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Everything posted by likeohmygod

  1. No need to be a twat...you can try to explain a concept without having to be a jerk for once in your life. 😂 Well in the end we're all Bill Gates and Faucis behind a nickname right? And of course you expect us to say, "oh you're so right! That's true!", because there cannot be any other person which knows statistics, and/or medicine besides you. But hey...Good for you . Even if your figures make absolutely no sense, especially because are backed by nothing... unless you're providing certain and verificable data, yes that's just scaremongering and numbers which come out of your fantasy. There will always be a reason to delay a flight then. Yesterday it was Covid, today is MPX, tomorrow will be X. Risks should be weighted properly. It's not HIV, it's not HepC, it's not HepA, not HepB, it's not syphilis...there's quite a long list of STDs which have or can have long lasting effects, compared to MPX if not diagnosed early and that spread much more easily. And again this is mostly the result of the media and of Google Images influence over the people. I know at least 30/35 guys who got MPX while together with me, were partying in Spain and Germany. The worst case was admitted to the hospital for pain control due to lesions inside his butt (which healed). The worst outcome has been 2 acne like scars. Do you guys really think that in Colombia the situation is worse than Brazil? Spain has been quietly rolling out vaccination...exactly quietly, because it's been a joke... 4000 people vaccinated during a 2 months period...as in the rest of europe of course. Lucky those who got vaccinated, including me. Rollout numbers are totally different than those in the US (as usual of course). Still it's nearly gone in Spain and in Germany. People positive to MPX after the 2nd dose? yeah...rare but it can happen. Of course. And of course it's a mild to completely asimptomatic disease. I am sorry but again to me this is scaremongering, not only because IATA has issued no guidance to follow when it comes to denying boarding to people showing a rash on their face, but no western country has any kind of guidance (from their health authorities) at arrival nor at departure. It would make no sense at all even because the symptoms (which are not those of the scary images on internet) can easily be confused for other diseases and viceversa, exposing the airline to legal consequences. And in the end..there are travel insurances. So if you get MPX, and therefore you cannot travel, you will have to prolong your stay just as if you got stabbed, shot, broke an arm, a hand, got covid, got dengue, got flu, got west nile virus. If your insurance doesn't cover this....change it for god sake. I am not saying that you guys should be bitching out, i am just saying that the things must be sized correctly, and that there's no need to invent daily incidence rates for Colombia, or Brasil, or speculating over underreporting, which has been much worse in Spain in july than in Colombia or Brazil right now. With that said. Goodbye and good life to everyone. I will always remember those good times where this forum was actually a good platform where to receive and provide very good guidance and experiences over latin guys, not just a stage for drama queens (not referring to you Slvkguy). Far times.
  2. Of course. I can also get hit by an asteroid, but the risks must get assessed correctly without providing distorted numbers In Spain, the European hotspot, it really struggled to spread inside the MSM community despite the daily parties happening in the major cities, the orgies, the saunas, the tons of escorts. I cannot tell you the number of parties I have took part in the last two months, where I have seen a quantity of sex which doesn’t even compare to the precovid period. I mean guys…there’s a crapload of STDs around, especially in Colombia and Brazil, which have a higher incidence and an higher death rate than MPX. Honestly I accepted the risk of getting gono, siphy, hepA while sucking a cock or eating an ass because unless your sucking cocks in condoms, that’s what you’re risking when having sex with a professional. No big difference with MPX for which there’s also a vaccine, which everyone should try to get If you guys are waiting for this to settle, you’ll never travel anymore. No intention to offend anyone of course. I am just tired of this crap which gets constantly fueled by media.
