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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. No I live in the US and my favorite I modded for on CB lives just a few miles from me but he's stopped. The other one lives in Romania.
  2. i now realize that the "warning" about yellow cabs is just to get you to take hotel white cabs which are more expensive. In fact the white cabs are unregulated and all my problems occurred with them. After I started using yellow street cabs I had no problems.
  3. Most gays going to Bogota seem to like the Jones hotel in Chaperniro. Not a lot of high class hotels in Chaperniro since it's mostly a gay sex neighborhood. The Marriott and Hilton are very expensive for Bogota and I don't know how easy guests are. Those 2 and The Holiday Inn are up around 73rd, about 15 (short) blocks north of the center of Chapinero but not far from Babylon and St Moritz. I had a free suite at the Crown Plaza Tuequendama downtown which was a hike to Chapeniro but close to the Gold Museum and the Botero museums which are must-sees in Bogota. The Gold Museum has thousands of gold Inca pieces, thousands of years old. Amazing museum and 1 of a kind. Also see the Colpatria Tower there at night- 50-story building covered with millions of led's in a light show. Generally the massages are priced by length from 20 minutes to 1 hour but in practice they're over when you come. St Moritz is the only sauna without posted rates and it's strictly let's-make-a-deal. Most start with a pretense of a massage with you laying on your stomach and the masseure rubbing oil for the first 5 minutes which is annoying and after the first session with a masseure can be dispensed with.The massage table is really annoying for sex but that's all that's there usually. I'm older etc and didn't have any altitude problems and I walked fast for miles a day. The only time I got physically sick was in the little tin-can taxi racing up and down the mountains from the airport to Medellin.
  4. OK, I finished Bogota and ready for the report. I spent 3 days here before 5 in Medellin and now 2 days back before going home. I felt a duty to report on this little-known place and was determined to crack it's hard-to-penetrate shell. From worst to best: Neighborhoods: TEUSAQUILLO-- Just above downtown, from about 35th to 50th Calle, a trendy fashionable neighborhood with embassies and several universities. SAUNAS: CLUB BALTIMORE SAUNA Actually in a hotel (the Maria Isabel). Gets lots of mentions. That doesn't mean it's good. I went in and the entrance was outrageous- like $60 but I was assured it was worth it because they had A (as in one) masseur who was standing in front of me- he was a 2 at best and I did a u-turn. CASA ROMANO SAUNA Has very titallating ads promising sex shows once a week and strippers once a week. In an old mansion next to the Israeli embassy. I went, I paid to get in, and was introduced to the single masseur they had; he looked like a twin of the 2 I was introduced to at Club Baltimore. Two saunas down quick. COMPLICES SAUNA Also deceptively titalating ads. Just because someone's good at html doesn't mean they're also attractive. Not sure this place even has a masseur but no one of the few people I saw there was better than the ones I shunned already. 3 down quick. CHAPERINO- (Known locally as Chapigayo)- The vast GayBorHood of Bogota. From about 50th to 70th Calles. Bogota has about 9 million people and Chapinero has maybe a quarter million. The south side toward 50th is more run down but safe while the north side bordering the "Financial District" has the Hilton and Marriott. The center part around the Theatron nightclub on 58th is so totally gay that straights seem out of place. Dozens of gay bars and nightclubs and saunas and shops from one end to the other. One of those areas where you can sit and just watch the parade of trendy attractive young urban gays (and drool). STARBOYS Not a sauna but a video club (there are several) listed as having masseurs. It doesn't. Small booths with glory holes were all empty although the owner or manager was a really pleasant guy who smiles and chats machine-gun like sweetly even though he knows you don't speak Spanish. SAUNAS: MEDITERRANEO SAUNA- Also very tempting ads. This place didn't just disappoint but totally creeped me out. You're not allowed to wear towels or briefs; you have to be totally nude. You're given a washcloth and told to hold it over your privates. Tiny building with cheap rates; 15K COP admission, 30K 30-minute massages. I'd pay a lot more to get out if I were trapped in. One of the masseurs was a decent young black guy, there was