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Everything posted by Latbear4blk

  1. Sssshhhh..... someone is going to yell at you if you dare to post anything that is not a straight answer to their question about Philippines!
  2. If your Black friend does not want to experience racist behaviors and attitudes, perhaps you should plan trips together to places where Blacks are majority, not the SE Asia. Salvador, in Brazil, it is a great destination for Blacks, all my African American friends speak of how welcomed and comfortable they felt there. Otherwise he needs to grow a thicker skin.
  3. To be fair, Racism not only target Blacks. It has been so successful about Native Americans that they seem invisible.
  4. I am almost 62, with paying for sex experience since my 22 years old, and a slut. I tend to agree with you. However, out of all the many many hustlers and escorts I met throughout my life, there was one who retired and became a non paid sex partner for almost 20 years, my longest LTR we could say. So, although I tend to agree with you, I also know that there are exceptional experiences. Perhaps this one is @Novarunner's.
  5. Well, logically it is about distances. Mexico and Colombia are closer than Brazil to the US, Argentina is closer than the US to Brazil.
  6. What do you mean? Don't Americans love Rio? is it only us, the homo sluts addicted to GP saunas?
  7. Do you think that what happens in Vegas is representative of what happens in the US? Perhaps it is, like in a concentrate. Anyways, as a South American, I do find Americans kinkier than us. I always thought it was related to Puritanism and one of its by products, the inability to enjoy sex as a natural, positive interaction. EDIT: perhaps we should go to another thread to discuss this topic.
  8. I was once involved in a long term relationship with other two polyamorous flatulists. We would close our nights of passion with choral farted versions of christmas Carrolls. It is not easy for me to find twin souls.
  9. Oh, so do not worry. I still have control on my sphincter. That is why I like to be able to release at night, once alone. If we ever met, I could greet you with a fart that would blow your wig away, girl. But I promise I will not.
  10. Wait wait what Were you fantasizing with an overnight with me? Perhaps a pijama party? I almost wrote a bikini party, but then I remembered that the beach is not your scene.
  11. In my case not only would I waste my money paying to someone for sleeping. Besides, I would torture him throughout the night and in the morning. I snore all night long, and my snoring competes in decibels with a stampede of snorting horses. Additionally, I could make a career as a flatulist. Sometimes I feel able to whistle the national anthem with one single fart. And they may sound harmonious, but often are very stinky. Even further, I cannot start my day without first taking a generous, heavy, very aromatic shit. Having an overnight with me does not suit me, but is specially unsuitable for my potencial partners/victims.
  12. I agree 100%. Rio is addictive, but I will be back to Salvador.
  13. I do not think so. And you should not miss Point on a Monday. The night is almost as good as Wednesdays, indeed the second best date for Point.
  14. I do not know whether or not is an urban legend. I would rarely use trains in my times in Argentina. But there is a lot of talking about it: last cars in trains on and under ground are supposed to host hot action now and then, and always cruising and touching. The experts even discuss about which one is the best line, but I have never paid much attention.
  15. Do you check the dates when the profiles were opened in garotocom? I am not 100% sure, but I think the site does not archive the ads after the garotos stop paying and checking them. You may have a higher rate of response on featured ads because those are current, active, paying GPs.
  16. I am the author, sir. Of course, I would prefer to use freely my phone, but the ban would not be a deterrent for me to attend saunas. Although I prefer to have full access to my phone, it makes perfect sense that they would ban them in the saunas. People can be very indiscreet and violate other attendant's privacy. I may be wrong, but based on my conversations with several GPs I met in Salvador, the local saunas seem to be more focused on servicing local clientele, men who do not need to use the translator. In contrast, Rio's saunas and GPs are more into delivering for the foreigners. This may explain why the Carioca saunas have a very lenient policy on cellphones. Even when there are signs showing that they are forbidden, the rule is not enforced in general.
  17. I would. I do not need a cell phone to fuck.
  18. Fox is one of the local saunas. https://ilikepinga.com/2019/01/05/best-gay-sauna-salvador/
  19. Actually, it depends on who you may be with.
  20. I do have fun with their Politics, and how they ridicule Right Wing porn stars. Zack (the blog's owner) is anti Trump, anti-Racist, and for sexual diversity (pro all letters of the Queer alphabet). Actually, you may like that blog. I do not like most of the porn they promote, but I agree with most of their political stands.
  21. Like @floridarob, I started paying for sex when I was very young, in my early 20s, even when I was having tons of sex for free with very attractive guys. I wanted the guys, and they would only go with me for money, so I paid them. These guys were street hustlers. The myth of paid sex being for unattractive men who would not have intercourse otherwise is, as I said, just a myth.
  22. I would say it is not of your business, and besides it is irrelevant to the matter discussed. I praise you for your efforts and willingness to support the fight against the pandemic, but whether or not anyone did anything about it is completely irrelevant to determine whether or not they are right or wrong in this discussion.
  23. https://str8upgayporn.com/trump-seen-foaming-at-the-mouth-and-slurring-his-words-during-latest-campaign-video/
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