  3. Monkeypox scaremongering even here…oh god. I estimate the daily Bogotá MSM incidence at 1/1,000, contagion point-prevalence at about 1/100 MSM. Just stay away from sex parties and don’t stick the cock of people showing blisters and lesions on their skin, inside your ass. In Europe despite a ring vaccination rate near to zero compared to the US and zero prevention measures apart from the self awareness crap, there has been no mass extinction nor armies of disfigured fellow fags due to the MPX lesions. Also that’s why in Brazil “no one cares”. No one cares because especially after covid risks must be weighted correctly and I honestly think that apart from the few severe cases and the 14 deaths over 300k estimated cases globally (60k official), it’s perfectly understandable if people give to this virus the attention it deserves. Also FYI…Colombia testing rate is something like 7 times higher than Brazil
  4. @pong2 I am Italian, vaccinated and back in Europe since the beginning of the pandemy since i was worried about potential troubles with flights on the mid term (I was right "thanks" to shit eating Bolsonaro). Quarantine won't be a problem since I work remotely and I am used to do this when traveling. Thanks for the replies. Is there a way to see xxx pics of the working guys in Thai clubs and bars? It looks so hard compared to the rest of the world.
  5. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/17/europe/uk-astrazeneca-vaccine-contract-details-intl/index.html Thanks for the (wrong and one-sided) lesson professor Potter. An interesting article for fair minded people about the situation, since this has been brought out...like if talking shit about the EU (which for Brexiteers is infested and populated by morons and incompetent people) has became perfectly fine in a forum talking about sexual tourism in Thailand: https://theconversation.com/did-the-uk-outsmart-the-eu-over-astrazeneca-vaccines-157926
  6. Hello people! It's been over a year since i silenced myself from the forum...appartently many things have changed. LOL My bottom's cock addicted part of the brain is heating up the engines since the vaccination is approaching. Before moving back to Brazil from where i flew away at the beginning of the pandemy, i am considering now the idea to pay a quick visit to Thailand, since I am experiencing a kind of Asian addiction in the last few days. While I consider myself to have been a reliable source of information to all the users who have been in Brazil and Colombia, i know zero about Thailand. I know that in Bangkok there are clubs like moonlight and desire, where you can hire the guys. But to make this viable i need to know more...do you have pics, or suggestions about places where i can find them, that will give me an idea about the "endowments" of the guys? I see pics of guys like Mr.Nut that really make me drool. I know there are bars like moonlight, desire in Bangkok...but that's where my knowledge stops, and the my research through the forum's posts resulted in me getting even more confused. I'll be glad to pay back some help with guidance on Brazil and Colombia
  7. Still it's a disgusting view/idea to many of the younger customers (talking about people in their 50s). We're off topic... As usually happens on this forum. I asked a simple yes/no question... It ended up being the classical latin forum's flames driven, non sense, inquisition styled topic... as many others especially in the last days. All the people interested in this "project" can send me a private message, so I will add them to the secret section of the forum (club). Thanks to BT Forum for giving me the opportunity to earn a ton of knowledge about the fun in the place where I ended up living, to share it and to meet some great people from this forum. This will be my last public post for a while.
  8. Not really... But many do, since I am being often asked/commented by fellow sauna customers the question: "how are these guys able to fuck that guy?" referring with a disgusted face, to a very old man. Mine just wanted to be a provocation. No offense, no discrimination.
  9. @Latbear4blk You remember well, I do have his direct contact. But thank you for your advice! I will surely @SolaceSoul Paypal will never know...the problems could come out if you're going to publicly post your paypal's address, while clearly linked to a sex-related service. No risks until that. Paying the performers will not be a problem, I can act as a gateway for payments, so that I will get the quotas for each show and then send the full payment to the boys.
  10. I live in Brazil, i do have a bank account here. SP it's full of guys who are into recording videos and doing live shows...of course you cannot throw in someone who's in secretly in the business, but i didn't feel the need to specify this...i mean it's obvious! @SolaceSoul I feel the need to specify this, because for some reasons i think you didn't understand (forgive me if i'm wrong). The only active webcam and microphone, will be the perfomer's one...think to something like Chaturbate, CAM4, flirtforfree... I mean that kind of thing. I could be wrong but if that type of entertainment is felt as disturbing, i don't get how you cannot find at least as much disturbing the idea that the guy that u use to hook up with, fucks customers who to many woud look disgusting... But again...I'm not here to argue with anyone, it's just an idea that I had to spend some time during the lockdown here in Sao Paulo, since I cannot have guys coming and going without my neighbours calling the police to report my idea of "lockdown" So again since I realize that the title clearly does not help to understand what i actually meant...think to some kind of show as Chaturbate. There is no webcam or mic involved outside the guy's one .
