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Everything posted by torogen

  1. I stayed at Colours Oasis when I was in San Jose, and it is very safe walking around Rohrmoser. When I went downtown, it also seemed mostly safe, although rundown and with crumbling streets. But the info I got from the locals was mixed. I told my Tico friend that I was going to leave the bar to go to another bar three blocks away, and he walked me outside. When he realized that I was planning to walk, he looked at me like I was crazy, and told me no, there was no way he was going to let me walk even a short distance. He insisted on getting a taxi for me and negotiating the price. He told me never walk downtown at night. Another taxi driver who picked me up in front of Pucho's (the gay strip club) was very informative. He told me that lots of guys cruise around Parque Nacional looking for clients, and that any of those guys will do anything for $20, or stay an entire night for $40. He was like a freelance procurer. When I tried and failed multiple times to get in touch with him, I finally took another taxi to the park, and asked the non-English speaking driver to drop me at the corner (after dark), and he immediately got very concerned and said, "No, no, no. Muy peligroso!" (No, very dangerous). I took heed of his advice and had him drop me at the bar a few blocks away. My takeaway? Take a taxi after dark.
  2. That is not a story of a someone changing their mind. That is a story about women being pressured to change their minds. Continuing to pressure someone into doing something when they have said no is not ok. The story that Lucky led with above was different. It was people doing consensual things, and the refusing partner then changing his mind and asking to be fucked after all, without being pressured.
  3. Really? Links?
  4. Yes, there are some people who have tried to "reclaim" the word, much as Queer Nation reclaimed the word queer back in the 90s. More power to them. I choose not to use propaganda created by right-wingers. It's like saying "pro-life" instead of "anti-choice". Framing is intentional and powerful. I would no more use SJW than I would libtard, feminazi, etc. The phrase comes from the same place and has the same intention as those words. But this is off-topic. I have never heard anyone argue that a person can't change their mind and give consent.
  5. SJW is a SNARL WORD created by the right to discredit people who believe in social justice. Rational people should not adopt those intentionally inflammatory and derogatory words. It is possible to discuss the issues without bringing in propaganda. Even using those phrases means that you have allowed the opposition to frame the discussion.
  6. UGH. "SJWs"=Social Justice Warriors. Your use of this phrase lets me know exactly who you are and what kind of bullshit you believe.
  7. Many gay bars have been forced out by gentrification and rising rents, especially in the formerly vibrant gay neighborhoods in many cities. But bars simply open elsewhere. One big exception is Chicago, where the bar owners had the foresight to purchase the buildings where they were located, so the bars in Boystown have been doing very well, with no signs of stopping or slowing.
  8. Is this a fantasy scenario, or from a porn or something? If porn, which one?
  9. This is a non-example. This was not a no. This was someone changing his mind. Which is his prerogative, as much as it would be his prerogative to ask to be fucked, and then change his mind and ask you to stop. If you continued trying after being asked to stop, that would be an example of continuing past "No".
  10. I think "most" is an exaggeration. Most of the beachfront properties in Ipanema and Copacabana? Possibly. But the doorman is only important if the owner says no visitors allowed. If they allow visitors, the doorman isn't a problem. The doorman would only affect people who were trying to evade a no-visitors policy. It is definitely preferable to rent from an owner who is absent or who doesn't care if you bring visitors.
  11. Yeah. I am speaking from my own experience, clearly. My question was about best time to arrive at the saunas. Which I see you did at least mention there in the middle of the list of your personal preferences.
  12. Just go to airbnb, put in Ipanema and your dates, then filter your choices to show only full apartments. Then click on the map and zoom in to show which units are beachfront. Make sure you read the fine print, because there are many units where, even though it is a private apartment, visitors may not be allowed. Mostly that would only be enforced/enforceable if the owner lived in the same building (not usually), or if the building has 24 hour door staff.
  13. There's also the issue of a guy being all used up by late in the evening. LOL. Depending on what he has done earlier in the evening, he could be all fucked out (top OR bottom). I also don't visit the cabins more than once or twice a night. Certainly nothing like 5 times in one night.
  14. @Tartegogo, I want to be very clear: I LOVED your detailed and timely reports. And I hope you get to take another vacation in the not-too-distant future. One thing I didn't mention is that I would only rarely be motivated to hire more than one (or maybe two) guy(s) per day, so my costs would vary depending on my orgasm rate. LOL. I'm very picky. Sometimes too much so. This thread has prompted me to start a thread of my own re: the best time to arrive at the saunas:
  15. I have seen varying recommendations for the best time to head to the saunas. When I am visiting Rio, I typically spend the day on the beach, have a light dinner, then head to the saunas, maybe arriving around 6 or 7 pm. There are often many guys there working at that time, and some of them head out after scoring with a single client., but others will hang around all night and try to hook up with 5 or 6 or more clients. I'm curious what the recommendations of other users are. My experience has shown that there are many factors to consider. One is your own energy level, especially considering your alcohol intake. I enjoy drinking on the beach, and I usually imbibe when I am at the saunas, so (for me, at least) that's a factor. Another is the availability of the guys, and their individual situations: many of them will hang out all night, looking to score multiple times, while others will score once and head home. Several times I have arrived, only to see very hot guys heading out the door. Yet another wrinkle is cumming. I have had guys tell me that they can't afford to cum yet, because they want to hang around for several more hours and make more money, so they want a bump in pay if you want them to shoot earlier in the evening (and, correspondingly, I have found that guys are more willing to cum later in the evening, when they figure they can make me their last client, and head home after. This discussion is, of course, very circumstantial. Bottom/top/straight/gay/single/married...all of this has the potential to affect their mood and their availability. I'm simply curious about the recommendations/experiences of other veterans as to the best time to arrive at the saunas. I sometimes think maybe I arrive too late.
