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  1. Tom is probably right UNLESS you have luggage to check. Then I would add an hour to make sure you can get thru the line for airlines front desk line where you drop off your luggage.
  2. I have heard rumor that it's not worthwhile to go to Cuba (if only going for the hot guys) cuz all the hot guys have gone to Europe.
  3. Well, that may not be exactly correct. I used Uber to get to MRs and my driver couldn't find MRs either. It took him a while after first going to the wrong address then driving around to figure it out. But I got there. Glad I did.
  4. I've been to MRs now. It has the most cabins of any sauna in Rio. We all hate waiting for cabins, so this is a welcome addition to the sauna scene. With shorter cabin wait times, both client and escort will be happier. The owner, Acir, has a great mind for running a successful sauna (he ran MM for years) and his commitment to making MRs the best sauna is evident. And I REALLY liked the upstairs bar. Very clean, classy and sharp- an unusual trio of attributes in a Gay sauna. But it's very conducive to just hanging out with your friends. I can see Cariocas just coming and hanging out there for (non-sexual) fun and a drink or two. And the rooms are nicer than any other rooms in Rio. If you go to Rio and are attending the sauna scene, dont miss out on MRs. Its worth it.
  5. Yes, that's him. He told me was from PA and had only done escorting thru internet advertising. May I ask how much you specifically paid him?
  6. Hi all. New update: I was at Pointe 202 last night, Wednesday. Pretty busy. Lots of garatos. Much less clients. The typical story. I approached one attractive guy. He immediately accepted my offer of 100 Rs. Good times. Second guy I approached later that evening asked for 150 Rs. I immediately offered 100 Rs (of course). He actually said no, so I quickly stopped the negotiations & walked away. No hard feelings on either of us. But before we got to negotiations, he shared that he has been an online escort and had never before escorted at a sauna but he admitted to having to adjust to the very different atmosphere of the sauna culture. He looked slightly uncomfortable, but I might be reading into that. So here is an example of a garato demanding and unrelenting of asking for a high price. I (quickly) found a different (hot) guy who readily accepted a 100 R offer for a programa. More good times. Tonight was at Logoa in Sao Paulo. Two programas. First countered my 100 Rs with 150. I pleasantly but immediately said no, its 100 Rs or nothing. He immediately relented to my 100 Rs offer. Good times yet again. Second guy immediately agreed to my first offer of 100 Rs and didnt counter with a higher price. Great guy. Btw, I have tipped no one this week. Everyone seems accommodating, eager, pleasant and genuinely trying to give good service. Gosh, I love the Brazils sauna scene. If you are trying keeping track of my experiences to see trends: 9 programas over 5 nights. ALL costed me 100 Rs each. They typically know by the time the conversation gets to negotiations that I'm an American. Not sure if that plays a role. And I speak no Portuguese, btw. Several countered with 150 Rs, but only one guy would not back down from his 150 price. And although he was hot, there were many others who were available (and just as hot) and accepted 100 Rs without difficulty. I never ask/request/demand they cum. So, there you go. 3 different saunas over 2 cities with 9 programas all costing 100 Rs. Hope this info helps.
  7. Just returned from Club 117 this Tues evening. Busy. Lots of attractive guys. Fun evening. I spent time with 2 different guys. Both quickly accepted my 100 Reals offer with no hesitation. I think 100 Rs is still the going rate at the saunas as of Aug 2018. I'm open to hearing other folks opinions and experiences.
  8. I paid 100 Reals 3 times here in Rio at Pointe this week. Everyone easily accepted my offer of 100 R. For example: to a hot garato, I offered "100 Reals, yes?" who answered, "Thats the going rate, sure". We had fun. Haven't been to Club 117. I am going tonight and will report back. Here's a rate question: how much should I pay a hot garato I met at a sauna for 3-4 hours of afternoon a lunch at a nice restaurant & sex?
  9. Yes, yesterday, Monday was slow(er) due to the rain. But, YES, I really think Junior did a great job with the renovations. Its fantastic. And I met Junior. He a is very present in the sauna, running things, managing issues, troubleshooting, and making people seem welcome. Nice guy. I hope Pointe is very profitable for him.
  10. Hi Caeron, Thank you for this thread. Great suggestions. I've been to Rio a handful of times and I'm still learning about and doing new activities each time I go. I simply love Rio. I'll be there in a few days. This thread has helped. In regard to restaurants, I suggest Fogo de Chao. It's a Brazilian steakhouse. It's my most favorite restaurant in Brazil. It's just amazing food. If you haven't tried it, you GOTTA. I'll definitely be visiting the saunas (will you be there?) just about nightly. I'm happy to meet up with you there or somewhere else. I'm traveling solo, so any company is certainly welcome. Any one else reading this post is welcome to PM me. TOMCAL- I read you are going to be in Rio when I'm there. How fortuitous for me. Are you there now? Please let me buy you a drink (or several!). I learned most of what I learned in how to navigate/negotiate time with the garotos by reading your posts. You are an excellent instructor. I dont think I cudda ever gone into a Brazilian sauna without your help. Your posts are the best Travel Guide posts out there. Hopefully I can meet you and at least shake your hand with warm gratitude! It will be most excellent to meet the Master Teacher.
  11. Hey Pauleiro,

    Are you going to Mezzaninu tonight? I'll be there! My first time in PA. 


  12. Gotti, Thank you for the excellent update. Very helpful. I'll be there next week. I'll report what I find.
  13. Yes, I've read extensively and learned a lot. MUCH THANKS to all posters! There is a significantly more information on Rio, than Porte Alegre, but still quite helpful. And I'll definitely bring back stories for the board. I do have a growing concern about the state of Brazil at the moment. The media is portraying grim stories, especially of Rio. Not sure if it's exaggerated or not. A recession is a bad thing and I hear it's one of the worst in a long time. But although I don't wish bad circumstances onto anyone or any country, I would think a recession would increase the number of garotos working in the saunas. This might increase selection for me, right? Anyone been down in Rio or Porto Alegre in the past 4 weeks wanna say how the saunas were doing?
  14. Hey, thank you JunNJ. How was your trip to PA? I'll be there in 3 wks.
  15. I Hey guys! I hear you loud and clear. And I agree with you. I am going to Rio this summer in 2 wks. I have read all the threads on Brazilian saunas and it's helped me immensely. When I'm back I'll give a FULL REPORT. I promise. David PS come meet me in the saunas!
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