  11. You're sharing also in saunas, the same cock who is going to fuck you in the next 2 minutes has probably been inside a 80 yo guy's ass 10 minutes before... Same thing happened probably to his tongue... With the difference that you would not see the others webcams except for the performer's one. I am not trying to convince anyone, to me it could be interesting. As I have stated, I live in an apartment who lies in the exact center of São Paulo escorts hot spot ... I am not feeling alone.
  12. Riobard you're off topic...anyway... Of course this is something very different from twitter, JFF, OF....the content would be live or very personalized (on demand). Many are trying OF and JFF especially during those days... just to be failing...it's a very, very, very small market with a ton of competitors (other models and free porn providers, like pornhub, but also amateur twitter pages), with huge fees (20%) where just a few very well known intl. models are making money from. It helps them but think that a very famous escort with an active OF page, makes from it not more than 100 USD each month. (2 programas). So why would a guy decline a ie. R$500 fee for a single live fuck show done for a group of users of this forum? That's a goal on JFF or OF that would require a HUGE EFFORT to get, and that will inevitably result in piracy. So guys, please again...let this thread be a YES I'M INTERESTED/NO I'M NOT thing.
  13. A user of the forum gave me an idea... There are 2 facts right now: People on this forum are missing brazilian/colombian boys The boys are facing financial difficulties As some of you know, I live in SP and being a cock-addicted whore helped me to build a huge DB of "working boys" in Brazil and in Colombia. I cannot offer job opportunities to everybody, since i only have 2 holes and quarantine is not helping... So I was thinking...how many of you would be interested private liveshows sessions where we have one of our favorites GPs/actors/models, stripping, jerking and/or fucking in front of a camera just for us (we are not going to show our video streams)? If there are enough people interested I can create a private club here on the forum, where we discuss the details, we chose the guys, and we share the costs, which with enough participants would be extremely low for each of us. I would then create the internet platform the let this happen (Skype it's not the best when it comes down to the quality of the video stream compression).
  14. Nope...unless the minimum wage doubles during the next months (impossible, it would take 12/15 years normally), and it would mean hyperinflaction, and again a even weakier currency. Escort prices are not excluded by the demand/supply law...especially in a market where the biggest share of customers is represented by the locals. Exchange rate only affects imported goods, and the gringo rates...so if there where boys asking 400 just becase a potential customer is a gringo, maybe there will be ones trying to ask 600 now. Why not? If one is so stupid to be willing to pay 4 to 6 times what he would have paid by offering a price (100/150 BRL) instead of asking it to a GdP... Chances are the programas will get cheaper because of the 2 following reasons: Lower demand...local sugar daddies will be less and less willing to pay as much as they did. Higher supply...many of the boys (enen their families) have temporary jobs, and most of them have "easy" minimum wage (1'040 reais/month) ones...many will become unemployed...more garotos de programa. It will suck from a human perspective....from a mean customer perspective it will be paradise. Never accept the gringo price, and never ask for the programa's price, for shit's sake. Make them a offer...100/150 saunas...200/300 internet (+ uber as a tip)
  15. My 2 cents... If you still haven't bought a ticket to Brazil...then WAIT...here it's a complete mess: lack of reliable sources of information, lack of tests, people doing whatever they want, Federal government (BOLSONARO) acting like dumbasses. Many people here are still thinking that it's nothing more than a bad flu thanks to how the information has been delivered by those people who should actually protect the ones who are not enough educated to fully understand the situation. Here it's completely down to the governors choices...every state here it's taking its own choices, some are in lockdown (RJ and SP for example, with SP being close to EU standards), some are doing nearly nothing. If you have already bought a ticket...90% chance that your flight is going to be canceled if it is scheduled to happen before the end of July. So i you wanna buy a ticket, or if you are rebooking a canceled trip, first of all keep in mind that your travel insurance, won't cover eventual medical expenses following incidents related to a pandemy...so even if you manage to come here before the end of July and you manage to get infected, chances are you're going to pay a ton of money to get a proper medical attention if you'll end up needing ICU. Second of all keep saunas out of your mind until at least October 2020 (if we're lucky).
