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Everything posted by sanddunes

  1. I love looking at vintage pics. They take you back to a place in time.. I’m curious, members of this board, when was the first year you visited Rio? Was anyone there during the 70’s or 80’s?
  2. Bim bom got wiped out in last year’s hurricane. The storm surge flooded many buildings on the Malecon up to the first floor. I didn’t know that Las Vegas is closed also. It was open when I went in December...if you get a chance let us know its current status.
  3. Yeah, in general motorcycles are extremely dangerous. Taking a motorbike to the top of Vidigal was literally one of the scariest things I have ever done (it didn’t help the driver was going up the very steep hills and around the corners at break-neck speed). Never again! Rio and Sao Paulo have such good metro and bus systems that having a car or motorcycle doesn’t seem at all necessary. Uber can fill in any gaps in coverage, although maybe for a garoto uber is too expensive.
  4. Saturday and Sundays are the best days to go. There is a trail that goes through the sanddunes, but you have to walk east a little ways from the main entrance to get to it. On a separate note, before you go to Cuba one interesting book to read is “Before Night Falls” by Reinaldo Arenas. It gives some insight into the Cuban Revolution and persecution that LGBT people faced in the 1960’s (forced labor camps). He also talks a lot about cruising and sex in Havana. Some of the spots are still the same..
  5. I am awoken this morning by a garoto telling me one of the other garotos I know was in a motorcycle accident in Sao Paulo. I’m told he is doing ok but fractured his wrist and foot, and suffered a concussion. He also has some bad scrapes on his arm and forehead. Obviously I am concerned. But at the same time I’m trying to decipher whether this is for real. From the picture he does look pretty beat up (I cropped out his face). Do I feel like an asshole being skeptical? Of course. No money has even been asked for yet. If he really was in an accident I wouldn’t hesitate to donate something. My other garoto friend says he is going to go visit him tomorrow and maybe he can facetime. The only good news at least is that Brazilians have free health care. I can’t even imagine how much this would cost in the US..
  6. When you go to Cuba, make sure to check out the sanddunes at Mi Cayito beach
  7. This morning a garoto from Rio sends me a pic of himself with the new girl he is dating, with a question: do you think she is pretty? I tell him the obvious. She is gorgeous, certainly an upgrade from his now-ex, who I had only seen once in a video where she was giving him a sloppy blowjob. This new one might even be wife material. The garoto seems quite pleased at my approval. What happened to your other girlfriend? I caught her cheating on me with a guy that works at the butcher shop. Que pena..(what a pity) Can I pretend to understand a garoto’s definition of “cheating”? No, none of it makes sense. But that is what makes Brazil so fascinating.. “Saudade de você, gostaria que fossemos ficar em seu hotel juntos, bebendo, beijando e fazendo sexo.” (I miss you, I wish we were in your hotel together drinking, kissing, and having sex). I find myself wondering if his new girl knows about his extra-curricular activities. Would she mind sharing her man’s cock with me? What about his ass - or is that pushing it? There are no obvious answers to these questions. Brazil seems to operate on a different planet in regards to cultural, social and sexual norms. It’s not easy being back in the US after spending several months in Brazil. I guess you could say it’s kind of a reverse culture shock. It’s a little depressing, to be quite honest. After the highs of being in Brazil, the US feels so boring..
  8. Do you do 3somes with them or separate?
  9. A lot of straight men love to spoil their kids and grandkids with presents. A lot of gay men don’t have kids or grandkids, so it’s almost like a substitution giving presents to garotos. I don’t see anything wrong with it. That being said, giving gifts indiscriminately seems kind of silly, vs. giving gifts to garotos who have been friendly/nice to you or that you have a connection with. The monetary cost is all relative...I know some people for whom $800 is literally nothing.
