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Everything posted by Tomasian

  1. I wonder if there is any way of editing my precious message so i can delete or crop his pics. Sorry if i violated the rules.
  2. After my first visit to 202 and 117 and having just so-so experience with the two men, I was ready to write off the sauna adventure. I was hoping to experience what Tartegogo had written in his memoir but I didn~t experience even a fraction of it. I realised I can~t have that because I~m no bigger slut than he is (wink-wink) . Love you Tartegogo, you made me come to Rio xoxoxo I remember Reading someone´s post of having underwhelming experience and tomcal commenting that maybe sauna just isn~t for everyone. I thought tomcal is right and that I am one of those unfortunates. So on Monday I was bored at my hotel room with nothing to do, I thought I~d give sauna another go. I headed for 202 (tomcal says it~s best Mondays). While walking I envisioned what~s gonna happen if I went in: i´ll be harrassed for business, I~ll be disappointed by the quality of men, I~ll be wasting Money..it will all be a waste of time. I was a few yards from the 202 door and did the 180. I went back to my hotel room, bought some grogs (booze) and wrote a few e-mails to my friends instead. Tuesday came and I visited the Ipanema beach, Gorgeous beach with lots of sexy talents (see pic of 2 boys in speedos) and I got horny. I decided to go to 202 but it was closed. I thought maybe it~s a sign to not go anymore. But I´m not gonna wank with porn in my hotel room that will be sad. So I fired up Uber and headed for 117. My Uber driver is a very goodlooking Young man named Marcos. I was gonna offer him an indecente proposal but language barrier is a bitch! He~s friendly and seems very welcoming. (i am using hotel computer and brazilian keyboard has diferente characters auto-correcting some of the words, so desculpe if some words don~t make sense). Marcos may have been a goodluck charm that evening because when I went inside, i was blown away by the number of goodlooking garotos presente. I didn~t know where to look. There~s 3 on the stairs. There~s 4, oh wait 6, standing on the hall. 6 more of my type inside the TV and porn room. In the bar section, there~s .... fuck it, I lost count. I checked out the back where they smoke, and men is aplenty. I exclaimed to myself: ~welcome to wonderland!~ But there~s one guy that stood out for me. He looks like Marcos the Uberer. But then this other guy immediately started selling me his business which I was semi-interested (I said shit, why did I bring only R250???) I didn~t catch the name of Marcos look-alike. I sucked him and he didn~t cum (R100). That~s okay. Next guy is Diego. He wasn~t the one I was pursuing but he grabbed me and took me to the porn room and agreed to my rate of R100 (suck only and no cum). Previously there~s a guy who gave me a massage (he said massage only no Money) and he massaged me right on the chair at the bar and he was good and gave me a lenghy one so I gave him R50. So there goes my R250. But there~s plenty more man vying for my reais and I want to taste as many as my money can. I went out and took R500. I came back and hook up with Douglas - big muscles, handsome face. He wanted R150, I said and he agreed to R100. I think we got on really well and we are meeting tomorrow and he~ll show me around Copa with no time limit for R300. He whataspped me last night and again today just to say hello and that he~s looking forward to our meeting tomorrow. He sent me his pic on whatsapp which I attached here. Has anyone met him before and is he honest? I hope he doesn~t rob or kill me tomorrow LOL. So I guess I don~t fall under the unfortunate ones who has no appreciation for saunas. In fact, I'll pay 202 another visit as it~s free cabin tonight. I won~t do a 180 this time. Thank you all for Reading and have a great day. I know I will (cheeky grin).
