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Everything posted by scott456

  1. I was told that Brazilians can be fun lovers, but most are not husband material.
  2. I was checking Arenas web page....700 baht for a massage with hand job. I will pass,I can jerk myself off. LOL. If I want a good massage, I can go to a real massage shop
  3. thats because they probably look so old that nobody would believe them if they claim to be 20 something.
  4. I dont recall any city/country hosted the Olympics had a negative impact as a result.
  5. I am not going to Mexico city for sure.
  6. You have a good point. I should try one escort/companion next time. But then I may get bored with just one cock. Lol.
  7. I am also thinking about buying a small studio or 1 br condo in Rio (Copa/Ipenema). The problem is I don't speak Portuguese and have no local friends there.Guess I will continue to stay at rentals when I am there.
  8. I think they are at least 30 yo, especially the 2nd guy.No boys will tell you they are over 30.
  9. I figured gozar meams cum, but whats Oi-Ten-ta com?
  10. The bill tally is in all Portugese. Unless you only had a couple drinks and know how much each, it would be difficult to figure out the tally. And some sauna charge for condoms and lubes. Do you bother to ask before they give you the condoms?
  11. No, I think the majority of the sauna boys are only gay for pay. Thus, there is no reason for them to hangout at other gay places.Why do you think Club 117 only play straight porn in the porn room and in suites. Those guys need to see pussies to get erection.
  12. In summary, OP, you need to pay someone if you need to be guided. Or you just have to gather all the info from internet and venture out on your own.
  13. This is easy to explain.when your friends were young, they were able to find sex with other young white guys. But now they are older, their options are limited. Free sex with young white guys (or blacks)is not going to happen in the U.S.. Rentboy.Com is expensive, and they are full of attitude unless you are super rich. So here they are, turning to the young Asian (Thais) boys. I bet your friends Asian boyfriends are all much younger and foreign born. Planetime, you didn't mention DJ Station. I am curious how you scored at DJ.
  14. I just checked Tripadvisor. Its got good reviews, but some complaints about the small size room. Its in the middle of Copa between Posto 4 and 5, long walk to Posto 8 gay beach. USD75 doesn't include breakfast. There is no pool, no gym.
  15. awwwe...That is sweet. Did you offer to dry their bodies with your tongue?
  16. I am curious what you do with a suana boy at the beach. Unless you speak Portugese, I would imagine there is a lot of awkward silent moment. And most of the sauna boys seem only want to know if you are passivo or activo.
  17. Is it true that the population in Salvador is mostly black or mixed black? I would love to visit Salvador someday, but prefer sampling meats from all colors.
  18. I always make sure both partie agree on prices and service details such as bareback, condoms, top/bttm, ejeculation..Etc before jumping in. I know exactly what I want to do with the guy.
  19. I would like a cum bath.
  20. A good meal at a trendy restaurant sure sounds nice. But I hope this Mr. John speaks Portugese, otherwise it would be just a silent meal, or a lot of silly baby talk.
  21. Do they cum for only R80?
  22. There is a reason why a lot of Singaporean gays go to Thailand for party and sex. Even their gay circuit party "The Nation" was not held in Singapore for a couple years. The locals know better than you and I.
  23. You can hop over to the Asian forum and see I was correct about the price at Hero. And remember, you get what you pay for. So if you claim to have spent much less than that....Anyways, this is exactly why Asian meat market is more complicated than Brazil. Most people, including you, do not know what the fair price is. Otherwise, you would have said it here outloud. whereas, Brazilian boy price is well known. In general, I find Brailians are less calculating than most Asians.
  24. Not just Rio. If you had bought a proprty anywhere in the world 8 years ago, you would have easily doubled your investment.
  25. It's been hopping around 3.8 for the last few months
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