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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. and then, of course, there's my #1 favorite bottom of all time: Danny of Sean Cody who I didn't get to be friends with until after he "quit men". (Locals in Omaha may know different).
  2. A LOT of Bel Ami guys, several regulars. In Prague porn just is. Romeo is like a porn casting directory with constantly changing names. JohnnyV a couple times in DC when he works Secrets and lusts after my ex. Ryan Rose at Boardwalk. Josh Logan at Boardwalk week out of prison for killing a gay man. Back-roomed tweeking RR (nice), JL is a top only. Billy Santoro of DC of course. Dylan Knight for 10 years, works Secrets and Town. Meh. A dozen big porn stars of the last decade who started at Secrets. Between Secrets and Boardwalk you get many of the east coast porn guys passing through as customers regularly. I've nude lapped several at Dicks in Phoenix and seen a couple in Vegas at Piranha and many at Share when it was open. No clue where the LA-based guys hang out, Fubar? Generally, guys who've been in it for a while are disappointments. Most of the "stars" they'd bring to Secrets were downright gross.
  3. I know him well too. Great person. My semi-partner "works" in Fort Lauderdale. I'm sure he'd help him in the business. He's here now but will be there after Oct 28. South Florida is surprisingly slow compared to DC.
  4. I'm not interested in seeing pictures of butts, or guys sexy pages under their porn names or escort names. I'm interested in meeting guys in person for sex and to know a lot about them before I commit.
  5. I completely understand the lurker stuff. I get dozens of pm's from 0 or 1 post guys who never post but in pm are very interested in the subject of a thread. Usually it's a "how to" question or "do you know" concerning Prague, Columbia, Thermas Sauna or Facebook. Tourists on or preparing a trip. What I don't get is why there's zero attention to what seem to be the current "hot" ways to meet escorts; Chaterbate, Facebook, OnlyFans/Instagram, Massuerfinder, etc. There are many thousands of gay guys cruising these sites and I keep looking for the models/escorts on them and so do many others and very many escorts and porn stars are also on these sites. .Very many do "private shows"" online and many also do them in person, ie escort. I wish I could find out the sites of escorts I may be interested in to see what they really look like, personality, etc. It's hard to do without a database of people who know that stuff. (In the Prague forum we do it very well.) For example, it's common knowledge that many of the best-looking guys on Chaterbate are in Columbia. It would be nice for visitors to Columbia to have a thread someplace that lists the guys and what city they are in. Also any personal experiences and how to contact them best. But there's nothing like this I can find anywhere. Maybe BT won't be the site that catches this need. I hope someone does.
  6. Odd that the club idea appeals to the Brazil guys while the Prague guys do so well as an open forum. We pretty much put it all out there in the Prague forum and I haven't noticed any reservation in the Brazil forum. In the Prague forum though 90% of the activity is by lurkers in pm's. Clubs wouldn't attract that. Now for US cities I could see the concept working for the low-down on locals with possibly delicate feelings.
  7. You'll never find someone like this boxer Jay-Jay on any escort site. But if you know his FB you'll notice he has several "clients", especially ones from here on BoyToy, and he has several friends who have done porn. https://www.facebook.com/jan.gottvald.9 There are 1000 like him.
  8. Yes, Facebook. You're not going to see the intimate details of an escort/porn star's real life and travels on Twitter. You're just going to see the same promo pics under fake names. Most of them also have different Instagram profiles for their porn stuff. And try to communicate through Twitter with them ! A few are doing that on FB but not many yet. Once you get an escort or porn star's real FB you also link to friends who are "in the game" and friend them. And especially with the bodybuilders and gymnasts there are many who would never admit they're "available" but are. Several of us here have a couple hundred of these guys on FB in central Europe who we can communicate with easily and set up dates or trips with. Most would never advertise on any site, although many have done porn with Bel Ami. For example "Frederico" we discuss above (with the X shape foto). He used to do porn 10 years ago but now is a professional bodybuilder. He will only discretely meet friends and would not be caught dead on Rentmen etc. Likewise many of his bodybuilder friends are very "friendly" discretely for $. Even in the US I've met several "friends of friends". And the porn stars real FB's have friends who did porn's contacts but who would never advertise as escorts. You also learn where they live exactly, where they are traveling, if they are straight or gay or bi, if they're married, if they have kids, what they actually look like in recent photos, etc. In the US most porn stars will not give out their personal FB so until you friend one who links to others it's hard. I have found that OnlyFans linking to Twitter often also links to a real Instagram which leads to FB. But it's just starting here. I get half my dates off Facebook connections now and stay in instant contact with them through FB. Rentmen is the last place I would risk a date.
