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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. Remember you talking vastly different distances. Bogota and Medellin are short cheap hops from Miami. Rio and San Paulo are a looooong way and BA is further. Club Tobi in Medellin is as good and cheap as you get. There are more guys and clubs in Bogota but not as attractive and cost more. Rio and San Paulo and Puerto Allegra have many more clubs and each club has many more guys. BA has nothing boy club wise. I haven't tried DR yet. For me (if I weren't tied to a regular) I'd hop down to Medellin as much as I could for cheap great sex at Club Tobi (maybe DR). The fares to Rio are much higher.
  2. There are also a boatload of Ukraine guys on Chaterbate who are very eager for whatever.
  3. The muscle boys at Club Tobi in Medellin are Grade A bottoms.
  4. Columbia is very cheap to get to and much shorter flight.
  5. Do not go to the west side of the cathedral. You will be mugged. The east side toward Oriental is usually OK. Downtown is fine and pretty safe.
  6. What ever happened to the "best sex ever" guy in Puerto Allegre? He was dreamy.
  7. The biggest draw of Medellin is Club Tobi.Possibly the best Start there. Befriend some of the guys, get referrals, set dates from there. The guys at Club Tobi are world-class and way above what you'll see elsewhere.They're also honest and have a job to protect. There was a rent boy house mentioned but I never tried it.
  8. In just responding to a thread on Berlin I realized that Prague is simply becoming a more modern scene. Just like Berlin, the bars are dead or left to the bottom-of-the-barrel.The average and certainly the better guys are all online. Because many of the better Prague guys travel or relocate it's harder to know who's available when, but that's the case in any city online. In the US half the guys are in different cities every week. Still, Prague has a better stable of guys who are in Prague (or close) at any certain time (possibly because many have girlfriends or even wives and children!). It's just very complicated arranging things online in advance and much worse trying to find availables on the same day.
  9. The mention of 2 dates in one night is a real incentive to the guys to be extra good. I've never had a turndown for during say a 5pm, asking for a repeat at say 11pm. If the guy's not busy in the meantime dinner is a possibility although many don't like going out in public. If the guy lives well out of Prague an evening date and a morning date with the guy sleeping over but on call is not unusual. In winter Prague is strictly a buyers' market.
  10. Sometimes a decent one will sneak in the crowds at BoyToy or BlueBoy, never at Tabasco. Tramps a half block behind Tabasco is very safe and only Germans but also very few customers. Berlin has well over 1000 escorts listed, 4 times Prague. It has possibly the biggest gay scene in Europe. But just like Prague the guys in the bars are the bottom of the barrel. The business is totally online now. And they ask for 100 and will take 70.
  11. There are plenty of charming Prague escorts....................in Zurich, London, Berlin, Dresden, Nurnemburg, .....you name it. Also many of the older guys in the Prague stable are getting too old to escort, and there's not much market, especially in winter, in Prague. After all, Prague is a modest-income middle-size city. I was hoping that FelixDarkwood and Pavel were a new wave of young BelAmi guys in Prague to replace the retiring ones, but both of them seem to be out-of-town constantly. Agent077 is in Baden-Baden, Kristenprg is in Nuremberg, DawidWhiteStar is usually in Basel, CzechPornStar is usually in Zurich, etc. Young Czechs are still very open to $ and if you approach some on Grindr and the non-escort Romeo you will find perhaps most are not opposed, much less offended, by escort offers. (Massage20 for 2000CZK on Grindr is an excellent start).
  12. Check out the Prague thread for all the info and reviews. Escape is pitiful and very expensive. The guys are very skinny and you'll pay more for a few minutes behind the curtain than for a full date in your hotel. Expect 5000 csk for 20 minutes with the curtain closed and the most you can hope for is oral. Nicky there is the only one I like a lot and see him at my hotel for 4000 for an hour of the best. Just use Escape for setting up outside dates. It's very slow in Prague for escorts and starting now is also the dead season. 2500 is usually fine and 2000 is a legitimate offer that many will jump at. As Numerito says, the top-of-the line ones expect 3000 but are worth it. Now that velvety and carl rossi are out, none of the few asking 5000 are remotely worth that. Most of the higher-priced ones are in other cities now anyway, many in Switzerland, Germany, or England. Check Grindr and regular Romeo for some hot young listings and offer 2000K. Massage20 on Grindr is hot and 2K. The overnight rates are ridiculous; much cheaper to arrange 2 dates in 1 night with the same guy. You'll also get more probably. But Prague in winter is definitely a buyer's market.
  13. Romeo or Rentmen in Prague is the standard fare. It's gets most gay sex tourists and guys from all over Czech advertise there. Just usually add 5 to 10 years to stated ages and expect the good and bad from seasoned professionals. I had amazing luck with Grindr and the normal, non-escort, Romeo in Prague. Some guys advertise "massage" on Grindr and many young others will answer "yes" to propositions. Much younger guys and non-professionals. Budapest and Bratislava are slimmer pickings.