  3. Sorry its meant to be tounge-in-cheek but i realised its a little insensitive and i apologise. Desculpe sincerely.
  4. I did want just a massage from Patrick at first fully aware that he would talk me into more action for more reais. I didnt feel that he ripped me off. I didnt ask much and made it a point that it's R150 total for the massage, suck and french kiss. This happened Saturday 4-ish. So next up: 117.... I went there by Uber and paid R32. I checked in, stripped and wore a towel. But the place is cold especially the bar area so i put my clothes back on. In the bar i had two stellas and watched 5 dragged queens performed all of my favourite songs; So Emotional, I Dont Know Anybody Else, I Forgot The Third Number, Ring My Bell and Can't Remeber The Fifth One. The first queen cant lip-sync; the second was full of energy, the third was trashy, the fourth was fun and the fifth was forgettable. I loved it! It was like watching Rupauls lip-sync for your life except none of those queens would make it as a tv star. Great efffort from the queens though, clap-clap-clap. Like 202 i was disappointed by the quality of the garotos in 117. There were many of them, maybe over 10. I spotted 3 that i like but they were busy chatting with customers. The surprising thing was that there was an elderly gent sitting next to me who started touching my leg when we were watching the show. Im like; 'dude youre gross, you should be hitting on the garotos, not on another client, it's like cannibalism!' Of course i didnt say that to him and i just gave him a smile. The sweet old fart offered to buy me another stella but i declined. I stood up after the show and had a walk around. I entered a room with a tv where clients and garotos were watching a telenovela, next room to it another tv playing straight porn and two - one standing, one sitting - garotos wanking their dicks. The one standing has a big one but not my type of face. The one sitting i cant really see his face as i was behind him but his member is fat and long, no wonder he uses two hands. I swallowed a few swallows and he must have heard my swallows cause he looked up and i saw his face and im like, well at least god was good to you for giving you that dick. I left the tv room and in the hall there was another guy in CK undies; dark sexy body, nice smile but again not my type. Surprisingly he speaks good english so we chatted for a bit. I think the name is Daniel or Danilho. I told him i'm a newbie and he asked what sort of guy i like. (Not you). I said i like all guys but i prefer that I have good connection with the person that im gonna have sex with and that i am mostly turned on when he shares his innermost feelings to me. Based on his reaction Im sure that that shit went over his head. So he dropped it and he explained what i already know from here: that the best time to come is bet 3pm and 8pm as most of the boys leave after that time. I hinted that hes reminding me to make up my mind and take him now. I checked the time and it is 10.30p. What time do they close? 'Usually midnight depends how busy it is but tonight maybe they close 11pm'. Shit, i better make my move. As if on cue, i saw one of the guys i like come out of the bar and when he looked at me, i gave him a smile and a wink. He motioned for me to come over. I walked up to him and i felt bad leaving poor Daniel/Danilho. The guy's name is Rafael, muscly, and his face reminded me of the actor who played My Name Is Earl. The transaction was quick and easy which R100 just to suck him. He wanted R120 but the time is ticking so he agreed to my deal. I asked him to shower first as i dont want smelly dick again and also i saw a few clients touching it so i dont want no germs on my meal. When i started sucking he gave me that silly Oh-Ahs... so fake. But when he realised how i committed i was to what i was doing, his moans changed to sincere appreciation of my work. He was staring at the porn most of the time but i didnt care, it made his dick rock hard so no complaints. Eventually my jaw got tired so i sucked on his nipples while he wanks himself off. I then kiss him and like Patrick he gave an awesome french kiss. He said something in Portuguese which i didnt understand and realised he was gonna cum. He had healthy pool of cum on his tummy which i tasted a little bit. He said it was my turn so he alternately French kiss me and suck on my nipples unti i cum. Awesome. Then we showered together, hugged each other, kiss some more and then i left. I gave R100 + R20 tip. I then went home and took a cab and paid R22 which surprisingly was cheaper than Uber. That was last night. Today i went to Escadaria selaron and Santa Teresa. There were few hotties in Escadaria (pics attached). I think the guy with the bike lives in one of the houses in Escadaria. I dont know if im going to another sauna tonight. Are there any open on Sundays? I'll report if I changed my mind.