  9. We need clicks from outside BT to get new blood in. How do we get more Google hits? I never see BT in results for topics here. ( we'll stop them from just lurking after we get them in).
  10. Amen ! There are so many lurkers here. Today I've had several p.m.'s from two members now in Prague asking about guys and having me contact guys to set them up. One has never posted and one has posted twice. Worst, neither will probably post any results. Maybe I should go through the list and pm each asking them to post results. I know numerito goes through this too. Traditionally there have been a half-dozen members in the Prague thread very knowledgeable of the guys who monitored and posted answers fast. It's slacked off a lot recently and I try to keep it lively with updates I learn of. I think I will routinely ask for reports now and go through my pm's asking for them. I'm a little disappointed in the response so far to the OnlyFans thread 1st post I did. I get a lot of pm's asking for social media contacts for Prague plyable guys and Romeo guys. I tried to go into depth with the guy providing Facebook, Instagram, videos, even childhood pics. Of course he is in Australia. And he is dumb as a rock. But seriously, a roomful of gay men and no one else is interested in the guy above?
  11. The escort world changes like everything and there are always certain "hot" topics/searches-of-the-year. Escorts also usually work porn and sex websites. A couple years ago "Chaterbate" and "Flirt4Free" were the hot topics as so many wanted to know if certain porn stars had a Chaterbate or if certain Chaterbate stars did escorting and where. It was great to learn of a hot Chaterbate guy you could visit online who also did personal encounters online or off. That's where the clicks went last year and it was usually new small new sites found in google searches. It was great to learn you could visit a certain city in Columbia to meet JoseXXX for $40 an hour. Now the Hot Topic for clicks is OnlyFans. Fresh amateur guys who work out a lot and are amazed fans will pay $10/mo each to see videos of them sticking dildos up their butts or sucking a pal off. and while they may not yet be pros, and maybe wouldn't, $200 is $200 if they're in your town and can please you in person. Best gay onlyfans searches return a lot of results already and there's an onlygayfans site starting. Inquiring minds want to know this stuff and will click like crazy to find out. Massuerfinder is another site of fresh young faces and people want to know which ones go to or well past happy endings for how much and how good. Just mentioning Facebook here got me deluged with pm's for Prague guys on Romeo's personal Facebook profiles. Now when I visit their FB page I see a dozen guys from here who are also now their Friend. That alone is worthy of a tread (or even site) but too much work for me. OnlyFans and Massuerfinder threads would also skyrocket. Although the Rentboy/Rentmen model lasted for many years, it's all but dead now and basing reviews around it isn't very interesting or relevant anymore.
  12. With 732 replies and 62,875 views the Prague thread has many, many multiples of any other escort or city review thread. That tells me it's doing something extremely right and would be a great model. I actually go to Prague more often because of that thread being so invaluable in honestly getting the 411 on the best guys currently in town. Down to the exact color of their eyes, teeth, cock and anus, how hard they get, how good they kiss, etc. I don't go to Zurich or LA because there is no similar thread anywhere to cut to the chase on who's good, who's no-good. Most of those Prague 732 posts have frank reviews of one or more escorts with different names they use in porn ( so you can see a test run) and often photos taken by the commenter. And I assure you there are tremendous p.m.s going on constantly for hookups and advice. That Prague thread is unique on the internet ! The Prague thread is tough to wade through. I can't imagine one new thread for all escorts worldwide being manageable. Can't it at least be broken down by continent, region, or even states/countries? Maybe add one escort review thread in each regional forum or encourage members to start review threads for cities they visit or live in. Thanks for listening to suggestions ! Like several I want to help this site. I depend on it.
