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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. The Prague and Rio forums here are much better than any other site's and have plenty of volume. Dozens, maybe hundreds, of excellent reviews in them along with real photos and advice. Both have expert OP's who have maintained them well. There's so much gossip on any guy ! I don't understand why that model doesn't translate to more cities, including domestic ones.
  2. I really do love him but I have considerable assets and he doesnt. I can't plan on it being forever.....It's been day to day for 7 months. He's one person I would trust and would tear me up out of my life. The thought of him being barred from the US is awful. If there's another type visa Ill check on that first. Everyone we know assumes we're in love and assumes we're marriage bound. But I know how that goes. Without an ironclad prenup I would not do it. But the thought of him being banned is too much.The feelings are sincere.
  3. I'm amazed how many Czech bodybuilders/MMA fighters are interconnected on Facebook. Most of them have friends who've done porn. And plenty of Romeo guys in Prague are bodybuilders. It's a very fluid mix. Just get a couple's FB and friend them, then friend their friends. It mushrooms and many (maybe most) Czech bodybuilders consider escorting a sideline of bodybuilding.
  4. If we can find another type visa for him it would be better obviously. But he is uniquely nice as a person and the thought of him being barred for 7 years is hard. He could just stay but he wouldn't be able to visit his family in Argentina.
  5. Thats exactly what I'm seeing online. Very scarey.
  6. I'm aware that community property states like California can invalidate many pre-nup terms. I'm also aware that pre-nups have to clearly disclose assets, advise the other party to have an attorney look it over, be done at least a week before, etc. Also I'd want jurisdiction in a quickie divorce state. I do love the guy, we've mostly been together 7 months, and there doesn't seem to be any other way to get him a visa. Because he's overstayed he would be prohibited from returning to the US for 7 years otherwise.
  7. After 7 months of seeing my Argentine friend we find that he overstayed his visa meaning he would be barred from the US for 7 years if he goes to see his family. There are no appeal grounds to extend his stay and the "easiest" visa to apply for is a marriage green card application ( I think there are also fiancee 90-day visas). Although he "lives" in Ft. Lauderdale and I "live" in DC we have been together 2 to 3 weeks a month since I met him. Many people have asked why we don't make it official anyway without knowing the visa issue. I don't know this would last as he's bi and I would certainly want a pre-nupital agreement as I assume we may split after the 6-8 months it takes. But it seems the only/best way to a visa. Somehow I think there may be experience or knowledge on this issue here. Any help much appreciated, especially on the pre-nup part.
  8. Being a "Democrat" isn't what it used to be. Today it means being a Rockefeller Nixon Republican like the Clintons (and that's generous). I've known Donna for a long time and what she did at CNN passing Hillary questions in the debate against Bernie was despicable. She shouldn't have been rewarded as DNC chair, even if she were better than Debbie Dim-Wit. Ignoring Michigan and Iowa was stupid. Now she's broke and writing a book she needs publicity for. Common.
  9. I enjoy those hairless muscular mestizos dark too. But in Argentina there is just something about those blue-eyed Italian-Argentines !
  10. A few years ago I read of some sort of "house of boys" gay resort just outside Lima that was very well reviewed. Thanks for the review ! So few people report back.
  11. BA is worth seeing but just don't expect another Rio or even Sao Paulo. BA is very much like Paris; beautiful Art Nouveau buildings etc. and stylish people who go out to eat at midnight. Many Italian descendants and great Italian food. Buenos Aires is basically Paris, inhabited by Italians, speaking Spanish.
  12. Thanks, that's news to me. I thought otherwise. Seems unfair to people living abroad, especially those who have to pay income tax where they live. Shame it's so easy for corporations.
  13. There's some terrific information here from Latbear4blk and Msclelover. It would be great if we had definitive threads on areas (I love the Prague thread). But you know the search function here works very well and if you search Buenos Aires on BT there are many helpful threads and comments. Lastly, please come back and post results or maybe even live-blog daily.
  14. No, taxes don't go by citizenship but residence. Many US citizens are living abroad and don't pay US tax and many non-citizens resident here do pay tax. But I think to be a foreign resident you generally have to continually reside in that foreign country for at least six continuous months and meet a whole list of other often subjective criteria. Even if someone gets through that the exemption is pro-rated and many types of income are considered US-generated and taxable. They make it very hard for individuals. Not so much for corporations.
  15. Ah yes, I do remember well how people in BA don't go out to eat until midnight and not to the bars until 2am. What a schedule. If my current partner returns to Sante Fe I will be visiting BA again.
  16. You keep your US citizenship unless you take another one and the US knows (except Israel) and decides you renounced your US citizenship. The issue is for taxes. To be a non-resident for US taxes I think you have to be out of the US for 6 months.
  17. Actually, if you meet a great guy in Brazil he will love if you take him to BA and that may work best for you too.
  18. I'm sure there are local sites but Romeo has 33 listings there and I hooked up with a great surfer guy for $ on Grindr there. Don't be afraid to ask politely. They say around the Retiro train station is active but I worked it well to no avail. I just assume anything on Rentmen is a scam or hustle of some sort. Usually the guy being much older and out of shape. Sometimes worse.
  19. In spite of the code for the airport, BA is not EZE. It's rather difficult to find rentboys. Nothing like Brazil at all. I visited a couple of saunas with exceptionally attractive young guys but zero for rent. Zoom has very attractive guys and cubicles but no rent. There is one very old gay bar in a basement off Santa Fe that is supposed to be a rentboy bar. Historic in that it was even open during the junta times. But, again, no apparent rent available several nights I went. BA is one place it's best to arrange guys online prior to leaving. At least one or two for an introduction to others.
  20. By the time I met him around 2008 he was escorting off Rentboy and mostly living in New York. I don't know what issues he had before but by then he was just a chronic beer drunk. Even his sweat reeked of beer. Very very nice funny guy though and cute as a button. So strange to run into a famous porn star passed out in your alley.
  21. Yes but it was taken off. The photo was of Dakota's wife and kids to show he's no longer "in the game". They know about his past.
  22. Ritchie (Dale) somehow had gravitated to NYC when I knew him but he always said he probably would end up returning to CA, meeting some fat girl, and settling down on welfare. He said that's how all old porn guys retire. This was just after his first bottoming (and getting beaten up) porn.He was still extremely cute. God knows what his teeth look like now tho....the guy he was living with in NY couldnt get him to do anything about the teeth. First porn guy I ever met cuter in person than on film. He is such a cute short guy in person and so charming. There are damn few.
  23. Just checked and he's listed in Miami South Beach at $250. I thought he had lived in Kansas City before. Does he know that a lot of guys, like my partner, do much better on Massuerfinder and in Fort Lauderdale? To a lot of gays Miami is a place you stop to get gas on the way from Fort Lauderdale to Key West. Anyway, Nico's about the most popular of his trade in DC and FLL and has a big apartment just off the FLL beach. I'll try to link them up. I'm sure he'll help him. Nico's been here a week and we'll probably go back to FLL in a week.
  24. and almost forgot "Ritchie Fine" (real name Dale) who almost 10 years ago I found passed out in the alley behind my house in DC. He was a beer drunk who had gone from porn to just escorting and was down in DC from NY. He ended up staying with me 2 weeks while escorting (free sex!) and returned twice for a week each visit. Short super friendly guy with charming smile (in spite of bad teeth). Amazing velvet skin, half-dollar nipples, amazing dick, amazing ass. No idea what happened to him. He was originally from Scranton, PA but had lived in CA and NY a lot. Incredibly nice funny guy, as beer drunks often are.
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