  16. I appreciate the recommendation of Medellin. It is a destination I have been considering. But regarding the cost (if you factor in the cost of the trip and come up with something like a cost/orgasm...which made me laugh out loud): I would not factor in the cost of the trip. Fucking hookers is not my only reason for taking a vacation. I would be going on vacation anyway...Rio just happens to be a fun place to visit, and the saunas are only one aspect of that. For my own informal calculations, I might factor in the cost of the taxi to the sauna and the price of admission/cabin, and my cost would be nothing like the cost calculated by Tartegogo. Sex is also available for free all over the place in Rio. And I mean hot guys...maybe not the PRIME specimens at some of the saunas, but very hot and handsome guys.
  17. I came across this sexy garoto while browsing porn. He uploads free videos to xvideos. I find him to be very sexy, especially his performance and manner in the videos. I am wondering if he responds the same way when working for a client, or if he is more businesslike when it's a paying customer who is fucking him. About him: https://www.xvideos.com/profiles/blessedboy1993# A sample vid: https://www.xvideos.com/video29904953/dando_o_cu_pro_mlk_carioca_e_tomando_porra_quente_no_final His Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blessedboy_1993/?hl=en
  18. I will. What are you talking about?
  19. In the US, we say embargo, in Cuba they say El Bloqueo. We don't call it the Blockade, so I translated that as "the embargo". Not sure what the rest of your comment means, since I didn't visit that part of the island, and I'm not that informed about the political situation on the ground in Cuba. I mentioned something I saw. I did find it surprising that the citizens were almost uniformly positive about their government. And yes, that is exactly the Michael Lucas I mentioned. I have seen him on multiple trips: Puerto Vallarta (twice), Rio, and now in Cuba. His is an interesting life. He "discovered" Alejandro Castillo (his stage name) in Puerto Vallarta, a beautiful and sweet boy who was basically kind of a buff drifter, but who is now a porn star and a PV nightlife staple. Alejandro Castillo as a porn star: And before becoming famous: That hugely thick dick meant that boy was destined to become famous for it, IMO. The icing is that he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met.
  20. One interesting little note: despite pornography being illegal in Cuba, I saw Michael Lucas there on the street cruising boys, clearly looking for his next new porn star. Or maybe just a fuck.
  21. Never? I take it to mean: "Whatever" for those who keep dictating what SHOULD be paid to a guy in Brazil. As if, someone who pays one cent more is an idiot, and is ruining it for everyone else (tourists AND locals). Your own posts, Tartegogo, reveal that you frequently pay MUCH MORE than the going rate. And that's your prerogative. I fall in line more with you than with the guys who think they are being ripped off if a garoto tries to make one cent more than his minimum. I don't mind a guy being ambitious or trying to make more money. I can always just say "Nao, obrigado". The guys usually realize pretty quickly that I'm not going to accept an inflated rate, and they adjust accordingly. I cannot find it in my heart to hold it against them. In their situation, I would also want to make as much money as I thought might be possible. It doesn't mean they think you are a stupid gringo (although...in some cases, that might be the case). It means they are looking out for themselves. I don't have a problem with that.
  22. I appreciate these tips. When I was trying to purchase a ticket about 6 months in advance last April, the tickets were around $1400 roundtrip. I went to Google Flights and set a tracker on the flights I wanted. For several months, the price was very steady. Then, suddenly one day, it dropped to $700 RT. I purchased my tickets, and it was back to $1400 plus the next day. Out of curiosity, I left the tracker, and it never fell again. Those trackers can really help you. On my first trip the year before, I learned that roundtrip is not always the best option. It often pays to seek out two one-way tickets.
  23. The fact that Cuba is a poor country is obvious. There was a big billboard on the way into the city from the airport that called the embargo the biggest genocide in the history of the country.
  24. There were plenty of guys of all ages. And all body types. I got the impression from many guys I met casually that they would be cool with making money in that way, even if they weren't technically escorts. There were also lots of guys just cruising for sex. One odd turnoff for me is that many of the guys in Cuba, even the macho/masculine ones, have plucked/shaped/arched eyebrows. It's just the style there, but I don't find it attractive at all. Tons of guys also wear these odd asymmetrical long t-shirts that look like dresses over their jeans.
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