  16. Considering the ratio "tests/1M pop" in Brazil and comparing it with other big countries, considering the ratio "COVID+/tested" in Brazil and doing the same comparison, even taking in account the unrealistic idea that Brazil is less than proportional when compared to these countries, you can conclude that COVID in Brazil is spreading fast (even inside favelas which will act as an amplifier) and that if we're VERY lucky the saunas will reopen at the end of June. Not even talking about the travel restrictions. Cases in Brazil are possibly EXTREMELY underestimated.
  17. A whatsapp status a friend has forwarded me, from PCC, the biggest gang in SP, running the majority of the favelas in the state.
  18. Congratulations for the shittiest post I have ever read on this forum. My people are dying in thousands in Italy. Who cares about what happens in one of the most historic countries of the world... The most important thing is that I can still get fucked in Brazil. You should care about Italy... Because in the end, that's what will probably happen in your country too.
  19. It happens even here on Brazil, the driver's rating in some cases is useless and Uber is contribuing insted of trying to prevent this shit. Last time I got scammed was during the last weeks of February, coming back to Jardins to Guarulhos airport in SP. A 4.91 stars driver with over 3000 rides, arrives at the airport and picks me up... I was so tired about the flight (canceled flight at night, closed airport, flight diverted to GRU instead of Congonhas airport) I wasn't paying attention to the road and the driver certainly thought i was an unaware gringo. After 15 min we approach to a tollgate, and inside my head an alarm starts ringing. I check my position on google maps, and this fucker was bringing me OUTSIDE Sao Paulo. Since my Uber's account is linked to a prepaid card which I can freeze, realtime using my smartphone's application, I secretly locked it, and then asked the driver for explanations. In Sao Paulo, the more you go to East from Guarulhos airport, the more you're approaching to dangerous areas of the metropolitan area, so I have been very carefull about the way i was talking to the driver, who unscrupulously lied to me, saying that we were actually going to my destination. Not very smart since I was clearly holding my phone in my hand. After a ride of 80 minutes, 2 detours, and a total distance 1.5 times the usual and a declined charge on my credit card of 1.3 times the original amount (like 140 reais instead of 60), we finally arrived to my address. But before we arrived I had plenty of time to take countermeasures...I wasn't sure about what could have happened once we arrived at destination...the driver could have asked me for more money in a not very friendly way, so I asked a friend, who is an MMA fighter and a policeman to wait me in front of my building. I highly doubt that the guy will ever do this joke again to anybody else, Uber's support proven to be very helpful, but if you believe that Uber is a 100% danger free way of transport...you're wrong. It's safer and more transparent than regular taxis, BUT it's not immune to scamsters. And I believe that the drivers ratings are affected by a huge flaw. The majority of the customers doesn't realize they got scammed and/or forgets to report and rate the driver. And more importantly with a 4.910 (4.91) rating and over 3000 rides completed, a 1 star rating for a single ride means absolutely nothing, decreasing the average to 4.909...still a displayed 4.91 rating, This means that there might be some drivers who deliberately try to scam the customers (the foreign ones in particular), because they're aware that the cost/benefit ratio for them is favourable in terms of reputation. I don't know how Uber acts after you report a driver for such a shitty behaviour, but It they were a serious company, the first thing they should be doing is deactivate the driver's accounts. .
  20. Yep... Still it's like 1 person over 200 million. I would not be that worried about the spread of coronavirus, which I strongly believe could be already everywhere. Still it's a flu... If you're one of those people at risk of dying because of the consequences of a bad flu, chances are you're not doing sex tourism
  21. Garotocomlocal is a good source of fun.... Just BE VERY CLEAR about what you want and what you like to do and NEVER go to a garoto's apartment.
  22. The truth is that ...not even Ebola will ever prevent me to pay my daily visit to saunas
  23. True and even if Brazil hasn't banned yet flights to and from China, the number of flights was inferior to the one around the EU, and right now most of the companies have canceled their flights by themselves. Is an airborne virus but kissing and touching (saliva in general) can be vectors. Saunas host a lot of tourists from around the world.
  24. The title is self-explanatory. What do you think? Will the saunas be affected by the inevitable arrival (not yet happened) of the 2019-ncov in Brazil? Would it be risky to keep going at this time?
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