a cute young towel boy, and there was a cute young guy in the jacuzzi with someone but I never got close. The other masseur I met, and who approached me several times, was terribly out of shape, maybe 35, hairy and too pushy. Probably worked at the St. Moritz when he was 25. I wanted to wait and see if there were other masseurs with clients but a customer with really bad teeth, a really bad comb-over, and a face out of Deliverence kept following me and groping. Through the washcloth. An evening here would not have turned out well. Go forewarned. DAGOAS SAUNA I didn't even go in. I approached the desk and got a bad feel plus I had already had sex twice in 2 hours and was tired. It's in the old address of St. Moritz Sauna and that's how I stumbled on it. It advertises entrance plus 30 minute massage for 45K. Might be wonderful. I doubt it. What is wonderful is the blond security guard outside the gay bar next door. Why I went by three times but no contact. BABYLON SAUNA Where the financial district starts. Highly recommended by many people. Great ad. Entrance was 20K COP but it's published massage rates are very reasonable. It's only open from 3pm until 9:30pm (most of the saunas are only open from 1 until 10pm). Ad has photos of 3 masseurs, I only saw 2 of them, not the white one. All the staff and all masseurs are Amero-Indian and very stocic. Not a word. Very nice facilities and one of the half dozen masseurs really appealed to me- a guy with the body of an American football player. Pure beef. Tights like tree trunks. But he kept texting on a cheap old cellphone the whole time I was there and never looked up. Maybe I should have made a move. I didn't. SAINT MORITZ SAUNA Finally ! Gay El Dorado. At least a half-dozen masseurs. All white (as opposed to Babylon's all native). The friendly towel boy checking you in is cute as a button. The shy 18-yr old manning the bar is one of the cutest guys I've ever seen but doesn't massage. From his expensive braces and expensive designer t-shirt I'd say he's kept well by someone, probably the owner, but will be turned out to massage in a year or so. As soon as I get through the door I'm approached by a tall masseur with big pectorals with an offer for total release massage for 40K. Hairy guy with short hair who looks like the photo to the right on boytoy. Once my eyes go down I notice he's not exactly a six-pack tummy. Very slight lovehandles. Big nipples. Then another guy just like him approaches. Both 25-30 and hairy and very pectorally. Then I notice two more like them. Finally I meet with a shorter guy with no body hair, a nice tatoo of an angel wing, totally smooth skin, the firmest butt I've ever seen, a six pack and hard pectorals and biceps. He wants 150K COP for "Complete", 70K for Basic. That's high for Columbia. What I learn the hard way is St Moritz does not have published rates like every other sauna and you're dealing directly with the masseaur who gets 100% directly from you. Deal with masseurs at St Moritz the way you would with prepagos in negotiations. I talk him down to 120K COP for "Complete" but later learn that doesn't include (from him) any oral other than kissing and certainly no anal. Still it was well worth $48 US for the lengthy hand-job and French kissing from such a stunner. He dresses immediately to go out as I guess he's made a lot of money for him. I go to shower. In spite of St Mortiz being big and very very nice I discover the shower is tiny and has only tepid water on hot. I go out and joke about it to the shy perfect 18 yr old bartender. He tells me I should have gone to a shower upstairs. I hit on him again. He considers it a compliment and grins huge but explains, no, he doesn't. Ever. His smile alone is enough. If I were here longer I would concentrate on Grindr- I've gotten 49 messages in 2 days in spite of having no photo- just "Daddy" as a name and "visiting from USA" in description. Also I would work the cute bellhop in my hotel who's winking at me now on my last day, and I'd work the streets in Chapigayo. And I'd return to Babylon and St. Moritz a lot, and check out some of the other couple dozen saunas and Theatron. THEATRON I didn't go. It's not open Monday or Tuesday and opens at 9 or 10 other days. It costs $13 US admission including unlimited volka drinks but I don't drink. Theatron is the largest gay nightclub in South America. In an old theater building it has 10 bars. Everyone on CB in Columbia I asked and everyone in Medellin I asked for suggestions just said all I need to do is go to Theatron- anything I want I'll find at Theatron. Anything. My flight's at 9am and I'm off to bed. Ciao Columbia.
