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Everything posted by torogen

  1. @Tomcal, what is the current situation in Merida? When I google gay bars there, most (but not all) say "temporarily closed". I am thinking of visiting in a month or so, but I'm hoping things are somewhat open. Of course, I'm fully vaccinated, and I have no idea what the situation is there.
  2. Indeed. On Scruff, there is a guy seeking "morbo sin sexo", so I do think some guys there use it to mean affection/cuddling. But the other meaning is more widely used, as a quick scan of any sex/dating app will show. Strange...now I'm wondering if any guys I chatted with were trying to tell me they only wanted affection! LOL
  3. I did not see the price list. And I am referring to its usage in Colombia and my experience talking to guys in Bogota and in Medellin, or I would not have weighed in. In all cases, morbo was used to mean kinky, such as watersports. It would be strange indeed if it was commonly used both ways, but I guess not impossible. Thanks for providing a reference to evidence, as I agree with your interpretation of the price list--kink would indeed be expected to command a higher price. Using Scruff to search locally in Bogota, I do find many guys who include morbo as a clear indicator of kink, including references to: bondage, watersports, domination and humiliation, blow-and-go, and even k9, complete with doggy emojis. But I also do find some that seem to be using it to mean affectionate. Confusing, and maybe can be chalked up to a high percentage of tourists/immigrants there, although one of the kinkiest guys identifies himself as native Bogotano. Maybe it's one of those things where you just have to pay attention to the context.
  4. Puerto Vallarta is super gay. As gay as San Francisco used to be. Lots of action available, paid or otherwise
  5. Reference in case you need it: https://books.google.com/books?id=FVIGprL2rlgC&pg=PA88&lpg=PA88&dq=morbo+kinky&source=bl&ots=voyrIzGudQ&sig=ACfU3U33auLIu7aWpRBUOwtKfGskArSQjg&hl=en&ppis=_e&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ4rqf9PnlAhUSCawKHRxeDj8Q6AEwBnoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=morbo kinky&f=false
  6. You are simply wrong. In the context people are talking here, which is sexual talk or chat on a gay app, it means kinky. Period. A stronger word might be taboo.
  7. I was also puzzled by "morbo" when I was there. It simply means kinky.
  8. Yeah. Bizarre, right? The idea was you could pay a guard to go in and fuck the inmates...or, get fucked by the inmates, more likely.
  9. I've been watching round trip flights, and they suddenly dropped a few days ago. Round trip from New Orleans to Sao Paulo in April is currently just a little over $500. Also Austin, TX to Rio at the end of March or beginning of April..$609. Prices vary from day to day, and depending on specific dates. But $520 is the cheapest round trip I have ever seen, US-to-Brasil.
  10. Also, to update this, Pucho's burned down and reopened at half its original size. It is now filled with VERY aggressive and obnoxious strippers. The patio and darkroom are gone, although they have been replaced by an upstairs maze with gloryholes and such. I never saw it busy, but there was always some action. Free action. The strippers might be available after their shifts, but the vibe I got was that they were strictly watched, and allowed only to go to the "private room" with a paying client (who had paid the bartender the requisite fee).
  11. The dancers at Lotus at Theatron (the top floor, men only on Friday and Saturdays) are definitely available, but it is hard to contact them there, because they are swept off the stage and rushed out by the bouncers as soon as they finish dancing. Perhaps you could hand them your number or something along with a note, but they'd have to hold it in their hand, because they have nowhere else to put it! The same dancers (and more) appear at Moxxxo at Club Mozo. I believe that event still happens every Wednesday. Lots of strippers dancing all night, all of them available (no cabins or anything, although one stripper did offer to blow me in the bathroom). There are also orgies called "Angel's Naked Party" (@angelsnparty on twitter--these events take place regularly in Bogota, but also in Medellin and Cartagena, perhaps elsewhere as well), where the organizers hire boys to perform for the crowd, putting on a show to get everyone started, and also to participate with some of the clients. Those boys are of course obligated to stay until they have finished their allotted time, but most are available for a fee either during or after the festivities. One thing to know: you really are required to get naked for those events. And they aren't exactly luxurious...lots of guys getting fucked everywhere, with all the sights and scents you might imagine from a scene like that.
  12. No rentboys in the saunas...at least not like in Brazil. Lots of action for free. There are some younger guys who might be available, but most of the guys there are simply looking to have some fun.
  13. Oh, Lord, was that ever painful to read. I understand panicking. In that situation, I would have: started shouting; walked out the door; pretended I was going to the 24 hour ATM and then ditch the dude, or report him to building security/doorman once I was downstairs...or, ideally, rejected him when he showed up and didn't match his pics. Please do post his photo.