  5. So after a long haul (27 hours inc layovers), i finally made it to Rio. I arrived just after 1.30am and used airport taxi service per Pauleiro's suggestion, which is the second stall right outside the exit. The next day i went walkabout in nearby shops. By mid-day i went to the beach and had caipirinha (R19) and some sort of fishball (R19). Love the drink but i thought the fishball is meh. Afterwards i went back to my hotel to sleep for my first sauna adventure. Due to excitement i didnt really sleep well, probably just half hour shut eye. I got up at 4pm, showered and walked to Point 202 which 14 mins walk from Americas Copa Hotel. By the way, earlier when i walked around downtown and at the beach, i didnt see any particularly hot guy. I saw one but i think hes a tourist. I was a bit disappointed as i was hoping ill see hotness everywhere. So i was hoping that the sauna will change that. I leisurely walked to 202 trying to immerse myself to the environment. Did you guys notice that downtown Rio smelt of cooking oil? I arrived at Point 202 where its 12 garotos vs 2 clients. Im one of the two. Immediately i was approached by a guy with unpronounceable name whos not my type trying to sell me a massage for $180. He was nice and although i said no stayed with me and kept talking in Portuguese and showed me the lay of the land. I thanked him and i went to the bar and he followed me again. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and pretended to check something and he left. Then i heard a voice talking to me in Portuguese coming from a guy whose name as he claimed was Patrick. Thankfully it is easy on the tounge and he's easy on the eye. I scanned the whole place and although he wears more clothes than the others, to me, hes the fairest of them all. Hes selling me a massage for R100 which i immediately said yes to, because i like him and i wanted to get out of the garotos prying eyes fast. We went up to the room and he started explaining in Portuguese I think he said that if i want sexo as well it will be for so and so reiase. I said massage only please. He persisted, so i get my phone out and google translate what i want. The conversation was ungainly because after i showed him the translation he would reply in Portuguese and when i asked him to type it on my phone he cant spell correctly. Long story short he gave me a massage but it was luck lustre. When he asked me to roll over i grabbed his dick and i said i want to suck only which is R50 extra. His dick smelled a bit but i sucked it anyway. What turned me off was his fake Oh-Ah as soon as i put it in my mouth. Hes so sweet though cause he gave me a long wet and sexy French kiss. Honestly I enjoyed his tounge better than his dick. Neither of us came. When i went back downstairs i saw the first guy who approached me with unpronounceable name, this time he wouldn't even look at me anymore. He must have been annoyed with me. Then i was approached by another guy whos very muscly but not my type. Again hes trying to sell me a massage. I decided im going to leave now as i coudnt relax. So i left. Time spent at 202: 45 mins. Money spent: R280 (3 stella artois, fee, room, massage, suck, French kiss). I'll have a quick shower and check out 117. Report tomorrow.
  6. I had trouble uploading my picture and scanned copy of my passport at first but I managed eventually. I found that it was quite easy. 1) To upload your picture: -using your smartphone, ask someone to take a picture of you. I asked my work colleague to take a picture using my Samsung S8+ on natural light without the flash. -I then sent the pic from my phone to my email account at work so I can save it on my desktop. -I then uploaded my pic on to the website, cropped it, submitted it... and was accepted. 2) To scan your passport: -using my smartphone, i took a picture of my passport on my desk with the edges secured by sticky tape. -I then sent the pic from my phone to my email account at work and saved it on my desktop. -I then uploaded the pic on to the website (no cropping needed), submitted it...and was accepted. Minutes after sending out the pic and passport, I received an auto-reply email acknowledging receipt of the submitted docs. Three days later I got my visa. Feel free to PM me if you need more details. Sorry if have posted my reply on here as i know its out of topic. Just helping out fellow Aussie.
  7. After seeing the app, I am quite put off by the idea of visiting a favela now. I realised that the tour operators are mainly residents of favela 'supporting their community'.