  5. I access CB through SexFlexible but everyone has their own backdoor in. I've used Citi virtual accounts for internet transactions for years. Especially ones where I don't want any "auto-renew". I usually access it through the downloaded program instead of online. CB requires a lot of self control but the Columbian rooms are unusually generous in providing free live sex acts without "ticket shows" or "goals" etc. Most of the people in the room are "grays" , meaning they don't have any tokens. I "mod" (moderate) for a couple of the hottest single guys, one of whom hasn't been on for a couple months but lives close to me and the other is a sweet Romanian who's just too much work. Everyone talks about the good looks and sexual prowness of the Columbian guys who often do duos or 3-way shows. Most are from Medellin.
  6. That would only be for cash. I use a virtual credit card number from Citi with them and using a cc you only have to buy like $20 of tokens. But you can watch the shows for free anyway without buying any tokens. There's quite a few Medellin and Cali guys on there who are incredibly hot and do sex shows as duos and triples. The same rooms are usually also on Flirt4Free and Cam4 and other sites. There's another great one on now from Medellin- Dastan_Yesevi.
  7. chaterbate. u search for kedman_10. he's on now. several of the guys are on from Medellin in sex shows. amazing guys.
  8. btw- As soon as I got to Bogota I opened CB and there a new guy from Medellin who's hot. My luck. His handle there is kedman_10.
  9. Left Medellin this morning via a yellow cab the hotel called for me with a driver they know well. He charged less than the white cab I had taken in. In Bogota I was approached by a white cab wanting $20 for the short trip but instead got in the line for yellow cabs and had a fine ride for $10. Then later in Bogota I flagged another yellow cab and had a fine ride for less than half what white cabs cost. I now realize it's the white cabs that are less professional and the airports and hotels make money off them and try to scare tourists from using yellow cabs. Bogota is still not panning out but I'll post tomorrow. Babylon Sauna's website has photo galleries of their 3 masseurs......they open at 3pm.
  10. and Medellin is no more dangerous than other places on the wrong side of town. If I had known to stay on the right side of the cathedral it wouldn't have happened. And all that happened both times is drunk thugs grabbed me and threatened me and I had to give them a couple dollars to leave me alone. I was scared they were going to assault me and steal my money. It could have been much worse in other cities. I always carry a roll of 5-8 50 COP bills with 10's rolled around them in my pocket, 4 or 5 extra 50's hidden under the insole of my shoes, a photocopy of my passport, and never carry my wallet or cellphone. (On the way back from Club Tobi I'm carrying a lot less money).
  11. In Columbia there are white cabs for tourists that are very very few, only called by hotels, and a little more expensive than the thousands of little yellow cabs cruising every street. I was warned they sometimes actually rob tourists and dump them so I took white cabs 3 times. The first time was in Bogota going about 3 miles from my hotel to Chapinero. I was charged $15- too much by far but not robbery. The 2nd time I got a white cab from my hotel to go exactly 10 blocks up the same avenue from the hotel. The address was clear and written down. The driver for some reason took me way up on top of Montserret mountain on a narrow road in the woods and I was actually shaking that I was going to be robbed and killed. I begged him to take me back to the hotel after a half hour of senseless driving on top of the mountain which he did and and asked me to pay him 10K COP for the "effort" which I did and walked where I was going. The 3rd white cab was from the Medellin airport which is a 25 mile drive over mountains. The driver was going 50-60 mph on dangerous twisting mountain roads and the fee was 70K COP ($30). I trust the people who tell me that the yellow street cabs are much more dangerous (for tourists especially) hence I want nothing more to do with any cab in Columbia than I have to. I got my hotel In Medellin right in the middle of everything and when I return to Bogota tomorrow I'm learning to use the Transmillenio Rapid Bus from my hotel to Chapinero. Any future trips here I'll always get my hotel in the action area to avoid taxis. I returned to Club Tobi sauna for the 3rd time tonight and had sessions with Adrian and Christain my two favorites (tho Christain doesn't bottom while Adrian is a super power bottom). Both collect muscles the way some people collect stamps and are sweet and cheerful as anyone I've ever met. Even on a slow Monday night there were 4 masseurs working and grateful for the business. I now think that the 60K COP massage is normally as good as the 90K one. After they closed at 10 I walked up to the prepaygo block, 57A, but it only had about 20 people out and about half were prepaygos. Medellin is a very early town. I really think that generally, especially for a visitor, the sauna boys are a much better experience than the street prepaygos. I didn't try any of the prepagos from Grindr and wish I had. But Grindr prepagos would have to be public meeting first.