  10. He is still sexy - there is something about the shape of his eyes that made me recognize him right away, even though he looks a little bit different now
  11. Sao Paulo is not a city you fall in love with at first sight. It has a gritty urban feel, a color palate best described as gray and dingy, and the hustle and bustle of a fast -paced city. There are no beaches or mountains to dazzle you with their beauty. But over time a curious thing happens - you start to discover neighborhoods that you like, a certain charming resturaunt here and there. You meet amazing people, develop friendships, and suddenly an unexpected fondness for the city emerges. No, it will never be Rio. But I have learned to appreciate the city for what it is.. After 88 days in Brazil it’s time to go back to the US. I have no choice, actually: my e-visa is expiring and can’t be renewed. If I get my visa issues worked out, I might return in December or sometime next year. In the meantime, I’ll be keeping in touch with various garotos on whatsapp and enjoying reading whatever pictures, stories and/or unique reasons for needing money that they might send
  12. I’ve never tried to put down your appearance, but you certainly have tried to take me down a notch or two, first by calling me a mediocre gringo, which backfired, and then speculating that I look like warmed over shit. You then went on to mock my generosity as likely being worth an extra $12. And yes, you do have a thing against whites, Americans, and so-called “gringos.” No doubt you hate that you can’t play the race card with me. So what if I don’t like paying more than somebody else for the same goods/services. Somehow to you that gets twisted into psychobabble about being insecure.
  13. Haha, you are the mean-girl SolaceSoul. Or you don’t realize that a high percentage of your comments are snarky, condescending, and bitchy?
  14. Again, I’m sure the only person who looks like warmed over shit is you. Being bi-racial doesn’t automatically qualify you as not being a gringo. I missed the post where you said you are Latino? Lots of your posts are derogatory to white people, it seems like you have a lot of racial hang ups and/or a chip on your shoulder. Funny how you and badboy, both men of color, feel the need to gang up on/attack another minority. If you aren’t concerned with what sex workers charge strangers, then what are you doing reading a topic about that very subject? Feel free to contribute your own trip reports, and blather on in them as much as you would like. At least badboy does actually writes trip reports.
  15. I’m going to have to start asking more garotos about their experiences in the military
  16. I knew registering for the draft was mandatory, but from what I understand only about 25% of eligible guys are actually conscripted...I could be wrong. Most of the garotos have not mentioned doing military service, but admittedly I havn’t asked them specifically. I know in countries like Israel and Cuba, all men serve at least a year or two without exceptions.
  17. Ok, a European vacation might be rare, but more than a few garotos I’ve talked to in Brazil have traveled with clients abroad. Drinks, meals, clothes and presents are very common I think. Any attractive garoto could make at least 5,000 a month. 10,000 is not at all unheard of if they are in high demand/very attractive
  18. Nobody is saying garotos don’t deserve what they make or that they don’t have to work for it. But if the army pays a soldier 2400 reals a month for risking his life doing counter-drug operations in favelas, while a garoto can make 13,000 reals a month getting wined and dined, with occasional european vacations, clothes and new cell phones paid for, then comparatively garotos don’t have it that bad.
  19. So true, and most of the time it is probably about 20 minutes of work. In some cases, maybe 5 minutes
  20. Haha. These boards are primarily about sex and experiences at saunas and with garotos. Personally, I enjoy reading about other people’s saunas and sex experiences in Brazil, even yours...despite the fact you usually only show up in posts to throw shade and/or troll
  21. gozar is the verb to cum goza means cum, as far as I know
  22. What I said was I rarely write about free sex. i.e. grindr hookups or whatever
  23. That’s all that I was asking for...some experiences and stories from others..
  24. I do get plenty of free sex in Rio. I rarely write about that here because it pisses people like SolaceSoul off. I understand these boards are about escorts and saunas, so those are the focus of my postings. And again, I have not gone around talking about how hot I am, nor would I - it’s totally gauche. I made one minor comment and it got blown out of proportion by the bitter gringo SolaceSoul
  25. I’m a 6”1 cuban-american latino and look brazilian, the only mediocre gringo here is you. I’ve rarely (if ever) talked about my looks on here, you’re the one making a big deal about it. I get propositioned by clients every single time I go to the saunas, to the point where it gets annoying. They assume everyone is for sale and can’t take no for an answer.
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