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Everything posted by JAYBLK

  1. Thanks for the update! I really hope that things settle down there soon.
  2. Im curious about the opinions of those of you who live there. Brazilian democracy is only 30 years old. Are the institutions strong enough to depose a president without blood in the streets? What happens when the parties that united to impeach Rouseff turn on each other? Will the impeachments stop with her or her party?
  3. I found the Cali saunas to be much like the Bogota saunas except that the model types standing around admiring each other were more often Black. You are right about Chaturbate. When I was in Cali( Medellin too) Chaturbate was like a room service menu. I installed a VPN program like HideMYASS to mask the fact that I was connecting from Colombia. Most of the Chaturbate guys block Colombia to keep their mothers from learning how they earn their money. But, once you engage them online and tell them you are in town, beautiful things can happen.
  4. "The masseurs at Club Tobi, spectacular." Can you elaborate a bit? My experience was quite different. I found them lackluster and less than enthusiastic about the non-therapeutic aspects of the massage. I was there in November. Perhaps, the staff has changed?
  5. Keep in mind that, because if it's geography, Colombia is actually like 3 or 4 countries in one. For example, Bogota is an Andean region populated by indigenous folk and Europeans. Cartagena is as Carribean as Cuba. They are 45 minutes apart by air but 14 hours or so by car. Cali is the blackest of the big cities in Colombia and Medellin is the most sophisticated. From cuisine to accent to body type and ethnicity, these four areas are totally different, if you want big Latin cocks, try Cali or Cartagena next time. Medellin has the best developed market for fun.
  6. BiLatin- I was also referring to Fernando. He is a superstar. Axiom2001 is 100% right.
  7. We appear to have precisely the same taste in boys. Either we should travel together or I should avoid you at all costs as I don't need the competition. I went to Colombia last year. The guys we like were in abundance in Cali, available in Medellin and Cartagena and almost completely absent from Bogota. I suspect that Grinder and Planet Romeo would yield great results for you everywhere in Colombia. The euphemism for rent boy there is "prepaygo" just like the prepaid phones. As to Salvador, there is an excellent tour guide there who is referenced in many posts on this site, including mine. I'm certain he can arrange the Samba lessons you want at a better than reasonable price. Also, P11 is also known as Planetario 11. Abrazos Chama
  8. BiLatin- Thanks for such a great post. Many recent visitors to Havana have had subpar experiences. Your visit sounds a lot more like my last few trips. And, the photos are awesome! I will note that your being mistaken for a local is a big part of why your trip was so great. I'm never thought to be Cuban. (Yo soy mas Yuma que un montón de fula) But,I do speak the language. That also makes a big difference. My language skills mean that I can have an experience much like yours. But, it would cost me roughly 50% more. I pay 30-35 CUC (roughly dollars) to your $20. Though, I never have as much trouble finding bottoms. They never admit to being bottoms, except for the occasional twink. But, once they agree and understand that I won't announce their proclivities, it's on. Finally, when you do get around to getting that Brazil visa, make sure that Bahia is on your itinerary. If, like me, you really appreciate the kind of tipo on offer in Cuba, you will love the P11 sauna in Salvador.
  9. There is almost no comparison. The rent boy scene in the DR is far superior as to both quantity and quality. The scene is usually driven by economic necessity. Since Puerto Ricans are American citizens, as the economy of the island has gone south, anyone who can scrape up $75 for a oneway ticket on Southwest can and has moved to Orlando. One result is that many of the rent boy's in PR speak with distinctly Dominican accents, suggesting that their immigration status may be in question. As to the DR, if you can get beyond the moral implications of their neo-apartheid policies with respect to people who look Haitian, the best source of info is the Monaga blog.
  10. 4.15 right now
  11. I stand corrected. Brazil's economy is robust and growing. And, the likely outcome of not having won the Olympics would have been significant investment in education and infrastructure.
  12. I should have made clear that crossfit is an American chain of yuppie fitness centers that has spread to Brazil and elsewhere.
  13. There was no option for equality and prosperity. The options were corruption and incompetence with the Olympic stimulus and corruption and incompetence without it. The Olympics didn't drive down the price of oil or drive up the value of the dollar.
  14. The Olympics are already a success for Rio. Were it not for Olympics preparations, the unemployment rate would be easily 30% higher, with all the social disruption that comes with it. I'm sure that the games themselves will come off, at least, acceptably. The army will round up the usual suspects before the games and pack the tourist areas with soldiers. A few dumb tourists will get mugged. A few local Black teenagers will be killed by over zealous military police. But, both those things happen all the time. In short, the games will be a success for Rio.
  15. I was referring to the days when Rio had 5-6 rent boy sauna owners rather than just two. My point is only that right now there are people being employed to build stadiums, improve infrastructure, refurbish hotels etc. when the Olympics are done, those people will go back into the regular economy and either not find jobs or push others into unemployment. That will mean more guys in the saunas and it will mean fewer locals with the income necessary to play with the same frequency. Some of both groups will turn to the web and never come back. Again, I hope I'm wrong about this.
  16. Crossfit is a chain of franchised yuppie fitness centers that emphasize calisthenics, body weight exercises and Olympic style power lifting. They refer to their gyms as "boxes" and any neighborhood with more than a dozen 30 year old lawyers or bankers has a box. Dani and his partner own one of the 10 or so in Sao Paoulo.
  17. I hope you guys are right about the staying power of the saunas. The economic recession that will become a depression after the Olympics stimulus is over will reduce the capacity of at least some local clients to pay for their fun. The more experienced posters here ofte make reference to a golden age of saunas when there were many more of them. I hope those that remain are so wildly profitable that they survive.
  18. He's married to a surgeon and they own a crossfit box in SP. He's doing very well. It's true that he no longer does sauna tours.
  19. All flavors are available. But chocolate and caramel are most popular in Salvador.
  20. As many of us managed to get to Brazil in 2015, some of us multiple times, Im curious as to your very favorite guy of the year. Please post your winner, with photo if possible, and a runner up. I'll start. I met this guy, Fabio, at P11 in Salvador. He was amazing... Runner up was Mauricio in Rio. As he is more or less exclusively on the web now, you can see him here :http://www.netgay.com.br/escorts/mauriciokl.htm
  21. HUSTLER BARS seem to be yet another industry disrupted by the Internet. The web offers a larger and more private market for buyers and for sellers. Sadly, the same may happen to the saunas. All agree that these places exist because of the locals, not for us. The worsening economic conditions in Brazil and the inevitable loss of clientele to Grinder, Romeo etc, may mean that the saunas as we have known them won't survive the recession.
  22. Any more photos you care to share?
  23. I prefer to see Solace as defending those of us with less than perfect bodies. Still,I agree that we should keep to positivity and I will endeavor to do a better job ignoring what feel like categorical attacks.
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