  14. I was in my office with a view of the Pentagon. Didn't see the strike but saw all the smoke. Had to inform my boss the Pentagon was on fire and we maybe should prepare to leave. DC had all roads closed so big-wigs and Congresscritters in SUV's could blaze down the streets. The million peasants downtown were helpless and no one cared if we all died. 10 co-workers walked to my house. One co-worker's husband worked for NORAD or Air Force and said there was a 2nd plane coming down to DC and they were about to shoot it down (they claimed it "crashed"). My extremely attractive gay neighbor David Chalerbois was the co-pilot of the plane that struck the Pentagon. His lover still lives in their house and gets his pension. (david was a perfect "10", the lover not-so-much).
  15. They have a big studio in Budapest now but most of the guys are from Slovakia and southern Czech Republic, although many frequent Prague a lot. Few are Hungarians. I guess Vienna is too expensive for Bel Ami to film as that would make more sense than Budapest for closeness to Bratislava. Also a lot of films are made on location, ie CapeTown. It's also weird that crummy studios like William Higgins and Big Daddy get so many hot northern Czechs (Bohemia) and Bel Ami doesn't mine Prague. I've been with a dozen or so of them and know another dozen and in spite of them being extremely good in bed, they all have girlfriends and are extremely straight----just over-sexed. The ones who do several films are the ones who are extremely good in bed with guys. No matter how good looking, the ones who are limited sexually don't repeat.
  16. Falling in love---oh that sounds scarily familiar. My addiction. I'm more a US and Prague fan but your experiences always sound oh so like mine. Unfortunately I'm sitting here while my latest infatuation sleeps soundly on the den futon passed out before the olympic caliber sexathon I had planned for tonight even began. Champagne getting warm, candles burnt, viagra worn off. Oh well, I have him around constantly, just never well-timed. Better to have loved and been frustrated a lot than never to have loved/lusted at all. Keep going for the gusto of the incredible sexual experiences. And share.
  17. I'm a check-in-to-hotel and start pm'ing escorts type too. Which is why I cancelled my sidetrip to Bratislava last year; there were only 20 or so escorts on Romeo and not a single one looked decent.
  18. Club Tobi is the beginning for all adventures in Medellin. The $30 "masseurs" are the best escorts of Medellin and from there you can get referrals to new spots that may be hot. Most likely you'll find hiring the Club Tobi guys to do hotel calls and referring friends will be the best Medellin experience. The hustler bars downtown at the top of Oriental Avenue don't have strippers and have very trashy (not goodlooking) guys. There is a gay sex hotel in them for "tryouts" but don't expect much. I'd probably avoid Grindr in Medellin too unless it was a very public meeting 1st. It's probably best to converse in my thread on Medellin because it has tons of addresses, numbers, reviews etc. nalready and it's best to add new stuff in one place. That thread has 78 posts with names, addresses, etc while new threads keep getting started on Medellin.
  19. The Clintons will probably get back in the White House because Trump is a dummy but they will be so wounded it will be like Nixon's re-election after Watergate- the walking dead. Drip drip drip of new scandal details for 2 years leading up to a historic Repug romp in 2018 and Ryan in 2020. We need non-partisan federal elections with runoffs and universal registration. The 2 party system we have is only remotely democratic and excludes vibrant innovative candidates.
  20. I started a long thread when I was there last year. My advice- go to Club Tobi first---the sauna guys there are amazing. Branch out from there.Don't expect much from the hustler bars off Oriental downtown. On Grindr look for "Prepagyos"....Grindr hasn't caught that's the slang for escort in Medellin. But be very careful with strangers. Meet someplace public.
  21. I see Pavel has deleted his Romeo account. Good for him. I am so tired of having Marty get everyone's messages and not forwarding them. He only forwards immediate dates he will get paid for. Thank God there are other ways to communicate. Matus almost never responds anymore.....he is advertising all the time and must be getting many clients. If Marty is handling his Romeo I know he doesn't get many messages though. 

    I sent Pavel $50 for the weekend to break the ice. I hear from him a lot; just not Matus. I wish they were OK to come right over and use the empty apartment now. It's so much nicer than the guestroom I always have. A couple of the drop-dead beauties from Secrets here want to come with me to Prague but they don't even have passports. 

    Looks ilke I'll come to Prague sooner to get Velvety straight, to meet Simon9, and to meet the Brno guys before they wander off to Switzerland like everyone else. Sylvester55 says Pavel is actually a good bottom, just not great at other stuff. 

  22. tassojunior


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