometimes).
  13. I found it fascinating, too. It appears he's a man of strong integrity and conviction - "country before party" - and there he is out in public, forced to respond to what an asshole "boss" did to his hard work and reputation. I was sure the guy was holding back tears. Frankly, it reminded me of some dark years I spent in corporate. I think any executive from corporate could relate to Krebs' situation. I sometimes had bosses who felt it was necessary to take credit for my work, or worse, politically necessary to not support my ideas for a project, even though it would mean settling for an inferior idea. It didn't take me very long to see the writing on the wall. If I was going to continue loving what I do for work, I needed to be my own boss, beholden to no one but my own client. There is nothing more gratifying in life than controlling your own destiny. Krebs is smart, handsome, and relatively young. I have a feeling his future is much brighter than Trump's.
  14. The whole response written with brilliant Kesslar dry wit. Why is there no emoji for clapping hands in this software? Steven, you possess far more patience (and humor) than most anyone I know. Lifelong Republican, Chris Krebs, appointed by the Orange Orangutan and then fired by the Orange Orangutan, gave his first TV interview on 60 Minutes yesterday, post firing. I'm confident most of the Trump cult did not see the interview because they're still hurt and angry at the way poor, old, petite Jew, Leslie Stahl, treated their dear FAILED leader. I'm sure Stahl is somehow related to Alinsky, since all Jews look alike. "When Krebs said the 2020 election was the country's most secure ever, Mr. Trump fired him."
  15. Very funny NOT WANTED poster of Ivanka. Interesting that the creator used the word Blond for Hair, when it should have been Fake Blonde. Not only is Ivanka's blonde hair seriously FAKE, blonde is one of the few words in the English language that still tends to honor grammatical gender rules, thanks to its 15th Century French roots, no pun intended.
  16. More selfish assholes right here in Manhattan: Party With Nearly 400 People Is Shut Down in Manhattan It is human nature to take good health for granted. However, that would be a big mistake. There are serious unknowns associated with Covid. Even if you get it and survive, there's no way to know what follows. Some people seem to love risk, or they really do have a death wish. Reminds me of the AIDS crisis within our very own gay community. What do leaders do with members of society who don't care? What does a health-caring society do?
  17. In the age of Covid, hasn't escorting seriously changed? Looks like Covid is going to be with us for awhile. Other than masturbating to good porn, I don't know how to have sex with another human being and practice social distancing at the same time, a true oxymoron. I guess if my trick is really tall, I can suck his cock as long as his face is six feet away. Or, I can eat his ass after he promises to breathe forward. Everyone knows the sex addicts and the horn-dogs will never stop having unsafe sex. If AIDS couldn't stop the bug-hunters, I doubt anything could. But I suspect most health-respecting men are not hiring much during Covid, whether you are an escort or a client. The playing field for a lot of life is being reset. Let's see where we're at in a year.
  18. Wow, is right. I guess the place has REALLY changed. I always knew there were a lot of closeted men over there, but I don't ever recall any openly straight guys braving that sandbox. But where do gay-for-pay guys go to discuss their unique life with friendly brethren? Speaking of, women participate now. No doubt transgender, too. The subject of life that emanates from the escorting/porn world is not exclusive to gay men. Is it even possible to control who joins a website, even if it sells itself as a "gentleman's club?" The more the merrier? The more members, the more ka-ching, ka-ching? I realize none of this is nynakedtop's point. It's about loyalty to your own and appreciation. Daddy's character is what it is. Most people are too lazy to stand up to someone's lack of character. It takes energy to care, and a lot of people are tired.
  19. Truth be told... Gay guys who desire to build a community on the internet around the subject of male escorting, and take on the time, expense, and personality disorder that the endeavor requires, are NOT a dime a dozen. As many longtime readers know, I crunched the numbers and the math makes little sense, especially now with the death of paid porn. That means, we are left with two rare individuals who both had history with Hooboy (Michael Qseng). I've come to have more respect for Oz, and one reason is: Oz is the only guy who created his own board from scratch, which is not easy to do. In truth, Daddy created his own board, too, but there were serious coattails by default and a very strong breeze from the cemetery's hills at his back. Timing is everything in life. And life is rarely fair. If you don't have enough money to guard and protect an investment, especially during a time when conservatives are at your door with the wolves, there is NO WAY to avoid being paranoid. The situation is what it is. December is soon upon us. Let's see if another "closing" will occur and if the Grinch got a new hairdresser.
  20. IMO, people who are mentally ill don't deserve to be punished. They deserve to be treated. Killing the mentally ill is an easy solution for lazy thinkers, especially when they harm others. There are no easy answers for crimes involving the mentally ill.