  8. Not a pretty picture indeed. I downloaded the app and saw what seems to be shooting incidents reported within half hour intervals in and around Rio. Its in Portuguese so i didnt quite understand but i immediately deleted the app as i find it unsettling. Thanks for that.
  9. That model appears in the Brit reality show called Bromans. Silly show but with heaps of eye candies.
  10. I am surprised that you suggest to give favela tour a miss. I thought it's one of the must-see in Rio. I'm still considering to see it but I'm having some doubts now. I guess I play it by hear and see how I feel when I get to Brazil. Thanks for the input.
  11. Sorry sanddunes I was late replying to your post. I will be going to Fort Copacabana as part of my photoshoot. I like saying that it makes me sound like supermodel (hahaha). I also checked the free walking tour which I found out isn't really free because you have to tip the host (?). Have you done any of those? If so what's the minimum tip? Also I received an email from Brazil Expedition saying they cannot accept my booking (for both The Big Dude and The Favela tours) because I am alone and that they prefer a group of more than one person. They did ask me to email them again close to my arrival in Rio and they'll let me know if they can accommodate me. I'm a bit disappointed with that. i guess I'm gonna have to see Cristo Redentor by myself. i'd really like to check out a favela, I wonder if hotels will have information on this?
  12. You're right, the bars uses cards not bracelet. I've read too many info that I mixing things up a little bit. The Thursday event at the TV Bar sound exciting. I'll make sure to check it out. and write a story.
  13. Thanks. I got myself R1200 because where I bought it from won't sell less than AUD500 worth of reals. I also got a global card (and a spare one in case the other one is lost).
  14. Thanks Riobard, so helpful. I think ill take your advice and use Uber from the airport. I wont be exchanging any local currency at the airport as i learned my lesson from my previous travels. I wont buy a sim card 'cause my phone will be on international roaming.
  15. I like this and its so cheap but after 28 hours of traveling, i dont want to endure couple more hours travel time.
  16. Guys, thank you all for replying. I didn't mean to sound cheap when I ask about R75/80 for a programa. I just want my AUD to go further. At R100/150, I still find it cheap considering I pay guys here in Sydney average AUD100 (or R260) to suck their dicks. I find those guys mainly on craigslist, which is a hit and miss, as some of them flake, or just not attractive enough. But when it's a hit, it's like hitting a jackpot, like one of my favourites who looks like young Jake Gyllenhall. I joked that he should go to the US and work in porn. He said he'd love to but is worried of his mother seeing his films. Hahahah... Sorry @Tartegogo I confused SP and POA on your story where you had the language difficulties. Also sorry to hear that Daddy removed your post, though it did read as promoting prostitution, no offence, but isn't that what a discussion board is all about? I guess if it's illegal then daddy has to do the right thing. I love your posts I've been reading some of things you wrote both here and on daddy's. Re Uber. It seems complicated using this at Rio airport as explained by @Riobard so I think I'll go by @likeohmygod's suggestion and use Radiotaxi instead as it's safe. I also like @floridarob's suggestion of using taxi meter. Sir, any idea how will it cost from airport to Copacabana? Re Daytrips. I booked an Arts Experience on Airbnb for a photoshoot on the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Arpoador. The experience is organised by a professional photographer (I think she's a lesbian based on her Instagram page) which promises 25 retouched portrait of myself with the sea and wonderful city in the background. This is absolutely essential as I need good pics to post on my Facebook profile (LOL).The favela I booked to see is Rocinha, which I found in Brazil Expedition website (cost R95). I also booked a 7-hour tour which includes trips to see the Big Dude (Cristo Redentor), the beach where the hang gliders land, Tijuca Park, Santa Teresa and Sugar Loaf Mountain. For R160, I thought it's a bargain. Both tours include pick up and drop off of the hotel. On other days when I am not going to day tours and it's too early to hit the saunas, I would probably go for a walk around the city to mingle with the locals also I'd like to go to the markets for fresh produce or binge on street foods. Is May a good time to go to the beach for a swim and a bit of a perve? I heard/read that it's a no-no to bring valuables at the beach but I'd like to bring my camera to take some snaps. Maybe I'll keep the camera in my pocket, lie on the sand while taking some shots and don't go for a swim, then come back another day without camera and just perve and swim? Oh why can't Brazil be a safe country like Singapore (lol). Re Airbnb. I considered using it but I couldn't find an ideal place in Copa or Ipanema. Based on the reviews I've read, It seems most of them are noisy at night being close to the beach and clubs. I used Airbnb when i went to Montreal and I loved it. I had the whole 1-bedder to myself and it's like coming home to my own apartment. The downside is cleaning it up before I leave for the airport. @Riobard I've bookmarked vamosgay.com, thank you for that. @floridarob I'd love to do hanggliding but I am terrified of heights. I vomited when I rode the ferris wheel at Luna Park here in Sydney. @likeohmygod Have you stayed at Americas Copa Hotel before? Is it good? I booked it via expedia and it looks alright based on the reviews. Thank you all again and all the best.
