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Everything posted by sanddunes

  1. The new Lagoa (unfortunately) sounds a lot like Manhattan Rios...and we all know that didn’t last long. The age restriction also sounds completely ridiculous...
  2. Thanks for the report, it definitely is disappointing that the new Lagoa seems like a shadow of its former self. On a good day, the old Lagoa was really something.. Kind of shocking Fragata is closing also.
  3. I requested a room on misterbandb once and the host wanted my facebook and instagram profiles, and a list of other annoying requirements (cash deposit...no way I would EVER do that) Seemed more trouble than it was worth..
  4. Or at 117, they keep their eyes glued to the straight porn on the tv.. The author of this book no doubt sampled the goods, but only for “research purposes” to better understand the psyche of the garoto.
  5. Wow his adopted parents really dropped the ball by not getting him US citizenship at the time he was adopted. Their explanation of why they didn’t makes zero sense - why would he need to be old enough to “fully participate in the decision?” Of course him committing statutory rape and being a convicted felon certainly didn’t help either. After living in Brazil for 1 year you would think he would have learned a good amount of Portuguese by now? And getting a CPF is not that hard.
  6. They have started stamping American passports since 2015. It is *possible* they might go back to not stamping them, but it is unpredictable. Planning a secret trip through Mexico would be a total waste of time if you have a Cuban entry stamp and US customs sees it.
  7. If customs and OFAC wants to be strict almost nobody would truly qualify. The administration claims they will be cracking down on “veiled tourism.” Most people traveling under categories such as support for the Cuban people do not keep the detailed records and receipts for 5 years as required, nor can they prove full time schedule of itineraries.
  8. The irony is that restricting American citizen’s travel rights is a very communist thing to do. This will be devastating to average Cubans just trying to get by. New Cuba Travel Restrictions
  9. What do you plan to do when you are 70? Just be celibate? While it is somewhat cringe-worthy, I can’t say for a fact that I won’t be using garotos when I’m 70..
  10. I’m kind of curious what your type is or who your celebrity crush would be..it seems like hardly anyone can live up to your incredibly high standards lol
  11. Just go to Ipanema beach and wait for someone to accidentally knock over your drink
  12. I’m kind of surprised to see that Greenwald has 1 million twitter followers? I didn’t realize he was that influential. David Miranda is definitely a handsome guy...and must be pretty good in bed if Greenwald wanted to marry him just 5 days after meeting lol
  13. A tale as old as time Do I detect a hint of jealousy regarding Glenn Greenwald? lol
  14. I only recognize 2 of the guys (out of 248) in the Sao Paulo section as having worked at Lagoa last year. I guess saunas have fairly fast turn over...of all the guys I met at Lagoa last year the majority are no longer working there. A good percentage don’t even live in Sao Paulo anymore. 1 is living in Milan, 1 in Vietnam, some moved to other cities in Brazil etc. Several totally vanished from whatsap/instagram, I assume erasing their past lives as they have gone on to other careers. If Lagoa goes the way of so many other gay clubs it will be a shame...the online world can’t replace the atmosphere Lagoa had at its peak. At least 117 will still be around..
  15. What’s not to like about the Lagoa facilities? The place is huge, you can watch the guys shower while eating/drinking, there is a jacuzzi, gym, etc. The rooms are just average but overall I think it is (was?) the nicest sauna in Brazil...the new location will probably be much smaller
  16. I wonder what has changed to cause fewer garotos to go? Lagoa was so great when I was there a year ago...
  17. Does anyone know why the summer is generally busier in the saunas...(I have noticed that as well from my past trips) Don’t the garotos need money during the fall and winter too? Is it that they go more in the summer to have extra spending money for Carnival season? Or does it have something to do with school/college breaks?
  18. Of all the jobs he could have gotten after being kicked out of the priesthood, he chooses to go teach at a school for young boys (in a poor country where it is even easier to be exploitive). That alone shows his intentions...so sad to think he is preying on his new victims as we speak.
  19. Wow that is really disappointing! They were the only Rio newspaper in English..
  20. Could you tell us more about how you got attacked? Was it an individual or group?
  21. The video is lewd...basically one queen kneeling down and the other peeing on his long hair. My attitude is do your freaky, kinky shit in private. That being said, of course Bolsonaro is using it to try to act like *all* gay people behave this way. Plenty of straight people do lewd things in public during Mardi Gras and it doesn’t cause all straight people to be labelled. I think I wrote once about how certain areas of the Cinelandia theaters smell like urine, and found out later that is the “golden shower” area..
  22. I remember the first time I went to Rio during Carnaval, a hot, muscular drunk guy pulled out his large floppy dick right on Copacabana beach and started peeing. Guys were actually pulling out their dicks all over the place to pee with zero fucks given who saw them or how many people were around. Brazilians definitely have a carefree, relaxed attitude about nudity..
  23. I mean it isn’t like you are planning for your girlfriend to bareback with them right? Wear a condom, get on Prep for extra protection. I doubt the guys on Tindr are that much cleaner than the average garoto. A lot of guys on here have been with lots of sauna guys and never gotten anything. Please let us know how you adventure goes..
  24. The guy has a sexy body but really (for me anyway) beauty is about the face. Obviously for privacy reasons Pylonguy can’t post that...there is no use in arguing about how attractive someone is without seeing their face (nice cock adds points too lol)
  25. Haha exactly, I’m hoping we can get some more details
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