  13. and to keep the catchy name, catch more search hits, and make it clear to users this site is about escorts, how about BoyToy Male Escort Reviews or Boytoy MaleEscortReview?
  14. The name is fine. As I said, we have hundreds of "reviews" in the Prague, Rio, Barcelona, DC and a few other threads that are much better than the info you get from the stylized reviews common on all other sites, including the dubious ones on Romeo, Rentmen, etc. If someone can deep-throat or is tight and a power bottom for an hour, or has 12 inches and can vigourously top for an hour, or come 3 times that's much more interesting than the "ambiance" or "smoking tolerance" or "timeliness". We have great frank honest reviews of guys, they just aren't searchable very easily. (It doesn't help that on Romeo and Rentmen they change their names frequently). I notice in the Prague thread that many new people come in asking for advice on certain guys and recommendations. Some haven't searched too far back in the thread obviously. But several of us try to help, even wading through the changing names. A couple of guys there have been miracle workers digging up old photos and history. But numerito, our eye-on-the-ground has moved and a couple of other deep-research guys are more infrequent. But that is the best thread here for finding honest experiences with rent guys and should be a model. If it were more easily searchable by escort name (s) it would be heaven. There doesn't seem to be any similar threads on guys in other cities, especially not in the US. And most of the ones on Daddy's are ancient and superficial. Some sort of index or matrix of different names used by the same guy would also be great. If there were a thread with a wiki to add new names of known guys it would be super. With many guys now on different sites under different names it is hard matching X on Chaterbate with X on OnlyFans with X on Rentmen, with X on Massuerfinder, with X on Romeo, with X on Facebook, with X on Twitter, etc. etc etc. The gay client world is begging for an index. Build the ballpark and they will come. A matrix with user-edited wikis for each guy would be some amount of work but would be great. And a way to search the threads for those names would be heaven. But I know this would be some amount of work and escort client involvement here seems to be declining. There's plenty of beefcake photos and politics I ignore. I come here for info on BoyToys. Anyway, small as it is, BoyToy is by far the best honest review site there is and I appreciate the hard-working mods.
  15. http://www.broadcastingcable.com/news/news-articles/dude-dorm-under-attack-tampa/72181 DudeDorm's 15 minutes of fame. It's name has been taken over by a porn company and I'm not sure any of it's clones still are around. On Chaterbate there's still a "house" affiliated with a porn company. At least they have sex shows with each other all day.
  16. Sorry, it was called DudeDorm. There were a bunch of them that started up gay and straight and even a couple on Chaterbate. I think they all died out as the fad became less sexy.
  17. If they'd get a Thermas branch in Sitges there'd be no need to take the train back from the beach.
  18. Dude Den, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Concept was hot then burned out quick.
  19. Now that Share's closed Vegas doesn't even have a gay strip club with VIP rooms anymore. When it was open it had to close early because of it's license. And some escorts say that police monitor ads in Vegas. Now if Corbin Fisher would open a legal brothel !
  20. Almost every place and certainly hotels have great wifi now. I use GrooveIP for voice calls overseas and forward my home phone to it. People don't usually know I'm not answering my home phone. But yeah, you visit a lot of Starbucks.
  21. A few rural Nevada towns. It's definitely not legal in Las Vegas.
  22. I was just about to ask the same question.
  23. I didn't know there were reviews. We have a hundred (at least) informal ones in the Prague thread. Ditto for Barcelona and Rio threads. BoyToy is a catchy name easy to remember. The 2nd one is generic but may get more hits in searches.
  24. If you have any left to bring back you're not spending long in Prague or Barcelona.
  25. The rules on Viagra and Cialis patents are different in the US and the EU. (In the US you get 20mg viagra generic very cheap.) But I think in the EU one or the other has lost it's patent and is cheap generic now. EU pharmacies are fairly strict.
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