  14. mvan1, have you thought of renting your place out on AirBNB? There are several people who will take over the management of your property for you, doing the check in/out, cleaning, etc., for a cut of the revenue. If it's in Ipanema or Copacabana, it might be a way to recoup some of your investment, and have local eyes on the property and furnishings, rather than an unreliable tenant.
  15. Yes, the studio thing is very clear from the post I read. It's a lot of guys living at the same house, and appearing regularly...but working for someone else, and giving a cut of their pay to the owner of the establishment
  16. There was a recent post about Bogota that mentioned meeting up with multiple guys from Chaturbate: I wanted to ask others if they had had luck with this type of arrangement. I tried years ago, and again recently (after seeing that post), but haven't really had luck making a real-world connection. Guys say they are not supposed to share their personal info with viewers, it could get them in trouble. It's difficult to filter by city, although many of the guys say they are in Colombia. Does anybody have recommendations for how to make this connection? Or any specific guys to hit up? One thing I've tried is to find guys who have an Instagram account or other method of contact, but I've had little success. I'm heading to Bogota and Medellin for about two weeks in June/July, so I would love to have some guys nailed down before I leave
  17. The title of the thread says porn, but the post says: I agree that some clarification would be helpful.
  18. So, just to be clear, any photos with any nudity at all (not just explicit action/porn shots) are now specifically disallowed in a general section, such as the Latin American Men and Destinations area? I had posted some nudes in a report I did there. Maybe it would be better to edit the report, so the thread stays in the relevant section? That would of course mean that people would need the ability to (at least temporarily) edit older posts. I for one would be happy to edit the photos to remove the nudity. It's not like I've posted a ton of nudes. And maybe a statement of the rules would be warranted at this point...if it exists, I can't find it. I may have read or accepted some rules way back when I first created this account, but if I did, I honestly can't remember them. From the forum area, I see nothing. If I go to the main site, I see a link to a "Help & Info" page that states: " Chats and posts of a sexually explicit nature are not only tolerated – they are encouraged. We want you to get down and dirty." Maybe something like that, but updated with current rules, and linked in the header and/or footer of the forums would be helpful.
  19. I'm of two minds on this. Having been on both sides of this equation, I would say that I very well might have been offended if someone tried to negotiate my price. I've definitely developed a "fuck right off" attitude for someone who didn't want to pay $200 for an hour. However...in Brazil, it seems that it is more common to negotiate. But you never know who you are talking to the first time you meet them. You have to allow for human variables. Maybe he really did think you were disrespecting him by offering less than he asked for (and his disappearance/unavailability after the incident would support this--if it were just a game, he would have moved a short distance away so you could approach him and offer more). Or maybe he was just acting offended. The truth is, for a small amount of extra money, you could have found out whether he was good in bed or not. Instead, you had a miserable night with someone you weren't attracted to, and who truly was playing you.
  20. Facebook and Dell computers both have offices in Sao Paulo, with lots of openings when I checked recently (Dell currently has over 90 jobs posted in the Sao Paulo office). I have a friend who works for Dell, and he is stationed in Costa Rica, so it's definitely possible to work for an American company and make US wages while living elsewhere.
  21. I was very happy to hear your report. Sorry you made some mistakes and had a night of disappointment! Everything that came after seems to have been a result of you balking at the price the Adonis quoted you. That's why I sometimes agree to pay a slightly higher price than I had anticipated...just to "keep the ball rolling", and not run into any snags. I would have paid 50 reais just to avoid that night you described!
  22. The tables are indeed reserved, for those purchasing bottle service. They have many regulars. I was able to buy a table close to the front for 10 CUC plus a few drinks (no bottle). There is no rate for the guys in Las Vegas, because not all of them are selling themselves, and the ones that do, it's totally negotiable. The guys in front of Las Vegas and around the corner quoted me anywhere from 5 CUC to 30 CUC. Many of them did not want to quote a price, saying "If I go with you, whatever you wish to give me would be appreciated", basically. I wrote up a report about my first trip here:
  23. Yeah, Las Vegas was open over Thanksgiving weekend. But closed in March. Not sure of its current status
  24. I was typing my reply at the same time as you, apparently. Much of the same info. And Cafe Cantante and Proyecto Divino that I mentioned are the same event. It's so popular that the other gay clubs actually close for the night. It's in the basement of the National Theater. One disappointment: they don't offer mixed drinks except rum and coke. So you have your choice of two or three beers, rum and coke, or straight rum. Even though it's a pretty fancy place.
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