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Everything posted by scott456

  1. That is why I said those Japanese descendants(extraction) in Brazil may be interested in visiting Japan, but I don't think other Brazilians (who are unrelated Japanese blood) are interested in visiting Japan, not to mention entering Japan illegally or overstay in Japan. I have never heard any GP or Brazilians friends express interest in visiting Japan. In contrast, I have met countless Brazilians who are interested in going to the U.S. and trying to figure out a way to do so, even illegally. And, I personally know a few Brazilians overstay in the U.S., so they are in the U.S. illegally now and have no desire to return to Brazil. Many of them are actively looking for same-sex marriage to give them the green card. Some Brazilians enter Europe through Portugal. Brazilians can enter Portugal without visa, but there is not many opportunities to make money even for Portuguese. Many good looking/talented Portuguese men (and women) already left Portugal to other parts of EU. I met a GP in SP who stayed and worked in Portugal for a few years but eventually return to Brazil. There is no money to be made in Portugal.
  2. And it only covers inpatient stays, nothing else.
  3. You can rent out your condo in U.S. while you are not there, and blow all your rental income way in Thailand.
  4. Most medical travel insurance only covers accidents, injuries and emergency medical care, excluding pre-existing conditions.
  5. What type of health insurance do you have? A U.S health insurance that covers treatments overseas?
  6. AIDS pandemic....that was long time ago. People take PREPS now, and HIV+ people take cocktails drugs. AIDS is not fatal anymore.
  7. 10 years ago, I decided, for me, Thailand is a place to visit and to have fun, not a place to live.
  8. Nobody can live on that kind of pension by itself, without other means of income or savings.
  9. Every now and then, you hear news that another farang jumping off the apartment or hotel.
  10. If he get 43/44 monthly pension, I am sure it's a livable income in Australia because there must be some other people getting the same pension there. Perhaps they are qualified for free senior housing in Australia.
  11. We have been spelling this wrong. It's THB, not BHT.
  12. Did he say 43/44 AUD or BHT?
  13. I bring all my measuring tools with me when I am on a mission
  14. Nope, I have found most men decrease the angle and firmness of erection as they age, some after 30 y.o, some after 40 y.o.
  15. 20 years is not so rapid, is it?
  16. The most important part, is his dick now still as firm as 20 years ago?
  17. Then why did they move to Thailand when they could not afford to live in Thailand?
  18. Welcome to the real world, real meat market. When an online mb says he is 38y.o., I just assume he is 40+, probably 45.
  19. I think Australia and EU only charges less than USD $10 for e-visa. How much is the Brazil e-visa? You can call it "e-visa" or "entry registration" or anything you want, but it is definitely a visa if the fee is anything close to what U.S. requires Brazilians to pay for U.S. visa.
  20. I am older, I don't just like young guys, I like young, good looking, and fit guys. Actually, to me, a 50 y.o. good looking and fit guy is better than a 25 y.o. overweight ugly bald guy. I get some offers on Grindr from younger guys, but I gladly declined, because they are ugly and obese.
  21. My guess is, if an undercage boy gets caught working in the club, it would be the responsibility of the club, not the customer.
  22. Other than those Japanese descendants in Brazil, I doubt many Brazilians are interested in visiting Japan, not to mention entering Japan illegally.
  23. I suppose "Black beauty" is black.
  24. Can you provide us with the link to any of his YouTube videos, or the name of his YouTube channel?
  25. Common sense is to start looking at Airbnb and Craigslist.
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