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Everything posted by Latbear4blk

  1. God save Venezuelans!
  2. As I lived for 40 years in Argentina, 8-9 hours flights are standard for me and I cannot afford Business. SE Asia is too far for me.
  3. Right now there are no prices, the boys' fees are all over the place. You may find guys who ask you for the equivalente to 20 bucks, and to 500. If you want to find the best prices, check Skokka.com.
  4. It sounds like you are getting the prices for foreigners.
  5. That is Chapinero, or very close. Walking distance to El Theatron, maybe 6/7 blocks away.
  6. I just checked my report, my memory sucks. I was on a 15th floor, and the music from Theatron was still annoying. @unisamG2, if you like good food, I can recommend an authentic Spanish restaurant: Gastrobar Vitapas. I think it is a 15' Uber ride from your hotel. Good prices, good authentic Spanish dishes and wine, and good service. Two years ago, all 3 floor staff were gay, 2 of them hot. The other one is the owner, a 70 years old Catalan man. Gastrobar Vitapas
  7. If you are sensitive to noise, you may want to camp not so close to Teatron. All the are north of Chapinero is very safe, I think, and just a few minutes away from the mega disco and the gay bars. I rented an airbnb in a 7th floor about two blocks away from Teatron. I could see the place from the windows. Usually, I do not mind about noise as my sleeping is heavy. However, the music coming from the disco was loud and quite annoying and on the weekends would last up to almost noon.
  8. There is not such a thing in a market with 200% inflation. Ask in the forum I already recommended, the Forum Pirata.
  9. If I ever travel to Thailandia (I would love to), it will be a food trip rather than a sex trip. I think, based on this testimony and many alike.
  10. I recommend you Palermo Soho, Palermo Hollywood, and Recoleta. I was sick of Recoleta but I found it renewed after the pandemics. The security in the building depends on the building. You may rent an airbnb without a doorman, one with security staff who do not care about your visitors, one with security staff that ask for their IDs, it can be anything. Read carefully the details in airbnb and contact the host to ask for details. Security is standard in those three neighborhoods, and usually foreigners feel comfortable in them. There are more options I think are also safe, but others may find more adventurous, like San Telmo. Puerto Madero is also a beautiful neighborhood, but it is a little disconnected from the rest of the city. Take the regular precautions if you are inviting anyone to your place. If you are not used to do it, just use instead one of the many "albergues transitorios" around the city. Many escorts host in their places. Check the local forum and ask for experiences with the guys you are interested in hiring. https://ilikepinga.com/2018/07/27/buenos-aires/ https://ilikepinga.com/2021/08/15/foro-pirata/
  11. That one was the only time I did not get a five stars review from my host. He sent me a private message stating something like "You are welcome back anytime, but I will not post a review. You know, I have to be honest".
  12. I do not see the need for anything like Fercho in Medellin. I mean as Fercho as it works now. Unfortunately, I did not get to experience the original whore house. Also, what happened with the pre pandemic weekend field trips to a Quinta? Did they restart those trips?
  13. LOL. Perhaps we all are over reacting? I never, NEVER, got any close to think of you as a Supremacist or anything like that. I only think, as I told you, that this was not your best post. But we all have bad moments, and we all hope we will not be judged by our worst decisions.
  14. Never try to explain a homophobe they are homophobes, of course they are blinded to their bigotry. This is the same case with a different kind of hatred. This is the guy who justifies the Palestine genocide and is blind to his moral misery. Do not waste your time, it is better to ignore his posts.
  15. I think our reaction (at least mine) does not come from you disliking that a homeless would disrupt your meal. I would not like that either. But I would not come to a discussion forum to share my experience the way you did and with the wording you chose. Read again the entire quote above. I would never yell at someone as you report you did, or would not be loud at someone in case you did not yell AT him. I would not add your last paragraph where you seem to be complaining not only about one incident. I know you are an experienced traveler, and I always enjoyed your posts. Not this one.
  16. That's probably because you have never been hungry enough. I am sure you have been horny enough to ask for something from someone you did not know. 😇
  17. In the Salvador GP saunas I explored a few years ago, the situation was similar to RJ and SP, no client on client action. I guess (I have never been to one) regular gay saunas may often include patrons that may ask for money in some occasions.
  18. The trotskyfication of discussion forums.
  19. I know! But I think it shows poor consideration for the working boys.
  20. Today is a holiday and I just had breakfast with a joint, so my reading skills may not be optimal. But I am confused. When you say "Brazilian termas", do you mean Brazilian GP saunas? Because in those there is no client-on-cient action at all.
  21. Oh wow. That never happened to me in Colombia! They are obsessed with hygiene.
  22. Thank you for your unlimited wisdom, Superior Beings From Superior Countries. We are dying for welcoming you in our shitholes.
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