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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. China has been the world's most powerful country for much of human history off and on and is again. It's in recession from a covid epidemic just now and more important, it still only has a fraction of the nuclear warheads that Russia and the US do. If it had Russia's #1 arsenal of nukes, it would be different as the US is a distant #2 without hypersonics. (for a small fraction of our military budget, Russia gets much better product, especially nukes). For many years there have been "back channel" discussions between countries to set up theater for the public on the order of "if we do xyz what is your public response going to be and how should we time it and what will your ultimate action be?" negotiations. That's civilized and avoids unnecessary conflicts. From what I hear from friends now the Biden administration has lost almost all back-channel communications or doesn't want to use them to show strength (take your pick- I tend to believe the latter- it's intentional). That is extremely dangerous.
  2. 99% of international drama is theater now as huge diplomatic missions are in touch with each constantly, pre-agreeing how much one side can posture and what the consequences from the other side will be beforehand. That's why it's so amazing how poorly the US is gaming it's moves in this administration. The Russian and Chinese responses to US proposed moves are "sure go ahead and do xyz, if you're that stupid, you will regret it". And we do end up in disasters. I can't believe the US regime honestly is as intent as it seems to have a nuclear war but it certainly acts that way, as if the US is not the most important thing to protect in the world. I have to think it's just incredibly bad gamesmanship and foresight. But that's a huge problem too.
  3. I doubt anyone cares what they think, this is major-power war gaming. They're pawns.
  4. Could Sexy_Phil (Hendric Bjorn from Bel Ami) from Czech be in Zurich? I know he usually works there for the agent but I know the agent also runs come-on ads (for very good guys). The photos in this ad are different people but maybe Fillip wants to avoid certain people or something. IDK. I guess I could social media him but I hate to. We've only dated 3 or 4 times but he's in the group I see constantly (there's issues between him and Pavel). The ad reviews mention Dominick as a friend from 2019 when they were both working there. I'm concerned it's an old Sexy_Phil ad of the agents' where he's trying to be vague about the guy he sends. (blond, slender, abs). https://www.romeo.com/hunq/HornyBoy020 Here's a couple pics I took of him and a modeling one and a Hunqz one. Sweet guy (and expert pianist)
  5. yet another Medellin hottie on Chaterbate (does anyone there do anything but CB for work?) I'm sure very approachable but a wad of fur down under. https://chaturbate.com/connor_wesley1/
  6. Just mentioning from experience that long flights west are much easier jetlag-wise. And jetlag east to DC from Asia is a serious matter. When I was young it kept me in bed a week (and not the fun way).
  7. No one mentions Vietnam.
  8. I avoid that area because of the jetlag also. Even when young the returns from Hong Kong and Australia to DC were brutal, even with stops in Hawaii or California. I've decided if I go again it will be with a return west through Europe, the Middle East or Africa. (United has a new nonstop Capetown-to-DC). I can deal with the waking up at ungodly hours coming west better than the torture jetlag eastbound. Velvety says really good things about Vietnam.
  9. I can't help but notice when flying or shuffling my friends back and forth to Czech in airports that many more people seem to be flying to Krakow than Warsaw by at least 2-to-1. I know there's a huge US military/CIA presence there but I understand it's also more touristy than Warsaw in a Moscow vs. St Petersburg way. I wonder how gay life is (and trade). Also Wroclaw. They're just over the Czech border in the old Silesia and at least Krakow has a lot of international flights.
  10. I've been to Szczecin (Stettin) twice on trips to Berlin and never had trouble taking a guy to my room. There was a gay bar there with trade too. I'll probably go soon to some city there. I had thought with Poland getting ESTA they would be flooding the US but I guess Covid stopped the escort migration. Have to go and do take home. I hear Krakow and Wroclaw on the Czech border are very nice with stunning guys. I haven't seen any cute Polish guys on Chaterbate though it's full of hot Russians. btw- the cute 5 guys that do foot shows under https://chaturbate.com/carefree_warrior/ on CB say they're in Warsaw but are really Russian boys in Russia. Cute as hell. Russia's always been hard for me to get into though.
  11. I'm just looking for hot escorts.
  12. Columbia. If you can get really cheap coke, NYC or LA. (maybe visit Columbia first lol)
  13. He's actually lived here most of his adult life. Was a lobbyist for Republican ex-Sec Cohen's military firms. Almost won chair of DNC. Lived here for much of his McKinsey/Saudi Arabia work too. Don't believe the theater.
  14. I'm sure you remember Putin invading Iraq and killing ONE MILLION people for absolutely no reason too. Taking all 4 year old boys out and putting bullets in their heads so they don't grow up to be fighters. The PIG.
  15. Well it goes half way around the world and has 4 different countries' taxes. On trips with just 1 or 2 legs they're not always bad. I fly using their points regularly from DC to London September thru June for 10K points and $150 and to Prague then for 17K points and $60 (thru Amsterdam on KLM metal).
  16. yes indeed. I'd calculate the taxes are equivalent to another 22K miles. the equal of 44K miles + $5.60 tax.
  17. fwiw- I was helping a friend book award tickets through Bangkok today and discover a cheap weird way there. Virgin awards on KLM from NYC through Amsterdam to Bangkok or Manila are only 33K miles. Chase and AmEx have 30% transfer bonuses a lot to Virgin so that's 22K Chase points. With a day stop in Amsterdam. (of course it's economy class so....). But still, awfully cheap way to get to Bangkok from Sept through June.
  18. Not so sure the American "Strong President" system is better where we elect a dictator every 4 years between two similar candidates presented to us by the establishment regime.
  19. Guys not trading sex for money are often much more expensive. Maybe Seeking Arrangements?
  20. A friend waiting on a gay cruise in BCN went to Thermas yesterday Saturday July 2 at about 2pm and said it was horrible. A few older guys and 3 twinks who looked very young. Let's hope for better.
  21. Erotic Gigolo seems to be hot too.
  22. When Club Tobi was open the rate was 80,000 for 30 minutes. What happened to the gay sex hotel on 57a across from the hustler bars?
  23. earlier. 3-21? 12-22 weekends? surely Thermas will revive soon. there's a big young crew coming onboard.
  24. On the other site I started a thread "Prague (and Zurich)" back when most of the visitors in Zurich were Czech. (Their agent, a former Czech Bel Ami worker moved there). That's no longer the case. The Czech guys now travel and work Munich, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin, Brussels, Paris and other cities as well and Zurich gets Brazilians and guys from several places now. Escort work in Prague is scarce so most of the Czech escorts (most of whom live a couple hours out of Prague) don't advertise there.
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