  12. The guys on F4F, CB, C4 etc are all from Medellin and Cali. The hottest are from Cali. (believe me I asked!) None from Bogota. I don't speak any Spanish. I leave to go back to Bogota for 2 more days in the morning and if anyone has any suggestions there I'd appreciate them. My first couple days there were fruitless. Evidently Delta is starting daily non-stop service to Medellin and Cartagenia from Atlanta. They already have flights to Bogota. An open-jaw would be good to see both Medellin & Bogota or Cartagenia as one-ways between them are only @ $85.
  13. This was my first time in Columbia and I did my research just googleing. I didn't have a guide although I'm sure one would have been better. When you google certain terms the usual sites don't offer much except lists of places- some out-dated. The Gay Guia Columbia, which is very good on Bogota, is almost empty on Medellin. A site called Gay Gringo has the review of Barbcolus Sauna and Club Tobi that implies BS is great while Tobi is just for posseurs with no "masseurs"----wrong. A site called Columbia Express has a story on the best (and worst) of gay Medellin which is otherwise a great story but is the one that said Calle 57A west of the cathedral is where the prepagos are---that's why I went there and got robbed twice. In fact 57A east of the catherdal, where the prepaygo bars are, is the intersection of Medellin's main street Oriental so it's completely safe. Funny how one little mistake like that can make such a difference in safety. Researching, most of the many saunas have websites and list their rates, including for massage. One in Bogota, which I'll go to, actually has photos of it's masseurs. The universal slang for garotos in Columbia is "Prepaygos", which is technically the term for prepaid telephone service. A variation on rentboy. Thankfully Grindr at least isn't hip to that slang yet.
  14. The reason I went is because Avianca had a $400 r/t special from the east coast. It's just a 5-hour non-stop from DC to Bogota and Avianca is a wonderful airline with the best economy class I've ever seen. American flies non-stop to Medellin from Miami and it's a 3-hour flight. Be warned that the Medellin airport is some 25 miles from town over mountains and a taxi is 70K COP ($28). Save some air-sickness meds for the twisting 2-lane road trip with an insane driver. However there is an airport bus I'll use going back that's much cheaper and hopefully slower. Flights between Bogota and Medellin are usually about $175 r/t every hour and take an hour. Avianca is vastly preferred over LAN. Forget the bus. Bogota is 2 miles high and Medellin is 1 mile high and the mountain roads between them are so twisting that it takes the bus 18 hours to go the 120 miles. Bogota is a little cooler than Medellin and may require a light jacket at night but Medellin is warm all day and night. Both cities get several rain showers every day. Bogota is a great sight-seeing spot with the incredible Inca Gold Museum that displays some $5 billion of ancient Inca gold artwork from 3000 years ago. The world's greatest living artist, Fernando Botero, is from Medellin but Bogota has the huge Botero Museum, next to the Gold Museum. Medellin is the center of the coffee trade (although it's hard to get a decent cup of coffee here that doesn't taste like instant). It's also the center of the flower industry where most of the cut flowers we buy in the US come from. Bogota has 8 million people in the city, same as New York, and is a regional financial center with a large middle-class and several 50-story skyscrapers. The gay neighborhood of Bogota is called Chaperniro and extends from about Calle 50 to Calle 75. One of the largest gay nightclubs in the world is Theatron on 58th and the NYT calls Bogota a new gay mecca. read...thousands of middle class gay clones. Coke and pot are both legal and super cheap. Most of the world's coke starts out 100% pure in Columbia for less that we pay for pot.