  21. Pandemics have been a part of human history for as long as humans have been keeping records. Some people are smart. They study history and they learn from history. We now know that pandemics can be controlled, if people will follow safety guidelines. For many years I did business in Asia. I will never forget the first time, in the early 80's, when I witnessed so many people in the streets of Asia wearing masks. I asked my Asian host to explain that behavior. She said masks are often worn to protect everyone from compromised immune systems. Not only the person who may be sick or getting sick, but also the person who may be vulnerable standing next to you. Most ordinary people can't afford to go without work. Many businesses don't offer "sick days" to their employees. So, if you must go to work with the threat of illness looming in order to keep your job, it is considered polite to wear a mask when health conditions, however private or personal, affect you. You don't need to explain your particular situation to anyone. You wear a mask and your fellow man respects you for it. I was dumbfounded. Gobsmacked. What a brilliant idea! How considerate of yourself and your neighbor. I told my host I wish we could adopt such humane thinking in our culture in America, but I feared we Americans are too selfish and too righteous. Furthermore, wearing masks to prevent ill health is a concept U.S. drug companies have long not supported. In a Capitalist society, unfortunately, money trumps smart health policy for its citizens. If more Americans wore masks in public, fewer people would get sick, even from the common cold, especially from the common cold, a $40-billion annual business in America. And that behavior would have a serious financial impact on the Republican-driven drug lobby and Republican-owned drug companies. Here we are four decades later, and look what is going on in America with the simple, polite concept of mask wearing. It is a disgrace. Trump is a disgrace. He politicized a pandemic and paid the price. Not big enough price, IMO, but time will tell. All Trump had to do to control the pandemic and save "his economy" was tell everyone to wear a mask and fully explain the reasons. Even with mask production dominated by China, all Trump had to do was use the Defense Production Act of 1950 to get American companies to manufacture the PPE we needed. Had Trump done this early last February, millions of lives would have been spared. I believe he might have won re-election based on that singular act. Instead, Trump made a serious mistake. He chose to politicize a serious health crisis and turned the Trump Party into a Death Cult. Many more Republican voters are going to die from Covid, especially now with numbers rising in middle America. The majority of Democrats are wearing masks. We'll see how this plays out, but none of it is good for the country. Trump failed to lead. FAILURE is now his legacy.
  22. I suppose it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one separated from my (distant) family this Thanksgiving. (I refuse to sit at a table with Trump apologists.) Maureen Dowd has long made public her rift with fellow family members over Trump. Today, she gives her column to her brother Kevin (seated center), who wrote in praise of Trump. It's a fascinating, intelligent read. Oh, Brother! Tears for Trump (Love the headline.) The Comments section on the opinion piece is just as fascinating, and those numbers are growing. This early comment from a Nevada psychiatrist, The Pessimistic Shrink, jumped out to me: "I am telling Kevin that he and his millions do not feel what they think they feel. Love is not angry. It does not minimize entire ethnic groups. It does not admire a sociopath who likely never had a kind or giving thought in his head. You cannot simply say a word and make it so." AMEN!
  23. Sad that you took two hours of your precious life and wasted it on so much bullshit. Truly sad. The writing isn't bad. Just goes to show that educated people aren't immune to falling prey to Trumpism. I have no desire to engage with radicals. My time left on earth is too sacred. I'm grateful this country has enough Republican election officials who know how to follow the legal process for counting votes, and who still respect the U.S. Constitution and their sworn oath. Here's a simple fact that doesn't take more than two minutes to type: Michael Flynn, a retired United States Army lieutenant general and the former National Security Advisor for Trump, intentionally lied to FBI agents and Vice President Pence. Flynn plead guilty twice for his crime, and is now pardoned by Trump. It doesn't take much brainwashing for me to know how one defines CORRUPTION. I could write so much more, but like I said, I prefer not to engage with people who have fallen too far down the rabbit hole.
  24. I know people who were born in Manhattan and have never been on a subway train. I'm never sure what to say about that. In the early 80's, I had some hot sex in the subways. Now, with Covid, many are afraid to go near a train. Afraid of the virus and afraid of the rise in crime. I've lived in NYC since my teen years, so my transportation experience is all over the map. I walk, I run. I once owned a Vespa. I take the subway when it rains. I rely on taxis when it's convenient. For many years, my account with Music Express played a major role. Plenty of reasons to hire a limousine here. And then I purchased a car. So many New Yorkers hate car owners, and I know what their wrath feels like. No matter how you choose to get around, it's important to feel safe. We have a new mayoral election next year. We'll see where crime fits into the politics. Many assume Biden will be more sympathetic with funding. Given Trump's vindictiveness, he told NY to go fuck itself. Most of us are thrilled to see him gone.
  25. That's one precaution that helps to make a tragedy more difficult, but given that this guy came from opposite sides of the track, a strong push can cause a lot of damage. There is nothing quite like NYC's subway if you want to get around quickly, especially when the weather is not good. My son relies on it more than I do, and he says it's a better idea to position oneself behind a pillar as the train is about to enter a station. That way, your body can't be pushed straight ahead. Needless to say, I was relieved when he brought the idea to my attention. I will worry less about him. It seems like a long time since we had pushing incidents onto the train tracks. I remember the issue from the early 80's. Whenever things get rough in NYC, the weak and disturbed among us grow deeper into despair. Perhaps with a Biden administration there will be more attention to mental health issues.
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