  17. Hi all... I discovered this forum through @Tartegogo who posted a lengthy account of his South American trip in DaddysReview. I used to frequent that group but I found some of its members very bitchy (LOL) so I hardly go there now. I must admit I never thought about visiting South America, particularly Brazil, but after reading Tartegogo's very graphic and lurid journal of his trip (I was so enthralled reading it like a best-seller from midnight to 5 in the morning!) I decided I must take a trip down south. Well, not exactly down south as I'm from Australia and geographically we're more south than Brazil. I'll be in Rio de Janeiro from 11th to 22nd May staying in Americas Copacabana Hotel. As a first-timer I think that two weeks should be enough time for me to explore the city. I've booked some day tours to see a favela, Cristo Redentor, Santa Teresa, etc. I'm still deciding whether to visit either Sao Paulo (Tarte says he had a hard time there due to language barrier) or Porto Alegre (members here say POA has the most European-looking men in all of Brazil, but a bit far). I'd like to ask, what's the weather like in Rio De Janeiro in May? I did search this forum but I don't think I found a conclusive answer. I just need to know if I should pack more jumpers and less tshirts. Thanks in advance. Also, do you guys know the best dance clubs (gay or straight, both okay with me) to go to around the hotel where I'm staying? I like dancing to Top 40s music (electronic/acid house music is not my cuppatea). And I most probably going alone unless I meet someone who would join me. I googled some places but if you guys have been to a few that you can recommend, I'd appreciate it. Can you please also advise when's the best time to hit the club? When I was in Montreal I went to Unity just next door to Stock but it was still empty at 11pm. Anyway when the place finally heated up I didn't like it because of the music. I understand that in Brazil they do the bracelet-thing where you settle your bill on your way out. How does that work? What are the chances that they will rip you off like charging you for something you didn't buy? I would find it a challenge arguing on my way out when I'm tired, drunk and with limited Portuguese. I learned here that R100 is the standard rate in the saunas. Would it offend the guy if I negotiate less than that, say R80/$75? You see, I don't do anal. I only like to kiss, suck and rim. It's fine by me if they don't kiss. I don't enjoy getting sucked anymore and I would prefer the garoto sucking my nipples or french-kissing me while I wank myself off. I get off like that and the session would usually last 20 or 30 minutes. I know, I'm so vanilla. And lastly, I will be arriving 1.30am Saturday in Rio airport, what's the best way to commute from the airport to the hotel? I would prefer to use Uber as it's organised in the app so there's no cash exchanges but does Uber operate during that time of the day? I also prefer Uber as it's cheaper alternative to airport taxi. Or is it? Thank you and good night all. I started writing this at 4pm and it's now 6.08pm Sydney time. Time to get dinner.
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