  15. BTW- Columbian miltary are on every street corner in Columbia. Absolutely georgous stunning guys in late teens who get paid about $20/month. Unfortunately a miltary truck picks them all up and carts them off to some place that must be like heaven to a gay guy. Also, in Medellin the squeegy boys on streets washing car windows are usually not half bad. And in both Bogota and Medellin the hotel guys are very attractive and seem to be willing. My first regret was not hitting on the cute thing that carried my bag to my room in Bogota. I'm sure plenty have.
  16. long-time lurker here-----I'm currently on vacation in Bogota and Medellin and thought I'd post info. Will be returning to Bogota in 2 days so will do a post on it in a few days. I read up on both cities here and on the web and some of the info is different than my experience. First, in Columbia there are not technically sex workers in saunas (although it is legal). They are called masseurs although the only difference is the title. From worst to best so far: Barbacous Sauna- There are a few internet pages making you believe this place is hot. NOT. It's tiny and has one masseur who is maybe a 3. It is right on the 57A strip but not worth it (even tho it's the cheapest). Spartacus Sauna- Small but OK. I didn't see any masseur who was above a 4 or 5. Club 55 Sauna- Very nice facilites and customers are almost up to Club Tobi. Unfortunately the only masseur was maybe a 5. Club Tobi- WOW- Movie-star like customers in a very nice building. 3 Masseurs at least always on duty and while one's just a 6 or 7, the other 3 I saw in 2 days were solid 9 or 10's. "Massages" are 40K COP ($18) for a "relax" massage, 60K ($27) for a "Normal" full release erotic massage and 90K ($36) for a "Complete" no-holes-barred anything session. The $27 session usually gets a little less actual sex, more hand-jobs. As in Brazil you pay the door (admission is usually about $8). Tips personally are very rare and get a lot of appreciation.The guys working the snackbar are exceptionally good looking and often are masseurs. Open every day from 2-10pm usually. There's a lot of bad info on the hustling scene. A couple stories elsewhere say that the block of 57A west of the cathedral is where it is. What's there on the west side is one block of Calle 57A which has a few trannies and it leads into 57 where there are 2 big pool halls and dozens of thugs who love to beat up and rob anyone who remotely looks gay. Both times I went of the west side of the cathedral I got robbed by guys threatening me if I didn't give them some money. There are a lot of drug-addicts especially on the west side- 70lb guys sleeping barefoot on the sidewalks who haven't bathed in a month. Unfortunately when awake their minds are so crazy they harrass the hell out of everyone. Medellin in those parts is a lot like bad parts of Tiajuana. The east side of the cathedral is wonderful, hustler heaven. The block of 57A where it meets Oriental, the main street, is full of gay bars, hustlers, lesbians, gays, and a $15 sex hotel.Most nights 2-3 dozen hustlers at a time.The bars mostly have roll-up door fronts and the people spread into the sidewalks and street. I met the bartender at Andres Carbon and used the sex hotel to get into the routine. There are several guys who certainly rank up with the best, 7 or 8's, but also a lot of 4's. Sex in a sex hotel isn't very pleasing or fulfilling but I was hesitant to bring guys to my hotel. The rates are between 50COP ($19) and 100 COP ($39). The gay sex area is Chandeleria and it's hard to find a decent hotel there. I stayed at the Gran Hotel which is on 54th and Oriental, a couple short blocks from everything. It overlooks the gay hustling area in the rear and Club 55 sauna is directly behind the hotel. It's about $40/nt and is a 14-story older hotel which is kept up nicely. I didn't try to bring anyone in. The other hotels in the center are awful. Most of the "nice" hotels are in Estadio or Poblanbo, which are over 3 miles out and yellow street cabs are not super safe in Columbia for tourists. English is non-existant. I didn't have much luck with PlanetRomeo or with Manhunt in Medellin, but Grindr lights up like a Christmas tree with "Prepaygos" sex workers. If I thought half of them looked anything like the photos.....wow. Just wow. Set your location to Medellin and see what these guys look like ! Bogota is a much more modern city but my first 3 days were spare pickings. I go back for 2 more and will report.
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