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Everything posted by Latbear4blk

  1. 😇
  2. I am José Soplanucas in Company Of Men. I used to be latbear4blk, but after the antiracist rise, I no longer find that nickname appropriate. CoM opened the table to change our noms de plume, and I took the offer. I did it openly and without intending to create a new persona. Everyone who is paying attention knows who I am in both forums. For instance, all my years of posting in CoM are now under my new name, and there is a clear and transparent continuity. I also requested the change in my alias here, but @TotallyOz informed me it was impossible. I would have to create a new profile, which I don't want. I remember the conversation you are referencing. I have told you directly; I often find your writing difficult to understand. I told you so at least a couple of times, and at least once, you did not like my comment. I had no hostile intention; I was sharing my difficulty. I found a poster in CoM that reminded me of your writing style, so I asked him whether or not he was you. No second intentions, but a simple and direct question, as you can see in the screenshot you shared. If you have anything to ask, you can ask me here. I do not bitch through PMs like the posters you are mentioning. What I say, I say it publically and take ownership of my words.
  3. Thanks for the compliments. I want you to know that I did not miss anything. I am ignoring your (both of you) beefing. Both of you have things I like and do not like, but I believe you two are significant contributors to this discussion forum. I have learned from both of you. That learning has changed many of my points of view and attitudes. I am a better person today because I paid attention to whatever knowledge and positive thinking I could get from you two, ignoring the white noise and our differences. Unfortunately, you two cannot move on from whatever is happening between you. Please, try (harder).
  4. I would add a few more activities these "travelers" enjoy: putting other cultures down from the perceived superiority of their own culture, judging other peoples from the expectations of their own, and bragging from their ignorant prepotency.
  5. He may be planning to run for Florida or Texas Governor.
  6. There are countless legit ways to enjoy traveling and sex tourism; the key word is respect. My beef in this thread is about the half-brainers (primarily American, but not necessarily) who travel around expecting others to learn their mindset instead of showing respect and curiosity for local uses. It is not just pointing fingers. Of course, I find it intolerable when someone brags about it, like the post that triggered my reaction in this thread. However, everyone naturally tends to cling to their own culture to interpret situations, forgetting that your social/cultural assumptions are not universally valid. But there is a significant difference between being a prepotent bully and an imperfect human able to self-reflect and learn.
  7. I think you got it backward. Hollywood actors look like Brazilian prostitutes.
  8. These half-brainers think that they appreciate the culture. Of course, in their US-centric way, as exotic and exciting, but not enough to learn the language and the ways. The rest of the world must learn to understand Americans.
  9. Thank you! Am I repelling self-centered half-brainers who think that every man (of course, of Color) who stares at them wants to be their possession? That is a badge of honor!
  10. I would believe your narrative if the guy were one of us and the plane was landing in Rio.
  11. Only in two ways? So I am really confused.
  12. Lol. Switch your nick to Half-brained. It would be a better descriptor.
  13. You know me as well as the culture you are visiting. Kudos to you!
  14. So American of you. Instead, you should learn the codes of the culture you are visiting and not assume that every man who stares at you is in the trade.
  15. Of course, there is no problem with US kids being continuously exposed to violence in video games and everyday life, murdered by crazies with assault rifles, and going through shelter-in-place and active shooter drills monthly in their schools. All that is fine. Only sissies and snowflake liberals would be traumatized by that. But drag queens reading books to kids??? Dios Mío! They could go gay or in love with reading! HORROR!
  16. Not frightening at all. Another Conservative gay who wants to stop progress once he gets his lifestyle normalized. Rather than frightening, this is miserable, cowardly, and shameful. Besides, it is intellectually dishonest. The Queer collectives integrate the fight for gay rights into the broader spectrum of sexual dissidence. We are not against homosexuals.
  17. Not all of them. It is not so easy for a Brazilian to open an OF account. Indeed, reach out to those who have one, but you will miss many pearls. I stay in the saunas. I am not into the kind of guys many friends here are missing, and the test driving does not have competition in my book.
  18. Wishful thinking. Brazilians love IG, and it is free for them, unlike professional advertising.
  19. More importantly, where you are at.
  20. Yep. Those model-looking hotties you all are missing from 117 are probably available on Instagram nowadays.
  21. Last November, Pointe had a wireless caller system on the tables. Every boy I hooked up with played with the caller, driving him crazy. It was funny to see how upset he would turn. The place was refurbished this April, and the callers were gone, but he was still visibly stressed. He is excellent, but he should learn to handle the stress better.
  22. In the saunas discussed here, being nude is not a requirement. I only got nude on my first day because I did not know the culture. I have never been in these saunas' heated rooms or shared showers. I go there as I would go to any bar.
  23. PS: this is the perfect tip for me because I try to maximize the use of my cash. I can pay all my sauna expenses with my CC, and save the cash for the boys and the tips I cannot pay with CC.
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